Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union

Summary: From, the 'Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union' series features two shows, 'Final Fantasy Union', hosted by Darryl and 'Kingdom Hearts Union' hosted by Branden. Each podcast concentrates on different areas of the these particular franchises with news, featured discussions, tons of community interaction and interviews with famous peoples! Join the crew for some great discussion.

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 KH Union 50: All KH3D spoilers are fair game! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:54

This week brings a historic episode for Kingdom Hearts Union; it's the 50th show! Branden is joined by the amazing Churro and the fantastic Jackie as they spend their time immersed in this phenomenal world! First up is a WARNING to all listeners: ALL KH3D SPOILERS ARE FAIR GAME. So, if you haven't played the game and don't want to hear the big story points and surprises, you would do well to tread with caution! After going through quite a few of the big spoilers from the game, they move on to the news! This show brings one major update which deals with Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and the unofficial confirmation of its localization to the west! Take a listen as the crew shares their rather convincing evidence! Next up: your responses to the previous show's Burning Question in which you give us phenomenal ideas of what a KH Valentines Day would look like. There are a couple of wonderful fan-fiction pieces that you'll certainly want to hear! As always, get your answers in for the next question which is "Should Kingdom Hearts continue after the Xehanort Saga? Why or Why not?" The trio flows right into your questions. You can look forward to discussions about whether chocobos should be in the franchise and whether or not is Kairi's character really necessary. It's a great collection of questions with some awesome discussions. But don't stop the show yet, because they round it out with a wonderful remix from KH2 Final Mix. We want to thank you all for supporting and following us for the last 50 episodes and with your help and love, here's to the next 50 shows!

 FF Union 76: Pay for the new iOS game multiple times... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:09

Welcome to the first episode of Final Fantasy Union in the year 2013! While most of the industry is laying low right now, we have a ton of news and updates from the FF universe. Darryl sits down with Spencer and Lauren and they hit it hard. First up, Spencer regales us with his trip that he took to try out and experience Lightning Returns. He has a lot of information from the event as well as announcing a competition for YOU to win a prize! However, the news doesn't stop there! Aside from the numerous Lightning Returns announcements, there are pieces of info about the Final Fantasy X HD remake and the new FF iOS game! Up next is the Burning Question and your answers from the previous show. You let us know how long you've been playing the FF franchise and it's great to hear everyone's backstory with the series! Along those same lines, the crew gives you the new Burning Question for next time which is "Is Square-Enix still your main company for JRPGs?" With all the news from the Square Enix event and all of your wonderful answers to the Burning Question, the gang runs out of time to have a proper questions segment (don't worry, there will one next time). Rounding out the show is a fantastic remix from from the game that started it all: the original Final Fantasy. You won't want to miss it! The new year is here and there's a lot more to come; don't miss out!

 KH Union 49: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD has a release date! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:14:13

Welcome to 2013 and the first episode of Kingdom Hearts Union. We all survived the apocalypse and we're celebrating by talking about KH. This week, we have a two person episode with Branden and Lauren! They don't waste any time and jump straight into the news. Because Jump Festa just happened, there's a good bit of news to get through, most of which is about KH 1.5 HD Remix. In addition to that, the gang has a special 10th Anniversary podcast show coming soon AND Branden has been slaving away to create his own Kingdom Hearts comic called "I'm Always with You" (which you can find at Next up are your responses to the previous Burning Question. You guys give some great ideas on how Square-Enix/KH can stay relevant until Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out. Be sure to get your answers in for the next show which is "What would a KH Valentines Day look like?" And then the duo move on to your questions and boy did you guys give us two great ones! This episode, Branden and Lauren tackle issues like past gameplay mechanics that should be in future titles and will Yoko Shimommura step down as the composer? As always, we have a remix from KH to round out the show and this episode brings you a remix that's over 8 minutes long; lots of musical goodness for you. 2013 is here and the KH crew is gonna rock it hard.

 FF Union 75: Lightning year...maybe... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:36

The end of the year is upon us and the gang at Final Fantasy Union is here to bring you the final show of 2012. Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and they have a good deal to get through. First up, the gang talks about the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy and what it means to them. Afterwards, they jump right into the news which includes a good deal about Lightning Returns like the screen shot of the menu screen, music composers for the game, and the announcement of the first trailer at Jump Festa. But the news doesn't stop there as Theatrhythm has been released on the iDevices; the gang spends a little time discussing what this really means. Next up, your responses to the last Burning Question from episode 74. You don't spare your feelings about the character of Lightning! The question for the next episode will get all of you involved because it's "How long have you been playing Final Fantasy?" Without pause, the trio goes immediately into your questions and this show has two great ones. Listen to hear what the hosts think about Hamuazu's music as compared to Uematsu's and whether or not Sony will include FF characters in Allstars: Battle Royale (if they do, which characters do they want to see). Don't turn off the show yet because the episode rings in the new year with a great remix from Final Fantasy 7. Get your FF fix now and have great rest of the year; we'll see you 2013!

 KH Union 48: Kingdom Hearts holiday fanfiction! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:02

The end of 2012 is upon us and Kingdom Hearts Union is back for its last show of the year. This week Branden is joined by Churro and they bro it up this episode. First up is the news even though the KH universe is staying pretty quiet right now. However, the guys report on an update for KH 1.5 HD which tells us that the game is 80-90% completed with a new feature for those people who complete the game. The duo speculate what the addition could be. In addition, Churro announces a special KH 10th Anniversary Podcast that will feature people from KHU as well as a multitude of other people from the KH fan population! You definitely won't want to miss it. Next up is the Burning Question and the guys read your responses from last show's question. There are some fantastic answers with one very special fan fiction story. Be sure to get your answers in for the new question which is "How can KH stay relevant until KH3 comes out?" Without missing a step, the guys start answering your questions which includes how much longer SE be able to focus on side stories rather than the main storyline, will KH3 be on the PS3 or the Wii U, what Disney worlds would you want to see Final Fantasy character show up in, and more! To close out this final show of the year, the guys choose a great remix of Dearly Beloved that you're sure to enjoy! Have a wonderful holiday, and great new year, and we'll see you in 2013!

 FF Union 74: Type-0 gets its own petition! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:57

Welcome to another episode of Final Fantasy Union! Darryl is joined once again by Lauren and Spencer and they jump right in. FIrst off, Darryl and Lauren regale us with their experience at the Distant Worlds Anniversary show they were able to attend and it was quite a doosie! The story is a great update as there is very little news this time around, however, they still go through what there is including localization attempts for Type-0 and a few developments on Lightning Returns. Without missing a beat, they move straight into your answers to the Burning Question from the last show that was also about Lightning Returns; your responses keep them busy! Make sure you get your answers in for the new question which is "What do you like most about Lightning?" And then what's next? You may have guessed it: your questions. This show brings two great inquiries which have to do with the comments made by the past SE president and and collectables from the FF series that the trio may have picked up over the years. As always, don't turn the show off yet as there is a great remix from Final Fantasy 10 waiting for you. As the year of 2012 starts to come to an end, FFU is here to get you your Final Fantasy fix!

 KH Union 47: Kingdom Hearts HD is getting closer! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:08

Happy November everyone and celebrate the start of the new month with a new episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! Branden is joined by Churro and Jackie to discuss this wonderful world! The trio jumps right in and start things off with the news. This time around, there are a quite a few announcements to get through that mostly deal with the new KH HD title. There are some gameplay announcements, 358/2 details, and the fact that KH HD has been in production longer than the FFX HD project. Next up, Burning Question! The gang reads through your responses to last week's question and you guys surprise them with your thoughts! They give you guys another question to answer for the next show which is "What would a KH Christmas/Holiday be like on Destiny Islands (post KH2/pre DDD)?" Get your creative answers in! Without missing a beat, they move into your questions and they have a couple this time including what story related questions will be answered in future KH games and will Star Wars or Indiana Jones be in future titles! Don't turn the show off yet because this episode rounds out with a great remix from KH: Chain of Memories that you won't want to miss. With the year beginning to come to close, get your KH fix here so you know what you can look forward to!

 FF Union 73: Lightning Returns, and no one knows! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:13

Final Fantasy Union is back again for its 73rd episode with news from the franchise. Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and they waste no time by jumping straight into the news that has emerged from Square-Enix. This episode, they talk about updates for the new game "Lightning Returns" with quotes from Nomura and Toriyama. If that's not enough, stick with it to hear about the the recent news on Final Fantasy Type-0 and how a NEW edition is going to be released…not in the west. After some ranting from the trio, they move into the Burning Question and your responses to the question about Tabata and his place in creating home console games. Your answers are actually pretty varied! Make sure you get your answers in for the next BQ which is "Are you convinced by Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (is SE doing the right thing by creating this game)?" Don't go too far as your questions are next, and this time the gang focuses on two. Listen in to hear their thoughts on when the Final Fantasy 10 HD remake will come out and what characters from the games they reacted to opposite to what the developers had planned. To end the show, we have another great remix for you and this time around, the re-arrangement comes from Final Fantasy 12 (believe it or not) so make sure you don't stop listening until the end! Square-Enix appears to be making progress in the Final Fantasy franchise and FFU is the place to hear ALL about it!

 KH Union 46: Play Kingdom Hearts on Facebook | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:12:32

October is here, TGS has come to an end, and Kingdom Hearts Union is back again to talk about the KH universe. This week, Branden is joined by Jackie, Churro, and a very special guest, SQEXGAL (also known as Olivia). After a giving Olivia a warm welcome, the gang dives into the olympic sized pool of news from KH. They spend a good deal of time talking about the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and the KH browser game, each of which has tons of information to absorb! Next on the itinerary: Burning Question. The group, as always, goes through your responses from the last BQ on the previous show and they notice how TGS changed your answers! Be sure to get your answers in for the new BQ which is "What are your favorite features on the new HD Remix and will you buy it?" Next up: your questions, and this time, there are quite a few. Listen as the gang discusses topics like secret movies in the new HD remix, whether having TWEWY characters in KH3D was good or bad, what they could change about KH3D if they had the opportunity, and what worlds would you like to see in KH3 (whenever it actually comes out). The show wraps up with a great remix from the original KH game; you won't want to skip it. Things are heating up in the KH world and KHU is here to make sure you know it all!

 FF Union 72: A new FF game is announced; it's not Versus... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:46

Welcome back to Final Fantasy Union for another episode of all things in the FF universe. After months and months of radio silence with only a little amount of news, Square Enix dumps a lot on us recently and Darryl, Lauren and Spencer are here to talk about it. There is a lot of news about Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy 3 re-release, and the new game that's been announced, Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13. They spend a good deal of time talking through each of the news points while throwing in a healthy portion of rants. And after the news, the gang moves into the questions segment. This show, there is only one question but it's a big one. This show, the gang goes into an in-depth discussion about which Final Fantasy game has the best romantic story while also talking about how crucial a romantic aspect to an FF story is. And don't go too far because the show rounds out with a remix from Final Fantasy 6 from the guys over at OverClocked Remix. Final Fantasy has a lot of news and information right now; be sure to listen in so you can get it all!

 KH Union 45: Kingdom Hearts 3 at TGS? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:01

Hello Kingdom Hearts fans and welcome to another show of KHU; your one stop shop for all things Kingdom Hearts! This week, Branden is joined by the lovely Lauren and the even lovelier Churro. After the intros and greetings, the trio jumps straight into the news which deals with the KH music album release date, the sales figures for KH3D, and what Square Enix have announced they will be showcasing at TGS. They discuss a little and then move onto the Burning Question. After reading through your answers from the previous show, they give out the new question which is "How long of a gap do you think will be reasonable between the announcement and release of Kingdom Hearts 3?" Get your answers in! And then, the group goes to your questions and this time there are some great ones. Listen in as they discuss which KH enemy types they want in KH3, what issues are holding the KH franchise back, and whether or not Max Goof should make an appearance. But don't turn the podcast off yet because there is a great remix from KH 358/2! Get your fix for KH here and get ready for TGS!

 FF Union 71: A Trip Down Memory Lane! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:54

Final Fantasy Union is back again for another show so you can get your FF fix. Darryl warms up the mic with the Spencer and Lauren and they waste no time getting into the nitty-gritty. First up is the news which includes an announcement about the 25th Anniversary event and then news about the new FF mobile game about to release. After a bit of ranting, they move onto the main section of the show. This week, they decide to not go into the questions. Instead, they revisit the very popular "remeniss about a particular FF game." Last time, it was a rant fest about Dirge of Cerberus. This time around, the gang decides to discuss their experiences with…'ll have to listen to find out! And at the end, there is a wonderful Final Fantasy 14 remix to let you sit back, relax, and just chill. Enjoy some time spent in the world of Final Fantasy and get ready for the 25th anniversary event!

 KH Union 44: Was KH3D any good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:19

It's time for another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union and the gang is back to talk about everything in this universe! Branden is joined by Churro, Jackie, and Lauren and they jump straight into the discussion. This show brings a special discussion as they start things off with their review of Kingdom Hearts 3D. Did they like it, did they hate it? You'll have to listen to find out! Next up is the Burning Question and the group goes through your awesome responses. Be sure to get your answers in for the new BQ next time which is "What do you think will be announced at TGS regarding Kingdom Hearts?" And then, the show moves into the questions that you have. This time, they talk about what could be added to the series to create a new experience, emotional reactions to different characters, and what would happen if the "good guys" suddenly become the "bad guys". And don't go too far, because the show rounds out with a great remix from the first KH. With the new KH game out in stores, listen in to hear how it holds up!

 FF Union 70: All your questions are answered! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:11:39

Final Fantasy Union has returned once again for another Final Fantasy Fantastic episode! This week, Darryl is joined by Colin, Lauren, and special guest Spencer. As promised, this episode is all about questions; in particular, your questions. After a brief introduction, the gang launch directly into answering your inquiries! Listen to the group respond to questions about their favorite moogle, the false FF Versus 13 rumor, how good a Chris Nolan FF game would be, whether X-2 and XII will get an HD treatment like X, was Versus 13 just a marketing scheme to get people to buy the other 13 games, which FF ending should be changed, FF themed restaurants, and much MUCH more. You'll have to listen to the full episode to hear them all! And as always, the show closes out with a great remix and this week brings a remix from Final Fantasy 10-2 that'll get your blood pumping. Enjoy this episode and see if your question was answered.

 FF Union: "The Land of Vana'diel" - Final Fantasy XI | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:40

Welcome to a very special episode of Final Fantasy Union. This impromptu show brings Darryl and Brian together to talk about Final Fantasy 11. The guys spend some time talking about their experiences in the game and stroll down memory lane. Then they talk about Brian's new album called "The Land of Vana'diel" which is a full, 18 track album that rearranges the music from the FF11 original soundtrack. The album releases AUGUST 1st, 2012 and is COMPLETELY FREE. is where you need to go. Hear Brian talk about his inspiration for the album, get some new information on the album that hasn't been released yet, and make sure you stick around to hear a FULL track from the project as a preview. Come join the duo as they spend some time in the land of nostalgia and get excited about "The Land of Vana'diel" and its eminent release!


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