Bosnian show


Summary: Welcome to SBS Radio's Bosnian Language Program We offer extensive coverage of news, current affairs and sports through our network of correspondents in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Australia and around the world.

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 Concern for elder migrants as services move online | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ethnic groups have raised concerns that some migrants are missing out on important government information because of a lack of digital literacy.   A growing trend has federal, state and local governments increasingly moving service... ( Enti)

 Srebrenica Aniverssary- IC Noble Park | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Amela Grebovic is talking about Srebrenica comemoration which will be held on Sunday July 10 (7.00 PM) in Bosniaks' Islamic Center, Noble Park VIC (Amela Grebović - Ademi govori o ovogodiL?njoj organizaciji komemoracije za ubijene iz 1995. godine i genocida po)

 John Howard defends Australia's involvement in Iraq war | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Former Prime Minister John Howard has defended Australia's involvement in the Iraq war, saying he believes it was the right decision at the time.   A seven-year UK inquiry into the invasion and unsuccessful search for weapons of mas... (BivL?i australski premijer John Howard je stao u odbranu australskog uklju)

 BiH Institutional crisis continues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

IMF Executive Board decided to delay arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility until further notice.   Peace March and Srebrenica Anniversary 2016 (Stopirana nov)

 Blair defends decision on Iraq war 'at the time' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The prime minister who led Britain into war in Iraq in 2003 has apologised for mistakes made during the intervention but says he believed he was making the right decision at the time.   Tony Blair was responding to the scathing asse... (BivL?i premijer Velike Britanije Tony Blair, koji je predvodio vladu 2003. godine kada se njegova zemlja uklju)

 Blair defends decision on Iraq war 'at the time' | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The prime minister who led Britain into war in Iraq in 2003 has apologised for mistakes made during the intervention but says he believed he was making the right decision at the time.   Tony Blair was responding to the scathing asse... (BivL?i premijer Velike Britanije Tony Blair, koji je predvodio vladu 2003. godine kada se njegova zemlja uklju)

 How to lodge a tax return | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Its Tax Time. This means the 2015 to 2016 financial year is nearing its end.   Time to get financial records in order, so individuals can lodge a tax return. To help in the process, the Australian Tax Office provides... (Po)

 Uncertain days as count in federal election continues | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The resumption of ballot counting is being eagerly awaited after the national vote failed to deliver an outright majority to either of the major parties on election night.   On the night, neither the Coalition nor Labor could s... (Prema do sada prebrojanim glasovima nijedna stranka nije uspjela da dođe do potrebne većine za formiranje vlade, prema prognozama ponovo će rad australkog paralemnta ovisiti od pregovora sa nezavnisnim )

 SBS National Languages Competition: celebrating language learning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Australia is one of the most linguistically diverse nations in the world but that doesnt mean more of us are speaking languages other than English. An Australian Literary Review paper found language learning is dropping. In the 1960s 40 ... (Australija je jedna od posebnih zemalja u svijetu i po jezicima kojima se njena nacija sluLli ali to jos uvijek ne zna)

 Assad tells SBS West is using double standards | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has accused Western nations, including Australia, of double standards.   In an exclusive interview with SBS to broadcast on television tomorrow (fri) night, President Assad says the West criticises h... (Sirijski predsjednik Bashar al-Assad je optuLlio zapadne zemlje, uklju)

 Bosnian Cenus results unveiled | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

2013 Census shows that country population declined dramatically in the past 20 years but many think that the unveiled results could cause bigger division between Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs.   (U )

 EU Foreign Ministers warn Brexit could lead to EU break-up | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The latest opinion poll in Britain shows the campaign to take Britain out of the European Union with a 10-point lead over those wishing to stay in it.   The poll, for a major newspaper, highlights the debate ahead of the referendum ... (Posljednja anketa o rasposloLlenju Britanaca za izlazak njihove zemlje iz Europske Zajednice pokazuje da kampanja za napuL?tanje vodi ispred onih koji su za opstanak u ekonomskoj zajednici. I sa ovom debatom o miL?ljenju građana se u britanskim novinama podiLle temperatura pred referendum koji će se odrLlati 23. juna a na kojem će se odlu)

 CEI Member States meeting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The BiH CEI Presidency organised this years Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the CEI Member States on 16 June in Banja Luka, back to back with the 4the Meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators (IzvjeL?taj iz BIH   U Banjaluci je u )

 Coordination mechanisms - BH's condition to EU integration | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

June 12 Last week report from Bosnia and Herzegovina was prepared by Semra Duranović Koso   (IzvjeL?taj iz BiH o događajima koji su posljednjih sedam dana privla)

 Imam Salih Mujala: Ramadan greetings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Ramadanis the most important month in the Islamic calendar. This is month to share, pray, clean a body and soul. (Glavni imam BoL?njaka u Australiji Salih ef. Mujala govori o vaLlnosti mjeseca posta - Ramazana.   ZaL?to je Ramazan izabran za mjesec )


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