Retro Radio Podcast show

Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Sharing family friendly entertainment through old time radio, and more.


 Mr Keen – The Poisoned Sandwich Murder Case. 510817. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

A phone call arrives in the office of Mr Keen. It's a man who is in immediate need of help, but before he can finish the call, he drops dead. On the crime scene, Mr Keen finds a young woman lurking. She seems awfully defensive, but did she poison Stewart Blair? Clues send our heros on the trail of Lenore Barklay, a secretary at a law firm. The lurking girl, Miss Holm, is discovered to be Blairs fiancee, might there be some rivalry between Lenore and Miss Holm? Mr Keen believes it's important to know the poison that killed Stewart, but the reports from the lab aren't in yet. Lenore is interviewed, and when she swoons, Mr Keen figures it's poison. Who would want her dead as well? Might Lenore's boss, Mr Carter have anything to do with the crime? He turned down the victim for a job in the past. Mr Keen meets Lenore's mom, more facts emerge, the cops phone Mr Keen with the word on the poison, and he is beginning to figure out who the killer is. It's just a matter of getting the solid evidence he needs. The players are all gathered together, and Mr Keen lays all his cards on the table. The killer doesn't stand a chance when Mr Keen puts the finger on them.

 Lum and Abner – Everybody’s Mad At Lum. 411218 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:45

Lum is the focus of plenty of trouble. For now, we join Abner as he talks to Lum about the recent events. A review of the mix up with the locket, and proposal is recounted. Lum gives details about his encounter with Gussie, and that she isn't sweet on him at all. Though Lum is relieved, the matter has Snake riled up to his previous tough and mean self. Mousey Gray enters to tell Lum how angry he is at him. If even the mild mannered Mousey is upset over Lum, it makes him feel that the whole town is against him. But why is Mousey so mad? He never quite says. There's an important lodge meeting coming up, and the matter with Snake doesn't seem to be resolved quite yet.

 Vic and Sade – Bright Kentucky Hotel Speaker. 410925 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 10:40

The Bright Kentucky Hotel is the last place that anyone would consider respectable, but Vic shares his excitement over being asked to deliver a speech there. As he tells Rush all about the honor and priveledge of orating for the residents, Rush bursts his bubble as he points out that each of the male residents of the bording house has to bow out for one reason or another. Vic's perky attitude is whittled away as even his closest lodge friends phone in to make excuses to be absent. Still, Rush is drafted into duty to read from the lodge manuals as Vic plows forward in his speech writing efforts.

 The Shadow – Tenor With A Broken Voice. 380814. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

Margot Lane accompanies Lamonte Cranston to a concert to hear a world famous tenor. In an unexplained disaster, the tenor suddenly loses his voice in mid note. A replacement tenor is shot down on stage at the same point as the first tenor lost his voice. Lamonte Cranston thinks this is just the first of many repercussions that may grow, unless the Shadow can put a stop to them. Can the Shadow get the police to believe that a problem exists? Will there be more tragedies on stage? It takes the Shadow to intervene in dramatic style. Consulting with the city authorities, the Shadow plans a trap for the killer. Another production is planned, but the killer steps up his killing spree. The pending terror doesn't keep devoted opera fans away, and it's up to the Shadow to keep everybody safe. In a surprise twist, the Shadow exposes the killer, and the truth behind the mystery.

 Gunsmoke – Mavis McCloud. 540816 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:14

The story of the violence that moved West of America, and the story of the man who moved with it. Chester is sent to retrieve a telegram, but Doc thinks it can only represent bad news. Matt's message is from Mavis McCloud, a woman who claims to be coming to Dodge to marry him. Once she arrives Mavis expresses her plan to get married. Though Matt takes some ribbing over her, she hasn't quite figured out who the lucky man might be yet. To Matt's relief, she meets and marries a guy named Barney. All is well untill a gent rolls into town looking for Mavis. What kind of trouble is brewing for Matt now? Who is this new guy in town, and why does he want to kill anybody who stands between him and Mavis? Matt takes a hands off approach regarding people's personal lives, but he can't let the threat of murder stand. Suddenly a shot rings out. Mavis is rushed to Doc's. Matt springs into action to keep his citezens safe, as only his style of rough justice can do. Do you think you know why Lou Stayyley was chasing after Mavis? Prepare yourself, because she's going to reveal her secret before the show ends.

 Superman – The Mayan Treasure, 3of6. 400816. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:01

Clark has went along on an expedition to the jungles of South America where he learned the purpose of the trip isn't to remove artifacts, but the mummy of the ancient goddess, Ashteroth. Legend has it that she hasn't aged, and is still youthful after centuries. After being chased into a tunnel, The expedition party talk. The guide, and former Brittish Naval officer, Birch, claimes he knows how to find the temple. All they need to do is get out of the cave in one piece. In the fight that ensues with the tribesmen, all are knocked out, but Clark manages to rout the natives singlehandedly, then fly his friends to safety. A story told by Birch rekindles the desire to find the mummy of Ashtah. Is the claims from Birch true that he has diplomatic contacts in the tribe? Does he actually have influence to get them past the dangers that await? Just then, a fire is spotted. What new danger is this?

 Lum and Abner – Abner Gets The Rolling Store Out Of The Blacksmith. 350816. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:38

Horlicks: the original Malted Milk. The rolling store has been completed, but it's too big to get out of the blacksmith shop. Abner and Lum talk to Cedric to see what his dad, Caleb is up to. He says his job of building the rolling store is done, and it's up to Lum and Abner to get it out of the shop. As a distraction, Cedric shows how he's making a ring out of a horseshoe nail for his gal. Lum phones Caleb to see what can be done about the roling store. What can they do, tear the shop down? Caleb agrees to come over to look into it. As they wait, Lum and abner talk about their grand opening, and the excitement it will cause. While they wait, abner plays in the car, gets it started, then it starts rolling, right out the wall. I guess that settles the problem. PS: No commercial. I miss my Horlick commercials. Yeah, I know I'm wierd, enjoying commercials so much.

 Mothers Best Flour – There’s Nothing As Sweet As My Baby. ep28, 510214 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:31

Playlist: Hank leads off by singing, There's Nothing as Sweet as My Baby. Hank calls on a couple of his band members to share a word. The band goes into a hoedown with, Turkey in the Straw. It's hymn time and Hank is joined by his band to sing, Wait for the Light to Shine.

 Philip Marlowe – The Dark Tunnel. 500815. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:34

Philip Marlowe takes a case of a young man who has trouble with a serious car crash. All he has is a phone number to go on. Working with a reporter friend, Marlowe gets fuel for his investigation. The action heats up, guns come out, but Marlowe won't let off the pressure. Philip pokes around until a nerve is touched, secrets come out, but it gets Marlowe in a tight spot with a big thug. Can Philip get free and rescue the missing Julia? Even if he does, will she be free from the dark tunnel that fate has placed her in?

 Let George Do It – The Problem With Joe Martin. 490815. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:35

A man claiming to be an important figure from South America shows up on the doorstep of George Valentine. All he wants to do is find a particular person, and pay them money. Why won't Joe Martin respond? George gets more details from the South American about the situation, and takes the job to find Joe martin. As George and Brooksie investigate, they find that Joe isn't exactly a nice guy. In fact, the closer they get to finding him he is downright nasty. What is his involvement with the man from South America? In the run around a corpse makes an appearance. The plot takes some twists, dirt is dug up, and the pressure is on. George has a plan to round up the mentally unstable Joe martin, but not after some suspense and frightful moments. Could there be anythin more frightening than being stalked by a crazy psychopath? Unless there's something else going on under the surface. Who is the real crazy person here, and what is really going on? George explains it all at the end.

 Lum and Abner – Snake Threatens Lum. 411216 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:11

Grandpap and Abner talk about Lum's woman troubles. Snake Hogan is known as one of the meanest men in the county, but Lum enters today to tell how Snake has had a complete change since his homely sister Gussie is about to be married off. A secret twist is about to make an appearance in the plot. Gussie isn't sweet on Lum at all. The news will be a great relief to Lum, but wait there's more revelations. Mousey Gray enters the scene, and he's upset, fighting mad... well as much as he can express it in his soft spoken manner. For the moment, Lum is oblivious of the happenings with Gussie or Mousey. He's still trying to work out the details for Squires business proposal from the previous episode. From their front row seat in the Jot 'Em Down store, we get a view of the brewing storm when Snake Hogan finds out that Lum is backing down on the marriage plans.

 Lum and Abner – Inspecting The New Rolling Grocery Store. 350815. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:51

Horlicks: No comercial, just Carlton Brickert announcing the sponsor, followed by extended theme music. Must be a trend. The last few days the new rolling store has been getting built by Caleb and Cedric. When Lum and Abner arive at the blacksmith shop, they find nobody at the shop, and the sign on the door that says they'll return in an hour gets Abner confused. Lum peaks through the window to see the progress. Abner has a little trouble seeing in, but eventually does, and makes comments on its appearance. Dick and grandpap walk up. The guys all have a look and comments go all around. Lum shares his plan, and how he'll enjoy the fixtures of the store, and some anticipated challenges in driving it. Cedric finally arrives to let folks in. It's finally Dick who notices that the store is too big to fit our the door. No closing commercials. I guess that since these latest shows were produced in the heat of August, it was too hot for make a commercial.

 Superman – Mayan Treasure, 2of6. 400814. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:02

Champion of the weak and oppressed, Superman wages a constant fight against crime. Recently, Clark has accompanied an expedition to the jungles of South America where a sniper had tried to kill them. Now they are safe in campas the Major reminds Clark of the many dangers in the jungle, and explains the importance of the Ashtereth they are in search of. Clark learns of how the archaeological discovery came to be. The major is bent on extracting the artifacts, and outsmarting the local tribesmen. When the major appears to have been abducted, Clark sees his chance to transform into Superman as he flies over the jungle. The major is rescued, but now he and Clark are trapped in an underground tunnel, with wild natives waiting for them outside.

 The Shadow – Tenor with the Broken Voice. 380814. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

During the premiere of an opera, the voice of the tenor performing the big aria at the end of Act One cracks. At subsequent performances, tragic accidents befall whichever tenor is singing that aria at that time, which seems too big a coincidence to the Shadow.

 Blue Beetle -Underworld Goes Underground. eps 39-40, 400814 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:19

Part 1: Rival construction companies compete for the bid to build an underground tunnel. The Dunlap company, one with a good safety record, and ran by a friend of Dan Garret is suddenly having unexplained accidents. Accidents involve workers not being properly decompressed, after working in the tunnel under water, and subject to high pressures. Dan goes undercover as a worker to investigate. As the Blue Beetle, Dan has a run in with Stanley and his trouble makeing team of workers. Part 2: The Blue Beetle and another worker are trapped in the decmpression chamber where the bad guys are letting the pressure out too fast. Blue Beetle gets the pressure release under controlMeanwhile, the bad guys make plans to go one further and blow up the tunnel, flooding it with river water. Blue Beetle takes their plans, but will that stop Stanley and his gang? I don't think so. As water gushes into the tunnel, Blue Beetle races to get the men out and to safety.


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