Politics of Freedom Update - February 9th thru February 15th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: While exciting plans have been announced in recent weeks regarding Dr. Ron Paul's post-Congressional plans, news of purported 'scandals' that would taint his legacy have received much more coverage. The most recent of which is his personal suit against the good folks at RonPaul.com- who desire to be paid for the domain. Unfortunately for the former Congressman, these disputes are now arbitrated by a group affiliated with the UN (which is bad PR, to say the least). I've included a handful of conversations about this controversy, so you can make up your own mind. Meanwhile, Rand Paul has been among the most prominent Republican newsmakers in the past week, following his foreign policy speech at the Heritage Foundation. The Senator has been seeing through the passage of legislation in Kentucky for the legalization of industrial hemp, resubmitted legislation to privatize the TSA and audit the Fed, and threatened to filibuster the nominations of both John Brennan and Chuck Hagel. Of course, this week included the state-glorifying State of the Union address, so I've included some coverage of that as well. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! <br> <br> (1:09) <a href="http://www.freedomfeens.com/2013/02/05/statist-rush-limbaugh-calls-others-statist/">Freedom Feens</a> podcast: Ron Paul’s voting accident, does Ron Paul hate the troops? (no) (2/5) <br> (10:13) We Are Change Milwaukee Live - Glenn Beck Shows True Colors Again: Rips Ron Paul, Calls Ventura 'Dirtbag' over Chris Kyle. Video by YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WBUiX-igmY">bigpzone</a>. (2/9) <br> (14:05) Rand Paul launches new attack on TSA - Baruch Feigenbaum, a Transportation Policy Analyst for the Reason Foundation joins <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf0vRJvSs9k">RTAmerica</a>. (2/9) <br> (22:40) Jeff Deist talks with Tom Woods about the current state of the liberty movement on <a href="http://www.kereport.com/2013/02/09/deeper-world-investing/">The Korelin Economics Report</a>. (2/9) <br> (32:32) Justin Raimondo joins <a href="http://wenzel.podbean.com/2013/02/10/justin-raimondo-on-rand-paul-president-obama-murray-rothbard-and-much-more/">Robert Wenzel</a> to talk about Rand Paul's foreign policy. (2/10) <br> (38:24) Obama's State of the Union Will Propose Socialist Solutions - <a href="http://www.jbs.org/news/obamas-state-of-the-union-will-propose-standard-socialist-solutions">JBS</a> CEO Art Thompson's weekly update. (2/11) <br> (47:15) David Lory VanDerBeek discusses Ron Paul Voters and his Run for Nevada Governor on <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcRcy4izZZk">The Josh Tolley Show</a>.(2/11) <br> (1:02:11) The Rural Doctrine: GOP Civil War - How To Defeat Karl Rove! Prof. Wall of <a href="http://subsidiaritytimes.com/2013/02/12/the-rural-doctrine-how-to-defeat-karl-rov/">The Subsidiary Times</a>. (2/12) <br> <br> (1:07:23) <a href="http://video.foxnews.com/v/2157660237001/ron-paul-files-suit-for-ronpaulcom/">Fox News</a> reports -  Ron Paul files suit for RonPaul.com. (2/11) <br> <br> (1:09:35) Israel Anderson of <a href="http://ronpaulflix.com/2013/02/ron-paul-has-not-gone-to-the-un-to-strong-arm-ronpaul-com/">Ron Paul FLIX</a>: Ron Paul has NOT gone to the UN to strong-arm RonPaul.com. (2/11) <br> <br> (1:15:17) Alex Jones comments on the RonPaul com UN controversy. Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARAxZtLsat8">ConspiracyScope</a>. (2/12) <br> <br> (1:19:49) Ron Paul is using a form of eminent domain to seize URLs? <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15ZgVk0paK4&amp;feature=player_embedded">Stefan Molyneux</a>, host of Fr