Lum and Abner – Abner Gets The Rolling Store Out Of The Blacksmith. 350816.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Horlicks: the original Malted Milk. The rolling store has been completed, but it's too big to get out of the blacksmith shop. Abner and Lum talk to Cedric to see what his dad, Caleb is up to. He says his job of building the rolling store is done, and it's up to Lum and Abner to get it out of the shop. As a distraction, Cedric shows how he's making a ring out of a horseshoe nail for his gal. Lum phones Caleb to see what can be done about the roling store. What can they do, tear the shop down? Caleb agrees to come over to look into it. As they wait, Lum and abner talk about their grand opening, and the excitement it will cause. While they wait, abner plays in the car, gets it started, then it starts rolling, right out the wall. I guess that settles the problem. PS: No commercial. I miss my Horlick commercials. Yeah, I know I'm wierd, enjoying commercials so much.