The Land and the Book show

The Land and the Book

Summary: Does the Middle East seem like a confusing, complex tapestry of people and events? For a unique biblical perspective, join Dr. Charlie Dyer and Jon Gauger for The Land and the Book. Every week this gifted team brings you terrific stories of God at work as they explore biblical, archaeological, and prophetic events. Enjoy great guests, intriguing listener questions, and more!

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 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

If you've travelled to Israel, you know the importance of a good guide—someone who can walk you across a site and then coax the history of that site from the very stones piled up all around. Someone who can lead you to a vista and then paint the stories of the Bible onto that three-dimensional canvas. This week's guest is just such a guide! In fact, Shahar Shilo is the master guide who teaches other guides! We'll talk with Shahar about guiding and about the latest discoveries in the City of David.Then, later in the program we're hiking up Mount Arbel for a breathtaking view of the Sea of Galilee and a clearer understanding of Isaiah 9.

 The Land and the Book - Stefan Silver and Eitan Bar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In God's original call of Abraham He promised to "bless those who bless you"…and that promise to Abraham and his descendants has remained in effect ever since. But how does someone go about blessing the Jewish people today? Well, one way is to share the good news of Yeshua (Jesus) with them. And this week's guests work with an organization that has developed a creative way to do just that.Then in our devotional time together we'll travel to the Mount of Beatitudes to focus on something Jesus said that might just help us make a wise New Year's Resolution.

 The Land and the Book - Tony Maalouf | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Christmas is almost here! The Christmas cards have all been sent, and the tree is decorated. You might even have your nativity set is on display, complete with wise men riding up on their camels. But what exactly do we know about the wise men? When did they arrive? Where did they come from? How were they dressed? How many were there? This week's guest is Dr. Tony Maalouf, and he will help us answer at least some of these questions.And our devotional will take us to Bethlehem to look at Micah 5:2, one of the most amazing prophecies of the Bible.

 The Land and the Book - Naim Khoury | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As Christmas approaches the world turns its attention to Bethlehem and focuses on the birth of Jesus. But we want to take you to a Bethlehem not featured in the tour brochures…a Bethlehem where standing for the truth of the Bible can be dangerous. We'll introduce you to a pastor who lives on the front lines of persecution, but who also has an amazing ministry! This tour of Bethlehem will focus on the living stones that make up this amazing city.In our devotional time together we'll take a short walk outside Bethlehem to visit Migdal Eder, the watchtower of the flock, and view two snapshots of this amazing spot from Israel's history.

 The Land and the Book - Sandra Teplinsky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Should Christians support the State of Israel? Those trying to answer this question often generate more heat than light. But Sandra Teplinsky offers a fresh perspective in her book, "Why Still Care about Israel?" Sandra is president of Light of Zion Ministries, and she will be our guest this week as we talk about her book and the importance of covenant, moral justice, and prophetic blessing.Then later in the program we'll be hiking into the Judean Wilderness to view the sad valley of Achor… and the encouraging promise of Hosea 2.

 The Land and the Book - Bill Marty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Wouldn't it be great to be able to climb into a time machine and go back to the days of Jesus—to actually walk through the temple in Jerusalem, or to watch Roman legionnaires marching through the streets of the city of Caesarea! Or maybe to glimpse Herod the Great looking out across the Dead Sea from his palace at Masada. We can't travel back in time, but this week's guest has done the next best thing. Dr. Bill Marty, a professor of Bible at Moody Bible Institute, has written The World of Jesus , a book that helps bring to life the people and places of Jesus' day.Our devotional during this celebration of Hanukkah takes us back to the time of the Maccabees to focus on the importance of taking a stand for God.

 The Land and the Book - Walt McCord | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This coming week is Thanksgiving: that time of the year when we stop and give thanks to God for His blessings to us. It's easy to be thankful when things in life are going well, but what if life isn't that easy? How does someone learn to give thanks for life's mountaintops and for its valleys? This week's guest, Prof. Walt McCord, will help us answer these important questions.And then in our devotional time, we'll continue our Thanksgiving theme by focusing on Psalm 100, a psalm that provides the how and the why of giving thanks.

 The Land and the Book - Samya Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Our world is shrinking. The Middle East is now in our own back yard, and Jesus has appointed you to be His ambassador. But how do you share the message of God's love with the Muslim who lives next door or down the street? This week's guest is Samya Johnson, and she will give us some very practical answers.Then later in the program, we'll conclude our devotional series on "Touched by an Angel" by traveling into Galilee to watch Gabriel appear to a young woman in the town of Nazareth!

 The Land and the Book - Listener Q & A | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Critics. We've all got them … including The Land and the Book! We recently received a rather irate call about the program, and the caller raised a number of concerns. As we listened, we decided the issues raised might actually make for an interesting discussion. So this week's guest segment will feature a very critical call ... and our response!Then, in our devotional time together we'll be continuing our three-part series on "Touched by an Angel" as we continue exploring the ministry of the angel Gabriel. This week's journey takes us to the temple in Jerusalem.

 The Land and the Book - Gordon Reeve | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

For tens of thousands of Christian visitors to Israel, the highlight of the trip is a visit to the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. From the moment they step through the entrance and meet their guide, the stress of fighting off peddlers and shopkeepers is replaced with a sense of calm, beauty and serenity. The well-manicured gardens are certainly part of the reason. But so are the volunteers guiding them around the garden. These men and women are friendly and knowledgeable, and you immediately sense a spiritual kinship. But what is it really like to be a guide and volunteer at the Garden Tomb? This week's guest will answer that question.This week we will also begin a three-part devotional series called "Touched by an Angel"—a look at the angel Gabriel and the lives he touched in Scripture.

 The Land and the Book - JoAnn Doyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

When we think of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) we associate it with the military and combat, but there is a growing epidemic of PTSD impacting the Muslim women of the Middle East—women who have seen their homes and families being torn apart. How can Christians reach out to help these victims? This week's guest will share what is being done to bring hope and healing to hurting hearts across the Middle East.In our devotional time together we'll travel back to the final days of Israel's wicked King Ahaziah and learn about the original "Lord of the Flies."

 The Land and the Book - Tom Doyle | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Dr. Pepper encouraged you to drink a bottle of their soft drink at "10, 2 and 4." But if someone encouraged you to pray at 8:38, would anything come to mind? If the answer is no, then you need to listen to this week's conversation with Tom Doyle as we talk about prayer for believers in prison, persecution and danger.Then later in the program we'll be concluding our ten-part series on "Inscriptions to the Bible" by looking at an inscription that once stood in the temple in Jerusalem.

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The headlines from the Middle East seem to be a never-ending report of violence and bloodshed. This otherwise barren region produces a bumper crop of anger and hatred. Can anything be done to stem the flow of violence? What can be done to get the good news about Jesus into an area so desperate forany good news? Thankfully, this week’s guest comes with answers … answers that are making an impact in this very needy part of the world. Julia Schatz is the Middle East and Central Asia Medical Ministry Administrator for e3 Partners Ministry.And during our devotional time together we’ll continue our series on “Ten Inscriptions” by visiting the site of ancient to look at the inscribed “seat of Moses!”

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Imagine traveling to Israel with Bill and Gloria Gaither … and singing inside a fortress in Jerusalem originally built by Herod the Great. This week’s guest, Ernie Haase has done all that … and more! Ernie will join us to talk about his experience with several gospel quartets, including the Cathedrals and Signature Sound, and about his time in Israel with the Gaithers. This week’s devotional takes us back to the British Museum to view the Cyrus Cylinder…and to learn its connection to the Book of Ezra!

 The Land and the Book | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Jesus told His followers that the price of discipleship can be high … and that those who wanted to follow Him needed to count the cost. It’s been relatively easy to be a follower of Christ in the West, but the same is not true for those living in a Muslim culture, even if they live in the city of Bethlehem. This week’s guest is Elias Bassous, a shopkeeper in Bethlehem who knows firsthand what it can cost to follow Jesus. And during our devotional time together we’ll continue our devotional series on “Ten Inscriptions” by looking at military reports sent to the commander of Israel’s forces in the doomed city of Lachish!


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