Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Summary: Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."

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 Living for Christ in Turbulent Times and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank underscores that fact that we live in a time of great turbulence. With the threat of ISIS, the reality that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, and organizations such as Black Lives Matter, which is committed to disrupting the nuclear family, it is more important than ever for Christians to know what they believe and why they believe it. Hank answers the following questions: Why don't we use Hebrew names for God? I have a family member who says that the 1611 King James Version is the only correct translation; what are your thoughts on this? I have been able to cast out demons in the name of Jesus, but it doesn't work using the name Yeshua, or any other name. Could Christ have refused to go to the cross and said, "No" to the Father? In the garden of Gethsemane, in what way did the angel strengthen Him? Did Jesus violate Saul's free will on the road to Damascus? Couldn't Jesus have chosen otherwise in Gethsemane? If not, how was the temptation genuine? Which one of the Seven Ecumenical Councils declared the Apocrypha to be part of the canon? Is political correctness and racism a Trojan horse for a radical Islamic attack that will bring about Armageddon?

 Prayerfully Listening to Derrick and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank felt it necessary, in light of the overwhelming amount of letters he's received, to take the time to read an articulate and poignant letter from a long-time African American listener so that his voice might be heard. Hank answers the following questions: Is it okay for Christians to drink alcohol? What is the origin of all the races? The letter you read was well written and something the Christian community needs to hear. I'm an African American and I don't think you have anything to apologize for. The problem is not race; the problem is sin. And the only answer is the gospel.

 Q&A: Racism, Cremation, and the New Apostolic Reformation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Can you clarify the term "person" with respect to the Trinity? Why did you say Black Lives Matter is a hate group? Can you explain the importance of memorizing Scripture? Who is being discussed in Matthew 25:30? I don't think lethal force was justified against Alton Sterling and Philando Castle. What does the Bible say about cremation? In light of the Dallas shooting, how do we get to the heart of the issue? What are your thoughts on the New Apostolic Reformation and Dr. Michael Brown? I wanted to make a comment about something you said on a previous broadcast regarding the beating of Rodney King.

 Discerning the Truth and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the Dallas shooting and the comments of police Chief David Brown, as well as Thomas Sowell. In response to this terrible tragedy, Brown pointed clearly and profoundly to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The message was unmistakable; the only hope is resurrection. Similar to the media coverage of Rodney King, however, the media today has spun this incident according to their agenda, and Christians must be able to discern the truth. Hank answers the following questions: Do you think the RFID chip or some other chip could be the mark of the beast? I started a small church here in Nebraska, but no one is showing up; what should I do? If we are doing God's will, doesn't that mean we will always succeed according to Gamaliel's advice in Acts chapter 5? Since your ministry is not growing, how do you reconcile this? How can I effectively wait on the Lord? I grew up during the civil rights era and I have personally experienced police brutality and I take issue with what you said earlier about "Black Lives Matter."

 Committed to Life and Truth and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank encourages listeners to watch their life and doctrine closely just as Paul exhorted Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:16. If believers fulfill this mandate we can turn the world right-side up. Christ trained twelve men, and they in turn trained other men, and through the power of spiritual multiplication, they transformed the Roman Empire. Although Christianity is crumbling all over the world, we will be called to give an account for what we did at this crucial juncture in history. Hank answers the following questions: What does 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 teach about the rapture? Did Jesus realize He was the Messiah during Holy Week? Is stress caused by rejecting the light of the Lord? Why didn't Jesus teach His disciples to end their prayers in His name? Do I need to be baptized in the Holy Spirit apart from water baptism? I went to a healing service where they told me not to pray but to declare my healing, and said I needed to speak in tongues otherwise I wasn't converted. Is Allah the name of God in the Bible?

 Best of BAM: The NBA, HB2, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses a front page news piece concerning the NBA's stance on gender identity. The NBA is still putting pressure on North Carolina's HB2 law; claiming its revisions have not gone far enough. The league even suggested it might pull the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte if a compromise cannot be met. One thing is sure; the NBA's principles on "inclusion" end up condemning the biblical prioritization of male/female distinctions as bigoted. Hank answers the following questions: How can I know I haven't committed the unpardonable sin? Where does the Bible say we should prepare for doomsday? In light of what's going on in our culture, what do you think will happen to Christianity? If Adam and Eve only had two sons, how did they procreate? In Matthew 7:22, is Jesus saying these people really have the hubris to claim all these miracles? Matthew 8:28 mentions two demon possessed men, but the other Gospels say there was one; how do we resolve this? If God is in control, why is the world so chaotic? Is homosexuality similar to alcoholism? Can one say, "I'm a recovering homosexual"? How can I address an atheist who says there's not enough evidence for God's existence?

 Q&A: Abortion, God's Will, and Islam | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Can you share your thoughts on the Constitution and how it relates to abortion? Could you give me some information about Joseph Prince so I can tell my friends what is wrong with his ministry? When we get to heaven, will we only see Christ physically and not three separate beings? What is God's will for my life and how can I pursue it? What Bible teachers do you recommend, and what do you think of Chuck Missler? In response to the Orlando shooting, Muslims took out a front page ad saying this was an act of aggression and has nothing to do with the teachings of Islam. Aren't they missing the passages in the Qur'an that teach violence? Do you believe Christianity in America is in great trouble?

 The Fastest Growing Religion and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses the religions of Islam and Christianity. We live in an epoch we probably never thought we would see. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the world and is uniquely poised to replace Christianity in West. We face an inescapable reality. When faith dies, culture dies, and when culture dies, civilization dies. To compound the problem is persecution. We are facing the specter of militant secularism and the letter "C" for Christian has become the new Scarlet Letter. In light of this onslaught, the Christian church must arise from its slumber and take the commission that Christ has given us seriously. Hank answers the following questions: My son is a Calvinist and is pretty dogmatic about it, but I lean toward Arminianism and free will. Could you give me your opinion? Should Christians vote for a third party candidate for President? What are your thoughts on Steven Furtick and Elevation Church? Why did Elijah flee from Jezebel? Who are sound Bible teachers I can listen to on television?

 The Holy City of Jerusalem and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on Holy city of Jerusalem. Since the time of Jerusalem's destruction in AD 70 until the time of Constantine, Jerusalem was a mere byword. It remained under Muslim control for many centuries until the British defeated the Ottoman Turks in 1917 and later relinquished control in 1947. Although Christian Zionists see these events, including the Six-Day War, as validation for biblical prophecy, nothing could be further from the truth. Since the land promises were contingent upon belief and covenant faithfulness, modern Israel fails to meet these requirements. While we should defend Israel's right to exist, the contention that it is a fulfillment of prophecy is indefensible. Hank answers the following questions: Must we rebuke Satan out loud? Is there anything in the Bible to defend this? Does Matthew 18:6 apply to same-sex adoption? Is all sin the same? Are some sins worse than others? What is your view on the Rastafarian cult? I don't think John's exile to Patmos is historically accurate; what do you think? What will it take for modern Israel to repent and follow Jesus? What is the role of America in the end times? And what would you say to a friend who says the Bible isn't true? How long will Jesus remain on earth after His second coming? What is the difference between a pre, mid, and post-tribulation rapture? Can the Holy Spirit and a demonic spirit inhabit a person at the same time?

 Q&A: Baptism, Civil Obedience, and Mercy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Is it okay for a church to refuse believer's baptism if a convert was baptized as an infant? Do ghosts exist? What do you think about Rick Joyner? In light of Acts 5:29 and Romans chapter 13, where do we draw the line between obeying civil authorities and obeying God? Ephesians 1 says we have the riches of Christ and Romans chapter 9 says God has mercy on whomever He chooses; how do we reconcile these texts? Is the Bible incorrect by including bats under the category of birds in Leviticus 11:13-19? Can you address LCMS doctrine of baptism? What is your opinion of the book The GodShaped Brain by Timothy R. Jennings? Do you know anything about the book The People vs Muhammad by J.K Sheindlin?

 Q&A: Discipleship, God's Wrath, and Modern Israel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: At what point do you stop witnessing to someone? Can you tell me about Jimmy Swaggart? Is a Christian and a disciple the same thing? Can you be a Christian and not a disciple? Wasn't the wrath of God poured out upon Jesus on the cross? It seems like Isaiah 53:10 makes this point. How do you interpret 2 Corinthians 5:21 in this regard? Since the Bible is clear, why are so many Christians mixed up about homosexuality and transgenderism? Shouldn't we be aware of the Devil's schemes? What are your thoughts on Trunews and Rick Wiles? A friend's mother died a while back and they claim their dead mother called them on the phone; how do you answer this? Aren't we supposed to support modern Israel? And what about Syria; does Isaiah 17 have anything to do with modern-day prophecy?

 Best of BAM: Q&A: Objective Morality, Paula White, and the Millennium | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank answers the following questions: Is it possible for a non-Christian to have morals? If someone was raised from birth to be a killer, is there chance for salvation impossible? Are sex toys acceptable within a marriage relationship? Why are the tribes Ephraim and Dan not listed in the book of Revelation? How has the language and behavior of our culture changed so radically? Who is Paula White? Could you give me some more information about her? Have you heard of the Christian rapper Shai Linne and his album Lyrical Theology? He claims to be Amillennial; what are your thoughts on this? If there are degrees of punishment in hell, what would you say to a person who claims they could handle the lowest degree?Will the agony of the rich man mentioned in Luke 16 be worse after the resurrection?

 The NBA, HB2, and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank discusses a front page news piece concerning the NBA's stance on gender identity. The NBA is still putting pressure on North Carolina's HB2 law; claiming its revisions have not gone far enough. The league even suggested it might pull the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte if a compromise cannot be met. One thing is sure; the NBA's principles on "inclusion" end up condemning the biblical prioritization of male/female distinctions as bigoted. Hank answers the following questions: How can I know I haven't committed the unpardonable sin? I agree with you on bathroom laws and if I saw a man going into the bathroom after my granddaughter, I would make sure she was safe. What is the best version of the Bible? Did King Saul die by falling on his own sword or by a solider? Can you elaborate on your view of hell as being the choice of unbelievers? It seems like there are people who deny the existence of hell. How can we as Christians love the world when they reject us and our values?

 The Gospel is the Only Answer and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank addresses the three Islamic jihadists who blew themselves up at Ataturk airport in Istanbul. Ironically, the first president of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk said that the Islamic caliphate was dead. And while the media calls these jihadists savages, they are nevertheless, made in the image of God but are horribly misled. The only way to overcome the Islamic juggernaut is for Christians to rise up and become ambassadors for Christ; equipped to conquer, not with the sword, but with the Word. Only the gospel can break this stranglehold. Hank answers the following questions: Which form of church government best represents the New Testament church? Are there other ways of tithing that are outside of the church? I believe the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing are for today; could you clarify your position on this? What are your thoughts on Charles Capps? Along with our tithe, Are we supposed to give a tenth of our weekly offering too? Why do you consider William Branham to be a false prophet?

 Dispelling the Narrative and Q&A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:00

Hank shares his thoughts on the tragedies and sweeping social changes in our world today, including the Ataturk airport attack, homosexual marriage, transgender bathroom bills, and the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion. Just since yesterday, 3000 babies have been slaughtered through the legalized horror of abortion. The only solution for this fallen world is the Christian worldview and believers who take seriously their calling to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ. Hank answers the following questions: Where does the Bible say we should prepare for doomsday? In light of what's going on in our culture, what do you think will happen to Christianity? If Adam and Eve only had two sons, how did they procreate? In Matthew 7:22, is Jesus saying these people really have the hubris to claim all these miracles? Can you tell me how the Greek word "aion" relates to Sheol and Gehenna? What is your opinion of Gene and Melissa Scott's teaching? Is it possible for a Christian to be a homosexual? Different denominations have different views on speaking in tongues; what is the correct understanding of this?


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