The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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Kesher is the Hebrew word for "linkage" or "connection" and comes from the idea of binding or joining something together. Kesher is also the name of an inter-denominational monthly gathering in the Chicago area for those interested in learning more about Jewish culture…and building bridges with their Jewish friends and neighbors. The group was founded by Justin Kron, and we'll be talking with him about Kesher…and about eXperience Israel, a program he has also started to take young adults to Israel.In our devotional time Charlie will continue his series on postcards from Turkey by leading us to the earthquake-prone city of Philadelphia to learn about true stability!

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If there's one thing we've learned over the past five years, it's that there's always something new and unexpected happening in Israel. From technological innovations…to archaeological discoveries…to current world events…Israel always seems to be at the center of the action. So we've asked Cheri Fitzsimmons, President and Founder of Morning Star Tours to share what visitors to Israel this year can expect to see and do.Then in our devotional time, we're continuing our extended trip to Turkey! This week's postcard from Turkey takes us to Sardis…a city Jesus called a spiritual corpse.

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Less than a year ago the Islamic State burst onto the world stage. The dramatic capture of Iraq's second largest city-followed by the slaughter of thousands of Christians and the beheadings of several American hostages-vaulted them into the headlines. And yet most of us are confused. Who are they really? What do they want? Can they be stopped? On this week's program we'll try to answer these questions as Mark Tobey joins Charlie and Jon behind the microphone to talk about Charlie's and Mark's latest book, The ISIS Crisis.Then later in the program Charlie will continue his series on postcards from Turkey by visiting the city of Thyatira to see what Jesus had to say to a wimpy church.

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In Romans 1 the Apostle Paul said, "I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Paul says God's "good news" was for the Jew first. Sadly, sharing God's good news with Jewish people today is often neglected. Wes Taber from Life in Messiah International will help us understand how to build bridges to our Jewish friends.Then later in the program we'll continue our series on postcards from Turkey by visiting the amazing ruins at Pergamum…and learning about a church that was starting to lose its way.

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For most Americans, the country of Iran conjures up images of a stern-faced Ayatollah and crowds shouting "Death to America!" Few realize that Iran is also the fastest-growing Christian country in the world, but this week's guest just might help change your perception! He is David Yeghnazar, Executive Director with Elam Ministries…an organization committed to sharing the love of Christ with Iran. Then in our devotional time we'll continue our series on postcards from Turkey by traveling to the city of Smyrna…and learning about a church that understood suffering.

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The Middle East is a place of stories, and this week's guest has an intriguing story to tell. After preparing for ministry, Andy Ferrier found himself working on a kibbutz in Israel! We'll talk with Andy about life on a kibbutz…and about his current ministry with Friends of Israel. And in our devotional time Charlie will continue his series on postcards from Turkey by leading us down the streets of Ephesus…and down the road of life! 

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Heaven is a wonderful place…but how much do we really know about it? Actually, the Bible tells us quite a bit about heaven. So much, in fact, that Dr. John Hart, Professor of Bible at Moody, has written a book titled 50 Things You Need to Know about Heaven . We'll be talking with John about his book, and about heaven, on this week's program.Then in our devotional time, pack your bag for an extended trip to Turkey! This week we're traveling to an ancient stadium in Aphrodisias to learn how to run life's race.

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As our celebration of Christ's first coming winds down, could this be the time when we should start preparing for His second coming? To help us do that we'll be talking with Dr. Erwin Lutzer about his newest book, DVD, and study guide…all titled, appropriately enough, The King Is Coming !Then later in the program we'll conclude our series on prayer by looking at Psalm 20…and a prayer to start the New Year!

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Christmas is almost here! And as we get ready to open presents and visit with family and friends, we don't want to forget the reason for the season…the birth of Jesus. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!" On this week's program we'll be looking at the birth of Jesus…but using only the Old Testament. What did God have to say about this event before it ever took place?Then in our devotional time we'll continue our series on selected prayers from the Bible by looking at Luke 1 and Mary's song of praise to God over the promised birth of her heavenly Son!

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We're in the middle of the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. In just a few weeks we'll be celebrating Christmas…and then New Year! The Jewish New Year began back in October. And this year is a special year on the Jewish calendar. It's a Sabbatical year…or, as they now refer to it, a Shemitah  year. Some see prophetic significance to this seven-year cycle established by God. But is this understanding of Shemitah  years helpful…or just hype? We'll discuss the issue with David James from The Alliance for Biblical Integrity.Then in our devotional time Charlie will continue his series on selected prayers from the Bible by looking at Psalm 30…David's prayer for Hanukkah!

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Parts of this week's program were recorded during our recent Land and the Book Live  event in Lima, Ohio. Everyone seems to like "Top 10" lists, so Jon and Charlie will talk about Charlie's list of Top 10 archaeological discoveries that have helped authenticate the Bible.Then in our devotional time we'll continue our study on prayers of the Bible by visiting the apostle Paul to glean his lessons on prayer from Ephesians 1.

 Summary | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Parts of this week's program were recorded during our recent Land and the Book Live event in Lima, Ohio. Everyone seems to like "Top 10" lists, so Jon and Charlie will talk about Charlie's list of Top 10 archaeological discoveries that have helped authenticate the Bible.Then in our devotional time we'll continue our series on selected prayers from the Bible by focusing on Daniel's amazing prayer of confession for his people in Daniel 9.

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Thanksgiving is a time to look back. But this week we’re also taking a look forward. Our guest is Joel Rosenberg, and we’ve invited him back into the studio to talk about his perspective on where the Middle East is heading. Buckle yourself in for a fast flyover of the entire region! Then later in the program we’ll continue our series on prayer by focusing on Psalm 136…a prayer of repetition and review that is an ideal prayer for Thanksgiving!

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Do recent archaeological discoveries confirm or contradict the Bible? This week’s guest is Dr. Michael Grisanti, and he will help us understand the relationship between archaeology and the Bible. Then in our devotional time we’ll continue our series on selected prayers from the Bible by returning to the Mount of Beatitudes as Jesus provides His followers with a “model prayer.”

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The prophet Ezekiel gives a detailed description of a future temple…complete with animal sacrifices. But should his vision be interpreted literally, or symbolically? This week’s guest is Dr. J. Carl Laney, and he’s written a book on the subject...Messiah’s Coming Temple. We’ll talk with Carl about Ezekiel’s vision, and its relationship to Jesus’ future reign as king.Then in our devotional time we’ll conclude our drive down the Jordan Valley by stopping at Jericho to see what Micah the prophet really meant when he told us to view God’s mighty work “from Shittim to Gilgal.”


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