Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 …Oh, Say, Can You See (that Drone) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:07:33

The last several weeks have seen unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) make there way back into the news, as an Obama administration policy white paper was leaked to the press detailing a sketchy legal argument for the use of drones against American citizens. Both Ron and Rand Paul have been vocal opponents of this policy, as you have heard in the previous updates. This controversy has only ramped up in recent days due to John Brennan's pending nomination to head up the CIA. In his first confirmation hearing, Brennan- the US government's own 'Mr. Drone'- failed to articulate whether or not he felt Americans could be killed via drone here in America. As a result, Senator Paul has put a hold on Brennan's nomination until he gets some answers. This file contains commentary and conversation of this debate, as it has evolved over the last few weeks. This is the first installment of topical news coverage from a libertarian perspective. I'll post more whenever the news is compelling and plentiful. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Obama & MIC Using Drone Strikes To Create An Enemy To Profiteer From War! Cenk Uygur and Robert Greenwald on CurrentTV. Video by YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (1/14) (6:57) Columbia law professor and Harper’s Magazine journalist Scott Horton discusses the DOJ’s abbreviated explanation to Congress why the Obama administration has the right to assassinate US citizens on The Scott Horton Show. (2/5) (26:59) Obama’s Drone War - The Cato Institute's Caleb Brown talks with Julian Sanchez. (2/6) (34:27) Marcy Wheeler tells Scott Horton why the DOJ white paper doesn’t adequately explain the Obama administration’s legal justification for targeted killings. (2/6) (1:03:15) Skygall - Comedy Central's Jon Stewart Rips the Obama Administration's Drone Strike Policy. (2/6) (1:11:50) Obama's Kill List- WNOX News Talk 100.3's (Knoxville, TN) Patrick Riggins Show. (2/10) (1:22:44) Great Debate and Discussion: AM750 News/Talk WSB's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez talks about US Drone Program. (2/10) (2:36:41) Drone Pilots to Receive Combat Medals, Rand Paul to Hold Brennan Nomination - Big John Howell and Amy Jacobson on AM 560 WIND (Chicago, IL). (2/14) (2:54:57) WXIX-TV's (Fox19 - Cincinatti, OH) Reality Check with Ben Swann's Reality Check Special on Drone Policy (Part 1 and Part 2). (2/15)

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on the Laura Ingraham Show (2/20/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:37

On Wednesday morning, Former Congressman Ron Paul joined syndicated talk radio host Laura Ingraham to talk about domestic drone use and John McCain's confrontational town hall meeting with his constituents. Dr. Paul talked about his upcoming radio gig, the growth of the high-tech surveillance state, and the state of the Republican Party. Nice interview- the access to which I paid for with your generous donations! IMHO, Laura is among the best of the syndicated conservative talkers (right up there with Jerry Doyle).

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on the Laura Ingraham Show (2/20/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:37

On Wednesday morning, Former Congressman Ron Paul joined syndicated talk radio host Laura Ingraham to talk about domestic drone use and John McCain's confrontational town hall meeting with his constituents. Dr. Paul talked about his upcoming radio gig, the growth of the high-tech surveillance state, and the state of the Republican Party. Nice interview- the access to which I paid for with your generous donations! IMHO, Laura is among the best of the syndicated conservative talkers (right up there with Jerry Doyle).

 Texas Straight Talk: The Drone Threat (2/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:12

In his latest installment of Texas Straight Talk, Dr. Ron Paul addresses the fed's utilization of armed drones- now with the threat of deploying them against US citizens here in the United States! The former Congressman is reacting to Senate Republicans "hold" on the nomination of John Brennan to be CIA director, who recently declined to state whether or not drones could be operated domestically. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Texas Straight Talk: The Drone Threat (2/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:12

In his latest installment of Texas Straight Talk, Dr. Ron Paul addresses the fed's utilization of armed drones- now with the threat of deploying them against US citizens here in the United States! The former Congressman is reacting to Senate Republicans "hold" on the nomination of John Brennan to be CIA director, who recently declined to state whether or not drones could be operated domestically. Video compliments of YouTube User: minnesotachris.

 Rand Paul 2016 Update - February 11th thru February 17th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:32:48

Sen. Rand Paul was busy making headlines, and the media rounds, non-stop throughout the last week. The Senator was tapped to deliver the tea party rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union address- not to mention the conservative alternative to Marco Rubio's establishment-arian talking-points. But like Rubio, the leftist media wasted no time bashing Dr. Paul for daring to disagree with the savior-in-chief. Rand has seemingly been in the middle of every political squabble that has come up in the last several weeks- most recently including the Senate confirmations of the administration's nominee for CIA director John Brennan. After making political hey out of the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks, the bin-Laden raid doctor's (Shakil Afridi) imprisonment in Pakistan and now the the nomination of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense, it seems to me that the Senator is trying to be all things to all (conservative) people. Now, I'm all about fighting the good fight, but might Dr. Paul be biting off a little too much here? At the same time, he's fighting for hemp legalization, an audit of the Fed, privatizing the TSA, a balanced budget amendment/the Mack-Penny plan, and transparency in drone operation. And these are just subjects that Sen. Paul has spoken on in the last week or two! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! (1:09) Rand Paul talks with CBN's David Brody about his visit to Israel, his grilling of outgoing Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and his views on Immigration Reform. (2/12) (5:58) Sen. Rand Paul on the SOTU, more on the Andrea Tantaros Show - Video compliments of YouTube User: Pajamasmedia. (2/13) (15:57) JD Hayworth- in for Mike Huckabee- talks with Sen. Paul about his Tea Party rebuttal to last night's State of the Union. (2/13) (24:19) Rand Paul's Plan to Grow the Economy - Glenn Beck on TheBlaze TV. (2/13) (39:21) The Glenn Beck Program on TheBlaze Radio : Obama v. Rubio v. Paul. (2/13) (53:34) Sen. Rand Paul on Fox Business' Markets Now : S

 Rand Paul 2016 Update - February 11th thru February 17th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:32:48

Sen. Rand Paul was busy making headlines, and the media rounds, non-stop throughout the last week. The Senator was tapped to deliver the tea party rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union address- not to mention the conservative alternative to Marco Rubio's establishment-arian talking-points. But like Rubio, the leftist media wasted no time bashing Dr. Paul for daring to disagree with the savior-in-chief. Rand has seemingly been in the middle of every political squabble that has come up in the last several weeks- most recently including the Senate confirmations of the administration's nominee for CIA director John Brennan. After making political hey out of the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks, the bin-Laden raid doctor's (Shakil Afridi) imprisonment in Pakistan and now the the nomination of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense, it seems to me that the Senator is trying to be all things to all (conservative) people. Now, I'm all about fighting the good fight, but might Dr. Paul be biting off a little too much here? At the same time, he's fighting for hemp legalization, an audit of the Fed, privatizing the TSA, a balanced budget amendment/the Mack-Penny plan, and transparency in drone operation. And these are just subjects that Sen. Paul has spoken on in the last week or two! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! (1:09) Rand Paul talks with CBN's David Brody about his visit to Israel, his grilling of outgoing Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and his views on Immigration Reform. (2/12) (5:58) Sen. Rand Paul on the SOTU, more on the Andrea Tantaros Show - Video compliments of YouTube User: Pajamasmedia. (2/13) (15:57) JD Hayworth- in for Mike Huckabee- talks with Sen. Paul about his Tea Party rebuttal to last night's State of the Union. (2/13) (24:19) Rand Paul's Plan to Grow the Economy - Glenn Beck on TheBlaze TV. (2/13) (39:21) The Glenn Beck Program on TheBlaze Radio : Obama v. Rubio v. Paul. (2/13) (53:34) Sen. Rand Paul on Fox Business' Markets Now : Sequester Cuts Not Enough. (2/13) (57:42) Rand Paul talks about his tea party response on The Michael Medved Show. Video by YouTube user: bxtidre7. (2/12) (1:07:36) Obama’s Numbers in State of the Union Not Adding Up? Dr. Paul with FBN's Neil Cavuto. (2/13) (1:14:21) Rebuttal Madness - AM 680 WRKO's (Boston, MA) Howie Carr on the State of the Union addresses. (2/13) (1:26:45) Kentucky Senator Rand Paul on USA Today'

 Politics of Freedom Update - February 9th thru February 15th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:49:44

While exciting plans have been announced in recent weeks regarding Dr. Ron Paul's post-Congressional plans, news of purported 'scandals' that would taint his legacy have received much more coverage. The most recent of which is his personal suit against the good folks at who desire to be paid for the domain. Unfortunately for the former Congressman, these disputes are now arbitrated by a group affiliated with the UN (which is bad PR, to say the least). I've included a handful of conversations about this controversy, so you can make up your own mind. Meanwhile, Rand Paul has been among the most prominent Republican newsmakers in the past week, following his foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation. The Senator has been seeing through the passage of legislation in Kentucky for the legalization of industrial hemp, resubmitted legislation to privatize the TSA and audit the Fed, and threatened to filibuster the nominations of both John Brennan and Chuck Hagel. Of course, this week included the state-glorifying State of the Union address, so I've included some coverage of that as well. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! (1:09) Freedom Feens podcast: Ron Paul’s voting accident, does Ron Paul hate the troops? (no) (2/5) (10:13) We Are Change Milwaukee Live - Glenn Beck Shows True Colors Again: Rips Ron Paul, Calls Ventura 'Dirtbag' over Chris Kyle. Video by YouTube User: bigpzone. (2/9) (14:05) Rand Paul launches new attack on TSA - Baruch Feigenbaum, a Transportation Policy Analyst for the Reason Foundation joins RTAmerica. (2/9) (22:40) Jeff Deist talks with Tom Woods about the current state of the liberty movement on The Korelin Economics Report. (2/9) (32:32) Justin Raimondo joins Robert Wenzel to talk about Rand Paul's foreign policy. (2/10) (38:24) Obama's State of the Union Will Propose Socialist Solutions - JBS CEO Art Thompson's weekly update. (2/11) (47:15) David Lory VanDerBeek discusses Ron Paul Voters and his Run for Nevada Governor on The Josh Tolley Show.(2/11) (1:02:11) The Rural Doctrine: GOP Civil War - How To Defeat Karl Rove! Prof. Wall of The Subsidiary Times. (2/12) (1:07:23) Fox News reports -  Ron Paul files suit for (2/11) (1:09:35) Israel Anderson of Ron Paul FLIX: Ron Paul has NOT gone to the UN to strong-arm (2/11) (1:15:17) Alex Jones comments on the RonPaul com UN controversy. Video compliments of YouTube User: ConspiracyScope. (2/12) (1:19:49) Ron Paul is using a form of eminent domain to seize URLs? Stefan Molyneux, host of Fr

 Politics of Freedom Update - February 9th thru February 15th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:49:44

While exciting plans have been announced in recent weeks regarding Dr. Ron Paul's post-Congressional plans, news of purported 'scandals' that would taint his legacy have received much more coverage. The most recent of which is his personal suit against the good folks at who desire to be paid for the domain. Unfortunately for the former Congressman, these disputes are now arbitrated by a group affiliated with the UN (which is bad PR, to say the least). I've included a handful of conversations about this controversy, so you can make up your own mind. Meanwhile, Rand Paul has been among the most prominent Republican newsmakers in the past week, following his foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation. The Senator has been seeing through the passage of legislation in Kentucky for the legalization of industrial hemp, resubmitted legislation to privatize the TSA and audit the Fed, and threatened to filibuster the nominations of both John Brennan and Chuck Hagel. Of course, this week included the state-glorifying State of the Union address, so I've included some coverage of that as well. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! (1:09) Freedom Feens podcast: Ron Paul’s voting accident, does Ron Paul hate the troops? (no) (2/5) (10:13) We Are Change Milwaukee Live - Glenn Beck Shows True Colors Again: Rips Ron Paul, Calls Ventura 'Dirtbag' over Chris Kyle. Video by YouTube User: bigpzone. (2/9) (14:05) Rand Paul launches new attack on TSA - Baruch Feigenbaum, a Transportation Policy Analyst for the Reason Foundation joins RTAmerica. (2/9) (22:40) Jeff Deist talks with Tom Woods about the current state of the liberty movement on The Korelin Economics Report. (2/9) (32:32) Justin Raimondo joins Robert Wenzel to talk about Rand Paul's foreign policy. (2/10) (38:24) Obama's State of the Union Will Propose Socialist Solutions - JBS CEO Art Thompson's weekly update. (2/11) (47:15) David Lory VanDerBeek discusses Ron Paul Voters and his Run for Nevada Governor on

 Ron Paul with PRI’s Cornel West and Tavis Smiley (2/15/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:54

Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul joined Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on Public Radio International's 'The Conversation' segment of Smiley and West. The three talk about drones, libertarianism, and the Doctor's new radio program- Ron Paul’s America.

 Ron Paul with PRI’s Cornel West and Tavis Smiley (2/15/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:54

Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul joined Tavis Smiley and Cornel West on Public Radio International's 'The Conversation' segment of Smiley and West. The three talk about drones, libertarianism, and the Doctor's new radio program- Ron Paul’s America.

 Ron Paul’s America - Courtside Entertainment Group Demos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:14

On Wednesday, Dr. Ron Paul and Courtside Entertainment Group announced the former Congressman and Presidential Candidate will make his national radio and podcast debut on March 18, 2013. Ron Paul’s America will feature one of America’s most popular public figures sharing his thoughts and opinions on the issues listeners care about in twice daily one-minute radio commentaries with radio veteran and bestselling author Charles Goyette as his sidekick. In addition to the daily commentaries, Ron Paul’s America will also be available as a weekly podcast to satisfy the growing demand for on-demand digital content. At the group's press release link above, Courtside posted a series of eight demonstration clips, giving listeners a taste of what the segments will sound like. I took the liberty of naming the clips below. Topics of discussion include (in the order they are heard): (0:00) Obama Demands More Revenue for Federal Government. (1:01) Gallup Poll: America in Decline? What Happened to Optimism? (2:04) Student Loans and the $1 Trillion Taxpayer Liability. (3:07) Gun Control vs Armed Teachers? Debate Post-Sandy Hook Massacre. (4:10) Effective Immigration Reform in 2013? (5:13) Social Security: Has the Safety Net Become a Safety Noose? (6:17) Another Undeclared War in Mali. (7:21) Germany Demands the Fed Return Her Gold - Audit Fort Knox!

 Ron Paul’s America - Courtside Entertainment Group Demos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:14

On Wednesday, Dr. Ron Paul and Courtside Entertainment Group announced the former Congressman and Presidential Candidate will make his national radio and podcast debut on March 18, 2013. Ron Paul’s America will feature one of America’s most popular public figures sharing his thoughts and opinions on the issues listeners care about in twice daily one-minute radio commentaries with radio veteran and bestselling author Charles Goyette as his sidekick. In addition to the daily commentaries, Ron Paul’s America will also be available as a weekly podcast to satisfy the growing demand for on-demand digital content. At the group's press release link above, Courtside posted a series of eight demonstration clips, giving listeners a taste of what the segments will sound like. I took the liberty of naming the clips below. Topics of discussion include (in the order they are heard): (0:00) Obama Demands More Revenue for Federal Government. (1:01) Gallup Poll: America in Decline? What Happened to Optimism? (2:04) Student Loans and the $1 Trillion Taxpayer Liability. (3:07) Gun Control vs Armed Teachers? Debate Post-Sandy Hook Massacre. (4:10) Effective Immigration Reform in 2013? (5:13) Social Security: Has the Safety Net Become a Safety Noose? (6:17) Another Undeclared War in Mali. (7:21) Germany Demands the Fed Return Her Gold - Audit Fort Knox!

 Ron Paul on News Talk Radio 77 WABC with Geraldo Rivera (2/14/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:02

On this Valentine's Day, former Rep. Ron Paul carved out a few minutes to appear on New York City's WABC 770 AM to talk with Geraldo Rivera. The Congressman talked about the use of drones and the impending filibuster of Sen. Hagel's confirmation in the Senate. Hat tip to YouTube User bxtidre7 for locating the interviews.

 Ron Paul on News Talk Radio 77 WABC with Geraldo Rivera (2/14/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:02

On this Valentine's Day, former Rep. Ron Paul carved out a few minutes to appear on New York City's WABC 770 AM to talk with Geraldo Rivera. The Congressman talked about the use of drones and the impending filibuster of Sen. Hagel's confirmation in the Senate. Hat tip to YouTube User bxtidre7 for locating the interviews.


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