Lum and Abner – Inspecting The New Rolling Grocery Store. 350815.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Horlicks: No comercial, just Carlton Brickert announcing the sponsor, followed by extended theme music. Must be a trend. The last few days the new rolling store has been getting built by Caleb and Cedric. When Lum and Abner arive at the blacksmith shop, they find nobody at the shop, and the sign on the door that says they'll return in an hour gets Abner confused. Lum peaks through the window to see the progress. Abner has a little trouble seeing in, but eventually does, and makes comments on its appearance. Dick and grandpap walk up. The guys all have a look and comments go all around. Lum shares his plan, and how he'll enjoy the fixtures of the store, and some anticipated challenges in driving it. Cedric finally arrives to let folks in. It's finally Dick who notices that the store is too big to fit our the door. No closing commercials. I guess that since these latest shows were produced in the heat of August, it was too hot for make a commercial.