Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union

Summary: From, the 'Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union' series features two shows, 'Final Fantasy Union', hosted by Darryl and 'Kingdom Hearts Union' hosted by Branden. Each podcast concentrates on different areas of the these particular franchises with news, featured discussions, tons of community interaction and interviews with famous peoples! Join the crew for some great discussion.

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 FF Union: Vanille Voice Actress Interview | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

In this episode, the voice of Vanille, Georgia van Cuylenberg, joins Final Fantasy Union for a first time to talk about all things Final Fantasy XIII and beyond! Lauren and Darryl have tons of fun speaking with Georgia and although there were a few technical issues, we were able to field numerous questions from the website and fans alike. This interview was put together as part of our hype surrounding the release of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. If you're a fan of Vanille, then this interview will be a blast!

 KH Union 63: KH is so Romantic! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:32

Welcome back everyone to this special romantically themed, Valentines Day inspired, episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! This week, Branden is joined by Churro, Sabrina, and Olivia and they are all together to regale you with their romantic ideas based around Kingdom Hearts. First off is a special segment called "Kingdom Hearts You". Branden has a series of romantic hypothetical questions to each of the hosts and they each provide their input and ideas. It's a love-fest with hilarious responses that you're sure to enjoy. Afterwards are your questions to the gang. This long episode has one great question that the group talks about: would they buy a KH game if it only lasted a few short hours.? You're in store for a wonderful discussion! Finally, the gang sends out their special Valentine's Day shout-outs to those close to them. The show finishes up with a great remix from the original game that started it all. Don't miss out on this fun arrangement of Simple and Clean. We hope you've had a wonderful Valentines Day as well as a great start to 2014. We'll see you again in a few weeks!

 FF Union: Lightning Voice Actress Interview 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:25

In this episode, the voice of Lightning, Ali Hillis, joins Final Fantasy Union for a third time to talk about how life has changed for her as the main protagonist of the Final Fantasy XIII Saga! Lauren and Darryl field numerous questions from the website and fans alike, all in preparation for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. If you're a fan of Lightning, then this is an interview you won't want to miss!

 FF Union: Fang Voice Actress Interview 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:13

In this episode, the voice of Fang, Rachel Robinson, joins Final Fantasy Union once again! Lauren and Darryl sit down with Rachel to answer lots of fan questions as a build up to Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII. If you're a fan of Oerba Yun Fang and the Final Fantasy XIII Saga, then this is an interview you should thoroughly enjoy listening to!

 FF Union 88: The Final Fantasy QUIZ! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:21

Greetings everyone and welcome back to another episode of Final Fantasy Union. This show is a wild ride that you're sure to enjoy. Join Darryl and Lauren as they jump into the fray. This episode starts off with a retrospective look at the Final Fantasy 13 franchise; the good and the bad. Next up, the news. The duo discusses new info for Lightning Returns including its sales reports in Japan and pre order deals and extras for the western audience. There is also news for the FF10 XD release including the strong sales figures in Japan and information on the collectors edition of the games. The news rounds out with information from Final Fantasy 14 including a PS4 release date and subscription time cards for the North America audiences. Next up is a brand new section in which Darryl and Lauren quiz a member of the audience. Listen in as fan Ianba is put through the paces! After the quiz, the couple moves into your questions! This time, they talk about what SE's biggest mistake was in the previous console generation and whether or not there is enough demand for FFX-3 for SE to make a decent return on investment. Lots of fun conversations to be had so don't miss out. The show rounds out, as you may have guessed, with a piece of music. This episode showcases a remix from Final Fantasy 10 that you won't want to miss! We hope you enjoy the newest section to the podcast and we'll see you next time.

 KH Union 62: Keyblades are TRANSFORMERS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 51:48

It's 2014 and Kingdom Hearts Union is BACK to get the year started in Kingdom Hearts style! Branden is joined by Churro and Sabrina and, like always, they dive straight in. First up is the news and there's certainly a bit to go through. The gang talks about the attraction flow abilities, key blade transformations, news from the Osaka team, Nomura writing KH3 still, and Haley Joel Osment's comments about KH3. There is a ton to get through and the trio spend a good deal of time with lots of fun tangents. After that, your answers to the last Burning Question which was about your thoughts on the HD remixes so far. Your responses are really wonderful and you don't all agree which makes for some great conversation! Get you answers in for the next Burning Question which is "What game do you think will release next after KH 2.5 HD?" Your questions are up next and we have 3 wonderful questions. The hosts have discussions about what the key blade could transform into, will KH ever have ports on the Vita, and what will SE do after releasing KH3? The show rounds out as it always does with a remix and this show has an awesome song from the original KH game that you'll love! Welcome to 2014, we can't wait to share this year with you!

 FF Union 87: Final Fantasy X-3 coming soon! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:08

Hello everyone and WELCOME to the first podcast of 2014. Final Fantasy Union is back and ready to get down to business. Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and they don't waste any time jumping in. First up, the gang spends a healthy amount of time going over and discussing the pseudo announcement of Final Fantasy 10-3. What will it be, when will it come out, etc. They then go straight into the news which deals with Lightning Returns special editions, 10 HD release information, and the new patch for Final Fantasy 14 (patch 2.1). Also, there are new figurines/statues that are available that look quite gorgeous (seriously, check them out). Next up are your responses to the last Burning Question which was whether or not SE has been spoiling Lightning Returns with too much information before it's release. It would seem that you agree with the trio; they are and your responses are wonderful and fun to go through! As always, get your answers in for the next show's Burning Question which will be announced a little closer to the show so be on the lookout! The music segment this show is a bit special as it's a fun "track" for Final Fantasy 7 which you're sure to enjoy! Have fun and Happy New Year to you all; we'll see you in a few weeks!

 KH Union 61: A BIG year for Kingdom Hearts! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:41

Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! This show is the last show of 2013 and Branden is joined by Churro and Sabrina to send the year out with a bang! This episode begins with a look back at the year that we've had in the world of Kingdom Hearts; it's been a pretty big one! The gang takes some time to discuss things like the new CEO at Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts 3 being announced, Kingdom Hearts 1.5 hitting shelves, and the D23 Tokyo conference and the announcements that came from it! After taking some time to look back, the trio then look to the future with your answers to the Burning Question which was "what do you hope to see from KH in 2014?" You guys have some awesome predictions and desires for the year to come! The Burning Question for the first show in 2014 will be "What do you think of the KH HD remix releases so far?" As always, make sure you get your answers in! Next up on the docket are your questions. Since this show is all about looking back, the question is wonderful! You'll hear the gang talk about who they thought Roxas was going to be before they knew who he was! Rounding out the show is a wonderful remix from the first KH game, so don't miss out. We want to thank each and every one of you for your continued support for Kingdom Hearts Union over the years. We've had a great year bringing you this series and we can't wait for what we can bring in 2014; we hope that you guys are as excited as we are! Have a wonderful and safe holiday; we'll see you next year!

 FF Union 86: Square Enix can't write female characters! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:15:43

Hey everyone and welcome back to the next episode of Final Fantasy Union! This 86th episode sees Darryl who is joined by Lauren and Spencer and the trio make their way into the world of Final Fantasy. First up is the news and this week we have a lot! First up is an interview where a producer shares that younger fans prefer spin-offs to main games; the ranting ensues. Lightning Returns has its release in Japan, more characters are returning, and the Japanese audio will be available for all (free for some). Final Fantasy X HD get's a western release date but the Vita version is in limbo with no new information. Final Fantasy XIV has a new patch coming out in December and Lightning makes a appearance in the MMO. And there may be a new Dissidia game on the SE production floor. Next up are your responses to the Burning Question which had to do with whether or not you're playing FInal Fantasy XIV right now. You guys are definitely playing the game and seem to be enjoying it (as we are)! The new question is a big one: "Regarding Lightning Returns, will less be more?" Get your answers in! Now it's time for the gang to answer your questions. The trio talks about how the XIII battle system is different and requires a different play style, whether female protagonists are as good in FF as the male, and what will SE do after they release FFXV. As you can imagine, there is some wonderful discussion here! the show rounds out with a fun remix from Final Fantasy 4. We hope you all have a WONDERFUL rest of the year and FFU will see you again in 2014!

 KH Union 60: NEW KH3 Trailer! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:56

Hello and welcome back to another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! This bro-cast is brought to you by Branden who is joined once again by Churro and they dive right into the content. As always, first up is the news and there was some exciting information. The guys talk about how the D23 trailer that was shown was actually in engine and how the visuals are said to be in an early state and are still being refined. Nomura also reported on something called Attraction Flow in the battle system for KH3. Unfortunately, we don't know much about it yet. And in typical Nomura fashion, he said that there are new components of KH3 that haven't been revealed yet (vague). After lots of discussion, the guys move onto your responses to the Burning Question from last week which dealt with what secret bosses should be in KH3 (that haven't been in the game already). You did not disappoint with your answers. Don't forget to get your answers in for the new Burning Question which is "What do you hope to see from Kingdom Hearts in 2014?" Next up are your questions which the duo answers, but this time brings a special twist. The guys have gone back into the list of questions that have been asked over the last three years and chose some of the ancient ones to answer! The bros talk about things like what would their personal key blades look like, would should be in the limited edition version of KH3, and which Organization XIII members would they want to get to know more about! Enjoy the throwback questions but don't leave just yet. The show rounds out with a kickin' Hollow Bastion remix which you will certainly enjoy. We hope you enjoyed the show and we'll see you again in a few weeks!

 FF Union 85: The Final Fantasy MUSICAL! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:19:36

Welcome back once more to another episode of Final Fantasy Union! This extra long show features Darryl who is joined by Lauren and special guest Brian and they have a lot to talk about. First up is the news (with a healthy supply of ranting). The trio discusses the creation of a new quality control panel; who's on it, is it good, and more! Then, there is a bit of news about Lighting Returns including no plans for Final Fantasy XIII-4 and new gameplay footage showing off different mechanics from the game. The Final Fantasy X HD game finally gets a Japanese release date, but no release date for the west. Final Fantasy XIV gets a big patch working on end game dungeons, population caps, server transfers, and more and they release a lot of new information on Housing coming in 2.1. There is a Final Fantasy VII PC mod that's getting some cool attention. And finally, Final Fantasy VI is coming to mobile devices. Next up are your answers to the burning question which dealt with what FF game should be turned into a musical/opera. Your answers were wildly creative and fun! Get your answers in for the next Burning Question which is "Are you playing Final Fantasy XIV?" After your responses, the gang spends a little more time talking about Final Fantasy XIV and their adventures so far! This long episode ends as it always does with a great remix; this time you'll be able to hear a great FF7 remix! Enjoy the show and we'll see you again in November!

 KH Union 59.5: HD ReMIX! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:23:17

Kingdom Hearts Union is back for a special D23 Japan Expo emergency podcast to talk about all the recent Kingdom Hearts news announced! Branden, Churro, Spencer, and Olivia start off by talking about the newly announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX. Then we get into the main topic of discussion which is all about the brand new trailer that released for Kingdom Hearts III. This more than makes up for the complete lack of any real news to come out of TGS this year. We also take a look at the interview Nomura had at the event talking about Kingdom Hearts II thanks to Olivia's translation. The Burning Question from the last episode is still the same and in case you forgot is "What character would you like to see as a secret boss in KH3 that has never been in a KH game before?" The ending song this week is also an amazing violin medley from many classic songs in Kingdom Hearts. Be sure to let us know what you thought of all the recent news in the comments below.

 KH Union 59: TGS completely SUCKED! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:03

Kingdom Hearts Union is BACK once again to give you your fill of all things Kingdom Hearts! Branden and Churro come together for another "bro-cast" that you're sure to enjoy. This episode brings back the long lost 3 segment show and first up is the news. The guys wish a happy birthday to Nomura, talk about the D23 conference that's going on in Japan, and how the Tokyo Game Show was a major bust this year for ANYTHING Kingdom Hearts related. If you were hoping for more from TGS, unfortunately you'll have to wait and pray for next year to be better. However, the duo don't lose their stride and they move right into your responses to the last Burning Question. You regale them with your thoughts, ideas, and hypotheses for what we might see in Kingdom Hearts 3; you do NOT disappoint with your answers! Bure sure to get your answers in for the next BQ which is "What character would you like to see as a secret boss in KH3 that has never been in a KH game before?" Next on the itinerary: your questions! Branden and Churro tackle issues like the most desired worlds in KH3 and whether or not we should be able to customize our character's appearance. The show wraps up like always with a remix and this episode brings a wonderful Kingdom Hearts 2 rearrangement that you don't want to miss. We hope that you continue to enjoy playing KH1.5 and we'll see you again soon!

 FF Union 84: TONS of news! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:13:57

Welcome back to another episode of Final Fantasy Union! This show is riddled with information and discussion. Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and they jump straight into the news (and there's a lot). The Tokyo Game Show recently ended and there is a lot of news to report including a new trailer for FF15; story information for Lightning Returns as well as new costumes and gameplay; Final Fantasy 10 vita bundle announcements and a broad release date announced; Final Fantasy 14 servers are fixed, the announcement of new content for patch 2.1, and Lightning coming to the game; Final Fantasy Agito is coming to mobile platforms. Next up are your answers to the last Burning Question which was your thoughts on old characters returning to Lightning Returns. You guys all seem excited but are concerned if they will do it well; I guess we'll see. Get your answers in for the next burning question which is "if you could have any Final Fantasy game turned into a musical, which would it be and why?" And then your questions are answered by the crew. This show has two great questions about what will happen to Square Enix if 15 is a flop and which FF character are they most relatable to. The show ends with a wonderful remix from Final Fantasy 7 that you're sure to enjoy. We hope you enjoyed the longer show and we'll see you again in a few weeks!

 KH Union 58: A NEW KINGDOM HEARTS GAME IS HERE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:57

Fall is here and so is another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! Happy September everyone and welcome back! Branden sits down with Churro and special guest, Spencer, and they jump into the Kingdom Hearts universe! This show is a bit special as the guys have a new game to talk about, and talk about it they do. The trio dives straight into talking about their experiences with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD. Did they like it, did they hate it? How's the visual upgrade, the new music, the individual games? You'll have to listen to find out (and you'll enjoy what you hear)! After talking about all the different aspects of the game, they then move into your responses from the previous Burning Question which was what you thought would be revealed at TGS in regards to KH. As always, get your answers in for the next Burning Question which is "What do you speculate about Kingdom Hearts 3? Story, Worlds, Characters, ANYTHING!" And then the trio turns to answering your questions and we have a really nice one this time. Listen to the discussion about The City of Bells area, how it was used, and if it was implemented correctly. Rounding out the show is a wonderful remix from 358/2 Days! Enjoy KH1.5 HD and we'll see you again in just a few weeks!


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