Rand Paul 2016 Update - February 11th thru February 17th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Sen. Rand Paul was busy making headlines, and the media rounds, non-stop throughout the last week. The Senator was tapped to deliver the tea party rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union address- not to mention the conservative alternative to Marco Rubio's establishment-arian talking-points. But like Rubio, the leftist media wasted no time bashing Dr. Paul for daring to disagree with the savior-in-chief. Rand has seemingly been in the middle of every political squabble that has come up in the last several weeks- most recently including the Senate confirmations of the administration's nominee for CIA director John Brennan. After making political hey out of the 9/11/12 Benghazi attacks, the bin-Laden raid doctor's (Shakil Afridi) imprisonment in Pakistan and now the the nomination of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense, it seems to me that the Senator is trying to be all things to all (conservative) people. Now, I'm all about fighting the good fight, but might Dr. Paul be biting off a little too much here? At the same time, he's fighting for hemp legalization, an audit of the Fed, privatizing the TSA, a balanced budget amendment/the Mack-Penny plan, and transparency in drone operation. And these are just subjects that Sen. Paul has spoken on in the last week or two! Links to the original media sources are included in the file description; included audio can be heard in the order listed below: <br> <br> (0:00) Still trying to raise enough money to continue this podcast for the next several months. I know the requests are getting annoying, but the donations have come in slowly as of late. The fate of the podcast is in your hands! <br> <br> (1:09) Rand Paul talks with CBN's David Brody about his <a href="http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2013/02/12/rand-paul-tells-brody-file-u.s.-should-stay-out-of.aspx">visit to Israel</a>, his <a href="http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2013/02/12/rand-paul-shot-at-hillary-clinton-benghazi-incident-disqualifies-her.aspx">grilling of outgoing Sec. of State Hillary Clinton</a>, and his <a href="http://blogs.cbn.com/thebrodyfile/archive/2013/02/12/rand-paul-on-immigration-reform-border-security-before-probationary-legal.aspx">views on Immigration Reform</a>. (2/12) <br> (5:58) Sen. Rand Paul on the SOTU, more on the Andrea Tantaros Show - Video compliments of YouTube User: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU1D-hO3NNs">Pajamasmedia</a>. (2/13) <br> (15:57) JD Hayworth- in for <a href="http://www.mikehuckabee.com/on-the-show-today?ID=fa9e9395-19a3-4d3c-b858-6ed0e5eb8fb8">Mike Huckabee</a>- talks with Sen. Paul about his Tea Party rebuttal to last night's State of the Union. (2/13) <br> (24:19) Rand Paul's Plan to Grow the Economy - Glenn Beck on <a href="http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/02/13/rand-pauls-plan-to-grow-the-economy/">TheBlaze TV</a>. (2/13) <br> (39:21) The Glenn Beck Program on <a href="http://www.glennbeck.com/2013/02/13/obama-v-rubio-v-paul/">TheBlaze Radio</a> : Obama v. Rubio v. Paul. (2/13) <br> <br> (53:34) Sen. Rand Paul on <a href="http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2162838840001/sen-rand-paul-sequester-cuts-not-enough/">Fox Business'</a> Markets Now : Sequester Cuts Not Enough. (2/13) <br> <br> (57:42) Rand Paul talks about his tea party response on The Michael Medved Show. Video by YouTube user: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suT2dlVBsOk">bxtidre7</a>. (2/12) <br> <br> (1:07:36) Obama’s Numbers in State of the Union Not Adding Up? Dr. Paul with <a href="http://video.foxbusiness.com/v/2163473517001/obamas-numbers-in-state-of-the-union-not-adding-up/">FBN's</a> Neil Cavuto. (2/13) <br> <br> (1:14:21) Rebuttal Madness - <a href="http://audio.wrko.com/a/70935454/rebuttal-madness.htm">AM 680 WRKO's</a> (Boston, MA) Howie Carr on the State of the Union addresses. (2/13) <br> <br> (1:26:45) Kentucky Senator Rand Paul on <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/politics/2013/02/14/1918603/">USA Today'</a>