Burns and Allen – Gracie Wants To Be Girl Scout Leader. 490310.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://retro-otr.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/BA490310GracieWantsToBeGirlScoutLeader.mp3">Burns and Allen – Gracie Wants To Be Girl Scout Leader. 490310. </a> <br> Every now and then, Gracie gets the paper before George does. Such a thing has happened today, and we get the latest spin on the news, as seen by Gracie. <br> Current events include the inclusion of Alaska to the union, and the Girl Scouts birthday. Gracie decides she wants to join the scouts, but at her age, 19, she just might be a little too old. George takes off to conduct some business, and Gracie gets busy applying for being a Girl Scout leader. <br> One of the girl Scouts who come calling on her is Ann Whitfield, sometimes known as Phil Harris daughter on his program. They decide to do some practicing of their skills. When they see George, they think they’ve found a victim for their first aid. The unwary George and Bill Goodwin are outside talking about the new insurance plan. A doctor is to drop by later to give George a physical. Once the jokes about insurance are done, George goes inside to become the test dummy. <br> Later, the bandage job that Gracie does on him has George looking like a mummy, and not able to talk. Naturally, this is the time the insurance doctor pops in. If nothing else, Gracie gets the doc’s professional opinion of her first try in the medical arena. He even applauds her handiwork… or something like that… I think it’s the first time Gracie has seen someone applauding by banging his head on the floor. <br> After the commercial, Gracie explains herself to the doctor, and George is unwrapped. The doctor agrees to give George a second chance at the exam, and will return later. George tries to get Gracie to forget about the Girl Scouts, and after a few word plays and misunderstandings about women doing their duty, Gracie gets back to her calling. <br> Now the Girl Scouts are going to head outdoors to study nature. Before they go, Bill Goodwin pops in for the commercial, and for the girls to fawn over him. George heads out with them on their nature hike. They hike, they cross streams, they find poison ivy. <br> Back home, George gets the first aid treatment again. Just in time for the doctor. Guess who doesn’t get insurance. <br>