Lum and Abner – Snake Threatens Lum. 411216

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Grandpap and Abner talk about Lum's woman troubles. Snake Hogan is known as one of the meanest men in the county, but Lum enters today to tell how Snake has had a complete change since his homely sister Gussie is about to be married off. A secret twist is about to make an appearance in the plot. Gussie isn't sweet on Lum at all. The news will be a great relief to Lum, but wait there's more revelations. Mousey Gray enters the scene, and he's upset, fighting mad... well as much as he can express it in his soft spoken manner. For the moment, Lum is oblivious of the happenings with Gussie or Mousey. He's still trying to work out the details for Squires business proposal from the previous episode. From their front row seat in the Jot 'Em Down store, we get a view of the brewing storm when Snake Hogan finds out that Lum is backing down on the marriage plans.