Sex, Religion, Power and Politics show

Sex, Religion, Power and Politics

Summary: Named one of the Top 13 Most Influential Women in Goddess Spirituality - tune in to find out why! Wednesday or Thursday nites, hear Dr. Rev. Karen Tate, author, speaker, and teacher, discussing global and personal issues with a broad spectrum of advocates, visionaries and forward thinkers from a Divine Feminine, Right Brain point of view. Some call it the Feminine Consciousness or the shift away from patriarchal values. These are issues that could raise your consciousness or save the world. It's all the stuff Mom taught you to NEVER discuss at the dinner table - sex, religion, power and politics. Fear Not - taste the forbidden fruit! Rethink, reclaim and embrace the age old knowledge that's been denied us for too long. Unlock your female tool kit and empower yourself as you learn long hidden truths from your home altar to the voting booth. Learn what denying the feminine face of god, whether the Great She be deity, archetype or ideal, has cost humanity - particularly women! Karen Tate's 4 published books include: Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations, Walking An Ancient Path: Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, Goddess Calling - Inspirational Messages & Meditations of Sacred Feminine Liberation Thealogy and the anthology based on this show, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape Our World. Please "like" my Facebook pages for each book and my personal Facebook page found at

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  • Artist: Karen Tate
  • Copyright: 2008 All Rights Reserved.


 Enhance Your Life w/Feng Shui & Space Clearing - Laura Carillo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Laura Carillo, hostess of the Goddess Show is a Los Angeles based certified Feng Shui consultant specializing in Space Planning and Space Clearing will chat with us about how this practice can enhance your life.  What are the benefits?  Why and how to do it?  She'll give tips on the Love Gua, Love and the Bedroom and how to create a positive personal narrative by editing the negative. And if we have time I'll ask her about energy grids - the historical perspective that spans across all cultures including Western with Sacred Geometry, Asian with Feng Shui and Indian with Vastu.

 Commonomics & Gender Justice w/Laura Flanders of Grit TV | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:51:00

Returning to the show is widely celebrated broadcaster and best selling author, Laura Flanders of Grit TV to discuss Commonomics, Quantum Feminism  and Gender Justice.  Laura Flanders, editor of At the Tea Party; The Wing Nuts, Whack Jobs and Whitey-Whiteness of the New Republican Right and Why We Should Take It Seriously  is also the author author of Blue Grit: Making Impossible, Improbable and Inspirational Political Change in America and a contributor to my upcoming anthology out later this year, Voices of the Sacred Feminine: Conversations to ReShape the World.  

 Hebrew Priestess Institute w/ Taya Shere and Rabbi Jill Hammer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:26:00

Co-founders of Kohenet, the Hebrew Priestess Institute, Rabbi Jill Hammer and author/musician Taya Shere share with listeners their new initiative to train Jewish women in the art of becoming a priestess.  We'll discuss their training and ordination of women and the work of their progressive synagogue.

 The Magdalene Path & Prophecies for 2014 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:53:00

Claire Sierra, MA, aurhor of The Magdalene Path - Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul is a True Purpose Master Coach, ordained minister and Expressive Aarts Therapist for more than 22 years.  She's helped thousands of women step into hope, clarity and new directions in their lives through her workshops and private sessions.  Claire will share her connection with Mary Magdalene and the Divine Downloads she received, including some juicy information revealed to her listeners might never have heard before.  All this sets the stage to empower women today to awaken their Feminine Soul.  As part of the conversation we'll learn how Mary Magdalene's true story and identity and her loss impacts women today.  We'll delve into methods to bring the Divine Feminine into your daily life, how soul-care practices and rituals can ignite your passion, sensuality and creativity so you revitalize your life from the inside out.  And much more.. In the second half of the show,  Flash Silvermoon returns to the show and will enlighten us with her Astroflash, her unique view of the cosmic movements that we will encounter this year. Her attuned projections and predictions will take us from the very spiritual vibrations and how to use them for the highest good to the down and dirty political secrets that will be revealed in the coming months. The personal is the political and Flash will share positive ways to make the most of the planetary energies to revolutionize/evolutionize our paths towards relationship, transformation and healing.    

 Beyond 50 Shades of Grey/Sex, Drugs and Religion in the Ancient World | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:57:00

I'm calling tonight's show, Beyond 50 Shades of Grey.....not to be sensational but because this interview is not for the faint of heart or sexually repressed.   Dr. David Hillman, returns to fearlessly discuss what his research into ancient times reveals about how closely linked sex, drugs and religion were in the ancient world.  Dr. Hillman, who translates his own Greek and does not have to rely on filtered Christian translations to know what the ancients were up to, cites ancient sources giving us a glimpse into what was going on in the ancient mystery cults and how sacred sexuality exhalted women.  Never a disappointment, David explains why there was no distinction between sex and religion in the ancient world, why Christianity fought so hard against these Pagan practices, why ancient women mounted phallic statues and performed vaginal penetration via stone, inserted snakes in their vaginas and what orgies and orgasms led to in ancient times - not what you think!   This wasn't all about sexual gratification - in fact there was a much higher intention involved.  Dr. Hillman reveals ancient sources who tell us about all this and more -  snake venoms used in cultic sexual rituals popular in Greece and Rome and how classical civilization relied heavily upon the use of cannibis, opiates and hallucinogens, mixed with sexual stimulants.  Not beholding to organized and conservative Academia, Dr. Hillman shares what the ancients were actually saying, not what's politically correct!  You're in for some jaw-dropping stuff so hang on to your seat! In the second half of the show, we have Lauren Nicole Mills will share with us tips for Goal Setting for the New Year!

 Sex on the Altar/Secrets in Sacred Stone & Santa & the Goddess | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:56:00

At the top of the hour Wencke Braathen returns to the show to discuss her book, Sex on the Altar, a Fairytale for Grownups that starts out with God's problem of missing his wife.  The book addresses topics of sexuality and how it's been degraded and coveredin shame and guilt instead of being understood as one of the greatest gifts God gave us.  We'll delve into Secrets in Sacred Stone - Druid, Cathar and Viking as an exploration of how the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene were preserved through history, the difference between the Celtic and Catholic church. In the second half of the show, Diane Horton discusses Santa and the Goddess, reminding us where Santa is really derived from and how that differs from Church lore.  We'll examine customs and characteristics of the holiday season and Santa as it relates back to the Sacred Feminine and Paganism.

 Finding Humans' Place in Nature/Witch-Hunting, Women & Capitalism | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

At the top of the hour Ken Worthy, lecturer and research associate at the University of California in Santa Cruz and Berkeley and St. Mary's College of CA will discuss Finding the Human Place in Nature.  We'll discuss the invisibility of Nature, our disconnection from Nature which leads to our being unethical and how clean technology are major sources of environmental degradation.  On the positive side, Ken gives insight as to how we can have a better relationship with nature, make it more visible in their lives and how eco-feminism informs his life's work.  Then crossing the threshold into the second half of the show, feminist, teacher, founder of the Feminist Collective. Sylvia Federici, discusses Women, Witch-Hunting and the Development of Capitalism, Past and Present.  We'll delve into the relationship between witch-hunting and the development of capitalism as argued in Caliban and the Witch.  Role of the church in witch-hunting, how it relates to the surge in violence against women today and more on the old religion and if anyone has apologized for the gendercide.      

 Selena Fox & Starhawk Tonight! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:41:00

Rev. Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary discusses her writings, specifically Goddess in Daily Life, exploring ways of working with the Divine Feminine as part of personal spiritual practice for healing and well-being and Goddess Pathways, which offers listeners ways of aligning with Goddess in many forms and as All-Goddess, with emphasis on Goddesses evolving from a particular culture to becoming multicultural and global. Crossing the threshold into the second half of the show, Starhawk chats about her recent trip to Cuba where she attended a permaculture conference, her upcoming workshop offering guidance to help bring harmony and solidarity to our communities as we inevitably face climate change and yesm I'll get her comments on the controversial TPP.

 One Man's Search for Goddess - Tim Ward | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:00

Tim Ward, author of The Savage Breast discusses One Man's Search for Goddess.  Tim relates his own dysfunctional relationships with women and how it relates to Goddess as deity, archetype and ideal.  Tim let's us in on his most angst-filled and sublime moments as he confronts Hecate, Aphrodite and what it ultimately meant to his love relationship.  Tim will discuss patriarchy as a historical cultural process rather than a biological fact and his view on how patriarchy has changed.  We'll discuss Maria Gimbutas and some of the archaeologists who knew her as well as the Goddeas as Anima for men.

 Slavic Paganism/Velvet Revolution/Inhabiting Heaven Now | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:00:00

Dr. Oxana Nikolaevna Poberejnaia will be with us tonight as we discuss life in the USSR - namely, the capitalist anti-propaganda about the Soviet Union and its remnants in modern neo-pagan and Goddess Movement and Slavic Paganism that's overlooked in modern neo-pagan and Goddess Movement.  I am so happy to have her calling in from the former USSR to share with us what life has been like since captialism came to her country and what the rest of the world has been missing as most of us are unaware of Slavic Paganism. In the second half of the show, Andrea Matthews shares the insights in her new book, Inhabiting Heaven Now.  We'll look at what's necessary to take the next step in our global spiritual evolution.  Does the Bible also tell us we are divine beings that can experience heaven here and now?  Andrea will reveal the Divine Self as synonymous with heaven and why suffering occurs because of how we live our lives.

 Mighty Dead/Enlightened Ancestors & Unearthing Venus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

With Day of the Dead and Samhain just past, when the veil between the worlds is believed to be thinnest, author, witch, teacher and healing practitioner Christopher Penczak is with us discussing his latest book, The Mighty Dead, a book on the enlightened ancestors of the magickal traditions, akin to the Ascended Masters, Saints and Boddhisattvas.  We'll explore who are the Mighty Dead, are they the same as Ancestors, and the various kinds of ancestors there are.  Chris shares what he teaches about the soul, reincarnation and the afterlife. Chris will also dispel the misunderstands about Witch's sabbats.  Ever wonder about the Witch's Flying Ointment?  Chris will fill us all in on what that's all about. In the second half of the show, Cate Montana will be discussing her book, Unearthing Venus which will have us delves into masculine enculturation, the loss of feminine values and devaluation of women as women in Western Society.  With the "war on women" making headlines in the US political arena and global awareness of continued terrifying injustices against women and little girls, the market has never been more primed for this unflinching conversation!

 In Defense of Life/Julian Rose& Planetary Healing/Nicki Scul | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Julian Rose, an early pioneer of UK organic farming, an international activist, writer and actor will discuss his book, In Defense of Life.  He'll offer his insight as we examine the questions:  Can we take control of our destinies and still function in the real world?  Can we make radical change and still make a living?  Can the Earth be healed by an ecologically sensitive way of growing food? What can people do to stop political and corporate war-monders invading and destorying nations for the sake of power - and more! As we cross the threshold of the show, Flash Silvermoon shares her Astroflash with listeners, telling us what the cosmos has cookin' up for us this month. Followed by author and alchemical master, Nicki Scully, of Shamanic Journeys, returning to the show to discuss her  new book, PLANETARY HEALING: Spirit Medicine for Personal and Global Transformation.  Besides what the title suggests, we'll chat about Egypt today, the global community being formed to transform our world and the connection between physics, hard science and shamanism.  Tune in.  You won't want to miss it!

 Symbols/Language of Divine Feminine/ Step into GoddessHood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:01:00

Cathy Pagano, a Jungian-trained psychoterapist, astrologer, mythic storyteller and wisdom coach is the author of a new book, Wisdom's Daughters:  How Women Can Change the World, a symbolic, mythic inquiry into the image of Lady Wisdom as cosmic, Conscious Woman - "a Woman clothed with the Sun, standing on the Moon and crowned with Stars' - the Goddess-Energy that can change the world.  With over 30 years experience working with dreams, mythology, feminine spirituality and symbolic language, Cathy will share her insights on why Symbols are the Language of the Divine Feminine and how women can use that knowledge to change themselves and the world. Followed by Celeste Yarnell discussing the documentary, Femme: Women Healing the World, and her work helping women empower themselves and  step into their Goddess-hood as we activate our prime directive: women healing the world!

 Healing the Break Btw People and Government Sam Daley-Harris | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:00

Most people seeworking to end global poverty and ensure a stable climate as a fool's errand.  Add to that the flood of money rushing into politics and the despair grows deeper.  But activist and author Sam Daley-Harris has helped thousands of ordinary citizens transform from hopelessness into extraordinarily powerful advocates.  We'll chat about the 20th anniversary edition of his book, Reclaiming our Democracy: Healing the Break Between People and Government highlighting RESULTS on fighting poverty and with Citizens Climate Lobby.

 Occupy Spirituality w/Matthew Fox & Adam Bucko | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

Tonight we have a very special show with returning theologian, Matthew Fox and his co-author of Occupy Spirituality, Adam Bucko, discussing their new book.  The Occupy Wall Street movement and protest movements around the world are evidence of a new era of intergenerational activists seeking deeper spiritual meaning in their quest for peace and justice.  In Occupy Spirituality, authors Fox and Bucko advocate for homeless youth, explore a radical spirituality that is deliberately inter-faith and relevant to the world we live in today.


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