Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast

Summary: Most independent minded Americans realize that Washington DC is corrupt, and is run for the administrative convenience of Wall St. banks and multinational corporations. Republicans and Democrats have let us down time and time again. If the United States are to remain free and democratic, we must save our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Don't let the corporate media and the special interests tell you how to think! They demonize any restraint on federal authority (like Constitutionalism, states-rights, fully informed juries, and the OathKeepers) as racist, extremist, or seditious! Why? Because they are authoritarians at heart who want to run your life and take your money on behalf of the wealthiest people on earth. Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. If you are disgusted by what corporate interests have gotten away with in recent years, you must understand that it wouldn't have been possible without government complicity. A small government cannot pass out favors to cronies, and therefore representatives are less likely to be corrupted. Don't allow the media to convince you that libertarian ideals are quaint, bizarre, or anachronistic. Don't allow the likes of the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center to get away with saying that you're a racist if you believe you've been taxed enough and you think the borders should be secured. Dr. Paul represents a return to common sense in government, and to the freedom that allowed such great prosperity in our country. So take a listen to Congressman Paul's words as he is interviewed by the media, gives speeches to students and supporters, and debates ideological foes. If you have had it with the Bush/Obama regime, Ron Paul offers Real Hope For America. Let the rEVOLution continue! (To donate or listen to additional audio, visit

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  • Artist: Ron Paul 2012
  • Copyright: Copyright © 2013 JT Williams. All rights reserved.


 Texas Straight Talk - The Coming Debt Limit Drama: Government Wins, We Lose (1/21/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:29

In his most recent Texas Straight Talk update, former Rep. Ron Paul talks about the fast-approaching debt-limit drama on Capitol Hill and the gimmickry of Paul Krugman's proposed $1T platinum coin. Dr. Paul reminds us that the creation of new fiat currency simply strengthens a fantasy balance sheet, either by adding to cash reserves or servicing debt. But this balance sheet wealth is an illusion, just as the notion we can continue to raise the debt limit and borrow money forever is an illusion.

 Politics of Freedom Update - January 13th to January 19th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:29:03

PLEASE DONATE TODAY if you still enjoy this podcast and want it to continue! We have a pretty compelling week of news and coverage this week, in covering Ron Paul's liberty movement and the enemy's statist solutions to all Americas problems. There was an uptick in Ron Paul related media this week, as the former Congressman participated in several interviews and began his 2013 college campus tour. Liberty Republicans are trying to consolidate their gains in the many states after being smacked down by the RNC in Tampa. But the big news of the week has got to be the Obama administration's power grab against the 2nd amendment- implementing 23 executive orders by fiat. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Personal Message from Website Administrator JTWilliams - Should this podcast continue? PLEASE DONATE! (2:03) WSLS-TV 10 (NBC - Roanoke, VA) - Ron Paul Begins 2013 College Tour in Lexington Tuesday. (1/12) (2:23) Ron Paul at Washington and Lee (brief clip) - Video compliments of YouTube User: rockbridgereport. (1/15) (2:37) Going Global with Ron Paul - The New Braunfels Lefties salute to the Doctor's career. (1/14) (10:20) More Hints about the Ron Paul 'Big Project' - Tom Woods on Mike Salvi's World podcast. (1/14) (16:36) White House Responds to Secession Petitions... and It's About What You'd Expect. By Mike Church for FoundersTV. (1/14) (21:23) Obama: Some Gun Control Measures 'I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action' - Video by YouTube User: politicalturkey. (1/14) (23:25) Mark Levin Goes Off On 'Tyranny' Under Obama's 'Imperial Presidency' To Fox News' Megyn Kelly. (1/14) (30:07) Rand Paul on Gun Control Executive Order: Obama is Not 'King' - CBN News. Video by YouTube User: Eduardo89rp. (1/14)

 Politics of Freedom Update - January 13th to January 19th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:29:03

PLEASE DONATE TODAY if you still enjoy this podcast and want it to continue! We have a pretty compelling week of news and coverage this week, in covering Ron Paul's liberty movement and the enemy's statist solutions to all Americas problems. There was an uptick in Ron Paul related media this week, as the former Congressman participated in several interviews and began his 2013 college campus tour. Liberty Republicans are trying to consolidate their gains in the many states after being smacked down by the RNC in Tampa. But the big news of the week has got to be the Obama administration's power grab against the 2nd amendment- implementing 23 executive orders by fiat. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Personal Message from Website Administrator JTWilliams - Should this podcast continue? PLEASE DONATE! (2:03) WSLS-TV 10 (NBC - Roanoke, VA) - Ron Paul Begins 2013 College Tour in Lexington Tuesday. (1/12) (2:23) Ron Paul at Washington and Lee (brief clip) - Video compliments of YouTube User: rockbridgereport. (1/15) (2:37) Going Global with Ron Paul - The New Braunfels Lefties salute to the Doctor's career. (1/14) (10:20) More Hints about the Ron Paul 'Big Project' - Tom Woods on Mike Salvi's World podcast. (1/14) (16:36) White House Responds to Secession Petitions... and It's About What You'd Expect. By Mike Church for FoundersTV. (1/14) (21:23) Obama: Some Gun Control Measures 'I Can Accomplish Through Executive Action' - Video by YouTube User: politicalturkey. (1/14) (23:25) Mark Levin Goes Off On 'Tyranny' Under Obama's 'Imperial Presidency' To Fox News' Megyn Kelly. (1/14) (30:07) Rand Paul on Gun Control Executive Order: Obama is Not 'King' - CBN News. Video by YouTube User: Eduardo89rp. (1/14) (31:06) Judge Napolitano: Obama Cannot Use the 14th Amendment to Raise the Debt Ceiling. Video by YouTube User: djgabrielpresents. (1/14) (34:49) "Obama Phone Lady" Live in Studio on The Alex Jones Show! Video compliments of YouTube User: ConspiracyScope. (1/14) (1:10:35) WND's Molotov Mitchell: My open appeal to Glenn Beck. What an intellectual thief!?  (1/15) (1:14:50) The Sequestration Cuts Explained  - Video courtesy of Business Insider. (1/15) (1:17:05) Ron Paul lives: Will Fed be dead? Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga) on WND Radio. (1/15) (1:24:54) RNC Chairman/liberty candidate Mark Willis talks about how to restore the GOP with Steve Martin and Jack McCarthy on The Aroostook Watchmen Radio Show.  (1/16) (1:52:32) Ron Paul's Legacy discussed on HuffPost Live - Brian Doherty and panel discuss with Alyona Minkovski. (1/1

 Ron Paul on Fox News’ Your World (1/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:07

Appearing on FNC's Your World this afternoon, retired Rep. Ron Paul did not hold back about his thoughts on the "blowback" consequences from America's "kings of the world" foreign policy in light of the latest hostage crisis in Algeria and related unrest in North Africa. Unfortunately, Dr. Paul was not permitted to debate with the former CIA operative Wayne Simmons. If I understood him correctly, it seems that Simmons thinks the US government should be more assertive, for the good of all humanity! Talk about spin...

 Ron Paul on Fox News’ Your World (1/18/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:07

Appearing on FNC's Your World this afternoon, retired Rep. Ron Paul did not hold back about his thoughts on the "blowback" consequences from America's "kings of the world" foreign policy in light of the latest hostage crisis in Algeria and related unrest in North Africa. Unfortunately, Dr. Paul was not permitted to debate with the former CIA operative Wayne Simmons. If I understood him correctly, it seems that Simmons thinks the US government should be more assertive, for the good of all humanity! Talk about spin...

 Ron Paul joins the Walton and Johnson Show (1/17/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:40

Former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on the nationally syndicated Walton and Johnson talk radio show on Thursday morning, to discuss President Obama's outrageous executive orders regarding additional gun control measures. Dr. Paul reminded listeners that "[The government] will come with their guns to take our guns." John Walton and Steve Johnson broadcast out of Houston and are currently  syndicated across six stations in the South.

 Ron Paul joins the Walton and Johnson Show (1/17/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:40

Former Congressman Ron Paul appeared on the nationally syndicated Walton and Johnson talk radio show on Thursday morning, to discuss President Obama's outrageous executive orders regarding additional gun control measures. Dr. Paul reminded listeners that "[The government] will come with their guns to take our guns." John Walton and Steve Johnson broadcast out of Houston and are currently  syndicated across six stations in the South.

 Texas Straight Talk: On Obama’s New National Security Team, Keep Your Eye on the Policy (1/14/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:58

In his latest Texas Straight Talk column, former Rep. Ron Paul reacts to the President's nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel as Defense Secretary and John Brennan as director of the CIA. Dr. Paul reminds us not to let the argument over who occupies what position in the cabinet distract from the policies the President will require his appointees to carry out! The so-called "bipartisan foreign policy consensus" (headed up by our loving technocrats over at the CFR) never loses out.

 Texas Straight Talk: On Obama’s New National Security Team, Keep Your Eye on the Policy (1/14/2012) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:03:58

In his latest Texas Straight Talk column, former Rep. Ron Paul reacts to the President's nomination of former Sen. Chuck Hagel as Defense Secretary and John Brennan as director of the CIA. Dr. Paul reminds us not to let the argument over who occupies what position in the cabinet distract from the policies the President will require his appointees to carry out! The so-called "bipartisan foreign policy consensus" (headed up by our loving technocrats over at the CFR) never loses out.

 Politics of Freedom Update - January 6th to January 12th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:52:51

2013 has only just begun, but it looks as if those of us who remain dedicated to limited, Constitutional government and against the state steamrolling over the rights of individuals will have quite a fight on our hands this year. Although there is little audio/video coverage of his plans (that I can post for you this week), word is starting to leak out about Dr. Paul's post-Congressional agenda- including a new campus tour, homeschooling advocacy and some kind of web-based media operation. In the meantime, Senator Paul (and to a lesser extent- his dad) has been strangely quiet about the raft of victim disarmament legislation being proposed in the Congress. One man who hasn't held his tongue is Alex Jones, who rhetorically ripped CNN's Piers Morgan (aka "Hatchet-man for the New World Order") a new one on national television. That interview is included here in its entirety, along with other 2nd amendment advocates who took turns verbally pummeling Piers Moron. Regardless of what one may think of Alex Jones- he is now the ultimate canary in the coal-mine for liberty lovers. The Obama government is extremely dangerous right now; it's actions denote a confidence that the 'liberals' and Democrat Party will not face a credible challenge from the GOP (or anyone else) in the foreseeable future. These tyrants are seeking to remove term limits so Lord Obama can maintain power past his second term AND they are openly promoting doing away with the Constitution, once and for all! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Reps. Justin Amash and Bill Huizenga react to the fiscal cliff deal on WOOD-TV 8 (NBC - Grand Rapids, MI). (1/1) (4:51) Author and 1960's counterculture-ist Tom Wolfe on 2012 Election: "I Wrote in Ron Paul" - Interview by Michael Moynihan for BeastTV. (1/4) (7:47) Iowa GOP Co-Chair Bill Schickel slams the Ron Paul Domination of the Iowa GOP (ie. the grassroots who actually show up). Video by YouTube User: TheIowaRepublican. (1/6) (8:35) MSNBC: Is It Time To Get Rid Of The U.S. Constitution? Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (1/6) (22:46) Texas Secession Movement Gains Traction - Fox News - Video compliments of YouTube User: eduardo89rp. (1/6) (26:54) Ret. Marine Absolutely Owns CNN Anchor On 2nd Amendment - "Unconstitutional Laws Aren't Laws." Video by YouTube User: matlarson10. (1/6) (31:23) WCNC-TV (NBC - Charlotte, NC) reports: Ron Paul's Grandson (Rand's son) William Arrested Charlotte Airport - Video by YouTube User: BreakingNewsSource. (1/6) (31:52) Mike Church: Graham, Cruz, DeceptiCONs Foolishly Oppose Hagel Nomination. (1/7) (36:53) Is Rand Paul sleeping with Enemies Domestic? Animation by Vimeo User: Alan Alsup. (39:00) ALEX JONES vs PIERS MORGAN - Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0t

 Politics of Freedom Update - January 6th to January 12th | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 02:52:51

2013 has only just begun, but it looks as if those of us who remain dedicated to limited, Constitutional government and against the state steamrolling over the rights of individuals will have quite a fight on our hands this year. Although there is little audio/video coverage of his plans (that I can post for you this week), word is starting to leak out about Dr. Paul's post-Congressional agenda- including a new campus tour, homeschooling advocacy and some kind of web-based media operation. In the meantime, Senator Paul (and to a lesser extent- his dad) has been strangely quiet about the raft of victim disarmament legislation being proposed in the Congress. One man who hasn't held his tongue is Alex Jones, who rhetorically ripped CNN's Piers Morgan (aka "Hatchet-man for the New World Order") a new one on national television. That interview is included here in its entirety, along with other 2nd amendment advocates who took turns verbally pummeling Piers Moron. Regardless of what one may think of Alex Jones- he is now the ultimate canary in the coal-mine for liberty lovers. The Obama government is extremely dangerous right now; it's actions denote a confidence that the 'liberals' and Democrat Party will not face a credible challenge from the GOP (or anyone else) in the foreseeable future. These tyrants are seeking to remove term limits so Lord Obama can maintain power past his second term AND they are openly promoting doing away with the Constitution, once and for all! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Reps. Justin Amash and Bill Huizenga react to the fiscal cliff deal on WOOD-TV 8 (NBC - Grand Rapids, MI). (1/1) (4:51) Author and 1960's counterculture-ist Tom Wolfe on 2012 Election: "I Wrote in Ron Paul" - Interview by Michael Moynihan for BeastTV. (1/4) (7:47) Iowa GOP Co-Chair Bill Schickel slams the Ron Paul Domination of the Iowa GOP (ie. the grassroots who actually show up). Video by YouTube User: TheIowaRepublican. (1/6) (8:35) MSNBC: Is It Time To Get Rid Of The U.S. Constitution? Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tC0M. (1/6) (22:46) Texas Secession Movement Gains Traction - Fox News - Video compliments of YouTube User: eduardo89rp. (1/6) (26:54)

 Former Congressman Ron Paul on NewsRadio 740 KTRH with Michael Berry (1/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:47

Houston-based syndicated radio host Michael Berry was joined on the program by Dr. Ron Paul on Wednesday to talk about the ideological battle going on , and the lack of substantive debate in Washington. Conversation turns to the devastation caused by Keynesian economics, the need for consistency in our leaders, and much more! Audio archived at NewsRadio 640 KTRH (Houston, TX).

 Former Congressman Ron Paul on NewsRadio 740 KTRH with Michael Berry (1/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:47

Houston-based syndicated radio host Michael Berry was joined on the program by Dr. Ron Paul on Wednesday to talk about the ideological battle going on , and the lack of substantive debate in Washington. Conversation turns to the devastation caused by Keynesian economics, the need for consistency in our leaders, and much more! Audio archived at NewsRadio 640 KTRH (Houston, TX).

 Dr. Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show (1/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:13

On Wednesday, Ron Paul checked-in with Alex Jones to speak about the raging gun control debate and the establishment's attempt to "brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way" (to quote Attorney General Eric Holder).

 Dr. Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show (1/9/2013) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:13

On Wednesday, Ron Paul checked-in with Alex Jones to speak about the raging gun control debate and the establishment's attempt to "brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way" (to quote Attorney General Eric Holder).


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