Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union

Summary: From, the 'Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union' series features two shows, 'Final Fantasy Union', hosted by Darryl and 'Kingdom Hearts Union' hosted by Branden. Each podcast concentrates on different areas of the these particular franchises with news, featured discussions, tons of community interaction and interviews with famous peoples! Join the crew for some great discussion.

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 FF Union 83: SAZH IS BACK! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:36

Happy September ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the 83rd episode of FInal Fantasy Union! Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and they jump right into the fray! First up is news and there's a bit to get through! There's new info about Lightning Returns including the return of Sazh, guest characters in battle, the length of the game, and the first development vlog for the game! Final Fantasy 10 HD also got a little news with the release of the newly arranged battle music that we're in for! And then Final Fantasy 14 including the game being released and the beta records for MMO's being smashed! The trio then move into your responses to the Burning Question from the last episode which was what you were expecting from TGS this year. You guys stayed very optimistic which made us feel warm fuzzies! Get your answers in for the new BQ which is "Are you happy with all of the old characters returning?" And then your questions for the gang and we have two great questions this episode. Listen as the gang talks about their individual levels of excitement for Final Fantasy 14 and whether or not "Ask Square-Enix" will still be released even though Yoichi Wada has been canned. If you're a long time listener of the show, you know what's up next: the music segment! We have a fantastic arrangement from Final Fantasy 7 that you're sure to enjoy. Get your FF14 fix now and we'll see you in just a few weeks!

 KH Union 57: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 is ALMOST HERE! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:47

Welcome back everyone to the 57th episode of Kingdom Hearts Union, your one-stop shop for all things Kingdom Hearts. Branden is joined by Churro and very special guest Sabrina, and they don't waste any time getting down to business! First up is the news that you need to know. There isn't much in the way of brand new info so the crew spends time getting you caught up and reminding you on what you need to know. Listen to hear about the KH1.5 release information, the TGS updates for KH3, and the KH Manga review to check out! They then jump straight into your responses to the previous Burning Question which was hearing how you felt when KH3 was announced. Your answers were heartwarming and incredibly touching which brought about a lot of nostalgia for the hosts. The next BQ is a big one that you'll want to respond to: "What do you think Square Enix will reveal at TGS for Kingdom Hearts 3?" And then your questions for the trio; we have some good ones! Listen in as they discuss Sora as the protagonist after the Xehanort saga, would Disney buying Square Enix be a good or bad thing, and whether or not KH3 will be longer than KH2. The show rounds out with its customary music segment which is a wonderful mashup of different Kingdom Hearts songs; you won't want to miss it so listen through to the end! KH1.5 is ALMOST HERE; stick around and we'll all experience it together!

 FF Union 82: BOOBIE PHYSICS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:53

Welcome back to another episode of Final Fantasy Union and join us as we plunge into the world of FF! Darryl and Lauren come together for a wonderful two person show and they jump straight into the fray. First up is the news and there is a TON of it! A lot of it deals with Final Fantasy 13 Lightning Returns including the return of certain characters such as Caius, a new enemy extinction mechanic, and breast design and physics (not joking about that last one). There is also news about the Final Fantasy 10 HD remix and the music; quite a few of the tracks from 10 will be re-recorded with live instruments to make it sound the best possible! And finally there is some news from the MMO known as Final Fantasy 14! Next up is the Burning Question and the duo talks all about the whole boobie debacle and they go through your responses and thoughts as to how this could affect the game, both good and bad. Be sure to get your answers in for the new Burning Question! The show wraps up with a lovely remix from the OCRemix FF6 album; it's a wonderfully peaceful guitar mix that you will love! We'll be back in a few weeks and we'll see you then!

 KH Union 56: New KH game released...and no one cares | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:04

Welcome back to another week and another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union. We apologize for the delay in this episode which was brought about due to some technical difficulties. But, better late than never! This time around, Branden is joined by Churro and special guest Brian and the craziness begins. First up is the news and the gang covers the information on Kingdom Hearts X (Chi) in Japan, the Disney D23 event in Japan, and the different pieces of news from the Famitsu interview with Nomura! Without missing a beat, they then move into your responses to the Burning Question about which KH2 cutscene is your favorite and why. You have some wonderful answers and be sure to get your answers in for the next Burning Question which is "How does it feel knowing that Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally coming?" Next on the list are your questions and we have quite a few this time. The trio spends time talking about issues like whether or not the Osaka Team will do a good job on KH3, will the new art style help KH3, which organization members are going to be in KH3, and how will the art style effect finishing moves and paired character moves. After lots of discussion, the music segment rolls around and we have a great Kingdom Hearts 2 remix for you to hear. The next show will be on August 20th so be sure to check back in and we'll see you then!

 FF Union 81: Square Enix is going HAM with news! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:52

Happy July everyone and welcome back to the world of FInal Fantasy Union, the place to get your Final Fantasy fix! Darryl is joined this time by Lauren and very special guest Beyhan and they dive into things straight away. This show is all about the news as SE has dumped a ton of it! First off is the news for Lightning Returns including the Cloud Strife costume, the digital download release info, the return of a previous character from 13, and the release date for the soundtrack! Next up are the updates for Final Fantasy X HD; there's brand new cutscenes with original voice acting which has been written by Nojima as well as an update on the Cross Save feature. Final Fantasy XV also has news with Nomura talking about how both XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 will have similarities between the two games since they are both being developed simultaneously! The gang moves into the online world with the news from Final Fantasy XIV including the player numbers for the Beta version as well as a cameo appearance of a previous FF character in the online adventure. The final piece of news deals with Final Fantasy VII and how it's being released on Steam! However, the trio don't end there as they answer 2 of your questions this week which deal with whether or not FFXV will surpass FFVIII as the most successful FF game and how a certain aspect of the gameplay in FF7 works. Be sure to stick around for the incredible music segment with a mix from the new OCR album for FF6 (you won't want to miss it). And make absolutely sure that you stick around to the very end; you'll love it :).

 KH Union 55: SO...MUCH...NEWS!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:30

E3 for 2013 has come and gone, but we are STILL riding the massive tidal wave that Square Enix stirred up this year and KHU is back for another episode to talk about what we know, what we don't, and what's to come. Branden sits down with the whole gang: Churro, Jackie, and Lauren. Because of the bombshells that were dropped at the conference, the outline for this show has changed a bit to accommodate it! The first part of the show focuses on the raw facts that we know right now. The group goes through information such as the announcement of KH3, the pre-rendered trailer that was shown at E3, being in development for both PS4 and Xbox One, which SE team is developing the game, and the story info that we know right now. Don't worry if you think it's nothing but information dumping; there are rants and tangents a-plenty! The second part of the show, called Interview Review, is a in-depth look and the answers that Nomura has given in the interviews he did at E3 such as the anxiety from the spin offs, some of the gameplay specifics, online elements that might be in the game, and some of the visual elements we might see! Don't forget to answer the Burning Question for the next show which is "What is your favorite cutscene from KH2 and why is it special to you?" The show ends with a wonderful remix from the franchise! Things are happening all over the place and KHU is here to keep you up to date and entertained. We'll see you next time!

 FFU/KHU E3 2013 Special Episode: OMG...THE NEWS!!! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:50

E3 2013 has been absolutely bonkers for information and news and the gang from FFU and KHU have come together to talk about the huge announcements. Darryl sits down with Branden and Spencer for this special E3 episode to talk about the huge news coming from Square-Enix this year! First up, the guys take some time to talk about the conference in general and give their input on how the show is going and how the different press events went; who won, who lost, biggest reveals, etc. But immediately after, they go straight into the news from Square-Enix; the announcement of Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3. After giving their initial thoughts, they spend time talking about FInal Fantasy 15, it's exclusivity, it's relation to Final Fantasy 13, and the supporting cast members in the game. Then the trio talks about Kingdom Hearts 3 and what we know at this point. They talk about the teaser trailer, the story elements, how Microsoft players will be able to play without playing the other games, how Nomura thinks that the announcement was too early, and how more info will be at TGS and Disney Expo. The guys don't hold back on their thoughts and ideas, so make sure that you don't miss out! E3 has not disappointed this year and we'll be here to keep you posted on all the news and information that will be coming over the next few months! Stay tuned and enjoy the wild ride we're on!

 KH Union 54: Kingdom Hearts, E3 2013, and YOU! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:43

Hello everybody and welcome back to the wonderful world of Kingdom Hearts with this, the 54th episode of KHU! We finally have a full cast of hosts for you this week as Branden sits down with Churro, Jackie, and Lauren. This is the last show before the huge E3 press conference and the gang spends a lot of time talking about expectations for the event! However, before that, they will take you through the news (what little there is). First up is a release date for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix in the west in early fall of this year which, if you preorder now, you'll get a free limited edition art book! The second piece of news is that Square Enix will be live streaming their booth at this year's E3 event. You can tune in to see everything (at least we think so). And now on to the meat of the show. This episode is filled with your responses to the previous burning question which was seeing what you think Square Enix will be announcing at E3 and what effect will it have on KH. While most of you try to remain positive, we all seem to be in agreement that we don't expect much of anything KH related to make a debut at the conference. However, we'll just have to wait and see. The next burning questions is "What is your favorite cutscene from Kingdom Hearts 2 and what makes it special to you?" And rounding out the show as usual is a wonderful Kingdom Hearts remix that is a great medley of songs from both KH1 and KH2. The next show will be the E3 post show wrap up, so make sure you don't go too far and we'll see you then!

 FF Union 80: Was Final Fantasy 13-2 any good? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:37

May is here, E3 is right around the corner, and Final Fantasy Union is back again to talk all things Final Fantasy. Darryl sits down with Lauren and Spencer and they get into the nitty gritty. However, even though E3 is a mere couple of weeks away, the gang uses this episode to do something special. They spend a great deal of time talking about their thoughts, likes and dislikes about Final Fantasy 13-2. Nothing in the game is off limits, so this is your official SPOILER WARNING! First off are the characters. The trio spends a great deal of time talking about the three primary characters of Serah, Noel, and Caius while using your comments to help them guide the discussion. They then spend time talking about most of the secondary characters; which ones worked and which ones didn't. Since this is a sequel, they were able to compare the cast in 13-2 to the original 13. Next up, the story and whether it worked or not with the Historia Crux, the different time periods, and time travel. That moved them seamlessly into talking about the gameplay. While it is similar to 13, they had plenty of changes to talk about such the party monster leveling system and limit breaks, the battle engagements, and the level system found in the crystarium. Which parts were better or worse than the original. And then, the music. Each host has their own pick that they talk about while also talking about the soundtrack as a whole! Reactions and preferences are definitely mixed so listen in to hear how! To round out the episode, you'll get a nice remix of a piece from 13-2 that you'll enjoy! Be sure to stay tuned for new FF developments that are expected to come over the next few weeks!

 KH Union 53: Question Segment DOMINATION! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:07:06

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Kingdom Hearts Union where we get you your fix of all things Kingdom Hearts! This week, Branden and Churro sit down to have another wonderful bro-cast. First on the docket: the news. Unfortunately, there's not much, but the guys still have some great discussion over it. They talk a great deal about the KH 1.5 HD Remix event that was held in London that featured the game and some of the merchandise. After that, the duo talks about some of the Square Enix company news and how it could affect the Kingdom Hearts franchise. They go through Matsuda's (new CEO) statement of examining all of the SE's properties to make the company more profitable as well as Nomura saying that FF13 Versus will be shown again soon. The next show will be a huge episode of your responses to the new Burning Question which is "What will Square Enix announce for E3 and how will it affect Kingdom Hearts?" Get your answers in! And now, your questions. The guys touch on a lot of topics including which story twists have been the hardest to deal with, the most epic fails in the KH games, what did everyone think the plot of KH3D would be before playing the game, and more. As you can imagine, tangents and rants are in abundance, so don't miss out! Wrapping up the show is the music segment which brings an awesome guitar remix of Traverse Town; you'll definitely want to hear it! The next show will be here in a couple of weeks and then E3 will be right after so get hype; we may have some awesome KH news on the way!

 FF Union 79: Here's the new boss...same as the old boss? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:09:30

Welcome back again to world of Final Fantasy with this, the 79th episode of Final Fantasy Union. We have your fix from the Final Fantasy universe this week with Darryl who is joined by Lauren and Spencer! First up, the news, and boy do we have some doosies this time. The gang talks about the Final Fantasy X HD remix that will include X-2. Unfortunately, if you want it for the Vita, you'll have to buy them both (X and X-2) separately. In addition, they talk about how the music from FF came in third in the Classic FM Hall of Fame because of your support! And then the biggest piece of news: Yoichi Wada steps down from being the president of Square Enix most likely due to huge financial losses (listen to the show to hear what the losses were). Next up on the schedule is the Burning Question. SInce SE announced all information about FFX HD, the old BQ wasn't relevant anymore, so we asked another. The trio spends time reading your thoughts on Wada leaving and what it could mean for SE, and you don't hold back (which we love)! And lastly, we have your questions and this week, there is a great discussions. Listen in as they talk about whether or not future FF games should be cross platform as the XIII series has been. As always, don't miss out on the music segment at the very end. In honor of the news about FFX HD, the remix this week comes from the game and you won't want to miss it! This explosive show is one that you won't want to skip!

 KH Union 52: How good is Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:21

Happy April everyone and welcome to the 52nd episode of Kingdom Hearts Union! The gang is back and Branden is joined by Churro and Jackie to discuss all things KH. First thing's first: the news. There are several huge developments that have come up in last couple of weeks that you simply won't believe. The trio talks about hidden data in KH 1.5HD that suggests that Sherwood Forest might be in a future title as well as a couple log files that reference Agent 47 (main character from Hitman). In addition, there has been a photo leaked from the Game Developers Conference (currently going on) that may be hinting at a new KH game. And let's not forget the biggest piece of news which is Yoichi Wada, the CEO of Square-Enix, has resigned! Big news segment this show. Next up is a special section that is a discussion all about the release of KH 1.5HD in Japan. The group talks about the good and the bad about what was and wasn't included in the release. You'll walk away from the discussion with a good idea of what to expect when the game hits western shores! And finally, the questions segment! This episode brings a great conversation as the trio talks about how much Nomura has planned out KH, will KH get it's own Theatrhythm game, will the concept of death be introduced to KH (even though it hasn't up to this point), and what will be the primary song for KH3. But don't turn off the show yet because there a great "remix" from Kingdom Hearts Final Mix that many of you will love and recognize! Don't miss out on the insane news and discussions this week and we'll see you again at the end of the month!

 FF Union 78: Lots of news about Final Fantasy...coming soon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:04:29

It been 4 weeks since the last episode of Final Fantasy Union and the gang is BACK for another show to bring you all things Final Fantasy. Darryl is joined by Spencer and Lauren once again. This two segment show brings lots of rants and tangents, so buckle in for a wild and crazy ride. First up is the news (or lack thereof). With all the news in the video game industry, the trio discusses how SE has been ridiculously silent on the Final Fantasy front. Since the last show, there have been news pieces about Lightning Returns being released digitally (no release date), Final Fantasy X HD character renders of Yuna and Tidus (no gameplay footage at all), and some misunderstanding about the clothing development for Final Fantasy Versus XIII. With all of these announcements, Square Enix has told us that more information is coming "soon". Next up is the Burning Question from last episode and your responses. The gang talks about whether or not Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be on the PS4. Your responses to the question provides some amazing discussion points for the hosts and they go off on many rants and tangents! They also discuss the potential backlash against SE if Versus XIII were to be released on the PS4 rather than the PS3. It's a great roundtable so don't miss it! Be sure to get your answers in for the next BQ which is "How much did the Final Fantasy X HD tease anger you?" Last up is a killer remix from Final Fantasy V that you'll want to hear! Enjoy the show and we'll see you again in a few weeks!

 KH Union 51: The show that almost never was! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:25

Kingdom Heart Union is back again for another show about this wonderful franchise! This particular show has been fraught with difficulty due to technology issues, but we still have a show for you! Branden is joined by Churro and Brian and they jump straight in for this super long show. FIrst up is the news. This time around there are updates about the Kingdom Hearts browser game and it's weird name. Also, there is a lot of great news regarding KH 1.5 remix including release dates and pre-order information! Don't miss it! Next up is the Burning Question. The group goes through your answers to the previous question which was "Should KH continue after the Xehanort Saga?" There are a lot of great discussions from the answers you guys provide! As always, get your answers in for the next BQ which is "How would you use the PS4 touchpad to improve a future KH game?" The trio then moves directly into your questions and we have some great ones this week. The guys discuss answers to questions like should there be a game were you play as the heartless, how do they feel about the 358/2 cutscenes in KH1.5 remix, and should Rikku get his own love interest in the series? You'll definitely want to hear what the guys have to say! They wrap the show up with a wonderful remix of the song 'Another Side' so make sure you stick it out to the end! The next show will be here in a few weeks and we'll see you then!

 FF Union 77: Is SE still your JRPG company? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:31

Happy February everyone and welcome to another episode of Final Fantasy Union! Darryl is joined by Lauren and Spencer and as always they dive into the world of Final Fantasy. First up is an announcement of a new show called "Ask Square-Enix" which will be a podcast where you guys get to ask just about any question and the podcast gang will sit down with an SE rep to get you your answers! Don't miss it. Next up is the news. This show has two different pieces including some information on Lightning Returns and a fan made hack of Type-0 for fans in the west. The trio jumps into your responses to the previous Burning Question which was "is SE still your main JRPG company?" You responses were overwhelming in a good way! This segment brings quite a fun tangent that the gang goes into so prepare for some ranting. Get your answers in for the next BQ which is "Do you think Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be released on the PS4?" And what would a FFU episode be without your questions? We have a great question that the hosts discuss which is whether or not Ni no kuni is a direct competitor to Final Fantasy. The show rounds out with a great Final Fantasy 7 remix from everyone's favorite song: Aeris' Theme. With 2013 officially heating up, make sure you keep your eyes and ears open for all FF news; we'll be sure to get it to you!


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