Richard and Allison's Super Happy Fun Late Night Daytime Breakfast Show show

Richard and Allison's Super Happy Fun Late Night Daytime Breakfast Show

Summary: In the world of podcasting you can't tie yourself to just one time zone and one type of show. There are people all around the world having a different part of their day. This is our attempt to please everybody.

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 Christmas SHaFT 2011 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:25:09

This is the Christmas show that happens right as Christmas starts. It was a pleasure to have you all there.

 SHaFT 144 – Back Again | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:52:25

We won't ever go away forever. Welcome one and all to SHaFT! ExplodedDragon wins the stealth woot-off, the living room renovation continues apace, the picture rail and the skirting board is done, MDF/MDMF confusion, sharp knives conquer wood, Rich has acquired skillz in DIY, Nathan is getting Rich a tool belt, what is the best use for wasabi peas? Next years campaign "Pies For Africa" has begun in earnest, Rich addresses some "issues", he's not leaving and SimSyn isn't going away but there will be some significant changes, don't worry though, he'll try not to piss everyone off. Radio gets a roasting, in particular Steve Wright, Walli can set her watch by Rich's mid-December breakdown. Liam calls (otherwise known as Kiraniumbra) its his very first live show brought to him by the wonder of iPhones, Australian geography, chav and weather comparisons, exploding wind turbines, Rich has composure whereas Liam does not, Rich's nemesis next door has been appropriately chastised, Rich and Walli recap the DIY shenanigans, all admire Scott's dedication to ripping his house apart. Walli did not have a Super Happy Fun Time at her works Christmas do, comparing Sydney and Blackpool night life, drunken Japanese salaryman, Rich has managed to annoy Liam's wife, listening to old episodes of "Bollocks", moving banks, positive Twitter times thanks to SimSyn, the community is awesome but who is the Chinese listener? Boz and Casey's bar would be like Cheers, Christmas brings a mix of joy and horror, weird Aussie Christmas dinners, hybrid nerds, Army chaplins, inflatable Santa in a church? (Done). Australia is land of the future! Things are cracking in Rich's chest, its a medical mystery. Ian calls. Walli was proper ill, Ian is calling from a whole different country (Scotland), Ian is in Glasgow but its is not windy, Ian has blagged a weekend in Scotland from his work and is subsequently quite drunk, as is everyone else in Glasgow. Ian has an iPhone 4S and has been confusing Siri for fun and profit, Rich doesn't love his phone quite as much as that, there will still be a March meet up, Ian mentions going to see McFly which upsets Rich, Will Tristram likes Transformers. There was awkwardness at Craig's birthday party, there was some poor dancing, abandoning people in McDonalds. (Done) Apparently they sell beer in Scottish McDonalds. James calls. The Cap's sister is in hospital but he can't help but laugh, its deep vein thrombosis caused by World of Warcraft! Its so not funny but he can't stop laughing, heres wishing her a speedy recovery, trampolining is the ideal hobby for someone recovering from DVT (allegedly), James got a date through his iPad, he's a hottie! He's applied for a job in a sex shop, buying his sister an "organ" causes Rich and Walli to nearly die laughing, giving yourself competition, sign language meal class, boring class mates, bullshit insurance claims and hoping for refunds. Buying action figures and reselling on eBay, Rich should really put the tshirts back in the store, purchasing large amounts of stationary, feeling old, being old enough to be a colleges parent, 38 is a respectable age, James' scary voices including his impression of Kennedy and his plans for his next meet up costume, they were all lesbians except Allison. (Done) Thats a wrap ladies and gentlemen! The moral of the story is an organ is an inappropriate present. Its the panto for Rich and Allison next week so keep an eye on twitter to see if there will be SHaFT.

 SHaFT 142 – Firework Safety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:48

SHaFT is back with another episode. Thanks to Emma Lou for the shownotes. Welcome to SHaFT! Marius wins the woots. Lets talk firework safety in the run up to Bonfire Night, why do people buy rubbish fireworks when you could buy XBox games instead? Rich will be back to podcasting soon, Allison is hoping for upcoming productivity, its time to moan about B&Q, they're worse than PC World! Walli's brother is in the middle of DIY hell too trying to put a half 19th century, half 17th century house back together. They discuss Allison's unconventional childhood home but this isn't Grand Designs so call in! Let's Google Kevin McCloud while we wait, annoying women on Channel 4, rock hard quiz shows, Rich made a poor choice on of category ATW9K which he suspects Jason will not edit out. Kyprieth calls in: chatting body modification, blue and blacklight hair, Leeds full of people dressed for Halloween, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, throwing things around the cinema, Rich has never liked any of it, just as well seeing as Walli doesn't want to see him in fishnets. Kyp's line breaks up so she has to ring off ( Allison has been doing LGBTQ training at work, so has Rich... in his own way, they've added a "H" now! Rich has read a study about Bisexuality, apparently it exists (and there was much rejoicing), there are porn measuring pads. I call in: I can't remember exactly what I talked about but I'm sure it was hilarious. Quick reminder for everyone, if you want to participate in Secret Santa this year get in ASAP. Donations are desperately needed, any help is welcomed and thats all folks! See you next time!

 SHaFT 140 – We Have A Fireplace | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:01:40

There is a place for fire, and it's apparently in your home. Kyp wins tonights woot contest. Rich has been feeling a bit ill all week. The fireplace has been fitted. He didn't want to go on the roof. Kyp calls. It's a new 27" iMac w/8GB RAM and a 2TB hard drive. The Magic Track Pad kicks ass. Bigger is better. (Done). Logs. ( You love to swear, don't you? A Quid? That's gambling. I'm not going to hit them, they gave me stuff for free. Mary Ann calls. Thanks to Mary Ann for the post on what Simply Syndicated means to you. Going to school in Spain to study Spanish. Getting skanked out of the sugar. The heart attack capital of Europe. (Done). --------------------------------------- Tonight's 'From The Chat Room' (CaptainMorgan): I'm dyslexic, spelling isn't my superpower ---------------------------------------

 SHaFT 139 – Just Pretend In Your Mind There Is Music | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:58:21

Trying a new set up with this one. Thanks to Scott for the notes. Just pretend in your mind that there's music. James wins the woot contest. Rich is so fat, he's breathing hard. Being in the Red Cross. Faking car crashes and burns. James calls. Reporting on last weekend's meet up. Did you get your Ukulele out? Happy Birthday Casey. From now on, hats at meet ups. ( Taking a hat in 1998. "I like Superman, in Superman II where he use's his powers." Are all these woman lesbians? "I was shit faced!" Richard has footage of Will, on the floor. ( A glass of wine in one hand, a bottle of wine in the other. Croosh vs Ukelele vs Raining Blood - ( We're surrounded by sheep. Something about Rich's venom, the Chinese and Pam's kids. A girl fisting her boyfriend. Who's this guy? ( ( Addendum: Meet up photos courtesy of Greg (The Big Lebowski). ( How was your breakfast? I don't want toast. There's muscular men, everywhere. Missed Cardiff pride. So you're Stu "the beard" Perry. There was an abundance of cake, including cake from Greg "TheBigLebowski" and his wife. I can't believe all these people I'm meeting. It was a great meet up. The next one will be in March 2012. (Done) Matt calls. Getting a website up and running. ( It's under construction - a lot. I'm geek naive. There will be a MIS announcement later. Being killed by The Hell's Angels. Matt is a pastry chef. No visa to Russia. "Baby diarrhea brown". Mom is a family support worker. 90 hairy biker men. Electric cigarettes. I don't trust Lion. (Done). MYSS will be recorded tomorrow. MIS is coming back, but as a subscription only show. Casey calls. Happy Birthday, sir. Casey and Katey had a wonderful time in Leeds. The Toronto meet up is tomorrow. Kyp is hurdling towards Toronto on the train, as we speak. Poutine, it might as well be called 'vagina'. These eggs are not properly cooked. Casey drank non-stop, from start to finish. We've been off doing lots of filthy stuff. Living in plaster. It just needed more bacon. Reminiscing in the chat room about old SimSyn episodes. What would you do with 163 pounds a year? Thank you Mr. Cogswell for the Birthday present. Bless you, Cogs. Let's wait for iPad3. You're the kind of person that would say "wanker" to deaf people. "This shirt gets me so much cunt". (Done). Good night people! ----------------------------------- Tonight's "From The Chat Room:" (emma_lou): I suggested Walli have a spritzer, she told me to fuck off! ( (cogswell): some people think it's funny, but it's really hot and runny. Diarrhea. (FarliamentPunk): vagina cheese is just ... unsavory (FarliamentPunk): Horrible thought: there are lots of dishes that incorporate penis as an ingredient. I'd like to see a dish that uses cow vagina as a bowl. Go ahead Mr. Bourdain, slurp out the broth. (Marius): Stop being so vulvar, FP! (bobhires): Cervix with a smile! : ) (DPR): Superman wears Cogswell pyjamas -----------------------------------

 SHaFT 138 – Say Hi To Sharon | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:41:38

The record is 5 days. Thanks to Scott for the notes. The woot contest goes tits up. Totally covered in dust. This show is seriously inconveniencing Rich tonight. Final episode of 'The Wire' season 3. Nathan's just too big (6'-9"). The vestibule has disappeared. The only reason to use Google+ is to follow Steven Cogswell. Vanity search. Rick calls. Say hi to Sharon, who's 5 days old. The story of how The Starbaby came into the world. Congrats Rick! Orc's and Spork's. A year older and covered in shit. Feel free to AudioBoo us from the maternity ward. The Old Silent Inn. Jumping across the river. Whittling in North Yorkshire. Allison got a Kindle, The Wire season 3, The Breakfast Club on Blu-Ray. Playing with your hormones. Her Daddy is a talker, too. Star Wars released on Blu-Ray within a couple of weeks. Someone needs to take George Lucas for a run every day. There's no reason to watch The Phantom Menace again. Playing with Lego. More Star Wars discussion. (Done). Mike calls. Mike's had a shit couple of days. His Mac died today. Time Machine backup drive failed yesterday. Are you a preferred customer at the Apple store? 425 pounds for a turtle neck? The screen is burnt, like toast. What do you do without a computer for 2 weeks? What DVD's to watch? One Few Over the Cuckoo's Nest - it's brilliant and depressing all in one go. Mel Gibson was normal, up until 'Signs'. I'm sorry, you're over qualified. Dell has a crap bundle for 300 quid. Free WiFi - it's like shoplifting for the middle class. Assassin's Creed. Films that make you cry. Meet-up is tomorrow folks! ------------------------------------------------ Tonight's 'From The Chatroom: (Gojira): Keep talking Grandma I'll just be in the other room jamming a pin into the eye of my penis ------------------------------------------------

 SHaFT 137 – CROOT! | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:52:29

Back with another SHaFT. From what I see, Croosh wins the Woot contest with "Croot". I hereby disqualify that as 'croot' is not a word. Woot is. That means I win the woot contest. There's a hole in the house. The meet up is next Saturday. A fistful of scrambled eggs. How many blades does it have? Ian calls. My friend, who's a drag queen, … Incandescent with rage. Won't be able to make the meet up. Why does this razor have so many blades? Should have started a FaceBook page for the meet up. ( We did a podcast about religion. Maybe Rich to listen to it first. It's called stupid o'clock for a reason. Flat mate, has he had a demotion? I'll watch almost anything. Prince, get on it. Next week, Ian goes to ask drunk people for money. (Done). Can you put a map on there? I don't know how Facebook works. Is Boz real? Yes, he's frightening real. Mike (SolarMechanic) calls. That's just my nature. Mike won't be able to make this meet up either. I've got a passport. What happens at the meet ups? Will there be sex The scene from Eastenders. ( Why are these fellows running across the street? Prams are what you put babies in. Walking while blind. Call of Duty Elite. Allison wants to get a new game. Listened to 'Hooked' all over again. ( What is Postman Pat doing with a fork lift? Battery operated sexual devices. (Done). Emma calls. Chuck hasn't missed a live broadcast of Dr. Who since 1978. Bite on the ring finger. The bed collapses, right before sexy time. Drills and ding-dongs. Phenomenon. (Done). Emma gets angry about Torchwood - bless her. If you can make any donation, it would be appreciated. SimSyn needs some new equipment. Andrew calls. 'Games You Should Play' is coming back. Rich, Andrew and Young Mike to host. Happy Birthday wish's to Walli for next week. Target date is Oct 15th, with a 3 shows per month format. 'Albums You Should Hear' discussion. (Done). SHaFT will be back next week. --------------------------------------------- Tonight's 'From The Chatroom': Betty: Date night - must shower ---------------------------------------------

 SHaFT 136 – Hair Under Black Light | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:53:04

This is SHaFT from August the 12th. We're going to get up to date this week. Thanks to Scott for the shownotes - Rick wins tonight's woot contest. Do we need blankets? Been busy not rioting all week. Kirk and Bones didn't assassinate Chancellor Gorkon. None of the phones stolen will work. Ian calls. *poker face* The meet up is coming soon. There was a new DADT recorded on Wednesday. Meet up is the 3rd of September at the Vic in Leeds. Kedgeree. Let's discuss breakfast. Meeces. Octopusses? Fishes? Pulling off wallpaper. Fireplace discussion. (Done). Hair under black light. Emma calls. After 7 months, it's back to work. No vomit. In my job, I have to handle urine. Nan was safe. Glass-eyed grinning fool. Covent Garden. 22 Apple stores in China, that aren't even real Apple stores. Lunch at 9:45 AM. Torchwood rant. Nana's turning into a bit of a legend. *sorry, I had to stick my fingers in my ears*. Dr.Who preview tickets. (Done). Nick calls. She's not a hairdresser, but she's trained to cut hair. The T'Fal man. Do you want a drunken tweet from Craig? Cooking for yourself. I could really go for some kidney beans right now. The cheesy bean potato. You can die from chili? There's nothing more manly than BBQ. (Done). Andrew calls. While the therapist is away …. Call of Duty. Rich will never have an iPhone. Bit of a tech glitch. Phone discussion. ... h_Logo.jpg ( F1 will be back soon. Sky TV. Driving through the Welsh mountains. TV packages. Boz sez to play the promo. New contest coming on HGN. Henderson's Relish. Peter Stringfellow. Advertising on the homeless. --------------------------------------- This week, from the chat room:  "I've got this shit in my beard because I'm listening to Simply Syndicated" - Croosh --------------------------------------- That's going to do it for this week, folks.

 SHaFT 135 – Robbed At Work | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:46

The show notes for this episode were done by Scott, because he too, is awesome. A bunch of pre-wootage to start the show. Allison gets a letter from someone in prison. People on the internet tend to be a bit weird. Rupert Murdoch. British politics. The next meet up is the 3rd of September in Leeds, and the room is booked. The food wasn't the best last time. Where to get the best fish and chips? 59 pounds for the iMac hotel. Go through and search for Mint. The new version of the website is out, and it's looking good. Mike calls. Robbed at work. Someone just walked in and took all the bags. Allison had a quiche stolen. Galaxy S2. The Scott Redman pen has been returned. Yay! Mozzarella sticks - 1m:45s. Shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen. Stars and shiny badges. Better to work at McDonald's than a chicken farm. How much was a cheeseburger back then? A single cheeseburger, inside a double cheeseburger - it's fucking brilliant! Donut cheeseburger. Epic mealtime, fast food lasagna (on youtube). Everybody loves bacon. New show idea - Let's Make Casey Cry. How much is cheese? (Done). Kyp calls. Just made a banana chocolate chip cake. Kyp promises to make the cake for Walli when she comes to England. Also, bring Maple syrup. The Summer of '69. Craig meets Bryan Adams. Cake in a Cup. The Magic 8 Ball and the Jump to Conclusions mat. Will is actually fairly talented. Ian joins the chat. The cinematic marvel that is Purple Rain. The performing arts. Mustang Sally's in Wakefield. It's a special ooooo. Allison might go green and yellow. How can anyone not know who Evil Emperor Sexytime is?! Two pairs of pants. -------------------------------------- Tonight's "from the chat room" (Marius) A man is sitting in the exam room, and the doctor says, "You really need to stop masturbating." The man asks, "Why? Because of my tennis elbow?" "No," said the doctor, "because I'm trying to examine you." -------------------------------------- Ian jumps out of a plane. ( Is a boy band similar to a cock ring? Take That - back and wearing wooly jumpers. Lady Gaga. Spice Girls 9, Take That 11. (Done). Andrew calls. Home internet is misbehaving, getting the equivalent of dial-up. They've run the internet cables along with the power cables. Andrew will be at the meet up as well. Which meet up did Rich throw up at? Galaxy S2 and phone discussion. (Done). Show over.

 SHaFT 134 – Filling Up On Meat | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2:00:12

The show notes for this show come from Emma Lou, because she's awesome. Rick wins the woot-off this week. Dipping your fingers in talcum powder. Filling up on meat. Walli-tourettes. Rich's Mum swearing Vs Asda swearing. Morrisons self checkouts suck. Perky/drugged checkout staff. The Walmart philosophy. The verdict on "The Social Network" is 'pacey and confusing'. Mark Zuckerberg is a weirdo but you can't criticize really. Nick calls: Walli with a volume control. Its been a busy week. Scrambling to cover your own arse. I don't really like people. Getting in your way at the Co-op. Smile and nod on the moor. Drunk Irishman are attracted to Walli. Middle Class swears. Off to bed, goodnight. Its nice to chat to new listeners. Playing Casey on Rich Daily of a Monday. Buying expensive burgers in Las Vegas. Playing X-Box with cows and caressing their udders. I'd rather have an iPad than a piece of meat. The glorious new Simply Syndicated website. Allison has had a heavy week. Being sad about Amy Winehouse. Saying happy goodbyes. Things have been tough since coming back from holiday. Estate Agents with dodgy names. Shane calls: Rich has upset everyone with his Morrisons hatred. Simply Read co-ordination. Rich is crap at correspondence. Talking network business. The "What Simply Syndicated Means To Me" interviews. Moving Rich Daily to four days a week. Walli is gonna get a Hooked out this week. Great articles blocked by paywalls. The failure of the war on drugs. Rich fights temptation. The F1 move to Sky. Glad we've got the Disney Channel. Learning the lyrics to "Under The Sea". Sky Sports costs a ton. Allison shouts at Rugby League. The dude with the hair. Thanks for the Amy Winehouse piece. JBW calls: excited about his upcoming American adventures. Matt King and his amazing rugby skills. The awesome of Warrington. Never thought I'd ring into SHaFT to talk about Rugby League. First stop on North American tour is Toronto. Two meets in two weeks. JBW makes history. Super frisks at the airport. Allison would happily blow up Rich to win an argument. Lego sabotage. Barclay likes a lie-in. YouTube videos of dog shenanigans. The BBC reckon podcasting is rubbish. Why do they always get the fat guy? Radio One "Newsbeat" creates stupid people. Overplaying songs on the radio. World weather reports on the network. Rich wants to make some new shows. Paper based podcasting. Rich's history show with JBW consulting. Galaxy Bars don't last long round here. Whats the point of resealable packets? History of chocolate podcast. Horrible American sweets. Wispa variants. Rude Estate Agents. Casey calls: good to have you back Casey! Time for an impromptu Top 5 generator show, "The Top 5 Secret Awesome Food Combinations!". In at 5) Chocolate Hob Nob and a cup of tea, 4) Cheese on toast with homemade pickled onions, 3) Strawberries and fresh black pepper, 2) Meat and potato pie with Henderson's Relish and 1) Chocolate and Walkers Salt n Vinegar crisps. Andrew joins the call to suggest dark chocolate and cola cubes and boiled new potatoes and balsamic vinegar. Rick advocates dipping your McDonalds fries into your chocolate milkshake. Pressure cookers are evil. Massive calorie intakes at McDonalds. Allison loves rich fruit cake with a sharp cheese. Stir-frying everything in the freezer at once. Catastrophic stews. Eating crap while camping. Dubious canned meats. Walli advocates french toast with jam. Carlos in the chatroom shouts out peanut and banana sandwiches (see HGN Elvis Food special for details). Rich talks chocolate and bacon adventures. Real Maple Syrup. Canned Chicken nightmares. The Lidl/Netto/Aldi trifecta. Injecting bananas with brandy. Self heating canned food. Subscribing to food on Amazon. Casey pitches a new food show to Rich. Its late so its time to wrap up. Thats all folks!

 SHaFT 133 – Need Another Seven Astronauts | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 46:25

Here's another SHaFT for you. Mr Redman provides the notes.DPR wins the woot contest. No Allison on tonight's episode. A bit of Apple Lion discussion to start the show. Application compatibility. Contemplating a PC almost made Rich cry. Hello, is this Arthur? Matt calls. The last time Matt phoned, he was just about to get his own restaurant. Stuck in Edinburgh. Got a free iPad. iPhone and iPad camera. Developing a website for the Hot Rod and Motorcycle club. SHaFT has listeners all over the world. The last thing the Russians want is organized crime. Ron Perlman and Charlie Sheen. (Done). Rick calls. Marius went to NASA for the final shuttle landing (Atlantis). Also, the Star Trek exhibit is currently at KSC. ... yages.html ( The astronaut memorial at KSC: ... morial.jpg ( Sitting on the bridge of the USS Enterprise. Vegas, New Orleans or Disney World? New Orleans to Orlando is only like 20 hours by car. It's right here, and I'm stroking it. People are delicate, squishy things. Blocking radiation. Our governments haven't a clue. Rupert Murdoch. I want pie. Moving to America. Barclay vs Mega Gator. Getting your first paycheck. Rich Daily is back. (Done). Ari calls. Got her pay check for the first day and a half of work. Natural French speakers. Foreign language with the wrong accent. Quebec wants to be it's own country. Went to see Eddie Izzard. Comic-con is coming up. Being big on the internet. Taking a class with Pixar. Why do they all have faces? Born in 1990. The park is closed after 11PM. (Done). See you guys next week.

 SHaFT 132 – Harry Potter | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2:09:01

See I told you there'd be another. Thanks to Scott for the show notes.Going to see Harry Potter 7 is classified as work. He's evil, like Schumaker. Have you ever seen Cool Runnings? The only German with a sense of humor. If ever a film was going to hurt, it would be Transformers 3. We need people like Carlos. Doncaster history. Can I have a Spam sandwich? 'Fuck Off With Your Cooking'. The "F" word. Rick calls. Exhausted from moving. Taking on a lighting designing gig. Rick 'Lighting Tech'. Holiday recap. Fayetteville, North Carolina. Butlins. The broken Kindle has been replaced. Beating nature with a mallet. Camping in a shit tent. ( How bad is Butlins? An inflatable tent - the Infinity 800. ( That was better than Mel Gibson. 'Father Ted' - sorry, but I just don't get it. First broadcast from the new digs. The snow will come back. Grammar in the forums. (Done). Sydney calls. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful time at the meet up. The next meet up is September 3rd in Leeds at the Victoria Hotel (tentatively). The Toronto meet up is the 10th of September. Heathrow to Toronto? Pens are now 2000 pounds each on Seeing Kira Knightley in a play. Explain those chocolates. 900 pounds per person. Spam recap. Travel research. Chicken Bones. Octopus. Korean film remakes. (Done). Badger Tits calls. Social life has been interfering with Friday nights. The sound of Velocity. Going to Amsterdam? You don't HAVE to have a beard to camp here. Don't visit unless you're invited. Transformers 3 was better than Transformers 2. Skyline - total shite. Other movie discussion. Flying to France in a Spitfire. Jumping out of an airplane for charity. ( 'Scientifical'? A rant about breast cancer charity. Time to call it a night.

 SHaFT 131 – Attack of the Pollen | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 39:21

Don't worry there's another one along soon. Show notes thanks to Scott.Rich has a proper job. Scott wins the woot contest. Allison has gone to the hippie jam fest again. Let's give Allison a call. Dave with a shameless plug. I'd post it here, but I can't understand what the fuck he said. Neon face paint. We could have done things differently, had we though about it in advance. Have fun at the festival. Going on holiday on Tuesday. Time for some meds, I'm just going to take one. Camping with a cold. Do you remember Rich Daily? There'll be a new schedule of shows coming soon. Ben calls. Been a long time since he's called. Albums You Should Hear. Finished A levels. Who's fish lamb? It's in Essex. Only been once, and had warm beer. English Literature and Theater Studies. Craig did Theater Acting, which was different. The night life in Scarborough. Almost stopped watching films because of Indie music. True Grit on Blu-Ray, with subtitles. They wouldn't serve me for the rest of the night. Saturday, September 3rd is the next meet up. My mother is a Nazi. (Done). Feeling horrible. Going to call it a night. On holiday next week, so we'll be back in 2 weeks time.

 SHaFT 130 – We Lost Episode 129 | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:48:01

Don't know what happened to episode 129, something technical probably. Anyway, here's episode 130. Shownotes follow thanks to Scott. Marius wins this weeks woot contest. Rich feels like he's back in the zone. Emma executes the first gimpwoot. Pugnacious? The phones are open if you want to call. Shout outs from Walli to Kath and Bridgette. Working on the website. Rich needs a new car, and a big iMac. There's donate buttons all over the website. Richdamned. The chat room - it's like the lost arc. Rick calls. Moving and making humans. The Starbaby is now 3 pounds. Everything is going great! After the next Starbase, there'll be a bit of a break as Rick and Kennedy are both moving on the same weekend. The phrase "The Dadmiral" is coined in the chartroom by DPR. A possible trip to Edinburgh next August. Is Michael Storer still around? Reviving fashion. The generic 90's. The sweaty patches under peoples arms. Side boob on the tele. Hangover II. Super 8. Getting your knob out at the earliest opportunity. Jackass III. Boz joins in the conversation. Saw the Green Lantern. Wendy was a real person. Final Cut X. Could have been playing sound effects for years. (cogswell): (_|_) (swredman): ({}) (FarliamentPunk): ({'}) (swredman): Hahahaha (Sissillie): ?.? (cogswell): 8===D (FarliamentPunk): ({o}) ({O}) ({o}) There's now an 'emot-off' occurring in the chartroom. Marius, how do you podcast? Sound effects. The Book of Mormon. The ghost lady. Rich, you need to see this film! That fucking menu bar. The Green Hornet. The Dirty Sanchez boys. Rick's gotta run. Faster internets on the way? Shit Beef and Megan Fox. Transformers - discuss. The time is 7:41, AM. Emma calls. Had her surgery last Friday. So many shit movies on SyFy channel. Beaten with a Yeti leg. Would you pay for 'Make It So'? Nyan Cat - it's made from Pop Tart and shits a rainbow. ( and ( It has 19 million views. Craig is wasting his time. Only 3 million watched the week long Torchwood special. I'm going to film some poo. Too old for the internet. If Captain Jack could shit a rainbow ….

 SHaFT 128 – And The Boz Woz there | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1:39:38

Unfortunately we don't have any detailed shownotes for this episode, but Boz called in.


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