Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Our Miss Brooks – Magazine Articles. ep285, 550417 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:29

To boost her meager teacher’s income, Connie tells about some freelance writing she has been up to. Using pen names, she has submitted various articles to a magazine. She tries to explain to Mrs Davis about her alter egos that she submitted those articles under, and the checks she is expecting in the mail. Of course, Mrs Davis is wacky enough to not quite get right, but she plays along well. The magazine is one called, true family romances, and is one where Connie had invited the editor to give a speech to the student body just recently. In her aledgedly true articlesConnie posed as the mother of a quiz kid. Another where she is the mother of a dopey kid. Just then the phone rings from the magazine editor. As a fact checking policy, the editor wants to verify that she is really a mother of a quiz kid, and at the same time he wants to stop in to check on that other mom of the dopey kid elsewhere in town. No credentials, no check. It looks like Connie has a mess on her hands. Meanwhile, Harriot complains to her dad that he tore up her article to the same magazine. he doesn’t want his family life aired on the pages of a magazine. Besides, he’s a bit resentful that the editor that Miss Brooks invited to school, has inspired everybody to submit articles. It is looking bad for the school, and he is to face up to Mr Stone about it. As Connie is just walking down the walk, Conklin stops her to share his unhappiness at the craze spreading in the student body about wanting to submit articles. He also wants her to type up a report to Mr Stone for him, and he is insistent that he needs to meet with her at the same time she is to meet with the magazine editor. Later at school, Conklin answers the phone to talk with Mr Nemo, the editor of the hated magazine. When Conklin learns of the amount of the check, he suddenly claims to be the woman in question. It was a pen name you know. He is to meet the editor in person an hour after his meeting with Connie later. I guess greed has a way of changing a mind. In the cafeteria, Connie talks with Mr Boynton, who helps her find a 14 year old son to pose as her quiz kid. Walter is all to eager to help out. It all has to be kept a secret from Mr Conklin. As he leaves the cafeteria, Walter is approached by Mr Conklin with a proposition. The principal wants Walter to pose as his dopey son. Of course, Conklin has the right leverage to persuade him, and the situation needs to be kept hush hush. As Connie awaits her meetings at home, Walter hasn’t shown up yet when Mr Nemo arrives. She brags on her intelligent son. Walter has gotten his roles mixed up and plays the dopey kid. Conklin stops in for his typing mission, so Connie tries to get rid of him. Upon introductions, Conklin tries not to be recognized by the editor. Walter plays up his dopey partt, and puts the finger on Conklin as his other parent. Will Connie’s explanation be satisfactory to get her check? Will Conklin go easy on her? He sure doesn’t have much ground to stand on.

 Lum and Abner – Relocate Pine Ridge. 460401 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:10

Pine Ridge has been caught up in a heated battle of the sexes. A warfront that finds the women in charge, and running the town without the aid of any of the menfolk. Join Lum and Abner as they form strategies with grandpappy Spears. The men have been forced out of town, and find themselves camping. Will the women realize that without the presence of their men, that things will collapse around them? Maybe the guys ought to form their own woman-less town? Caleb Wehandt joins the small group with a different sort of plan. Based on a situation in other states where a hostile take over raid was made to steal away governmental records, and move a capitol to another town, the gents begin a plan to do the same to move Pine Ridge to their camp site location in the woods. Yeah! YThat ought to teach those uppity womenfolk.

 Lone Ranger – Stage To Sutter’s Mill. 430416 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:38

A couple of bandits watch the stage coach appear, and prime their guns for sudden death. Though the road is blocked by a rock slide, the driver tries to squeeze the stage through the tiny gap, and when the coach crashes, he holds the bandits off with gunfire. The next scene explains the outcome of the crash as a couple young drivers are hired on for Mr Mallory to take over the run. The dead driver is the dad of the two young brothers. Dan Reed, nephew of the Lone Ranger,rides along the trail on his all white horse. To take shelter from the storm, he eavesdrops outside the bandit hideout. He learns of the plan to manipulate the stage coach to go where they want it by kidnapping the driver’s mom. Dan races to report the bad news to the Lone Ranger and Tonto. Will the Lone Ranger be in time to stop the kidnapping? Naw, that would be too easy. When the mom is missing, all that can be done is to head off the stage coach. It’s another narrow miss for the Lone Ranger, but he catches up to the stage to stop the robbery. But where is mom being held captive? The bandits aren’t talking. Get ready for some edge of the seat adventure as the Lone Ranger rides in for the big dramatic rescue and save mom from the evil bad guys.

 Mel Blanc – Crashing The Colbys Society Party. 470415 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:32

The upper crust families in town are getting together for a party. Though Mel would like to attend, he’s too big a disgrace for Colby to invite him. Insults fly, as do jokes about underwear. Mr Potchnik visits to learn that mel won’t be at the party, and tells about one of his untallented pupils. Maybe if Mel poses as a music critic, he can join the party, and give Potchnik’s pupil some rave reviews. As Victor Miller plays, the Sportsmen sing, Come and Get It Day. As Mel works in the fix it shop, Mr Cushing, the Mighty Potentate of the Zebra lodge, enters to tell about his old bat of a wife. Gad! What temptation will he be faced with to end it with his wife? The stammering Zookie is at the Colby’s to work as the butler. Working with Potchnik, Mel pretends to be an Italian expert in music. Will he be able to pull the wool over the eyes of banker Grimes, and his operetic wife? Colby may see through Mel’s impersonation, but he still manages to get on the good side of banker Grimes.

 Lum and Abner – The New Justice Of The Peace. 460312 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

When all the men in the town leadership walked out on Lizabetgh, she replaced them all with women. The rift between men and women puts Lum in a bad light with Abner, especially when he has made a date with Miss Emaline. Lum is sure the ladies will crack under the pressure of running the town. Abner is far from convinced, claiming all women to be the same in their devious ways. Despite his poor attitude, Lum isn’t swayed. Cedric enters and is pleased to see the ladies taking over. There’s even talk of women running for governor and even president. Abner is more driven than ever to get women out of office, but Lum thinks they don’t have the brains to handle politics. There’s no way women will ever take over in a man’s world, right? Now it’s Lum’s turn to be upset when he gets a phone call from Miss Emaline to tell him who the new Justice of the Peace will be.

 Amos and Andy – The Butler Did It. 440414 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:11

Though he is still supposed to marry Madam Queen, Andy is having a fling with an upstairs maid. Stella apparently has her own steady boyfriend, and jealousy is set to run rampant. Her butler boyfriend sets up Andy for a theft from the mansion where they work. Now it’s jail for Andy. Can he prove where he was during the crime? Will Stella back him up, or stab him in the back? There’s courtroom drama in store. Will the testimony of George Kingfish Stevens get Andy off the hook, or bury him deeper in guilt? Though it documents Andy’s cheating behavior on Madam Queen, his own diary is brought in as testimony to document the fickle and flirtatious nature of Stella. Will Andy be doomed to take the fall? Amos shares the secret of how he managed to get out of the charge.

 Cisco Kid – Disappearing Cabin. 530414 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:01

Many loopholes in the legal system involved the land claim, and one that many unscrupulous people took advantage of. Martin and Hank are neighbors who has gotten in friendly with a fellow homesteader, Tompkins, who is off to file his claim. After years of working the land, and more time than that with his girlfriend, Tom is off to register his claim, and cash in on the fruits of his labor and get married. Little does he know of his neighbor’s bad intentions. Later, Pancho is startled to see a cabin moving on it’s own. Of course Cisco points how the movers are moving it, but when approached the cabin movers are rude enough for Cisco to get into a fist fight with them. Smelling a rat, Cisco goes to town to talk with the land claims officer. Being new in town, the neighbors have fed the claims official lies so they can jump the claim. Will it work? While Ed Tompkins is away to get his gal, and bring her back, Cisco tries to defend the homesteader. It’ll take more than just a fist fight to sway the mind of the claims officer. If Cisco can’t get to the bottom of the mix up, Tompkins faces not only losing all his hard work, but being arrested as well.

 Lum and Abner – An All Woman City Council. 460311 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

After his treatment in preparing dinner for his wife, Abner is more determined than ever to convince Lizabeth to leave office. Today, Lum gets onto Abner as he comes to work late. He has to explain all the woman’s RK he has to do at home. Scrubbing floors, chopping wood, and all manner of drudgery. Even more embarrassing than the usual chores, Abner was forced to serve cookies to Lizanbeth’s new political cronies. Lum shares his plan to get the women to step down, but is it too drastic for Abner? If all the men team up to give the ladies a hard time, they’ll realize how good they had it with domestic life. Grandpap enters with word from the street. Instead of standing up to Lizabeth as the town leader, all the aldermen resigned. Now she has free reign to fill the vacancies with women.

 Fibber McGee and Molly – Indian Fighter Uncle Sycamore Is On The Radio. ep360, 430413 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:28

Uncle Sycamore is a historical figure who is going to be honored on the radio in a few short minutes. Fibber is excited, and all flustered as he constantly wants a time check from Molly. WBJK, the Happy station, is announced by Frank Nelson, but he doesn’t keep the interruptions coming in with Abigail Uppington. The expected shooting on the western program has Abigail too nervous to stay and listen. Billy Mills plays a jumping dance tune. Radio troubles with Fibber’s set are resolved, and we hear Frank Nelson deliver a snippet of the story, before being interrupted by a visit from the Old Timer. The old gent is too noisy though, and Molly shuffles him out the door. After a radio survey, Harlowe Wilcox adds to the distractions. He’s accompanied by Claudette Colbert, who uses the sponsor time to pitch war bonds. The intermittent radio trouble lets more snippets of uncle Sycamore’s story come through, then Teeny pops in. She joins in with the McGee’s to get confused about what an encyclopedia is. Teeny lays out her own confused logic to tell why she came over. The Kingsmen sing a war bond song, At Home in the Good Old USA. Frank Nelson is back, but not for long when the Spanish lady from down the street arrives. She puts in a word for the Good Neighbor policy. A wartime program that encouraged positive relations between nations in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Will the radio ever come back on? Will the interruptions never cease? Wallace Wimple pops into speak of admiration for his big old, and often tortuous, wife. Will the real world radio listening audience be treated to hearing the often talked about, but never heard, uncle Sycamore?

 Screen Guild Theater – Fuller Brush Man, Red Skelton. 490412. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:28

It’s the radio presentation from the Screen Guild Theater, and Red Skelton’s latest movie, The Fuller Brush Man. It’s a typical day for Red as he wants to propose to his girlfriend, Ann. She is unwilling because he can’t hold down a job. She’s a secretary for the Fuller Brush company, and when Red loses his latest job as a garbage man, and with a little nudge from one of her coworkers, Red decides to become independently employed as a Fuller Brush man. After a long series of door slams, and a little adlib, Red stumbles on a mystery in the making. He has his big chance to sell brushes, but the lady is an actress, and is leading Red on as she plays a part with him. Next, he tries to sell brushes to the mayor’s wife, the man who just fired him from his job as a street cleaner. The mayor comes in, the lights go out, and when they come on the mayor is dead on the floor. The cop on the scene, Frank Nelson, ends up hauling Red in as the main suspect. The sensational headlines have everyone against him. His new boss regrets hiring him, his girlfriend walks out on him. It’s just a bad day for Red. The mayor’s wife comes to Red with a different story than she told the cops. Her behavior is awfully suspicious, but Red is oblivius to it. Reds dorbell is busy when one guest after another show up on his doorstep. The final ones being a couple of gangsters. He’s rescued when the cops also come by. After a flubbed line and adlib, Red and the audience regain composure, but that doorbell just keeps ringing. After a few more adlibs, the cops partner comes in with some good news. They caught the mob of bad guys trying to escape down the back way. The only thing left is to have Red discover the murder weapon. The final scenes have Red cracking jokes with Frank Nelson, and his movie girlfriend, Janet Blair.

 Lum and Abner – Abner Cooks Dinner. 460307 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:30

Lizabeth has crushed Abner’s plan of being her secretary when she made her appointment. Instead, Abner has to fend for himself at home, since his woman is busy running the town as the new mayor. Has he lost his woman completely, now that she has had a taste of power? Lum tries to encourage his friend. Can he take Abner’s mind off of food? As Abner worries about starving, Lum takes a message from the mayor. Will she cave in and decide to cook dinner tonight? Forced to accept his fate, Abner is joined by Lum as the gents prepare a meal for the busy mayor. Will the dinner of pork chops and donuts be what the mayor expects? Will there be enough to go around if she invites a couple of the ladies from the office home to eat with them?

 Big Show – Eddie Cantor, Mindy Carson. ep3, 501119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:26:48

Talulah Bankhead hosts and introduces the big names in entertainment. She knows how to handle the actors on the loose. Eddie Cantor complains about not getting the laughs his 40 year career deserves. Jimmy Durante rants about his wardrobe, and being snubbed by Talulah. Egos clash, but the orchestra woos Jimmy over. Jimmy sings about, Culture and Arts. Eddie keeps instigating trouble, while Talulah has to fend off Perry Como. Mindy Carson insists she sing her song, but the stage is becoming crowded with stars. How will the suggestion to perform in alphabetic order go? Meredeth Willxon and the orchestra perform a waltz. Talulah shares an important anniversary in American history, and Jose Ferar recites the Lincoln’s Ghettysburg Addresss. Ray Middleton sings a patriotic piece to add to it As Eddie tries to make trouble, the show goes to station break. Still playing traffic cop to the stars, Talulah brings out Bob Hope. Eddie takes center stage to remember moments from his radio career. He sings a classic from his past, Josephine. Mindy sings , Cold Cold Winter. Talulah begins a dramatization of an actress who askss the opinion of a trusted friend. Can she handle the truth? Meredetth is on hand to tell Talulah about his performing fvdays back ihn Mason City, when she is rescued by Bob Hope. After a prropper introduction, Bob winds up for his signature rapidfire jokes. He recaps some of his travels, entertainig troops in Korea. He also jokes about taxes and income. Eddie tries to cause trouble with Bob, and jokes about health and aging abound. Will the deep voiced Talulah get the chance to sing? Perry Como finally gets his moment on stage and sings, Patricia. Eddie and Jimmy are back to toss their witty sayings at each other. Despite the words, the stars depart on an upbeat note, compared to the opening bickering.

 Jack Benny – Burns And Allen. ep253, 370411 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

That Hollywood fashion plait, Jack Benny, swaps tips on style with Don Wilson. How does phil harris choice in clothes stack up? Mary enters to learn a few things from the best dressed man in Hollywood. What about Kenny Baker? Ain’t he something? Too bad his shoes don’t fit better. Mary reads a letter from her mom. Learn about the food mishaps her family has been having. Kenny sings, Moonlight and Shadows. Jack announces the play, but first Gracie Allen pops in with a surprise visit. She has a message for Jack, but admires mary’s hat. Gracie meets the cast. Buck Benny is about to ride again. George Burns joins the interruptions. Phil plays a jazzy number, On the Avenue. The Western fun begins in Rump Steak Texas. Is there any sign of Cactus Face? George and Gracie are deputized to help. Buck fvisits his best gal, Daisy to ask to marry er. Deputies George and Gracie break in to add to the comedy, and jokes about Daisy’s drunken papa. A phone call sends Buck on the trail of Cactus Face.

 Martin and Lewis – William Bendix. ep2, 490410 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:51

The guys make a singing entrance, but Dean isn’t too happy with Jerry’s musical skill. With joking aside, Dean sings, You Won’t Be Satisfied. In their apartment, Jarry reads the reviews from last week, and is feeling low. They talk about how to boost their show popularity, and want to get Bob Hope to appear again. Dean reads a telegram from William Bendix, who wants to be on the show. They rehash some of the hygene jokes from last week. The maid is now their secretary, and is just as neurotic as ever. Parting ways, Dean and Jerry head downtown to meet William Bendix. They encounter several interesting characters, and crack jokes about celebrities such as Phil Harris, and Harry Truman. They meet a young woman who claims to be a song writer. Dean sings, Far Away Places. Still poking around the studios, they pop into the sound stage where the Life of Riley show has just wrapped up. William Bendix jokes around with Jerry about his hair. Dean plugs their upcoming film they’re working on, My Friend Irma. William tries to arrange a salary, lines are flubbed, Jerry spends time explaining a joke, and a settlement is reached. William wants to stretch his tallent, and play a great lover on the screen. Will he get a role on the show as a romantic lover? Who would believe him in it? Enter the secretary. Inspired, William phones his studio to demand the romantic lead in his next film, the Garbage Collector Murder Case. Jerry lends a hand with securing the ideal part, but I don’t think William is so happy over it. At home, Dean and Jerry are tucked in, and trying to get some rest, when the peace is disturbed. It’s just the trash man, William Bendix practicing for his part.

 Abbot and Costello – Lou Builds A House. 470424 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:49

Entering to a wild crowd, Bud complains about Lou’s shabby appearance. They talk about night clubs, housing shortages and living in the suburbs. Bud thinks his wife can help get a loan for Lou at the bank. It leads to massive misunderstandings about banking terms. Skinny Ennis sings, Be Gentle to My Heart. Bud and Lou head out to shop for a dreamhouse. What kind of fixtures is Lou looking for in a house? There’s a lot more confusion over words as Bud talks about lot sizes. A busy realtor, Frank Nelson, continues the confusing talk on housing terms. Bud has to stick up for his pal, until he learns there is a cut for him on the commission. Finding themselves on the way to the office to sign a contract, Bud and Lou run into Skinny Ennis and a woman who mispronounces her vowels. Marilyn Maxwell sings, When Are You Going to Kiss Me Good Morning. John Brown is the contractor who is to build Lou’s house. Jokes abound about veterans, over crowding and co-signers. Will Marilyn be able to lend a hand with the loan? Mrs. Niles might be willing, if it weren’t for the jokes Lou dishes out at her expense. On the building site, wordplay abounds with construction terms. Should Lou settle for a prefabricated home.


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