Q&A Cain and Abel, Transubstantiation, and Biblical Giving

Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff show

Summary: Hank answers the following questions: I was wondering about the Masonic Lodge and other secret organizations. Why didn't God have regard for Cain's offering? Since my prayers are not going to change God's mind, what is the point of prayer? Paul said that Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness, but if you look at his life you see a lot of sin; so how is he considered righteous? Does Satan have access to heaven today? Are you familiar with the Reconciling Ministries Network that is associated with the United Methodist Church? Can pastors who are divorced still serve in the church? I was talking with a Roman Catholic friend who said the elements of Communion are the actual body and blood of Christ; can you help me explain this? What is the biblical model for giving? Should I give a tenth of my gross or net income? How should I reconcile the Bible saying God will visit the sins of the fathers on the third and fourth generation with the idea of generational curses, and my own sin?