The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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A truism of life is that “timing is everything.” Over the years we’ve seen examples of the right person being at the right place, at the right time, with the right product or message. And the rest, as they say, is history! And no author illustrates this better than Joel Rosenberg! We’ll talk with Joel about how his books have captured the pulse of the Middle East in a way that almost foreshadows the headlines from tomorrow’s newspaper. Then later in the program we’ll continue our drive down the Jordan Valley. Our destination is Adam…the town, not the person! We’ll visit the site and discover the role it played in the lives of the patriarchs and Joshua.

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Everyone likes to “be on the inside” of what’s happening…to have that special pass that gets us backstage…to know the secret ingredients in someone’s special recipe. In short…we’re all just a bit nosey! But that’s okay, because this week we’re taking you behind the scenes to learn some of the secrets of Moody Bible Institute’s upcoming Israel trip. Then during devotional time we’re beginning a three-week journey down the Jordan Valley. And our first stop is Beit She’an where we’ll conduct a spiritual autopsy on Israel’s first king.

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Parts of this week’s program were recorded during our recent Land and the Book Live event just outside Chicago. This week’s broadcast falls right in the middle of the seven-day Jewish festival of Sukkot, which many Christians know as the Feast of Tabernacles. But what exactly is Sukkot? What role did the festival play in Israel’s past…and does it foreshadow events that are still future? And why is Sukkot the one Jewish festival the Bible says Gentiles will someday observe? Roy Schwarcz is this week’s guest, and he will help us answer these and other questions about Sukkot. Then in our devotional time Charlie will take us to Zechariah 14 for a closer look at Sukkot…and its importance for Gentiles.

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Parts of this week’s program were recorded during our recent Land and the Book Live event at West Suburban Community Church just outside Chicago. This weekend falls on an important date for the Jewish calendar: Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement…the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people. And this week’s guest is Roy Schwarcz, who will help us understand the historical and prophetic significance of this special day.Then in our devotional time we’ll travel to Jerusalem with Charlie to explore Zechariah 12–13…God’s ultimate Yom Kippur.

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For many, the Middle East is a confusing kaleidoscope of wars and struggles, especially when it comes to Israel. How did a people who were scattered for almost 2,000 years return to their homeland? What’s so special about the Jewish people? And why have so many tried to destroy them for so long? If you have questions, this week’s guest has answers. We’ll be talking with Dr. Jim Eckman about his latest book, A Covenant People. Then later in the program our devotional time finds us “in the pits” as Charlie takes us into a cistern with the prophet Jeremiah.

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This week marks the start of a new year on the Jewish calendar! Jews around the world are getting ready to celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the start of the year 5775. And Eva Rydelnik will be joining us this week to help us understand the significance of Rosh Hashanah. Eva serves as an adjunct faculty member at The Moody Bible Institute. Then in our devotional time we’ll conclude our series on Great Confessions of the Bible by visiting the island of Patmos to hear the apostle John’s final words at the end of the Book of Revelation!

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In our entertainment-based culture it seems everyone loves watching a video. But can video be used to teach history from a biblical perspective? This week’s guests are doing exactly that! Stephen Briggs and Hugh Kitson work with Hatikvah Film Trust to create documentaries that help the church understand the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.Then in our devotional time we’ll be continuing our series on Great Confessions of the Bible by visiting a dark, damp Roman prison to hear the apostle Paul’s final words to his protégé Timothy.

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The Land and the Book program is just about ready to have the odometer roll over to the start of our fifth year on the air! If you’ve been listening for a while, you’ve heard Charlie get excited about virtually every place he’s ever visited in Israel. But if you’ve really listened closely, you know there’s one spot that’s always at the top of his list of favorite places. And this week we’re going to find out where it is…and why! Then in our devotional time Charlie will be continuing his series on Great Confessions of the Bible by visiting Caesarea Philippi with Jesus and His disciples to hear Peter’s great confession regarding the identity of Jesus.

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What’s it like to be part of a multi-bus trip to Israel? Does it add to—or detract from—the tour experience? And even more significantly, what’s it like to be one of the leaders on such a large trip? Well, if you’ve got questions, this week’s guest can provide some answers! Greg Thornton is Senior Vice President of Media at Moody, and he was one of the leaders on Moody’s recent five-bus trip to Israel. Then in our devotional time, Charlie will continue his series on Great Confessions of the Bible by traveling to the Plain of Dura outside ancient Babylon to witness the courage of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego as they make their great confession to King Nebuchadnezzar!

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Many people travel to Israel, but not all are veteran wordsmiths…gifted writers possessing the ability to capture the sites, sounds, smells, and emotions that overwhelm many visitors. This week’s guest is Lynn Austin, and she has that rare combination of careful observation and creative expression. We’ll talk with Lynn about her travels to Israel and her most recent book, Pilgrimage.Then later in the program, during our devotional time, Charlie will continue his series on Great Confessions of the Bible by taking us to the top of Mount Carmel to witness Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal.

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Every week on this program we feature a “Holy Land Experience”…a testimony from someone whose life was impacted by a visit to Israel. The details vary, but the life-change is real. But how does a trip impact the person who helps set it up? This week’s guest, Dr. Brent Garrison, helped organize and lead a recent trip to Israel, and we’ll talk with him about his more extended “Holy Land Experience.”Then in our devotional time we’ll continue our series on Great Confessions of the Bible by standing beside David in the Elah Valley to hear his confession of confident trust in God as he faces Goliath.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When you think of the current situation in Israel, what words come to mind? War? Hatred? Conflict? Anger? How about peace…forgiveness…or good news? Those aren’t the words we hear on the news, but they do describe the ministry of this week’s guest, Pastor Steven Khoury. We’ll talk with Steven about his ministry in the heart of Arab East Jerusalem.Later in the program we’ll continue our eight-part series on Great Confessions of the Bible by traveling to Gilgal to hear Samuel’s great promise to pray faithfully for the people of Israel.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Blood moons… four lunar eclipses in 2014 and 2015 during Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles! Is there any prophetic significance to these events? This week’s guest is Dr. Mark Hitchcock who has written a very timely book titled Blood Moons Rising. We’ll talk with Mark about what the Bible does — and doesn’t — say about end-time signs.Later in the program, we’ll continue our series on Eight Names for Jerusalem by visiting the city in the dark days of Jeremiah the prophet to learn about a time when Jerusalem will finally be known as “the Lord our Righteousness."

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Do you panic at the thought of speaking with a Muslim friend or neighbor about Jesus? If so, this week’s guest will help lower you level of anxiety! Jalil Dawood pastors the Arabic Church of Dallas, and his passion is to help believers reach out to Muslims and share their faith in Jesus. We’ll talk with Jalil about some practical issues of sharing our faith with Muslims and with refugees from other countries living in our communities.And in our devotional time, we’re continuing our series titled Eight Names for Jerusalem. This week’s name for Jerusalem, from Psalm 46, is “the city of our God.”

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This coming week is the Festival of Shavuot, which we know as Pentecost. It’s the birthday of the church, the day when God poured out His Spirit and started the process of bringing Jews and Gentiles alike together into one body. And it seems rather appropriate that this week’s guest, Pastor Jalil Dawood, illustrates the great work God has done—and continues to do—as He gathers people to Himself from every nation, tribe, people, and language. Jalil’s journey to faith is truly amazing!Then in our devotional time, we’ll continue our study of Eight Names for Jerusalem by exploring one of the city’s most simple but profound, titles…the City of our God!


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