ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 482 - Talking About Architecture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:56

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialogue: 16:09 Iktinos: I can’t believe we’re in one of the world’s most famous structures. Look at this architecture! Pinda: Yeah, great, another old building. I’m going to sit in that bay window and rest my feet while you walk around. Iktinos: Come on, come with me. Just look at these columns and beams. They’re over 2,000 years old! Pinda: Right, they’re old. Everything we’ve seen these past two weeks has been old. What’s so special about this? Iktinos: Are you trying to tell me that you don’t think this dome is impressive? It’s one of the largest in the world. Look at those cornices and skylights. I’ve never seen anything like them. Pinda: This building has a good facade, with nice balance and symmetry, but I’m so tired of looking at the same style of building, one after another. Aren’t we going to see anything else today? Iktinos: We are seeing some of the most important monuments to human ingenuity. Pinda: You’re right, but I’m too tired to walk up and down all three stories. You go. I’ll stay here on this balcony. Iktinos: What are you going to do here? Pinda: I’m going to think about how I’d remodel the building to bring it up to date. Iktinos: You’re hopeless! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 481 - Listening to Music | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:11

Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:02 Fast dialogue: 13:29 Victoria: I see that you have a really extensive music collection. J.D.: Yeah, I like a lot of different genres of music. Victoria: Do you have the new J.McQ album? He’s my favorite artist. I just got it and I like all of the tracks on it. J.D.: No, I haven’t heard it yet. Do you have it on your MP3 player? Victoria: Yeah, here, I’ve cued up the first track. J.D.: Hmm…I like the beat of the first song, but I’m not blown away by the rest of it. It’s also a really bad mix. The bass is up too high; you can hardly hear the treble. Is the whole album like that? Victoria: Yeah, I guess so. I didn’t notice. Maybe the volume wasn’t up high enough. J.D.: No, it was up high enough. Maybe he’s just not that good a vocalist and the sound engineers are trying to cover it up in the mixing. Victoria: Are you kidding? He’s an amazing singer. Come on, listen to another track. I’m sure you’ll change your mind. J.D.: No, thanks. I’d rather listen to a bunch of fighting cats than listen to anymore of J.McQ! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #191 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:11

Topics: American Cities: Dallas; conservative Christian/fundamentalist universities; to wear (someone) out; shrink; already Words: convention center trade show barbeque Bible Belt evangelicalism vocal fundamentalist conservative Christian right strict code of conduct dress code to wear (someone) out shrink already

 480 - Riding in a Carpool | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:48

Slow dialogue: 0:57 Explanations: 2:47 Fast dialogue: 15:02 Roberto: Hey, Loreto. Got a minute? Loreto: I’m going to a meeting off-site, but we can talk if you don’t mind walking me to my car. Roberto: Sure, okay. I just wanted to ask if you’re interested in carpooling to work. We only live a few blocks from each other. Loreto: Thanks for asking, but I’m not sure carpooling would work for me. Sometimes I run late in the morning and I wouldn’t want to hold you up. Roberto: We wouldn’t have to commute together every day, only on those days that are convenient for both of us. Carpooling has its advantages, too. In addition to doing our part for the environment, we could use the high-occupancy carpool lanes. That’ll save time, especially if there’s a lot of traffic congestion. Loreto: Yeah, I guess that could cut down on our commute time. Roberto: We also get preferential treatment for parking on the days we carpool. Loreto: How would it work? Do we set up a schedule and take turns driving? Roberto: Why don’t I swing by and pick you up tomorrow morning and we can talk more about it? Loreto: If you don’t mind picking me up en route, that would be great. By the way, how do you know where I live? Roberto: Oh, I asked around. See you tomorrow. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 479 - Using Frequent Flyer Miles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:10

Slow dialogue: 1:32 Explanations: 4:08 Fast dialogue: 17:59 Anne: Where were you this past weekend? I tried calling you on Friday to see if you wanted to go to the movies with me. Jurgen: I was in Chicago for a long weekend. Anne: Chicago? I didn’t know you were planning a trip. I thought you were pretty strapped this month. A ticket to Chicago would set you back at least $300. Jurgen: I am pretty strapped, but I wanted to go to my friend Rachel’s wedding. I was able to use my frequent flyer miles to get a ticket. I was lucky that those weren’t blackout dates. Anne: Oh, that explains it. You’ve been traveling a lot using your frequent flyer miles. How do you rack up so many miles? I’m enrolled in the frequent flyer programs of three different airlines, but I never seem to have enough miles to redeem them for a ticket or even an upgrade. Jurgen: The trick is to get a credit card that gives you miles. For every dollar I charge on my credit card, I get one mile. Since I use my credit card for a lot of business purchases, the miles add up pretty quickly. I also use a lot of the hotels and restaurants that partner with the airlines, and doing that gives me bonus miles. Anne: Aren’t there a lot of restrictions? Do you ever have problems redeeming the miles? Jurgen: Yeah, there are some restrictions, but I work around them. There are fewer restrictions if you have elite status, but I’m a long way from that. Anne: So I need to get a credit card that gives me frequent flyer miles. Jurgen: Yeah, but a word to the wise: spend carefully. You don’t want to rack up credit card debt for the sake of racking up frequent flyer miles! Anne: Point taken. Thanks for the tip. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #190 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:11

Topics: The U.S. Supreme Court; microloans/microcredit; less than (X) days versus up to (X) days; mainstream account; words ending in –ic versus –ical Words: to appeal Supreme Court Supreme Court Justices to take (one’s) place to appoint to bork credit borrower collateral to pioneer entrepreneur to alleviate less than 30 days up to 30 days mainstream account

 478 - Having Plumbing Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:55

Slow dialogue: 1:06 Explanations: 3:16 Fast dialogue: 14:57 Mickey: Hello, McQuillan Plumbing. Colleen: Hi, I’m having a lot of plumbing problems. Can you send a plumber out to my house right away? Mickey: Yes, we can. But first, let’s find out what the problems are. Colleen: Well, to start, my toilet won’t flush and it’s overflowing. Mickey: An overflowing toilet – check. What else? Colleen: The sink in the bathroom is stopped up and the pipes underneath the sink are leaking. Mickey: A stopped up sink and leaking pipes – check. What else? Colleen: The garbage disposal in the kitchen is making funny noises and the water won’t drain. Mickey: A busted garbage disposal – check. Is that all? Colleen: No, the faucet in the shower is stuck and I can’t shut off the water. Mickey: A stuck faucet – got it. What else? Colleen: That’s it. Mickey: You’ve got some really big problems there. Colleen: Yes, I know. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you. Can you send someone out right away? Mickey: Sure, no problem. How about next Tuesday? Colleen: Next Tuesday?! Didn’t you hear me? These are emergencies! Mickey: Yes, but all of our plumbers are booked up until next Tuesday. Should I put you down for a morning appointment? Colleen: Forget it! By next Tuesday, I’ll be under 10 feet of water! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 477 - Planning a Gourmet Meal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:54

Slow dialogue: 1:16 Explanations: 3:29 Fast dialogue: 14:00 Hung: I can’t believe that the famous food critic, Julia Schilds, will be eating in my restaurant tomorrow night. I need to prepare a gourmet menu that’s going to be mind-blowing. Padma: She wouldn’t be coming here if she didn’t already know that your cuisine is considered some of the best food in the city. Hung: That may be so, but you’re only as good as your last meal. I need to think of some delicacies that will really impress her. Let’s see, I think we should offer two new hors d’oeuvres, in addition to the ones already on the menu. Padma: Are you sure the chefs in the kitchen will be able to handle making six different hors d’oeuvres? Hung: Hmm, maybe not. Padma: Why don’t you concentrate on the entrees? I’m sure you could come up with one or two new dishes that will really impress her. Hung: Okay, but I don’t want to put all of my eggs in one basket. I need to have dishes in every course that are out of this world. Padma: Come on. You’re a great chef. What’s the worst she could say? Hung: Lots of things. She could say that this is a run-of-the-mill restaurant with mediocre food that she wouldn’t even feed to her cat! Padma: Okay, yes, she could say those things but she won’t. Your food will be mouthwatering and delectable, and her taste buds will thank you for it! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #189 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:21

Topics: Famous Americans: Helen Keller; The Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing; opposable thumbs; due to versus because of; the prefix “Mc” Words: deaf blind sign language palm Braille magna cum laude companion advocate thoroughbred rare derby to sponsor opposable thumb due to because of Mc

 476 - Taking Chances in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:20

Slow dialogue: 1:10 Explanations: 2:46 Fast dialogue: 14:48 I’ve always been a pretty cautious investor. I like my investments to be conservative and I usually invest only in sure things. Recently, though, I’ve been tempted to take more risk. My friend, Bernie, is a very successful fund manager and he is willing to let me get in on one of his schemes. According to Bernie, he has a way to take advantage of the current economic climate so that he and his investors aren’t susceptible to the same market forces affecting other investors. Barring any significant changes to the current economy, I should be raking it in before the end of the year. Bernie isn’t someone who shoots from the hip, so if he says that this investment is going to be profitable, who am I to ask questions? I’m very tempted to throw caution to the wind and to take a chance. After all, it’s only money, right? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 475 - Hiring a Hitman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:05

Slow dialogue: 1:10 Explanations: 3:00 Fast dialogue: 15:16 Gus: Are you Shirley? Shirley: Yeah, thanks for agreeing to meet me here. I’m told you’re the best sniper in the business and you can be discreet. I need a hitman who can do a job, then make himself scarce. Gus: I’m your man. Tell me about it. Shirley: There’s someone who’s been a thorn in my side, keeping me up at night, and it’s time to take him out. Gus: Taking care of problems is my specialty. I’ll need a down payment now and the balance when I finish him off. We shouldn’t meet again, so I’ll tell you later where to make a drop. Shirley: All right. Gus: Good. How will I be able to spot the target? Shirley: Here’s a picture. He’s usually in the yard in the afternoons. Gus: You want me to kill a dog?! Shirley: Right, he’s my neighbor’s dog and he keeps me up every night. Is that a problem? Gus: You bet it is. Who do you think I am? People are disposable, but dogs? They’re a man’s best friend. Shirley: Are you kidding me? You won’t take the job? Gus: Nope, I won’t. If you want to pay good money to take out a dog, then that’s your prerogative, but I have my standards! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #188 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:25

Topics: Regulating monopolies and antitrust laws; American songs: Happy Birthday; whilst versus while; to blow away (something); using “do” for emphasis Words: monopoly competitor antitrust law sanctioned to break up to appeal lyrics kindergarten to catch on copyrighted royalties commonplace while whilst to blow away

 474 - Having Trouble Sleeping | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:38

Slow dialogue: 1:30 Explanations: 3:14 Fast dialogue: 13:57 Luis: So, how are the newlyweds doing? Stevie: Oh, we’re great. I’m just a little tired. Luis: Well, that goes with the territory, right? Stevie: No, that’s not what I mean. Patrick has been keeping me up with his snoring. Luis: Oh, that’s a bummer. Stevie: Yeah, it really is. I’m usually awakened soon after I fall asleep, and then I toss and turn all night. That’s not all. Patrick also talks in his sleep. Luis: Wow, that’s terrible. I’d make a beeline for some sleeping pills, if I were you. Stevie: I took some one night last week, but I woke up groggy and disoriented. I’d rather have insomnia than load up on drugs. Luis: Have you tried waking him up when he snores or talks in his sleep? Stevie: I tried that one night, but he just ended up sleepwalking! Luis: Geez, what are you going to do? Stevie: I wish I knew. Luis: It’s a little early in your marriage for separate bedrooms, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Stevie: I’ll keep it in mind. If I don’t get a good night’s sleep soon, separate bedrooms will be the least of our problems! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 473 - Showing Respect and Disrespect | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:16

Slow dialogue: 1:24 Explanations: 3:07 Fast dialogue: 12:41 Kadir: Stop that! Stop snickering! Gabriel Voltaire is an author of great acclaim. You should show a little reverence. Melissa: Yes, but he seems to have a bad case of stage fright. I know it’s an honor to hear him speak, but it’s hard to show reverence when the man is sweating like a pig! Kadir: He’s not sweating like a pig. He’s just talking passionately about his writing. I, for one, appreciate his level of dedication to his work. Melissa: I admire his work, too, but he’s making a fool of himself. Really, who can pay attention to what he’s saying when he’s stuttering like that. Kadir: Unlike you, I can listen to the genius of his words without worrying about a little stuttering. Melissa: The man is making a spectacle of himself. I think he needs to stick to writing and give up public speaking. Kadir: Shh! That’s enough. I won’t hear another word said against him. Melissa: Whatever you say. I’ll leave you to your hero worship. For me, enough is enough! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #187 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:12

Topics: Ask an American: student exchange programs; begs the question; face value; at the time versus then Words: to test (one's) limits TV production wrestling choir to come down here to host (someone) famine drought to take (one’s) place unity begs the question face value at the time then


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