SHaFT 144 – Back Again

Richard and Allison's Super Happy Fun Late Night Daytime Breakfast Show show

Summary: We won't ever go away forever. Welcome one and all to SHaFT! ExplodedDragon wins the stealth woot-off, the living room renovation continues apace, the picture rail and the skirting board is done, MDF/MDMF confusion, sharp knives conquer wood, Rich has acquired skillz in DIY, Nathan is getting Rich a tool belt, what is the best use for wasabi peas? Next years campaign "Pies For Africa" has begun in earnest, Rich addresses some "issues", he's not leaving and SimSyn isn't going away but there will be some significant changes, don't worry though, he'll try not to piss everyone off. Radio gets a roasting, in particular Steve Wright, Walli can set her watch by Rich's mid-December breakdown. Liam calls (otherwise known as Kiraniumbra) its his very first live show brought to him by the wonder of iPhones, Australian geography, chav and weather comparisons, exploding wind turbines, Rich has composure whereas Liam does not, Rich's nemesis next door has been appropriately chastised, Rich and Walli recap the DIY shenanigans, all admire Scott's dedication to ripping his house apart. Walli did not have a Super Happy Fun Time at her works Christmas do, comparing Sydney and Blackpool night life, drunken Japanese salaryman, Rich has managed to annoy Liam's wife, listening to old episodes of "Bollocks", moving banks, positive Twitter times thanks to SimSyn, the community is awesome but who is the Chinese listener? Boz and Casey's bar would be like Cheers, Christmas brings a mix of joy and horror, weird Aussie Christmas dinners, hybrid nerds, Army chaplins, inflatable Santa in a church? (Done). Australia is land of the future! Things are cracking in Rich's chest, its a medical mystery. Ian calls. Walli was proper ill, Ian is calling from a whole different country (Scotland), Ian is in Glasgow but its is not windy, Ian has blagged a weekend in Scotland from his work and is subsequently quite drunk, as is everyone else in Glasgow. Ian has an iPhone 4S and has been confusing Siri for fun and profit, Rich doesn't love his phone quite as much as that, there will still be a March meet up, Ian mentions going to see McFly which upsets Rich, Will Tristram likes Transformers. There was awkwardness at Craig's birthday party, there was some poor dancing, abandoning people in McDonalds. (Done) Apparently they sell beer in Scottish McDonalds. James calls. The Cap's sister is in hospital but he can't help but laugh, its deep vein thrombosis caused by World of Warcraft! Its so not funny but he can't stop laughing, heres wishing her a speedy recovery, trampolining is the ideal hobby for someone recovering from DVT (allegedly), James got a date through his iPad, he's a hottie! He's applied for a job in a sex shop, buying his sister an "organ" causes Rich and Walli to nearly die laughing, giving yourself competition, sign language meal class, boring class mates, bullshit insurance claims and hoping for refunds. Buying action figures and reselling on eBay, Rich should really put the tshirts back in the store, purchasing large amounts of stationary, feeling old, being old enough to be a colleges parent, 38 is a respectable age, James' scary voices including his impression of Kennedy and his plans for his next meet up costume, they were all lesbians except Allison. (Done) Thats a wrap ladies and gentlemen! The moral of the story is an organ is an inappropriate present. Its the panto for Rich and Allison next week so keep an eye on twitter to see if there will be SHaFT.