Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union

Summary: From, the 'Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union' series features two shows, 'Final Fantasy Union', hosted by Darryl and 'Kingdom Hearts Union' hosted by Branden. Each podcast concentrates on different areas of the these particular franchises with news, featured discussions, tons of community interaction and interviews with famous peoples! Join the crew for some great discussion.

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 KH Union 43: Will KH3 be a next gen game? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:06:40

The gang for Kingdom Hearts Union is back again and they are here to talk about all things Kingdom Hearts as usual. Branden is joined by Churro, Darryl, and Lauren and they go straight into the news. This episode they talk about the KH Anniversary music album and the songs that were chosen as well as the release of the KH3D demo on the Nintendo E-Shop. And then it's off to the Burning Question. You guys gave some great answers that the gang goes through. Be sure to get your answers in for the next BQ which is "Which CGI Disney movie do you most want to see in the KH series?" And then they go into your questions which include how KH3 will end the story, where the story may go after KH3, and what music from any other game would you want to hear in a KH game. The show comes to a close with a remix that can only be described as a cornucopia of music from the KH series. Get your fix of KH before the new game comes out!

 FF Union 69: How is Square-Enix going to survive? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:59

E3 is several weeks gone but Final Fantasy Union is back to wrap it up while also talking about the new developments in the FF franchise. Darryl is joined by Colin and Lauren and they waste no time getting into the news. This week includes thoughts on the Agni's Philosophy tech demo, Square Enix changing their development, and a new Final Fantasy XI expansion. After some fun ranting, they move over to the Burning Question. There are some great responses that the trio go through and then they announce the BQ for the next show: "Will Agni's Philosophy be a new IP or Final Fantasy XV?" And then, as always, they go into your questions. This week, they focus on one question which is which FF game would be best as a movie or television series? The show rounds out with a fun remix from the original Final Fantasy game so stay tuned to the very end! Will SE survive the evolution of the games industry? Take a listen to hear what we think!

 KH Union 42: Kingdom Hearts, E3 wrap-up, and you! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:52

E3 has now come and gone, and Kingdom Hearts Union is here to let you know what happened at the conference this year! This week, Branden is bro-ing it up with Churro and they jump straight in. First off is the E3 wrap-up from Churro who was at the show this year. He regales us with amazing stories. And then, they move into the Burning Question. They read through your suggestions of what the previous KH games should be renamed to (there are some really creative and hilarious ideas!). Don't miss out on answering the next BQ which is "If KH3 ends up being a next gen game, what will the next gen offer for KH3 that the current gen can't?" And then it's off to your questions and there are several including another game to be announced that's not KH3, what other franchises should make cameos in KH, which KH characters could be killed off, and why hasn't KH2 final mix not been brought to the west. Don't miss out! And then the show wraps up with a beautiful remix from KH 358/2 Days! Enjoy the man-date between Branden and Churro and enjoy getting your Kingdom Hearts fix.

 FF Union 68: Will Versus 13 just be FF15? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:36

With E3 right around the corner, Final Fantasy Union is back again to help give you your fix of FF goodness. This week, Darryl is joined by Colin and Lauren and they jump headfirst into this universe. First stop: the news. This week, they talk about FF7 remake news and updates on FF Versus 13 (don't get excited, there's not much). After a bit of a rant, they move onto the Burning Question from last episode and read a lot of your responses. Believe it or not, there is a varied opinion on the topic. Be sure to answer the new question which is "Would you want a Crystal Chronicles reboot on the Wii U?" Next up, your questions and this show we have 2 great questions including which FF character would they want to save them in a tight situation and then what is the worst character design in terms of looks, personality, story, etc. And as always, the show rounds out with a great remix and this time the remix comes from Final Fantasy 12! Enjoy this show as you wait for Square-Enix to release its info at E3!

 KH Union 41: Will there be KH news at E3? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:46

With E3 right around the corner, the KHU gang comes together to get in their thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Branden is joined by Churro, Jackie, and Lauren and they don't hesitate to jump right into the news. This time around, the news includes the preorder bonuses for KH3D, a KH3D demo coming to North America, and some comments from Nomura about the future of the franchise. And then it's straight into the Burning Question responses from you guys. But make sure you listen to get the new question for next time which is "If you could rename any KH game, which would it be and what would you name it?" Onto the questions and this time the gang talks about DLC for KH3, whether or not there will be Kingdom Hearts news at E3, will KH be featured in the PlayStation all-stars battle royal, and which KH song is their favorite? After the gang gets all the questions out of their system, they bring the show to a close with a nice remix from the first game. With any luck, we'll see some news at E3, so make sure you come back to get all the info here!

 FF Union 67: Will Versus come out before the announcement of XV? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:36:17

Annnnnnddddd we're back again with another show of Final Fantasy Union and this is a long one, folks. This week, Darryl is joined by Lauren and Brian they talk about a lot of various topics (with a healthy dose of rage). They start off with news about FF13-2 DLC and, believe it or not, Versus. After that, the gang go into your responses from the previous show and there's a lot of hater-ade, so enjoy! Be sure to answer the new BQ which is "Do you want more installments from the Fabula Nova Crystallis series?" And then they move into a boatload of questions. To keep the description from being a wall of text, you'll have to listen to hear what all they talk about! And of course, they rock the music segment with a remix from Final Fantasy 10. We've got a lot of great stuff this show, so be sure to listen in and enjoy!

 KH Union 40: Will KH3 be on the PS3 or PS4? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:58

Another four weeks have passed which means only one thing: a new episode of Kingdom Hearts Union is here! This week, join in with Branden, Churro, and Jackie as they jump into the KH world. They start off going through the news (yes, there is actually news!) with the sales figures for KH3D in Japan, a game breaking glitch, and the release dates for North America and Europe. After the news, they move into the Burning Question section. However, this episode approaches this a bit differently than last time (do to us accidentally never posting last show's question on the forums…oops). However, they spend a great deal of time talking about KH3 and what might happen! And then, the trio goes straight into your questions. This show, the gang goes through four of your questions including the pros and cons of some of the voice actors, will KH turn into a kid friendly game, which character would they like to voice if they could, and what will the art style for KH3 be with the newest gen consoles. And no show is complete without some music and this week, there is a fantastic piano mix of Simple and Clean. KH3D is almost here and KHU will help you bridge the gap! Get in now!

 FF Union 66: Should Square let another developer make an FF game? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:14:22

Final Fantasy Union is back again to talk about all things FF, and this time around, we have an extra long show for you. This week, Darryl is joined by Colin and Lauren and they jump straight into the fray. Unfortunately, there isn't much news this week, but the gang spends a bit of time talking about Theatrhythm and its release date. Afterwards, they go into your answers to the Burning Question which was "Should Square Enix let another studio create an FF game?" The answers are incredibly varied and the gang goes off on quite a few tangents! And then the three hosts move into a special segment this time around. Instead of going into questions, the trio spend time talking about their experience in one particular FF game: Final Fantasy 9! They talk about what it was like the first time they played it, who their favorite characters are, what music they love, their favorite scenes, and what aspects of the game appealed to them the most. Did they like the game? You'll have to listen to find out! And as always, the show rounds out with a remix and this episode brings a nice arrangement from Final Fantasy 2. Come join us for this super long episode of FFU and enjoy!

 FF Union: Noel Kreiss Voice Actor Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:39

The voice of Noel Kreiss joins Final Fantasy Union! In this episode of FF Union, Lauren interviews voice actor Jason Marsden, the voice of Noel Kreiss in Final Fantasy XIII-2. Jason answers lots of fan questions and gives a behind-the-scenes look at voice acting in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

 KH Union 39: Kingdom Hearts is turning 10 years old!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 60:55

A new week brings a new episode of Kingdom Hearts Union but this time around, we have a VERY special show. You see, KH will be celebrating its 10th anniversary the day after this show is released and the gang gets together to celebrate it in style! Branden has a full house this time and is joined by Churro, Jackie, Lauren, and Darryl. The group starts off with your answers to the last Burning Question which was what is your fondest memory from the games and what does KH mean to you? After a teary-eyed moment of nostalgia, the show then goes into a very special segment: a trivia game where Branden asks the other 4 co-hosts questions (and no, they don't know the questions before hand). Listen to them sweat it out and see whether they pass or fail! After they catch their breaths and get their hearts started again, they go into your questions and this week there are 2 great inquiries: what instrument your pet Darkside would play and if KH3 was the last KH game ever, how would you want Nomura to wrap up the story? Never fail, the show ends with a fantastic remix of Dearly Beloved. Come join us and celebrate a full decade of a franchise that pulls our memories of being younger into our favorite past-time: video games. Viva la Kingdom Hearts!

 FF Union: Caius Ballad Voice Actor Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:17

The voice of Caius Ballad joins Final Fantasy Union! In this episode of FF Union, Lauren and Brian interview voice actor Liam O'Brien, the voices of Caius Ballad in Final Fantasy XIII-2. Liam answers lots of fan questions and gives a behind-the-scenes look at voice acting in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

 FF Union 65: Has Final Fantasy officially lost its sheen? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:34

Another week, another episode of Final Fantasy Union is here to discuss all things FF related. Unfortunately, there’s very little to discuss! Join in with Darryl, Colin, and Lauren as they sit down to chat about the franchise. After ranting a while about there being very little news since the release of FF13-2, they move into the two pieces of news: the DLC in FF13-2 for Sazh and the estimated sales figures. The gang is not impressed with either of them so listen in to find our why. They move right into reading your answers to the Burning Question which was “What do you think of the FF13-2 DLC?” After a brief discussion on what it would be like if Square-Enix outsourced the FF franchise to another company, they go right into your questions including how they each played Noel in the game, their thoughts on the voice acting in the game, and whether Versus will be released on the PS4 rather than the PS3. And this show, the music gives you a throwback to the era of FF2 with a killer remix. Even though it may have been a slow week, the trio does not disappoint with plenty of discussion and a fair amount of ranting so make sure you get your fix!

 FF Union: Snow and Serah Voice Actor Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:09

The voices of Snow and Serah joins Final Fantasy Union! In this episode of FF Union, Lauren and Darryl interview voice actress Laura Bailey and voice actor Troy Baker, the voices of Serah and Snow in Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. Troy and Laura answer lots of fan questions and gives a behind-the-scenes look at voice acting in Final Fantasy XIII-2.

 KH Union 38: Are there too many spoilers for KH3D? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:58

Kingdom Hearts Union is back again and brings us ever closer to the release of Dream Drop Distance. This week is packed with news about the new title. Join in with Branden, Churro, Jackie, and Lauren as they start working through it all including a ten-minute trailer, an interview in Nintendo Power, the SE premier party, a European release date, and lots of other interesting info from the gameplay. After wading through the boat load of news, the gang goes into the Burning Question and read’s your answers to “What do you expect from Nomura in 2012?” The answers may surprise you! And then the quartet moves right into your questions! This week, hear the group’s thoughts on whether KH needs more followers/fans, which characters should be paired and who each host would be paired with, and what’s going to happen with Birth By Sleep 2. The show rounds out with an amazing BBS remix! As always, you’re not gonna want to miss this show, so sit down, relax, and let the sultry voices of the hosts take you on a Kingdom Hearts journey!

 FF Union 64: Was FFXIII-2 good? (Impressions show) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:22

The end of January brought us a massive game for FFU: Final Fantasy XIII-2. This show, Darryl is join by Colin, Lauren, and David and they spend an hour talking about how the game panned out. In case you're not far into the game, don't worry; the group keeps the show spoiler free! The quartet start off the discussion about the story, the characters and their development. How did Serah and Noel turn out? Find out here. Then the gang talks about the gameplay, the battle system, the puzzles, and the general progression of the game. After an extended period talking about the monster companions, they get onto the controversial music and whether it was good or bad. And then what would our impressions show be without your input. The group go through a few of your opinions to see what you guys think about the game. The show rounds out with a great XIII-2 remix, so don't stop listening until the end! Listen in to get all the FFXIII-2 news and impression with your favorite people...and Darryl.


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