The Land and the Book

The Land and the Book show

Summary: Have you ever experienced one of life’s “duck” situations? Those times when, like a duck floating on a pond, everything on the surface looks calm and serene, while underneath the duck’s legs are paddling furiously. Every trip to Israel is a series of “duck” situations. The tour looks seamless to the participants while the land operator is paddling furiously to resolve all the issues that unexpectedly arise. This week’s guest is one of the best “ducks” in the business. A guy who spends his life solving problems while making it all look effortless.<br><br>He’s David Katz, and he serves as deputy general manager at Sarel Tours, one of the leading tour operators in Israel. He excels at making the difficult look easy. And during our last trip to Israel we asked him to give our group a behind-the-curtain look at what really happens during a typical tour to Israel.<br><br>Later in the program, in our devotional time, our group is hiking to the field school of En Gedi to watch Ruth and Naomi make the difficult trek from Moab to Bethlehem.