Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Media Coverage and Analysis of Rand Paul’s Senate Filibuster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 03:14:22

Rand Paul's 12 hour and 52 minute filibuster was a clear success by most measures, raising the national profile of the outrageous drone strike policy and becoming a true leader for libertarian-conservatism. The Senator received high praise from prominent voices across the political spectrum, with the exception of the most partisan Obama supporters, MSNBC pundits, and those who are somehow interested in the power of the Presidency/national security state. The most remarkable shift has been on the conservative side of the aisle, as it seems that the right is becoming legitimately more concerned with civil liberties and the Bill of Rights. Of course, this irony isn't lost on the Democrats. Obviously, media coverage of the filibuster has been vast and everything aid cannot be posted. But I will post additional coverage as part of the Rand Paul Watch update. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Judge Napolitano on FNC's Your World: Obama Drone Policy Is Stalinistic. Video by YouTube User: BirtherReportDotCom. (3/6) (2:29) Rand Paul's Filibuster of Brennan Confirmation Raises National Profile - Fox News' Bret Baier looks at senator's political strategy. (3/6) (10:40) Is Rand Paul Wasting Valuable Time? CNN's Erin Burnett shills for the Obama admin. Video by YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (3/6) (13:38) Charles Krauthammer on Rand Paul's Filibuster: 'A Stroke of Political Genius.' All-Star panel on Fox News' Special Report. (3/6) (15:23) NYC Deputy Mayor Trashes Rand Paul’s Anti-Drone Crusade: Americans Are ‘Okay’ With Obama’s Drone Program. Video archived at (3/6) (18:14) A good old fashioned filibuster on display in Senate - Sen. Mike Lee visits with FNC's Greta Van Susterein. (3/6) (25:13) Randpage: The Aftermath (Be Ready for the Media Fallout)! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheJoshTolleyChannel. (3/7)

 Dr. Ron Paul addresses the 2013 Manning Networking Conference in Ottawa, Canada (3/8/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:24

Former Presidential candidate Ron Paul may not be attending CPAC this year, but he did appear at a major Canadian gathering of  conservative leaders at the 2013 Manning Networking Conference. Dr. Paul spoke to attendees at the Manning Networking Conference. MNC2013 was held at the Manning Convention Centre in Ottawa, Canada- and is sponsored by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy.  The former Congressman spoke about issues ranging from president-approved drone assassinations to abortion to government deception and central bankers. Dr. Paul then sat down for some Q-and-A with Preston Manning, and finally took some questions from the audience. Unfortunately, I do not see the event in its entirety, yet- but I'll update when I find it. Video coverage via SunNews (Part 1 and Part 2).

 Dr. Ron Paul addresses the 2013 Manning Networking Conference in Ottawa, Canada (3/8/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:24

Former Presidential candidate Ron Paul may not be attending CPAC this year, but he did appear at a major Canadian gathering of  conservative leaders at the 2013 Manning Networking Conference. Dr. Paul spoke to attendees at the Manning Networking Conference. MNC2013 was held at the Manning Convention Centre in Ottawa, Canada- and is sponsored by the Manning Centre for Building Democracy.  The former Congressman spoke about issues ranging from president-approved drone assassinations to abortion to government deception and central bankers. Dr. Paul then sat down for some Q-and-A with Preston Manning, and finally took some questions from the audience. Unfortunately, I do not see the event in its entirety, yet- but I'll update when I find it. Video coverage via SunNews (Part 1 and Part 2).

 Ron Paul’s Podcast Nation - Episode 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:59

In his second extended podcast, now entitled Ron Paul's Podcast Nation, Dr. Paul joins Charles Goyette to pull back the curtain on what's behind the sequester panic in DC and offers the people some real solutions. Subscribe to the show, operated by PodcastOne.

 Rand Paul’s Senate Filibuster Extended Highlights (3/6/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:55:39

On Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul took to the Senate chamber to filibuster the nomination of John Brennan as director of the CIA. The Senator used the maneuver to bring attention to the domestic drone program, and to receive a firm answer about whether the administration feels it has the authority to kill US citizens in America without due process of law. As you might expect, Sen. Paul used the time to raise many issues about US foreign and anti-terrorism policies. I attempted to sift through the nearly thirteen hours of audio to post the most compelling, insightful remarks from the rhetorical marathon. I had initially considered posting audio from the filibuster in its entirety- but who would listen to 13 hours of repetitive prose? Dr. Paul was joined by several of his Senate allies, most notably Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Sen. Ron Johnson (Sen. Marco Rubio made a brief, politically superficial appearance). As for the Democrats, only Sen. Ron Wyden came to the podium to discuss and debate the issue at hand- with the exception of Harry Reid's unsuccessful attempt to limit debate and adjourn the body for the night. For the purpose of this podcast file, I attempted to include some of the back and forth between Sen. Paul and all of the major speakers during the filibuster period. I tried to edit out repetitive arguments by the same speaker to the best of my ability. It seemed that Sen. Paul may have been somehow aware of when news feed were going live, so at times, he reset the argument for television coverage. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul.

 Rand Paul’s Senate Filibuster Extended Highlights (3/6/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:55:39

On Wednesday, Senator Rand Paul took to the Senate chamber to filibuster the nomination of John Brennan as director of the CIA. The Senator used the maneuver to bring attention to the domestic drone program, and to receive a firm answer about whether the administration feels it has the authority to kill US citizens in America without due process of law. As you might expect, Sen. Paul used the time to raise many issues about US foreign and anti-terrorism policies. I attempted to sift through the nearly thirteen hours of audio to post the most compelling, insightful remarks from the rhetorical marathon. I had initially considered posting audio from the filibuster in its entirety- but who would listen to 13 hours of repetitive prose? Dr. Paul was joined by several of his Senate allies, most notably Sen. Mike Lee, Sen. Ted Cruz, and Sen. Ron Johnson (Sen. Marco Rubio made a brief, politically superficial appearance). As for the Democrats, only Sen. Ron Wyden came to the podium to discuss and debate the issue at hand- with the exception of Harry Reid's unsuccessful attempt to limit debate and adjourn the body for the night. For the purpose of this podcast file, I attempted to include some of the back and forth between Sen. Paul and all of the major speakers during the filibuster period. I tried to edit out repetitive arguments by the same speaker to the best of my ability. It seemed that Sen. Paul may have been somehow aware of when news feed were going live, so at times, he reset the argument for television coverage. Video compliments of YouTube User: SenatorRandPaul.

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on Toronto’s News Talk 1010 CFRB (3/5/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:48

Three time presidential candidate Ron Paul was in town and made an unexpected visit to the studios of Newstalk 1010 (Toronto, ON) and Live Drive with John Tory. The two talked about the effects of the sequester, the Keystone pipeline, the future of the Republican Party and more!

 Former Rep. Ron Paul on Toronto’s News Talk 1010 CFRB (3/5/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 9:48

Three time presidential candidate Ron Paul was in town and made an unexpected visit to the studios of Newstalk 1010 (Toronto, ON) and Live Drive with John Tory. The two talked about the effects of the sequester, the Keystone pipeline, the future of the Republican Party and more!

 C4L Chairman Ron Paul speaks with WRGW News’ Kyle Anderson after GWU Speech (3/4/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:27

WRGW News reporter Kyle Anderson had the opportunity to interview former Congressman and Presidential Candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, after Dr. Paul spoke to the George Washington University College Republicans in Lisner Auditorium on March 4th.  The former Congressman was asked about the state of the revolution, how to truly support US soldiers, the nature of government secrecy vs. national security and his goals for speaking to young students.

 C4L Chairman Ron Paul speaks with WRGW News’ Kyle Anderson after GWU Speech (3/4/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:27

WRGW News reporter Kyle Anderson had the opportunity to interview former Congressman and Presidential Candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, after Dr. Paul spoke to the George Washington University College Republicans in Lisner Auditorium on March 4th.  The former Congressman was asked about the state of the revolution, how to truly support US soldiers, the nature of government secrecy vs. national security and his goals for speaking to young students.

 Texas Straight Talk: The Sequester ‘Crisis’ And What Should Be Done (3/4/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:23

In his Texas Straight Talk update for the week of March 5th, former Rep. Ron Paul comments on the sequester package which just went into effect, and what should have been done, instead. This whole debate shows just how far the media is from taking the debt/deficit crisis seriously. Moreover, if the economy were actually operating under the strength of good federal policy, pundits wouldn't be claiming that a slight dip in the growth of government spending would be an economic disaster! Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulCC2012.

 Texas Straight Talk: The Sequester ‘Crisis’ And What Should Be Done (3/4/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:23

In his Texas Straight Talk update for the week of March 5th, former Rep. Ron Paul comments on the sequester package which just went into effect, and what should have been done, instead. This whole debate shows just how far the media is from taking the debt/deficit crisis seriously. Moreover, if the economy were actually operating under the strength of good federal policy, pundits wouldn't be claiming that a slight dip in the growth of government spending would be an economic disaster! Video compliments of YouTube User: RonPaulCC2012.

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - February 25th thru March 3rd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:40:15

The past week has proven what a difficult road to the top it will be for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Sen. Paul has been at the forefront of Republican politics over the last month or so- being a champion for nearly every conservative cause that arises in the news cycle. Yet, the Senator's decision to vote in favor of confirming Chuck Hagel as the President's Secretary of Defense has been met with scorn and outrage by some pundits. The liberty movement (myself included) had some negative feelings about Rand's original objection to Sen. Hagel- a man whose record and resume is far superior to any of the hacks who served for the Bush administration. No, Senate Republicans took issue with the man's rhetoric in regards to Israel and some unsubstantiated rumors. Nevertheless, I believe Sen. Paul made the right decision, as he knows the real fight must be saved for incoming CIA director John Brennan (aka Mr. Drone). You have to pick your battles- and I fear that the average right-wing reactionary will never grasp that. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) RUSH LIMBAUGH: Gotta Hand It To Rand Paul! - "We're Talking About Pennies, Folks." Video archived at (2/20) (4:23) Republican US Senator from Kentucky talks about guns, sequestration, immigration reform on News Talk 800 WVHU's (Huntington, WV) The Tom Roten Morning Show. (2/21) (14:17) MSNBC's Al Sharpton asks: Does the GOP Need a Fresh Face? The Left analyzes the GOPs 2016 contenders. (2/25) (22:21) Republicans call Obama's bluff on spending cuts - Rand Paul joins FNC's Sean Hannity. (2/25) (30:00) Democracy Now: Paul Threatens Hold on Brennan Vote over Assassination Program. (2/26) (31:56) Anarchy v. Totalitarianism - The New Left Right Scale? Glenn Beck tackles statism in the GOP. (2/26) (42:11) Senate Confirms Hagel as Pentagon Chief. Zachary Toombs reports for (2/26) (43:30) Steve Deace: Did a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate cast a vote today that could come back to haunt him later? (2/26) (1:03:38) Confessions of a Neo-Conservative - WSB Radio's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez on Irving Krystol, Why GOP Leaders Always Suck! (2/26) (1:37:14) Sen. Rand Paul cuts government a check for $600K - Appears on Fox News' America's Newsroom with Bill Hemmer. (2/27) (1:

 Rand Paul 2016 Watch - February 25th thru March 3rd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:40:15

The past week has proven what a difficult road to the top it will be for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. Sen. Paul has been at the forefront of Republican politics over the last month or so- being a champion for nearly every conservative cause that arises in the news cycle. Yet, the Senator's decision to vote in favor of confirming Chuck Hagel as the President's Secretary of Defense has been met with scorn and outrage by some pundits. The liberty movement (myself included) had some negative feelings about Rand's original objection to Sen. Hagel- a man whose record and resume is far superior to any of the hacks who served for the Bush administration. No, Senate Republicans took issue with the man's rhetoric in regards to Israel and some unsubstantiated rumors. Nevertheless, I believe Sen. Paul made the right decision, as he knows the real fight must be saved for incoming CIA director John Brennan (aka Mr. Drone). You have to pick your battles- and I fear that the average right-wing reactionary will never grasp that. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) RUSH LIMBAUGH: Gotta Hand It To Rand Paul! - "We're Talking About Pennies, Folks." Video archived at (2/20) (4:23) Republican US Senator from Kentucky talks about guns, sequestration, immigration reform on News Talk 800 WVHU's (Huntington, WV) The Tom Roten Morning Show. (2/21) (14:17) MSNBC's Al Sharpton asks: Does the GOP Need a Fresh Face? The Left analyzes the GOPs 2016 contenders. (2/25) (22:21) Republicans call Obama's bluff on spending cuts - Rand Paul joins FNC's Sean Hannity. (2/25) (30:00) Democracy Now: Paul Threatens Hold on Brennan Vote over Assassination Program. (2/26) (31:56) Anarchy v. Totalitarianism - The New Left Right Scale? Glenn Beck tackles statism in the GOP. (2/26) (42:11) Senate Confirms Hagel as Pentagon Chief. Zachary Toombs reports for (2/26) (43:30) Steve Deace: Did a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate cast a vote today that could come back to haunt him later? (2/26) (1:03:38) Confessions of a Neo-Conservative - WSB Radio's (Atlanta, GA) Monica Perez on Irving Krystol, Why GOP Leaders Always Suck! (2/26) (1:37:14) Sen. Rand Paul cuts government a check for $600K - Appears on Fox News' America's Newsroom with Bill Hemmer. (2/27) (1:41:46) Glenn Beck: Rand Paul is 1 of 4 Republicans who voted to confirm Chuck Hagel ... Why? (2/27) (1:43:16) Jamie Allman talked Rand Paul's Hagel vote with Jim Carafano on NewsTalk 97.1 KFTK (St. Louis, MO). (2/27) (1:53:23) Sen. Rand Paul joins Bruce Wolf and Dan Proft

 Politics of Freedom Update - February 23rd thru March 1st | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:45:53

Ron Paul will be getting busy next week, as he more formally begins his spring speaking tour at George Washington University. As for this past week, the news and coverage update has alot more to do with other voices from the broader liberty movement. Pundits are beginning to realize that we all are going to need to come together to stem the tide of statism. A good portion of the conservative population has come a long way in the last few years. The "libertarian" brand is on the rise, as proven by Glenn Beck's growing media operation. But, this week's update is hereby dedicated to Congressman Walter Jones- a longtime friend of Dr. Ron Paul and a converted anti-war Republican. That man deserves his own podcast! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Clips from Ron Paul's speech at Washington & Lee University - Video archived by The Greater Talent Network Speakers Bureau. (1/15) (3:46) The Ron Paul Bronze Bust Project - by Daniel S. Thompson, sculptor. Contribute at (2/10) (7:10) MOLON LABE: How the Second Amendment Guarantees America's Freedom. A documentary film starring Ron Paul. (2/11) (12:42) AJ Spiker talks about the Republican Party of Iowa with Newsradio 1040 WHO's (Des Moines, IA) Jan Mickelson. (2/19) (22:17) Michael Alford & Alaska Talks Liberty radio host Russ Millette discuss how the GOP lost themselves the presidential election. (2/19) (56:23) Why Didn’t the Libertarians Win in 2012? Gary Johnson and David Boaz talk with FBN's John Stossel. (2/22) (1:04:31) Fox Business' John Stossel speaks with the libertarian Congressman, Rep. Justin Amash. Video by YouTube User: RonPaulCC2012. (2/22) (1:11:39) Sen. Ron Johnson: "Ron Paul’s vision of individual liberty, individual me hope" - Video by Vimeo User: DHFC. (2/22) (1:21:04) Ted Cruz: The Council on Foreign Relations is a "Pit of Vipers" - Believe Him? Video compliments of YouTube User: VisionLiberty. (2/23) (1:21:31) Rand Paul demands due process instead of deadly drone justice. Former CIA analyst Ray McGovern joins RTAmerica to discuss. (2/25) (1:27:53) Judge Napolitano: Obama's Sequester is Political Theater, Spending Going Up Across The Board. Video by YouTube User: selfownership1. (2/25) (1:31:37) Obama's Plan for America's Preschoolers - JBS CEO Art Thompson with this week's analysis behind the news video. (2/25) (1:42:07) "Dick Cheney Will Probably Go To Hell For The Iraq War" - My favorite Congressman, Walter B. Jones (R-NC) speaking to YAL at NCSU in Raleigh. Video by YouTube User: constitutionalwar. (2/23) (2:23:04) Judge Napolitano on Fox & Friends: ‘Almost An Impeachable Offense’ If Obama’s Making Spending Decisions ‘To Hurt Us’. Video archived at (2/26) (2:26:25) Ron Paul Suppo


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