Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to continue discussing his articles in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL regarding homosexuality and transgenderism. Hank and Joe talk about Bruce "Caitlyn" Jenner's Sports Illustrated cover, gender identity curriculum, and the need for the church to discuss these issues. Hank answers the following questions: What is your opinion of Beth Moore? What verse in the Bible proves that Mormonism is false? What are your thoughts on Steve Brown and Key Life Ministries? Matthew 8:28 mentions two demon possessed men, but the other Gospels say there was one; how do we resolve this? If God is in control, why is the world so chaotic? Is homosexuality similar to alcoholism? Can one say, "I'm a recovering homosexual"? How can I address an atheist who says there's not enough evidence for Gods existence?

 Test All Things in Light of Scripture and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the question, "Should Christians judge the teachings of their leaders?" Hank's answer is that, not only is judging permissible, it is our responsibility. No one's teachings are above sound judgment-especially that of influential and popular teachers-men and women with public platforms, himself included. We are to test all things in the light of scripture, and hold fast to that which is good. Hank answers the following questions: God and angels are immaterial spiritual beings, and they can become material physical human beings. Is that like evolution-how evolution is defined today? If not, what is that process called? What exactly is it about Joyce Meyer's teaching and ministry that we should be cautious of? If you pray the "Our Father" and you don't support the Catholic teachings on Mary, then who is the mother of the Christian family from your perspective? You say that it is proper to venerate Mary. How do you venerate her? People say that you have a spirit, and they give them names-homosexual spirit, a lying spirit, all types of spirits. Is there any truth to this? My understanding is that there are only three spirits: our spirit, Satan's spirit, and God's spirit. Is that correct? I've heard you say in the broadcast that the pretribulational rapture is not something to divide over. My mother, who believes in the pretribulational rapture said that she would convert to another religion to save the life of my children. I said we need to stand firm and suffer for Christ. Isn't this a serious enough issue to divide over?

 Best of BAM: Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back author, speaker, and Director of Genesis Counseling, Joe Dallas to continue discussing his articles in a special edition of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL as well as the recent Orlando shooting. Hank and Joe talk about the fallacy of using the term "gay Christian," the authority of Scripture as it relates to human sexuality, religious liberty, and the objective nature of assigned sex as opposed to basing one's gender on choice or feelings. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: How would you respond to those who say the New Testament doesn't prohibit monogamous same-sex relationships? Isn't it a biological fact that men have one less rib than women, and are commanded to be fruitful and multiply? Can you expound on what you said earlier about the term "gay Christian"? What about an obese Christian?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to continue their conversation about transsexualism, bathroom laws, the so-called "gay Christian" movement, the redefinition of language, and how Christians can lovingly stand for truth in a culture that has radically devolved. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: How can I discuss transgenderism with my children and grandchildren? A seventeen-year-old girl I know got involved with another girl at a church camp, and the church said this was okay. How should I handle this situation?

 No Tolerance for Christianity and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights an article by Joe Dallas in a special edition of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL. If you believe the Judeo-Christian teaching is less influential than it once was, but still remains a legitimate voice in our diverse culture, you are wrong. Tolerance for pluralism is fading as open hostility against the Christian position on sexuality rises. When cultural icons dismiss objections to gender specific bathrooms as hatred, something more than diversity is taking place. We must not take for granted the freedoms we now possess because religious liberties are on society's chopping block. Hank answers the following questions: What is your Scriptural advice concerning fear? Do you think intolerance has crept into the church today? How should we approach those who disagree with us? Ecclesiastes 3:19-21 says the same thing happens to man and the animals; they both die. What happens to the animal's spirit? I recently euthanized my dog because of her poor health; how do I know this was the right thing to do? What are your thoughts on deliverance ministries? When I am overcome with fear, should I rebuke it or is this an ongoing process? Does John 6:44 teach that everyone is called or given to the Son by the Father? Are there other passages that suggest this?

 Discerning the Cultural Narrative and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank addresses Hillary Clinton's comments on ISIS as well as the redaction of the Orlando gunman's 911 transcript. Clinton has overtly said that ISIS is neither Islamic nor a state. Likewise, President Barack Obama believes that ISIS has nothing to do with the religion of Islam and has compared it to a junior varsity team. While ISIS is considered junior varsity to Obama, their regime is nothing short of genocide for Christians including children who have been tortured, beheaded, and crucified. The stakes are enormous and therefore, we must exercise wisdom and discernment amidst the cultural narrative. Hank answers the following questions: How has the language and behavior of our culture changed so radically? Who is Paula White? Could you give me some more information about her? What should be our strategy in praying for our nation and our leaders? Does the inability to label the Islamic State for what they are have anything to do with being able to discern between ISIS and moderate Syrian rebels?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank interviews Joe Dallas once again regarding homosexuality, transgenderism, the Orlando shooting, and his articles in the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL. Hank and Joe discuss the difference between homosexual behavior and identity, practical ways to resist temptation for those struggling with homosexual desire, and the necessary distinction between hatred and disapproval. Hank and Joe also answer the following questions: How should I respond to friends and family members who say God made homosexuals the way they are so He approves of it? My brother is gay and has been posting pictures of himself dressed as a women; how can I show him that I still love him while disapproving of this behavior? After the Orlando shooting some people were saying that Christians condoned the murder because of what the Bible says in Leviticus; is this true? Should we as Christians be hearing what you're saying about homosexuality in the church? If someone is struggling with same-sex desires they do not wish to have, what would be the best course of action to overcome this?

 Q&A: Objective Morality, the 144,000, and the Millennium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Is it possible for a non-Christian to have morals? If someone was raised from birth to be a killer, is there chance for salvation impossible? Are sex toys acceptable within a marriage relationship? Why are the tribes Ephraim and Dan not listed in the book of Revelation? If the 144,000 are the same group as the great multitude, why does Revelation chapter 14 describe them as virgins? Since Jesus on the cross committed His spirit to the Father, to what or to whom did he commit His body? In Ecclesiastes 2:10, Solomon said that he kept no pleasure from himself. Would this have included homosexuality? Have you heard of the Christian rapper Shai Linne and his album Lyrical Theology? He claims to be Amillennial; what are your thoughts on this? If there are degrees of punishment in hell; what would you say to a person who claims they could handle the lowest degree? Will the agony of the rich man mentioned in Luke 16 be worse after the resurrection?

 Best of BAM: Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back Joe Dallas, Director of Genesis Counseling to continue their conversation about transsexualism, bathroom laws, the so-called "gay Christian" movement, the redefinition of language, and how Christians can lovingly stand for truth in a culture that has radically devolved. Hank and Joe also answer the following questions: How can I discuss transgenderism with my children and grandchildren? A seventeen-yearold girl I know got involved with another girl at a church camp, and the church said this was okay. How should I handle this situation?

 Q&A: Sodom and Gomorrah, Pastor Steven Anderson, and Heaven | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: I have been seeing numbers like the number 8 that have been leading my life; are they from God or should I ignore them? How should true love be displayed in a hyper-sexualized culture? Can you explain the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? What does it mean that all the men of the city came out? What is your view on the preterist interpretation of eschatology? What are your thoughts on Pastor Steven Anderson's comments on the Orlando shooting? Is hell eternal punishment, and what are the different words used for hell in the Bible? I'm a former Muslim and I would like to clarify who the people of the book are according to the Quran. What happens when someone dies now and how does that correspond to the resurrection?

 Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs with Joe Dallas - Part 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes back author, speaker, and Director of Genesis Counseling, Joe Dallas to continue discussing his articles in a special edition of the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL as well as the recent Orlando shooting. Hank and Joe talk about the fallacy of using the term "gay Christian," the authority of Scripture as it relates to human sexuality, religious liberty, and the objective nature of assigned sex as opposed to basing one's gender on choice or feelings. Hank and Joe answer the following questions: How would you respond to those who say the New Testament doesn't prohibit monogamous same-sex relationships? Isn't it a biological fact that men have one less rib than women, and are commanded to be fruitful and multiply? Can you expound on what you said earlier about the term "gay Christian"? What about an obese Christian?

 Q&A: Salvation, Women Teachers, and Prayer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights the latest edition of the Christian Research Journal featuring two incisive articles by Joe Dallas titled "Of Bathroom Bills and Basic Beliefs" and "Is 'Gay Christian' an Acceptable Identity?" Hank answers the following questions: How do I know whether or not I have prayed with all my heart to be saved? Can you explain Romans 10:9 and John 5:24 in this regard? Since Paul uses Eve as an example in 1 Timothy chapter 2; does that mean the prohibition against women teaching is universal? Am I in sin by smoking? Is there some physiological reason for transgenderism and homosexuality? What is your opinion on Universalism? Where did this idea come from? I know people who profess to be Christians, but do things that are ungodly and do not attend church; how should I think about their salvation? How can I know God is answering my prayers?

 The Orlando Massacre, Muhammad, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the life and legacy of Muhammad in light of the Orlando massacre. This horrific shooting by Omar Mateen, reminded Hank of the slaughter of the Banu Qurayza, where Muhammad had six or seven hundred Jews beheaded and gave the spoils of battle, including enslaved women and children to the Islamic warriors that had participated in the siege. How different is the life of Christ, who told Peter to put away his sword? Hank answers the following questions: My mom is studying with a Jehovah's Witness and believes that Jesus is her savior, but also believes He was only a god. Will this impact her salvation? Are we supposed to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus or in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Is it true that only the extremist versions of the Qur'an say that infidels must convert or die? What is your view of Eastern Orthodoxy, and can you list the differences between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism? I am witnessing to a Roman Catholic couple who extol the virtues of the Lady of Fatima; how can I address this? Can you comment on John MacArthur's view of the salvation of those who take the mark of the beast? What is the role of women in light of 1 Timothy chapter 2? Why does God allow infants to die?

 Withstanding the Iron Boot and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the cultural decline that has gone from divorce, premarital sex, and cohabitation, to the mainstreaming of homosexuality. We are no longer even allowed to ask if homosexuality is abnormal, but rather objections to it are now considered abnormal. We used to talk about gender identity disorder, but now gender is determined by feelings instead of one's biology. And those who dare to question this are crushed by the totalitarian boot of our culture, which demands our full acquiescence. Hank answers the following questions: Aren't you being harsh on teachers like Joel Osteen and Joseph Prince, but lenient on Roman Catholics? Aren't they both teaching false doctrine? Do the saints mentioned in Daniel 7:21 refer to Israel? Is tithing still required in the New Testament? Can you address the difference between the Roman Catholic and Protestant view of Communion? Is it true that Muslims are allowed to lie to advance Islam? Does Exodus 23:25 guarantee healing?

 Best of BAM: Q&A: Purgatory, Tongues, and Communion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: How can I explain 1 Corinthians 15:27 to others with regard to all things being put in subjection to Christ? What is your view on the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Since the temple will be destroyed during the seven year tribulation, will God rebuild it in the Millennium? When we die, will we go straight to judgment, or rest until Judgment Day? I joined an Apostolic church and received the gift of tongues, but after studying Scripture, I see that this is wrong. Should I find another church? Why did God choose Abraham? Is there anything in the Bible that speaks to this? Can you explain the Eucharist?


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