The Shadow – Tenor With A Broken Voice. 380814.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Margot Lane accompanies Lamonte Cranston to a concert to hear a world famous tenor. In an unexplained disaster, the tenor suddenly loses his voice in mid note. A replacement tenor is shot down on stage at the same point as the first tenor lost his voice. Lamonte Cranston thinks this is just the first of many repercussions that may grow, unless the Shadow can put a stop to them. Can the Shadow get the police to believe that a problem exists? Will there be more tragedies on stage? It takes the Shadow to intervene in dramatic style. Consulting with the city authorities, the Shadow plans a trap for the killer. Another production is planned, but the killer steps up his killing spree. The pending terror doesn't keep devoted opera fans away, and it's up to the Shadow to keep everybody safe. In a surprise twist, the Shadow exposes the killer, and the truth behind the mystery.