KH Union 43: Will KH3 be a next gen game?

Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts Union show

Summary: The gang for Kingdom Hearts Union is back again and they are here to talk about all things Kingdom Hearts as usual. Branden is joined by Churro, Darryl, and Lauren and they go straight into the news. This episode they talk about the KH Anniversary music album and the songs that were chosen as well as the release of the KH3D demo on the Nintendo E-Shop. And then it's off to the Burning Question. You guys gave some great answers that the gang goes through. Be sure to get your answers in for the next BQ which is "Which CGI Disney movie do you most want to see in the KH series?" And then they go into your questions which include how KH3 will end the story, where the story may go after KH3, and what music from any other game would you want to hear in a KH game. The show comes to a close with a remix that can only be described as a cornucopia of music from the KH series. Get your fix of KH before the new game comes out!