Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure, part 22. 410204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:28

Exploring a dark cave, Jack and Billy hear footsteps ahead of them. Behind them, Betty and uncle Jim guard the entrance from in advancing band of tribes men. Somewhere ahead is a large tunnel that holds the captured Lieutenant Rawlings, and rifles put there by a gun smuggler. The footsteps turn out to be their friend Manuel, who was exploring the cave to make sure there were no guards. The boys compare notes on the dangers that await them on either side of the Cave. Manuel had been disguising himself as a peddler to get information on the smugglers. As they share the dangers of hostile natives on one end of the tunnel, and smugglers on the other, uncle Jim arrives. What should they do next? Their only hope is that the messenger they sent for help will return with the army. Manuel is doubtful of that, so he disguises himself as the sentry who had been guarding the small cave opening. Is there hope the hostile be thrown of their track? In the meantime, uncle Jim is insistent that they help Lieutenant Rawlings as best as they can.

 Escape – He Who Rides The Tiger. ep59, 490312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Deep in China, a man who has lost his memory finds himself in a situation of life and death. William Conrad is the man who awakens in a room, attended by a girl. He is having trouble seperating dream from reality. How long has he been here? He wakens in a mission hospital, but the name he remembers, and his job doen’t seem to explain anything. He was brought in with no identification, just a cast off Japanese uniform, and a small artifact in his pocket. When dates are compared, the last known event was 8 years ago, and he has to be told about the world events that include World War 2. The government official suspects that the man was a spy during the war. What does he really want? It has to do with a couple of rare, and valuable Chinese artifacts. The official wants this man to admit he was guilty of their disappearance, but how will that help? What if the amnesiac man doesn’t want to cooperate? Without the offered help, what kind of dangers will the man be in? He is given a pistol, and fee passage to the port city for his trip ome. On the train, more hints are alluded to about accidents that might befall him., In the hotel, he is approached again to cooperate, but the only thing on his mind is returning home. Then he sees a face that sparks a memory. He recieves a note from the asian woman who claims to be his wife. His memories are empty, but is she just playing him? Can her story be believed. Is he walking into a show down? There are clues to his past all through his recent memories, and with everyoone that he has met. Which of the conflicting stories should he believe? Will the trigger he needs to restore his memory come through? The play acting of friend and foe rapidly come to light as the story is explained. 11/03/Escape490312ep59HeWhoRidesTheTiger.mp3 –>

 Spike jones – Buddy Clark. 480618 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

Announcer: Mike Roy playlist: * California Here I Come (Spike Jones and the City Slickers) * Buddy Clark and Dorothy Shea joke about being in Las Vegas * Two Gun Harry (Dorothy Shea() * Gypsy Violin (City Slickers) * Blue Shadows on the Trail (Buddy Clark) * Spike is Hysterical (a poem by Georgie Rock) * Feathery Feeling (Dorothy Shea) * Man on the Flying Trapeze (Doodles Weaver as Professor Feetlebaum) * Scenic Medley * Lazy River (Buddy Clark_ * Blue Skies (Dorothy Shea) * Over the Rainbow (City Slickers)

 Casey Crime Photographer – Fog. 480311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

As they meet in the Blue Note, Ann Williams shares with Casey and Ethylbert some good news on a big story. How will Ann and Casey get into the swanky affair in the Baldwin mansion? On the way, a thick fog has blanketed the land. Security is tight, but the Baldwins are glad to offer access to our reporter and photographer. Casey is amazed to find the jewels aren’t insured. The lights go off, the diamonds are gon, and the butler is accused when he is recognized as a known thief. Casey is beginning to fit some of the awkward puzzle pieces together. What makes Casey so sure the butler didn’t do it? Casey tells in great pains about the players in the Baldwin mansion, but admits it was him who took the jewels. Why did he do it? He smelt a rat, and now he and Ann are going in to set a trap for a real crook. Ride along, and see Casey make the crooks squirm. The theft turns to murder. Later in the Blue Note, Casey reveals all the finer points of the case that tipped him off.

 Lum and Abner – A Rally Over the Party Line. 460212 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Political boss Lum and candidate mayor Abner, our joint in the store by Ulysses S Grant and Grand pappy spears. As the gents standby to give speeches over the party line, Lum coaches them on not speaking too long. Where could Cedric be? Lum had been spreading the word the rally would start at 8 o’clock sharp. He gives the fire alarm ring and lets the rally begin. Abner sings his campaign song. Speaking in support of this great man, Lum presents some leaving citizens. Ulysses S Quincy is up first… OK. And he tells that his friend is OK. Lum introduces a man who is a veteran and has a word for all servicemen, Milford Avery spears. He tells about his proud service with those pigeon toed rough riders. Will he ever get to show support for Abner? Grandpap gets sidetracked by telling about an old friend, Harry Newhall. He tells about Harry’s personal life, his fear of cars, and how he died early. Will he ever get to telling about his friend Abner? When Lum pulls him away for the party line to tell about supporting the march of dimes. Cedric finally barges in, but he is hushed. It’s time for candidate Peabody to give his speech. Lum interviews him about his past record in office, while Cedric keeps trying to break in. The big news is that ice cream is being given away for free, and the whole town is down at the lodge hall. On

 Judy Canova – Man’s Best Friend is his Dog. ep34, 451020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Judy opens with a song, After You’ve Gone. She is still trying to crash Brentwood society, and talks with her maid, Geranium about getting a dog for the dog show. In the pet shop, the owner gets her a dog who was in the war Back home she shows off her new dog. Pedro visits to see the mongrel, and tells about picking up girls in Mexico. Musical interlude by Opie Kates. Geranium helps give the dog a bath. Just how dirty is the dog, and why is the water so cold? Pedro is back to learn more about the dogs pedigree. A neighbor laughs his way through a tragic story. Next, Judy shows her dog to her rival, Brenda. Judy sings, I Don’t Care Who Knows It. Wanting to look her best, Judy hopes she can vamp the judge. Geranium talks to her about dresses. Brenda phones to try to discourage Judy. Judy arrives at the show, but will her dog be impressive enough to enter the contest? Judy closes with, Careless Darling You Were Untrue.

 Burns and Allen – Gracie Wants To Be Girl Scout Leader. 490310. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Burns and Allen – Gracie Wants To Be Girl Scout Leader. 490310. Every now and then, Gracie gets the paper before George does. Such a thing has happened today, and we get the latest spin on the news, as seen by Gracie. Current events include the inclusion of Alaska to the union, and the Girl Scouts birthday. Gracie decides she wants to join the scouts, but at her age, 19, she just might be a little too old. George takes off to conduct some business, and Gracie gets busy applying for being a Girl Scout leader. One of the girl Scouts who come calling on her is Ann Whitfield, sometimes known as Phil Harris daughter on his program. They decide to do some practicing of their skills. When they see George, they think they’ve found a victim for their first aid. The unwary George and Bill Goodwin are outside talking about the new insurance plan. A doctor is to drop by later to give George a physical. Once the jokes about insurance are done, George goes inside to become the test dummy. Later, the bandage job that Gracie does on him has George looking like a mummy, and not able to talk. Naturally, this is the time the insurance doctor pops in. If nothing else, Gracie gets the doc’s professional opinion of her first try in the medical arena. He even applauds her handiwork… or something like that… I think it’s the first time Gracie has seen someone applauding by banging his head on the floor. After the commercial, Gracie explains herself to the doctor, and George is unwrapped. The doctor agrees to give George a second chance at the exam, and will return later. George tries to get Gracie to forget about the Girl Scouts, and after a few word plays and misunderstandings about women doing their duty, Gracie gets back to her calling. Now the Girl Scouts are going to head outdoors to study nature. Before they go, Bill Goodwin pops in for the commercial, and for the girls to fawn over him. George heads out with them on their nature hike. They hike, they cross streams, they find poison ivy. Back home, George gets the first aid treatment again. Just in time for the doctor. Guess who doesn’t get insurance.

 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure, part 21. 410203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:25

Gun runners have been hiding rifles in a nearby cave, and it’s up to jack Armstrong and his friends to help overthrow their plot. With word already sent to the army, all that remains is to hide in the cave with the captured Lieutenant Rawlings. When Jack realizes he lost his prized pedometer, hostile natives are on the way. Despite the risk, he and Billy run back and get the prized gadget. How close are those pursuing warriors? Is there time to return to safely hide in the small cave opening? Betty is worried, but Jack assures her that their old rival, Yates and the tribes men have not picked up on their trail. Peeking through the bushes outside the cave, Jack and his friends can watch the activities outside. Uncle Jim guards the opening, wild Jack and Billy explore deeper into the dark cave. How far will they have to go to meet up with the large tunnel where the rifles are stored? Will there be other side tunnels to have to worry about? When they hear footsteps in front of them, will this mean the end of them?

 Mr Keen – The Case Of The Melody Of Murder. 500309. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:00

In a mid town apartment, a girl listens to her companion play her a tune on the piano, when she is set upon and strangled. Three days later, her distraught brother takes the case to Mr Keen. A motive begins to develop when an inheritance is mentioned, and might there be a hint of Jealousy in the brother’s act? Mr Keen goes to the piano school to get more details, and finds a man who seems to be bordering on the brink of sanity as he displays his emotions at the girls loss. Mike and Mr Keen head off to her apartment to see what turns up there. It would have taken a good deal of strength to have strangled a person, and Mr Keen finds a suspect there who would just fit the bill. In his office, Mr Keen and Mike discuss the points of the case. More plot twists emerge, but does it clear matters up, or make things more muddy? The girl was killed only days after emptying her bank accounts, the wife of the emotional man testifies to Mr Keen on his behalf, and suddenly a phone message that another life may be in danger. Mr Keen rushes out to the rescue. With all the smoke and mirrors, and evasive behavior going on, Mr Keen isn’t thrown off the track. He confronts the killer, and tells the story.

 Lum and Abner – Having a Political Rally Over the Party Line. 460211 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

In the store, Abner marvels over the number of campaign buttons Cedric has in his hat. He admits to having over 100, but when he is chastised for hoarding them he claims his friends have even more. He responds with some jive talk. Reet? Natch. He even has campaign buttons for Abners rival for the office of mayor, Ezra Seastrunk. Lum enters with the latest word on how the campaign is going. Can they get the lodge hall for the campaign rally? Abner will be a polkadotted possum, when he learns about the difficulties. Squire Skimp has close ties with the lodge, and already has it booked up. Cedric asks about how printed hand bills are coming along. But when Grandpap is seen lurking outside, the gents are hesitant to say more. Has he abandoned them for Squires political party? Grandpap enters with packages, and claims there’s an even bigger one over at Dick HuddleSton’s store. What’s in the box? Handbills? The unwrapping is interrupted when Grandpap shares his ideas about running for mayor. Maybe he’s the man the town needs . Abner is thrilled over his picture on the handbells, but Grandpap scoffs. As Grandpap talks about venues for the speeches, it sparks an idea with Lum. They will have their rally over the party line.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Visiting Dairy-7min. ep355, 430309 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 7:05

Getting right past the opening music, the McGee’s decide to visit a dairy. Fibber shows off his knowledge of the breeds of cattle, or at least his version of the topic. With the modern technology of the times, the old fashioned milking process takes on the air of an assembly line. Bill Thompson voices one of the dairy farmers. He explains how he uses music and radio programs to stimulate the cows to give milk. The show ends with the McGee’s making their deep impression on the farmer.

 My Friend Irma – Double Troubles. ep48, 480308 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

Jane tells about why she’s blue on this Sunday morning after a double date with Irma. The girls swear off their boyfriends. The independence is short lived though, and now the gals decide to cook a big dinner to win the guys back. Professor Kropotkin stops in to comment on their meal preparations, and offer a few insults behind Mrs Riley’s back. Afterwards, Mrs Riley comes over to complain of her loneliness, and get her jabs in behind the back of the professor. With the jokes of disfunctional love over, it’s time for the dinner date. The guys send over gifts to pave their way and soften the hearts of their girlfriends. OK, well maybe not all the jokes of disfunctional love are over with, but they soften up a little. With all the making up going on, Irma goes on a mission to unite the professor and Mrs Riley. With Irma’s tactics, the Professor and Mrs Riley are thinking their blind dates are anyone but each other. Get ready for the clash of a lifetime. Can our young lovers help pave the way, and be a good example? In this battle of the sexes, will love win out over loneliness? The claws are out, and the lovers all split, and the last ones left standing are… the professor and Mrs Riley?

 The Whistler – Last of the Devereaux. ep114, 440723 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

The Devereaux family has made their wealth on a sugar plantation. After years of relying on promissory notes, the creditor comes to demand payment from the old man. The stress is too much for his old heart, and old Mr. Devereaux keels over. Let the greedy family members descend, even before nightfall, to bicker over family holdings. Superstitions creep in when reliable old clocks chime the wrong hour. Only the loyal house servant shows concern over honoring the corpse of his old boss. Days pass, but melancholia moods prevail in the face of the curse. Will secrets be found in the nearby village? Will Ann respond to the marriage proposal that comes her way? Exploring on a hillside, she comes across a curious marker. Her fiancee is showing signs of malaria. Has he fallen prey to the curse, or will the marriage be the thing to break it? Returning to an empty house, Ann and her fiancee wonder if the servants are afraid of the curse. The two take shelter from the brewing storm outside. Is the mysterious note they find a warning from the dead? The chiming clock brings chills as trickery is revealed. Will Devaro land remain in control of the family? Stay tuned as the Whistler unravels all the twists in the tangled tale of insanity.

 Jack Armstrong – Zambo Anga Adventure, part20. 410131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:20

Trying to help stop a native uprising at the hands of gun smugglers, Jack and his friends try to rescue army officer Rawlings. Keeping the natives hot on the trail, they lead them away from their friend Manuel. Their native friend has been in disguise, and trying in his own way to stop the uprising. Along with uncle Jim and Betty, Jack and Billy will try to use the stream to disguise their tracks. The idea is to hide in a small cave opening that leads to the larger chamber where Lieutenant Rawlings is held captive. It should work, unless the natives know about the secret cave as well. Parting ways, Jack and Billy take one of the walkie-talkies, while they leave the other with uncle Jim and Betty. As the boys approach the cave, they don’t see centuries on the outside, but might there be some inside? Making radio contact, Jack switches his mic to always be on so uncle Jim can hear what goes on. There’S a distraction, a fist fight, and a lull in the action as our heroes await the next round of thrills.

 Jack Benny – Stuart Canin. 370307 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:20

Or, Fight of the Century. The man who made the “Bee” public insect #1 is introduced. Jack is in New York, and jokes about both his success at playing the Bee last week, and the swanky hotel that the cast is staying in, the Waldorf Astoria. The cast joke about the shows in town. Phil Harris is absent to finish making a movie, so Abe Lyman is the bandleader who gives Jack a hard time. Is Jack tough enough to handle him? Abe plays, Slumming on Park Avenue. Kenny Baker jokes about the sights that he has seen in New York. Will he have any trouble handling tough guy Abe Lyman? Kenny sings, When the Poppies Bloom I’ll Remember You. Mary flubs a joke, but Jack makes it sound good. Jack wants to have Stuart Canin on the show to see if he’s really a kid, or an adult in disguise. But first, a visit from Schlepperman, who tells about his new hotel. Abe and his band play a swinging tune. More jokes about kids who play the Bee are included. Stuart arrives, and dishes it right back when Jack gets a little mean with his jokes.


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