The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

How much do you know about the Jewish feast of Purim? If your answer is "not much," then you're in for a treat. Purim starts in just a few days, and our guest this week, Dr. Michael Rydelnik, will help you get into the spirit of this Jewish feast! So put on your costume, grab your noisemaker and join us for the celebration!Then later, in our devotional time, I'll be finishing my series on the parables of Jesus in Matthew 13…His seven stories with a purpose! This week we'll join the other fisherman/disciples as Jesus explains to them the parable of the dragnet.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you think of "Jewish music," what comes to mind? Fiddler on the Roof? Klezmer music? The mournful strains of HaTikva, Israel's national anthem? Whatever your impressions, prepare to have them shattered! Our guest this week is recording artist Michelle Gold who brings an energy and passion to her music that places her in a category all her own.And as you're listening, grab your pirate hat and shovel because we'll be going treasure hunting during our devotional time as we explore the next two of Jesus' seven stories with a purpose - the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great value.

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Ready for a second helping? This week is part two of our Land and the Book Live event from just outside Tampa. Our guest is Tom Doyle, and our topic is a bit controversial - dreams and visions. Is God using dreams and visions to reach the Muslim world? And if so, why?Then in our devotional time together I'll continue my series on Jesus' seven stories with a purpose. This week we will be looking at two of Jesus' seven stories - His parables about a mustard seed and yeast! 

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We're on our way to sunny Florida! This week is the first of two programs recorded at a Land and the Book Live event just outside Tampa. Our guest is Tom Doyle, and our focus is on how God is at work in the Middle East. Tom is Vice President of Church and Ministry Partners for e3 Partners, a ministry committed to equipping believers to evangelize the lost and to establish thriving churches that will continue to make an impact on their communities.Later in the program, in our devotional time, you'll want to dig out a trowel and your work gloves. I'll be continuing my series on Jesus' seven stories with a purpose, and this week we'll focus on His parable of the weeds. 

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We’re inviting back Kate McCord, author In the Land of Blue Burqas. We were fascinated by Kate’s account of her time in Afghanistan, and we decided we wanted to hear more stories about her experiences there. You will be encouraged!Then later, in our devotional time, I want to begin a series on the parables of Jesus in Matthew 13—His seven stories with a purpose. This week we’ll travel to the shore of the Sea of Galilee to hear Jesus share the story of the Sower.

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We're heading back to the inbox to answer listeners' questions! We’re taking some additional time this week to work our way through the growing pile of e-mails and voice messages! And as your listening, be sure to put on a comfortable pair of shoes because our devotional will take us from the Mount of Olives to the city of Gath as we search for tears in a bottle!

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For most artists, music is something they “do.” But for Larnelle Harris, music is who he is. For more than three decades, he has defined Christian music with his dramatic tenor voice. Larnelle—our guest this week—is the only person in history to be elected as a member of the Gospel Music Hall of Fame, the Amateur Radio Hall of Fame and the Kentucky Music Hall of Fame. We’ll talk with Larnelle—not just about his music—but about his visits to the Holy Land. Join us for stories you won’t hear anywhere else!Then in our devotional time together we’ll be heading to Psalm 1 to learn what it takes to alllow a person to be truly blessed.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Have you ever experienced one of life’s “duck” situations? Those times when, like a duck floating on a pond, everything on the surface looks calm and serene, while underneath the duck’s legs are paddling furiously. Every trip to Israel is a series of “duck” situations. The tour looks seamless to the participants while the land operator is paddling furiously to resolve all the issues that unexpectedly arise. This week’s guest is one of the best “ducks” in the business. A guy who spends his life solving problems while making it all look effortless.He’s David Katz, and he serves as deputy general manager at Sarel Tours, one of the leading tour operators in Israel. He excels at making the difficult look easy. And during our last trip to Israel we asked him to give our group a behind-the-curtain look at what really happens during a typical tour to Israel.Later in the program, in our devotional time, our group is hiking to the field school of En Gedi to watch Ruth and Naomi make the difficult trek from Moab to Bethlehem.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's almost time to tear off the final page of the calendar and start a new year. And as you make your new year's resolutions, one of them might just be to travel to Israel to see the land of the Bible. But if you do plan on visiting Israel, make sure you also get to know some of the "living stones" of the land, the people who call that country "home." Those on our Land and the Book Israel trip this past November had just such an opportunity, and you'll get to join them as we meet Eric and Terri Morey: two of God's amazing "living stones" in the land.Then later, in our devotional time, travel with our group to Caesarea as we stand in the palace built by Herod the Great and look more closely at Cornelius, the Roman centurion from Caesarea who came to faith in Jesus.

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Christmas is here! Well, almost here! The children may not be nestled all snug in their beds quite yet, but this coming Tuesday is the day many Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior. Is it the exact day? We really can't say for sure. But we do know key events surrounding the birth of our Lord from the Bible. And today's guest, Dr. Mark Bailey, will help us understand those events more clearly!This program also marks the end of our five-part devotional series on the women in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus. Matthew saved the best for last! Join us as we take an in-depth look at Mary, Jesus' mother.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...or so goes the song! From the music on the radio to the decorations in store windows, it's hard to miss the fact that Christmas is almost here. But what would it have been like for Mary and Joseph that very first Christmas? If we could somehow go back in time, what would the sights, sounds and smells of that first Christmas season have been like? We don't have a time machine here on The Land and the Book, but we have the next best thing…someone who has lived in the land of Israel and who knows it like the back of his own hand. We'll be talking with Todd Bolen about what it would have been like for Mary and Joseph that first Christmas season.Then, in our devotional time together, we'll continue our study of Matthew's "Five Golden Rings" by exploring the fourth woman included in his genealogy of Jesus…Bathsheba, the unnamed woman!

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 We talk often on this program about visiting Israel and the impact it can make on a person's life, but what if the person is mobility impaired or has some other disability? How handicapped accessible is Israel? This week's guest is Greg Hatteberg, and he understands first hand the challenges an Israel trip can have on the mobility impaired. His wife Lisa has MS, and Greg has taken her to Israel three times.Later in the program, in our devotional time, we'll continue our Christmas theme by exploring the third of the "Five Golden Rings" in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus. Our journey this week takes us to Bethlehem to visit with Ruth the Moabite.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As the Christmas season approaches, we thought it was the right time to focus on some "good news" from the war-scarred country of Afghanistan. Kate McCord, the author of a new book from Moody Publishers titled In the Land of Blue Burqas, will help us do that. Our guest's real name has been changed to protect her and the women she worked with. But we can assure you, Kate is the "real deal." At the pinnacle of a high-powered career, she left it all, sold everything and moved to Afghanistan to start an organization to help Afghani women. Her story will encourage you! Then, in our devotional time together, we'll continue our study of "Five Golden Rings" by looking at the second of the five women in Matthew's genealogy of Jesus: Rahab the harlot. 

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Ready to hit the waves? This week we're going surfing in Israel with Todd Morehead! Confused? Well, this might help. Todd Morehead is an avid surfer from Southern California who is also the director and co-producer of a film titled "Promised Land." We'll discuss how surfing, ministry to the Jewish people and this film really do fit together!Then, in our devotional segment, we'll begin working our way toward the holiday season by starting a five-part series focusing on Matthew's "Five Golden Rings" of Christmas.

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In the military it's called an AAR: after action review. It's a review of what happened, why it happened, and how it can be done even better in the future. This week Charlie and Jon, along with Dan Anderson, will be conducting their own AAR of the recent Land and the Book trip to Israel. What were the highlights? The surprises? The unique opportunities? Join us for an insider's look at what really happened on the trip!Later in the program, during our devotional time together, we'll focus on Thanksgiving by looking at Jeremiah's amazing words in Lamentations 3-Great Is Thy Faithfulness!


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