Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 The Waning of Religious Freedom and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank underscores the growing animosity towards Christianity in our culture. The Christian campus ministry InterVarsity has been denounced by many college campuses for daring to believe in traditional morals. Mozilla's Brendan Eich was forced from his position as CEO because he donated $1000 to support Proposition 8. Pastor Louie Giglio was pressured to withdraw from giving the benediction for President Obama's second swearing-in ceremony because he encouraged believers to lovingly resist non-traditional marriage. Although religious freedom is fading, nevertheless, it is time for Christians to set their hearts and minds to win back the West. Hank answers the following questions: Where did Islam come from; was there an evil bloodline mentioned in the Bible? Why must I agree with dispensationalism or face being attacked as an anti-Semite? My mother said she has seen angels and also had dreams of loved ones dying. Is this from the Lord? Did people age slower in the Old Testament? Also, can you discuss the canopy theory? In Genesis chapter 4, were Cain and Able about one hundred years old? Are the two witnesses in Revelation chapter 11, earth-born? If so, why don't we have a record of it, or is this yet to come? I've heard different preachers say different things about what happens when we die. Are we waiting for the rapture; are our souls with Jesus? What is your take on tithing? Should we give a tenth or give as we are led? I've heard you talk about Palestinian Christians being forced out of Palestine; who's doing the ethnic cleansing?

 It's Dangerous to Believe with Mary Eberstadt - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes author Mary Eberstadt to discuss the rising hostility towards Christianity in our culture as detailed in her book, It's Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and Its Enemies. Hank and Mary address the very real danger of religious persecution in the East as well as the "soft" persecution that is growing in the West, and what Christians can do to stand strong for religious liberty.

 Best of BAM: Civilization's Fragility and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank recounts the words of Christian author Os Guinness. No matter how grand a civilization may be, there is an ultimate flimsiness. If you view Washington, DC from the heights of Capitol Hill, it would seem that we will be around forever. Yet if you view Rome from the Palatine Hill, you will see the remains of a once proud republic that has fallen into ruin-a poignant reminder of how fragile civilization is, and how near we are to losing our inheritance. We are facing totalitarianism from multiple fronts. Who will stand in the gap? Winning back the West won't be done by a politician; it will be done by people like you and me who are willing to stand for truth no matter what the cost. Hank answers the following questions: Do the variants between the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint change any of the doctrines of Scripture? Must Christian parents provide an inheritance for their children? I heard you say there were mistakes in the original King James Version; could you tell me in what chapter and verse these mistakes appear? Since the destruction of the temple in AD 70, how do Jews atone for their sins? What is your opinion of Paul Twitchell? Why do you criticize Joel Osteen? I attend a Methodist church that has appointed a homosexual bishop and use slavery as their argument. How can I address this with them? What verses led you to the idea that Cain's sacrifice was not accepted because of the disposition of his heart? As far as biblical prophecy is concerned, what difference does it make whether we vote for Hillary or Trump? The book of Revelation doesn't mention the church or America.

 Joel Osteen's Scripture Twisting and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses Joel Osteen's twisting of Genesis chapter 3; showing how he takes a clear passage about Adam's sin and distorts it into a self-help, successful living message. Hank answers the following questions: Does Joel Osteen truly believe his own teaching? I am discussing the Trinity with a Jehovah's Witness. How can I explain John 17:21? What are your thoughts on the teaching of Joyce Meyer? A friend is trying to get me to listen to T. D. Jakes. What is your opinion of his teaching? Is door to door evangelism effective? I feel called to start a church and I have a heart for evangelism. What is the best way to go about this? Does John Hagee have the same feel good message as Joel Osteen?

 God's Crime Scene with J. Warner Wallace - Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank interviews cold-case detective J. Warner Wallace regarding his book, God's Crime Scene. When looking at the universe, Hank and detective Wallace discuss the trap of making assumptions based on presuppositions without really digging into the evidence. God's Crime Scene offers several, real crime scene scenarios to give readers different skill sets they can apply to discovering the origin of the universe. Wallace encourages listeners to do what he does, that is, collect the evidence in a neutral way and allow that evidence to lead to the truth. Hank answers the following questions: In Matthew 6:33, what does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God? How do we go about doing this? What is your opinion of Watchman Nee, Witness Lee, and the Local Church? I have friends who are gay; is there somewhere in the Bible that tells me not to associate with these people? Why should I pray if God knows everything? Our prayers don't change what God plans, do they? How should I respond to atheists who claim that Christians have done horrible things such as the Inquisition? Do you recommend the book, Great Doctrines of the Bible: God the Father, God the Son; God the Holy Spirit; The Church and the Last Things by Martin Lloyd Jones? What do you think about studying philosophy? It seems like many Christians are moving away from the King James Bible; why isn't it as trusted today?

 God's Crime Scene with J. Warner Wallace - Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank welcomes homicide detective and author, J. Warner Wallace to discuss his book, God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe. Jim Wallace, a former atheist, relays his experience while on a surveillance case many years ago. Sitting in his police car, he began listening to the Bible Answer Man broadcast, which answered many of his objections and was instrumental in helping him eventually come to faith in Christ. Wallace also shows how, as a cold-case detective, he used his skills in solving cases and applied them to the mystery of the origins of the universe. Wallace's book examines eight critical pieces of evidence and allows the reader, as the jury, to make the final verdict. Hank answers the following questions: How reliable are the writings of the early church fathers, such as Eusebius? I heard Joel Osteen say Cain and Abel were twins; is he correct?

 The Perspective of a Law Enforcement Officer and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank reads a letter from a law enforcement officer concerning the organization, Black Lives Matter. Agreeing with Hank's position, the author of this anonymous letter offered his perspective as a twenty-five year veteran and encouraged Hank to stand strong in the face of those who disagree with him. Hank answers the following questions: The officer whose letter you read is wrong about the statistics concerning African Americans killing police officers. More police officers are killed by white people. As a minority Christian, how should I relate police brutality today with how British soldiers treated people during the American Revolution? The organization Black Lives Matter was originally started because of the mistreatment of African Americans during police arrests. I was the one who wrote a letter a few weeks ago and my point was really to highlight the evangelical silence on this issue.

 A Climate of Hostility and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank addresses the open hostility to the Christian position on homosexuality. Once upon a time, freedom of speech and religious liberty flourished, but now those who adhere to the Bible's teaching on human sexuality are considered to be drooling rubes. Think of gay journalist Dan Savage's profanity laced tirade against the Bible. Think of the NBA pulling the All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina. Myriads of major corporations, businesses, musicians, colleges, and TV shows all get it, why don't Christians get it? This is the climate in which we now live, and we must understand what discernment means. Hank answers the following questions: What is your perspective on Brian Houston and Hillsong? Is this someone I should be listening to? My wife wants to divorce me, but I know the Bible is against this; do you have any advice? What is the meaning of Matthew 27:52-53? Which member of the Trinity should we address in prayer? I keep falling into the sin of lust. Are there limits to God's forgiveness according to Matthew 18:21-22? What happens to unbelievers after death? What do you think of Perry Stone? Have archaeologists found bones of Old Testament saints? Can you explain what it means to cast pearls before swine? Should I stop speaking with friends who claim to be Christians but do live like it? My husband and I want to tithe, but we live in a town with a lot of Mormon churches. Do you know of an organization that contributes to God's chosen children?

 Best of BAM: Prayerfully Listening to Derrick and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank felt it necessary, in light of the overwhelming amount of letters he's received, to take the time to read an articulate and poignant letter from a long-time African American listener so that his voice might be heard. Hank answers the following questions: Is it okay for Christians to drink alcohol? What is the origin of all the races? Couldn't Jesus have chosen otherwise in Gethsemane? If not, how was the temptation genuine? Which one of the Seven Ecumenical Councils declared the Apocrypha to be part of the canon? Is political correctness and racism a Trojan horse for a radical Islamic attack that will bring about Armageddon?

 One Covenant Community and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank addresses the question of whether or not the Bible makes a distinction between Israel and the church. A beautiful explanation of this is found in Romans chapter 11 where Paul illustrates a cultivated olive tree consisting of natural branches and branches that have been grafted in. Paul also makes clear that not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel. It is not the natural children of Abraham, but the children of the promise who are counted as offspring. In both the Old and New Testament, God has only ever had one covenant community, beautifully connected by the cross. Hank answers the following questions: Can you clarify the difference between the abrogation of Scripture in both Christianity and Islam? Is 1 Timothy 3:15 universal or circumstantial, and how does it relate to women teaching in the church? I have a friend who is a Wiccan and says she summons demons; how can I witness to her? What was so wrong with what Saul did in 1 Samuel 13:8-23? Can you address infant baptism vs believer's baptism and why Christians baptize differently? I attend a Methodist church that has appointed a homosexual bishop and use slavery as their argument. How can I address this with them? What verses led you to the idea that Cain's sacrifice was not accepted because of the disposition of his heart? As far as biblical prophecy is concerned, what difference does it make whether we vote for Hillary or Trump? The book of Revelation doesn't mention the church or America.

 Civilization's Fragility and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank recounts the words of Christian author Os Guinness. No matter how grand a civilization may be, there is an ultimate flimsiness. If you view Washington, DC from the heights of Capitol Hill, it would seem that we will be around forever. Yet if you view Rome from the Palatine Hill, you will see the remains of a once proud republic that has fallen into ruin--a poignant reminder of how fragile civilization is, and how near we are to losing our inheritance. We are facing totalitarianism from multiple fronts. Who will stand in the gap? Winning back the West won't be done by a politician; it will be done by people like you and me who are willing to stand for truth no matter what the cost. Hank answers the following questions: Do the variants between the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint change any of the doctrines of Scripture? Must Christian parents provide an inheritance for their children? I heard you say there were mistakes in the original King James Version; could you tell me in what chapter and verse these mistakes appear? What does Paul mean in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 with regard to women in ministry? In Mark 2:22, Jesus is talking about not putting new wine into old wineskins, but my KJV uses the word "bottles." When did they make this change? What is a good Bible reading plan to start getting into Scripture? 2 Kings chapter 22 says the Book of the Law was found in the temple; who hid it? Was it Samuel? If the principle concerning women teachers is cultural, how can we argue against those who say the same thing about homosexuality?

 The Importance of Orthopraxy and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank highlights the importance of not only orthodoxy (right doctrine) but orthopraxy (right conduct). If you are aware of today's realities and still optimistic about our nation's future, you're rare. Unlike the past, how many truly world-class leaders have we seen lining the stages of Republican and Democrat debates? The belief that politicians can deliver us from our woes is seriously mistaken. What often cripples Christians, however, is the idea that the problems are so great that we can't have a meaningful impact. Yet we must not let what we cannot do interfere with what we can do. Hank answers the following questions: Did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter? I have heard that the word for sacrifice could mean "sanctify." Many Muslims say that Islam is a religion of love, but you say it is definitely not. How can I show them the truth without offending them? Since God doesn't accept human sacrifices, how can I make sense of the story of Jephthah and his daughter? I've never really felt like a Christian; how can I get that feeling? I am constantly being reminded by Satan of all the bad things I've done; how can I overcome him?

 Reading the Qur'an in Context and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on a letter written to the editor of USA Today concerning the attack in Nice, France. According to this letter, the terrorist attack had nothing to do with Islam or the prophet Muhammad because the Qur'an teaches that killing an innocent human being is the same as killing all of humanity. The truth, however, is that this passage was taken out of context. Muhammad himself was involved in torture and beheadings. As Christians, we must discern the truth and realize that although we are facing soft persecution in the West, Christians in the East are being exiled, crucified, and beheaded. Hank answers the following questions: Is it possible that Jesus was wrong about the mustard seed? My father passed away; is it wrong for me to pray that God will allow me to feel his spirit with me? Does Jesus' teaching in John 11 guarantee divine healing? How do I respond to Word of Faith friends who say I don't have enough faith? I disagree with your view on Palestinians and the land of Palestine. How can I respond to my dad who says that if Christianity is so good, what about all the people killed during the Crusades? I experienced sleep paralysis and it really scared me; what caused this?

 Q&A: Jim Bakker, Joel Osteen, and Old Testament Interpretation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: What is your opinion of Jim Bakker? There seems to be a discrepancy between the number of horses captured in 2 Samuel 8:4 and 1 Chronicles 18:4. Why is there a difference between these two numbers? Is the crowd that praised Jesus during the Triumphal Entry, the same crowed who shouted for Him to be crucified? Will we know our loved ones in heaven? Since the destruction of the temple in AD 70, how do Jews atone for their sins? What is your opinion of Paul Twitchell? Why do you criticize Joel Osteen? Members of my church are teaching dispensationalism and I don't believe it; what should I do about this? How would you explain the image Nebuchadnezzar saw in the book of Daniel? Is war permitted by God? How do we know when it is sinful?

 Best of BAM: The Fastest Growing Religion and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the religions of Islam and Christianity. We live in an epoch we probably never thought we would see. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the world and is uniquely poised to replace Christianity in West. We face an inescapable reality. When faith dies, culture dies, and when culture dies, civilization dies. To compound the problem is persecution. We are facing the specter of militant secularism and the letter "C" for Christian has become the new Scarlet Letter. In light of this onslaught, the Christian church must arise from its slumber and take the commission that Christ has given us seriously. Hank answers the following questions: My son is a Calvinist and is pretty dogmatic about it, but I lean toward Arminianism and free will. Could you give me your opinion? Is all sin the same? Are some sins worse than others? What is your view on the Rastafarian cult? I don't think John's exile to Patmos is historically accurate; what do you think? What will it take for modern Israel to repent and follow Jesus? What is the role of America in the end times? And what would you say to a friend who says the Bible isn't true? How long will Jesus remain on earth after His second coming? What is the difference between a pre, mid, and post-tribulation rapture? Can the Holy Spirit and a demonic spirit inhabit a person at the same time?


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