Escape – He Who Rides The Tiger. ep59, 490312

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Deep in China, a man who has lost his memory finds himself in a situation of life and death. William Conrad is the man who awakens in a room, attended by a girl. He is having trouble seperating dream from reality. How long has he been here? <br> He wakens in a mission hospital, but the name he remembers, and his job doen’t seem to explain anything. He was brought in with no identification, just a cast off Japanese uniform, and a small artifact in his pocket. When dates are compared, the last known event was 8 years ago, and he has to be told about the world events that include World War 2. The government official suspects that the man was a spy during the war. <br> What does he really want? It has to do with a couple of rare, and valuable Chinese artifacts. The official wants this man to admit he was guilty of their disappearance, but how will that help? What if the amnesiac man doesn’t want to cooperate? Without the offered help, what kind of dangers will the man be in? <br> He is given a pistol, and fee passage to the port city for his trip ome. On the train, more hints are alluded to about accidents that might befall him., In the hotel, he is approached again to cooperate, but the only thing on his mind is returning home. <br> Then he sees a face that sparks a memory. He recieves a note from the asian woman who claims to be his wife. His memories are empty, but is she just playing him? Can her story be believed. Is he walking into a show down? <br> There are clues to his past all through his recent memories, and with everyoone that he has met. Which of the conflicting stories should he believe? Will the trigger he needs to restore his memory come through? The play acting of friend and foe rapidly come to light as the story is explained.<br> 11/03/Escape490312ep59HeWhoRidesTheTiger.mp3<br> –&gt;