Sex, Religion, Power and Politics show

Sex, Religion, Power and Politics

Summary: Named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality - tune in to find out why! Wednesday or Thursday nites, hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, author, speaker, and teacher, discussing global and personal issues with a broad spectrum of advocates, visionaries and forward thinkers from a Divine Feminine, Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values. These are issues that could raise your consciousness or save the world. It's all the stuff Mom taught you to NEVER discuss at the dinner table - sex, religion, power and politics. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Rethink, reclaim and embrace the age old knowledge that's been denied us for too long. Unlock your female tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths from your home altar to the voting booth. Learn what denying the feminine face of god, whether the Great She be deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity - particularly women! Karen Tate's 4 published books include: Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling - Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape Our World. Please "like" my Facebook pages for each book and my personal Facebook page found at

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  • Artist: Karen Tate
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Shackling the Feminine & Leadership w Z Budapest | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

At the top of the show, Anne Preciado-Rich, author of My 333rd Life on Planet Earth - Secrets from the 9th Dimension discusses how envy and awe have shackled the Sacred Feminine and women's sexuality.  In our discussion we'll delve into the little known origins of today's attitude toward women and sex and what caused men, who once revered women, to change their attitude toward women and sexuality.   We'll discuss the negative effects of the repression of women and sexuality, how the ancient viewed birth control and Eve's apple - once viewed as a symbol of immortality.  And what does all that have to do with a book by this title! In the second half of the show, Foremother and Elder, Z. Budapest discusses leadership.

 Memoir of a Priestess/Aphrodite Clergy Then & Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

Tonight the theme of priestessing threads throughout the show to weave a lovely tapestry.  First, Prof. Anne Key, former caretaker of the Sekhmet Temple in Indian Springs, outside Las Vegas, NV, discusses her book, Memoir of a Priestess.  We'll chat about this ancient role being revived in contemporary times. Continuing that thread, Priestess of Aphrodite, Laurelei Black is back with us in Part II of our discussion about the Goddess of Life, Love and Beauty.  We'll discuss the models of initiation shown to us by Aphrodite, including the lessons of Adonis and Psyche.  Roles of the priest/ess in ancient and modern times round out our Show Topic:  Initiation and Priestesshood

 Rae Abileah - Beauriful Trouble - Electing Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:00

HANG ON's going to be a wild ride of Women Power with Rae Abileah discussing the book, Beautiful Trouble.  Rae brings her background in anti-war and environmental organizing to our show topic, Electing Change; People Powered Activism, about beautiful grass-roots troublemaking, feminist action tools and fresh tactics for changing the world and making it a better place.   We might have won the election last night but we cannot go to sleep again.  We have to roll up our sleeves and Rae is going to give us some ideas to channel our passion to change the world into one that's one of partnership, fairness, equality and peace.  

 Chivalry Today & D Hillman/Original Sin: Sex, Drugs & Church | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Kerr Cuhulain will be with us discussing Chivalry in the Modern World and the relationship with Wiccans, namely, how Wiccans can use their beliefs to teach others how to live in harmony with Mother Earth and Father Nature.  Talk will include how the Wiccan community has changed and explain the significance of that shift.  Magic, chivalry, warrior archetypes in the future andmuch more. Returning to the show tonight is one of the most beloved and controversial of our guests - Dr. David Hillman, discussing his new book, Original Sin:  Sex, Drugs and the Church.  Tune in and hold on to your seat!

 GMOs/Genetically Modified Food & Alchemy of Jesus & Osiris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

At the top of the show Pamm Larry will discuss GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, or genetically engineered foods and why it is so important to have these labeled so that we know what we're buying, feeding our kids and consuming - a right that should supersede any corporate rights to a nontransparent profit! Alfred Sylvester, a nuclear engineer whose avocation for 40 years has been researching The Philosopher's Stone, discusses the connection between Jesus, Osiris and alchemy.  We'll also delve into if Jesus was a myth or a man,  what is alchemy really, his theories on Genesis and Goddess, the 16 month process to create the Philosopher's Stone and what it all has to do with the Osirian religion and Christianity!  Hold on to your seat for an interesting conversation!  

 Pagan Roots of Christianity/Stifyn Emrys/Agapi Stassinopoulo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:59:00

Join us as Stifyn Emrys, veteran journalist, author and educator discusses the Pagan Roots of Christianity, inclusing the pagan practices appropriated by monotheism, Egyptian and Mesopotamian influences, pagan language in monotheism, linguistic and numerical correspondences, magick in Judeo-Christian practice, concepts of the afterlife and moral/ethical concepts. Followed by Agapi Stassinopoulos, author of Unbinding the Heart, A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity and Unconditional Love.  Agapi previously penned Conversations with the Goddesses and Gods and Goddesses in Love.  She is a frequent blogger for The Huffington Post and has spoken about health and well-being for The Spirit of Women organization.

 Sacred Salon with Karen and Samantha/Astroflash with Flash | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:55:00

Enjoy our monthly Sacred Salon.  First up tonight is Flash Silvermoon sharing her Astro Flash.  We asked her to give some insight into how she things the election will turn out, so tune in to find out! Joining me tonight after Flash and her astrological predictions is Samantha Sage.  Sam, one of the Sacred Sunday priestesses will partner with me to create some sacred space as we do ritual on the radio with our theme: Learning and Knowledge - A Path to Goddess Wisdom.  Enjoy the message, insight and meditation.   

 Goddess on Earth/Goddess Art & A Subservient Husband Speaks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

At the top of tonight's show, Lisa Levart discusses her book, Goddess on Earth, awarded the 2012 Gold Nautilus Book Award in the photography/art category for it's deeply moving portraits and personal statements of over 70 women bringing contemporary significance to some of history's more ancient sacred myths.    For ten years Lisa photographed the powerful interplay between images of women, reproductions of classical Goddess sculptures and the archetypes they draw upon. In the second half of the show, Blogger SH,  will discuss Breaking Away from Egalitarianism & Living Life as a Subservient Husband.  Yes, SH, who has asked that we protect his identidy is the real deal and chooses this lifestyle for himself.  Tune in and hear about this new archetype for contemporary men.

 What Color is Your Candle? Politics and Spirituality | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:14:00

What Color is Your Candle?  That is a metaphor of course.  Do you know the consequences of your coices?  Are you thinking about where you're directing your energy and will?  Have you taken stock to be sure you've reconciled your spirituality and your politics?  Or are you enabling those who don't have your back to oppress or devalue you?  Do you really know who has your back?  Who has your economic and spiritual interests at heart? Important questions.  I invite you to listen with an open heart and mind. A chat with Rev. Dr. Karen Tate

 Kwan Yin - Compassionate Warrior Queen w/Karen Tate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:00

No doubt you've heard of Kwan Yin, Goddess of Compassion, but have you looked behind her veil?  Do you know she is associated with justice, boundaries, peace, sacred rage and social justice?  Listen tonight as we look beneath the surface, hidden you might say, in plain sight, and discover the Kwan Yin you have yet to meet.  A chat with Rev. Dr. Karen Tate

 Recovery Thru Goddess / Gloria Feldt - Women & Power | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:58:00

At the top of tonight's show, Licia Berry will discuss Reclaiming our Sacredness:  Recovery from Sexual Abuse through the Sacred Feminine.  Licia will help listeners understand how to embody the feminine, to see the connection between the feminine and creativity, and changing patterns of sexual abuse.  Also, overcoming low self esteem and being told you're "trash," difficult wounds from the mother-daughter relationship, masculine healing and knowing ourselves as sacred. Crossing the threshold into the second half of the show we have with us Gloria Feldt, renowned activist, former CEO of Planned Parenthood and author of NO Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power discussing women's empowerment.

 Aphrodite's Myths & Symbols - Secret Clubs of the Plutocracy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

At the top of tonight's show Laurelei Black, author and priestess of Aphrodite discusses "Liminality & Initiation in Aphrodite's Myths & Symbols" - just what is liminality and in particular Aphrodite's liminality.   We'll delve into the idea of sex without pollution, how Aphrodite is associated with love, sleep and death, her symbols and Adonis and the sharing of the pomegranate. Then we have returning to the show, William Kennedy, writer, speaker and documentarian, guest on television and radio, including The Learning Channel, The Discovery Channel and Biography Channel discussing networks of Kabals and Elite groups of patriarchy's plutocracy, such as the Skull & Bones - and where Mitt Romney fits into all this secrecy.

 Things We Don't Talk About/Red Tent & Family Bliss Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:00

At the top of the show tonight we have documentary filmmaker, Isadora Leidenfrost , discussing her upcoming film, "Things We Don't Talk About: Women's Voices from the Red Tent."  Isadora creates documentary films about embedded culture and spiritual traditions.  We'll discuss the Red Tent movement and her upcoming documentary film. She is followed by popular spiritual blogger, Teza Lord, discussing her upcoming book, Family Bliss Now - A Holistic Approach to Global Transformation...One Blended Family At a Time.  Teza inspires us to learn to bring balance and healing to any nurturing relationship, especially within today's "blended" or non-traditional, non-nuclear families.  Some of our topics will be about Nurturing the Self, Nurturing Others and Global Nurturing.

 Sexism in the Media & M. Bacon/Mary & Goddess of Ephesus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:54:00

Clare Breshahan, Programs Director for She Should Run programs, manager of Women's Campaign Fund, and Girl Scouts will discuss Sexism in the Media.  Why is this a huge problem for women in office ?  Sexist language and the effect on voters, candidates, women considering running for office. Melanie Bacon is up next to discuss her book, Mary and the Goddess of Ephesus.  She gives us insight into what happened to Mary, mother of Jesus after the crucifixion, the siblings of Jesus, why Mary is called a vifgin,  and all the many women of that time named MARY - what's up with that anyway?  And of course, we'll discuss Mary's association with Artemis, Isis, Athena and Aphrodite!

 Mormonism, Goddess & Women - Mercy for Animals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Elizabeth Quick joins us at the top of the show to discuss being a 7th generation Mormon.  We'll delve into Mormon feminism, including the Mormon suffragettes and the first women to vote in the United States.  We'll talk about Mormon mysticism and their use of etheogens, the Mormon Goddess and Mormon women's spirituality.  She'll shed light on the hostility toward women of that time that seems to remain today.  If time allows, chat about Liz's Bee Priestess book project and Essie Parrish, a famous CA Indian shaman. Matt Rice joins us in the second half of the show to discuss the work of Mercy for Animals, a national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies.  We'll discuss MFA's undercover investigations of animal abuse and the parallels between the exploitation of women and girls for sex and the exploitation of female animals for milk, eggs and breeding.  


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