Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Participating in the Gospel Through Giving and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank comments on the amazing contentment Paul describes in Philippians chapter 4, and the generosity of the church at Philippi whose gifts were a fragrant offering to the Lord. This wonderful example of giving shows the biblical model is not giving to get, but rather participating in the advance of the gospel through giving. Hank answers the following questions: I lost my son to cancer. Should the promises in Jeremiah 29:11 be taken literally? If so, was there a chink in my faith armor that allowed this to happen? As a Millennial, how can I stand strong against homosexuality and same-sex marriage? Are there Scriptures to support this? Can you clarify your answer to the first caller? Is Revelation 22:18-19 referring only to the book of Revelation or to the whole Bible? How did God accomplish the incarnation; did he use one of Mary's eggs? Can you address the Pentecostal view of tongues?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to continue their conversation about transsexualism, bathroom laws, the so-called "gay Christian" movement, the redefinition of language, and how Christians can lovingly stand for truth in a culture that has radically devolved. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: How can I discuss transgenderism with my children and grandchildren? A seventeen-year-old girl I know got involved with another girl at a church camp, and the church said this was okay. How should I handle this situation?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to discuss homosexuality, transsexualism, and bathroom policies. Hank and Joe address whether or not this issue is a primary or secondary issue and how Christians should view it according to biblical principles, as well as the cultural shift that once viewed transgenderism as gender dysphoria, to now labeling those who oppose it as bigots, and demanding compliance. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: As Christians we tend to condemn homosexuality, but don't see the log in our own eye; what do you think about this? When it comes to this issue, shouldn't we obey the government and live peaceably with all men as the Bible teaches?

 Q&A: Marriage and Divorce, Dietary Laws, and Suffering | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: I have been married in a difficult marriage for almost twenty years and I have tried to make it work, but things have gotten worse. I don't want a divorce; what should I do? What are your thoughts on Joseph Prince and his teaching on grace? My church leader believes the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden was just a story; is this true? Should we observe the Old Testament dietary laws, and why do certain laws still apply while others don't? Can you expound upon the sufferings Paul mentions in Colossians 1:24?

 Q&A: The Nephilim, Universal Reconciliation, and Bible Translations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Can you explain Genesis 6:4-6? Who are the Nephilim? How can I respond to those who say that since Christians object to homosexuality, why don't we object to pork, shrimp, and mixed clothing? How do you explain to an unbeliever why God would allow a Christian to die from brain cancer? What is your perspective on the theology of Steve Gregg, and universal reconciliation? What is the most reliable English translation of the Bible that is closest to the original? What about the verses that the NIV has taken out; how should I view that translation? Did Jesus exist prior to the virgin birth? How did God become a man; how did this take place?

 Best of BAM: Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to discuss homosexuality, transsexualism, and bathroom policies. Hank and Joe address whether or not this issue is a primary or secondary issue and how Christians should view it according to biblical principles, as well as the cultural shift that once viewed transgenderism as gender dysphoria, to now labeling those who oppose it as bigots, and demanding compliance. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: As Christians we tend to condemn homosexuality, but don't see the log in our own eye; what do you think about this? When it comes to this issue, shouldn't we obey the government and live peaceably with all men as the Bible teaches?

 Q&A: Purgatory, Same-Sex "Marriage" and Communion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: How can I explain 1 Corinthians 15:27 to others with regard to all things being put in subjection to Christ? What is your view on the baptism of the Holy Spirit? If Christ has purged our sins according to Hebrews 1:3, why would Purgatory need to exist? Do you think there are any errors in the teachings of Martin Luther on salvation? The Methodist Church I'm attending accepts homosexuality and gay marriage; what are your thoughts? Can you comment on C.S. Lewis' view of heaven? Why don't people celebrate Christ's ascension? Why did God choose Abraham? Is there anything in the Bible that speaks to this? Can you explain the Eucharist?

 Q&A: Marian Apparitions, President Obama, and Marilyn Hickey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: I have some Roman Catholic friends who believe in Marian apparitions and want to take a pilgrimage to Fatima; what do you think of this? How would you interpret the saints being raised and appearing to people in Matthew 27:52-53? Since the Bible says not to look at a person's appearance, but to look at their heart, should I date someone I am not physically attracted to? Can you explain why a third of the angels fell with Satan? Could you clarify what you had previously said about President Obama? What are your thoughts on Marilyn Hickey selling CDs that teach people to speak in tongues? Is taking the mark of the beast an unforgivable sin?

 Q&A: Calvinism, God's Omniscience, and Remarriage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: I have been discussing Calvinism with a friend, and it seems that your rebuttals to it are against original sin. What is your response to this? How would you respond to those who say, in our fallen state, we are unable to respond to the gospel? Can you clarify your position on women teaching and how to combat men who oppose this? I have been hearing about two different views of God's omniscience; one where He knows the past, present, and future, and a view that claims He knows only the possibilities in the future because He has given us free will. Can you comment on this? I heard a preacher saying that God can choose whoever He wants to save and who will go to hell, and it made me upset; what do you think of this? What is Lordship salvation, and is there anything wrong with it? What is the biblical view of remarriage? It has come to my attention that there were several religions before Christianity that have similarities to the Christian faith; how should I think about this? What is your interpretation of Revelation 20:7-9?

 A Testimony to Design and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank draws attention to the organization, complexity, and vastness of the universe. Even something as simple as water is a marvelous example of design. Without water, life on earth would be uninhabitable. The size of the moon, which governs tidal motion, and the earth's distance from the sun ensures livable temperatures, making life possible. Our planet is an unparalleled masterpiece of precision, which bears eloquent testimony to an uncaused first cause. Hank answers the following questions: What is your perspective on The Message Bible? I hear you talk about essential and non-essential doctrines; are homosexuality and gay marriage essential? Since the temple will be destroyed during the seven year tribulation, will God rebuild it in the Millennium? When we die, will we go straight to judgment, or rest until Judgment Day? I joined an Apostolic church and received the gift of tongues, but after studying Scripture, I see that this is wrong. Should I find another church? Why did God say that no Moabite could enter the assembly of the Lord in Deuteronomy 23:3, if He knew David would be a descendant of Ruth? Are Enoch and Elijah the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation chapter 11?

 Q&A Cain and Abel, Transubstantiation, and Biblical Giving | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: I was wondering about the Masonic Lodge and other secret organizations. Why didn't God have regard for Cain's offering? Since my prayers are not going to change God's mind, what is the point of prayer? Paul said that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness, but if you look at his life you see a lot of sin; so how is he considered righteous? Does Satan have access to heaven today? Are you familiar with the Reconciling Ministries Network that is associated with the United Methodist Church? Can pastors who are divorced still serve in the church? I was talking with a Roman Catholic friend who said the elements of Communion are the actual body and blood of Christ; can you help me explain this? What is the biblical model for giving? Should I give a tenth of my gross or net income? How should I reconcile the Bible saying God will visit the sins of the fathers on the third and fourth generation with the idea of generational curses, and my own sin?

 Best of BAM: Doubts About Darwin with Thomas Woodward - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes Dr. Thomas Woodward once again to continue discussing his book, Doubts About Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design. Hank and Dr. Woodward delve into Michael Behe's mouse trap concept, irreducible complexity, Epigenetics, the fallacies of the multiverse theory, and the future of Neo-Darwinism and the growing influence of Intelligent Design. Hank and Thomas also answer the following questions: When I was in seminary, I was taught an old earth view of creation; what does your guest think about this? Were humans engineered by aliens to be their servants? What do you think about Charles Darwin's apparent racism and sexism?

 Examining Our Paradigms and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights an article by quantum physicist; Paul Davies titled "Maybe Life in the Cosmos Is Rare After All." Davies asserts that the conclusion that the universe is teeming with biology is based on an unproved assumption. The vastness of the universe does not necessarily mean there must be life out there. If life really does pop up readily, as Carl Sagan suggested, then it should have started many times on our home planet. Much like biochemist Michael Denton, who dared to attack the paradigm of Darwinian evolution, we must think about our paradigms more than we think with our paradigms. Hank also answers the following questions: I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church and I'm trying to refute the idea of praying to the dead? Is there a conflict between praying the Rosary and going to heaven? Can you explain the concept of Jesus being the "only begotten"? Who was Eliezer of Damascus mentioned in Genesis 15? Is he mentioned elsewhere and was he saved by his own faith or by Abraham's faith? In Revelation chapter 20, why is the Greek word for thousand plural? Since my husband was married before, does that mean I am living in adultery? My husband is also addicted to pornography. Would this be grounds for divorce? Could you clarify your position on baptism in light of the examples given in Acts?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank welcomes Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to discuss homosexuality, transsexualism, and bathroom policies. Hank and Joe address whether or not this issue is a primary or secondary issue and how Christians should view it according to biblical principles, as well as the cultural shift that once viewed transgenderism as gender dysphoria, to now labeling those who oppose it as bigots, and demanding compliance. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: As Christians we tend to condemn homosexuality, but don't see the log in our own eye; what do you think about this? When it comes to this issue, shouldn't we obey the government and live peaceably with all men as the Bible teaches?

 Has America Gone to Pot? and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

On today's Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares his thoughts on American's downward spiral. The availability of birth control pills in the 1960s paved the way for the sexual revolution, which in turn led to the legalization of abortion. And with the acceptance of homosexuality in the culture, same-sex marriage has been legalized. As the downward spiral continues, the legalization of medical marijuana has led to the legalization of recreational marijuana despite the physical maladies caused by smoking pot. Just because marijuana has become legal, doesn't mean we should buy into it uncritically. Hank also answers the following questions: What are your thoughts on believers praying to different members of the Trinity? Has Paul's letter to the Laodiceans been discovered? Are there any extra-biblical writings of the apostles that have been found? Can you define regeneration and salvation? Can you clarify your earlier statements about not all epistles being inspired? How did your parents deal with your atheism? Does everyone have an inner knowledge of God? If a transsexual repents and comes to faith, what should they do if they've had surgery? What form of baptism is more biblical, infant baptism or believer's baptism?


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