ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 501 - Buying Glasses | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:34

Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialogue: 16:48 Alice: Ooh, look at these! Don’t I look great? I’ve always wanted sunglasses like these. Pierre: You’re supposed to be here helping me pick out frames for my new bifocals. Alice: I don’t know why you won’t get progressives. That’s what everybody is getting these days. Pierre: I’ve always had bifocals and that’s what I’m going to get. Alice: Are you going to get metal, plastic, or rimless frames? Pierre: I’m not sure. The optician said that with my prescription, I could get any kind. Alice: Okay, try these. How do they feel? Pierre: I like the way the hinges move, but they’re too small for my head. Hey, these are nice. I think I’ll go with these. Alice: There’s no accounting for taste! Okay, but what about the lenses? There are so many options. You can get ones that reduce glare, ones that darken automatically, ones with anti-scratch coating… Pierre: I want to keep it nice and simple. I don’t need want any of those options. Alice: How about these for a backup pair? They’re designer frames. Pierre: Give me those. I should have known better than to let you tag along. What was I thinking?! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #201 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:30

Topics: Famous Americans: Flannery O’Connor; 60 Minutes; well-(something); red and blue states Words: misfit fanatic devout grotesque posthumous on the air prime time investigative journalism to catch (someone) off guard to go too far libel theme music red state blue state

 500 - Taking Minutes of a Meeting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:50

Slow dialogue: 1:23 Explanations: 3:50 Fast dialogue: 15:59 I was absent at last month’s meeting, so imagine my surprise when I found out that I had been elected the committee’s secretary! As part of my duties, I have to take minutes at each meeting. Taking minutes means I have to pay attention and try my best to transcribe what each person says, or at least do my best to summarize. At yesterday’s meeting, the chair called the meeting to order and I conducted a roll call. Then, the chair went over the agenda and we discussed old business. We needed to vote on a couple of proposals from the past meeting, and it was my job to ask for a show of hands of those in favor of and those opposed to each one. After that was done, we went on to new business. We talked about the first item of business for 20 minutes when someone suggested that we table the topic until the following meeting, and the participants agreed. After another long discussion about the second agenda item, we ran out of time. The chair adjourned the meeting. Phew! That first meeting taught me a very good lesson. Never miss a meeting when new officers are being chosen! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 499 - Marrying a Gold Digger | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:31

Slow dialogue: 1:29 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialogue: 16:48 Liza: Isn’t Jesse wonderful? I’m so glad you got to meet him last night. Sinobu: Uh, he’s a little young for you, don’t you think? I know you’ve had boy toys in the past, but he takes the cake. Liza: He’s no boy toy! It’s true that there’s a 30-year age difference, but who cares about age when you’re talking about love? Sinobu: Well, he’s certainly dressed for the part, with all of that bling. That watch must have set him back a couple of grand, at least. Liza: Oh, that was a little token of my affection for our one-month anniversary. I just wanted him to know how much I cared about him. Sinobu: Well, he certainly knows now who holds the purse strings, if he didn’t before. I only hope he’s not preying on you. Liza: How can you say that? I’ve never met anyone more honest or sincere. Sinobu: He has you wrapped around his little finger, that’s for sure. I hope, for your sake, he’s not a gold digger, or that you see his true colors before you make it to the altar – again. Liza: Oh, I knew it was a mistake talking to you about Jesse. You’re such a cynic! Sinobu: And you’re a hopeless romantic! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 ESL Podcast Special Edition Fourth Anniversary Video Podcast The World Tour | File Type: video/mp4 | Duration: 9:57

ESL Podcast's Fourth Anniversary Video Podcast: The World Tour! See a complete transcript at

 English Cafe #200 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

Topics: The White House; noises made by animals, humans, and machines; document versus documentation; to have to do with; gawd-awfully (god-awfully) Words: renovation wing head of state press briefing room china set to bark pow bam thud splat clank ding document documentation to have to do with (something) god-awfully (gawd-awfully)

 498 - Joking and Making Fun of People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:14

Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 2:48 Fast dialogue: 13:49 Dmitry: Stan is really miffed at you. All of that teasing at lunch really upset him. Charlene: What? I was just poking fun at him for trying to hit on the new, young receptionist. Dmitry: You called him an old goat. Charlene: I said that tongue in cheek. If he didn’t find that funny, then he can’t take a joke. Dmitry: What about last week when you told that joke about fat people trying to dance and you made him the butt of the joke? Charlene: Everybody knows I’m the class clown around here, and I make wisecracks about everybody. Nobody else is as thin-skinned as Stan. Dmitry: I wouldn’t be so sure about that. I suggest you watch your back. The next joke may be on you. Charlene: Why? What have you heard? Dmitry: Oh, nothing. I just think it may be time for some payback – big time! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 497 - Shopping for Bedding | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:09

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialogue: 15:33 Xavier: Thanks for helping me decorate my new apartment. Hey, where are you going? Crystal: I’m going to the bedding department. Now that you have a new bed, you’ll need new bedding. Xavier: Right, okay, but can’t I just get some sheets, a couple of pillows, and a blanket? Crystal: That’s only the beginning. Oh, feel these sheets. No wonder they’re so soft. They have a very high thread count. Xavier: Thread count? Crystal: You’ll need a fitted sheet, a flat sheet, and pillowcases. Did you get a queen- or a king-size bed? Xavier: It’s a full-size bed. Crystal: Okay, you’ll need a comforter and a duvet cover, too, and this bed skirt will make your bed look really nice. Xavier: Bed skirt? Crystal: Of course! You can’t leave your mattress exposed. That would look so tacky. Xavier: If you say so... Crystal: Wow, look at these canopies. Don’t you think...? Xavier: You want to put a canopy over my bed?! No, that’s where I draw the line. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #199 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:15

Topics: The Rocky Horror Picture Show; civil disobedience; night versus evening; starring; force versus enforce versus reinforce Words: musical parody cult film costume squirt gun fraudulent demonstration march crack nonviolent repression civil disobedience evening night starring to force to enforce to reinforce

 496 - Driving a Company Car | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:12

Slow dialogue: 1:11 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 15:26 Michael: Shall we? Robin: Oh, this is nice. Did you get a new car? Michael: No, this is a company car. Getting to drive one is one of the perks of my new job. Robin: Does your new position call for a lot of driving? Michael: It does. As the regional supervisor, I have to cover a large territory. I’ll be visiting all of the affiliates across the state. Robin: Does that mean you can drive the company car anytime, anywhere? Michael: Well, I’m only supposed to use it for official business since the company deducts the standard mileage allowance on their taxes, but there are ways to account for any extra miles I log. Robin: You mean you fudge the mileage numbers? Michael: You could say that. It’s no big deal. Everybody does it, or so I’ve heard. You know, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Do you want to go with me to San Diego this weekend? Robin: That depends. Are you taking your company car? Michael: I was thinking about it. Robin: In that case, no, thanks. I don’t want to be an accessory to whatever rules you’re breaking. Michael: Suit yourself, but what’s a company perk if you can’t take full advantage of it? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 495 - Describing Winds and Storms | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:16

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialogue: 13:37 Ali: It’s just our luck that as soon as we arrive here for our island vacation, there’s a hurricane warning! Mariela: It’s uncanny, isn’t it? On last year’s vacation, we crossed paths with a tornado and now this. Ali: Yeah, that tornado was something. I had experienced windstorms before with really strong gusts of wind, but it was nothing like that tornado. Do you remember the way all of the windows, doors, and even walls rattled? The tornado blew down power lines and uprooted trees! Mariela: That was terrifying. Do you think we’ll have another experience like that this time? Ali: I really hope not. We came for ocean breezes, but if the hurricane makes landfall, we’ll have gale winds of up to 50 miles per hour! Mariela: And we’re trapped here! What should we do? Ali: We’ll just buckle down and wait it out. With any luck, the hurricane will miss the island altogether. Mariela: With our luck, what’s the likelihood of that happening?! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #198 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:21

Topics: The Secret Service; tween culture; on versus upon; exclamations “My God” and “Jesus Christ”; evidence versus proof Words: currency to counterfeit agent to shield assassination bravery to lay (one's) life on the line tween buying power controversial distinct clothing line upon “My God” “Jesus Christ” evidence proof

 494 - Types of Story Endings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:52

Slow dialogue: 1:40 Explanations: 3:46 Fast dialogue: 15:07 Hamid: I just finished a really good book. I thought the characters were headed toward a tragic ending, but there was a twist near the end, and everything turned out well. It was so satisfying! Rachel: It sounds sappy to me. Hamid: It wasn’t sappy at all. It was just a happy ending. I know what you like. You like those disaster movies with catastrophic endings where everyone dies. Rachel: At least that would be more realistic than everyone living happily ever after. I just saw the series finale of my favorite TV show. You know what they did? They ended the series with a cliffhanger. Nothing was resolved. Hamid: That’s horrible! How could they leave people hanging like that? Weren’t you just a little mad? Rachel: No, I wasn’t. The ending stayed true to the spirit of the show. It was a dark show and the ending was equally dark. Hamid: Well, I bet they ended the series that way so they could make a movie sequel. Rachel: Yeah, maybe, but I don’t care either way. Life doesn’t end neatly and neither should a good story. Hamid: Remind me never to read any stories you write or any movies you make! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 493- Ordering at a Sandwich Shop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:03

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialogue: 15:55 Employee: Welcome to Grubway. What can I get for you? Jared: I’m still deciding. I’m trying to lose weight and I hear that eating a sandwich for lunch every day will help me do that. Do you guys have a BLT or a club? Employee: We don’t have a BLT, but we do have a ham or turkey club. Jared: Okay, I’ll take the club. Employee: Ham or turkey? Jared: Can I get half and half, or better yet, can I get double ham and double turkey? Employee: Sure, no problem. Jared: I’d like cheese on that, too. Employee: Would you like your bread toasted and the cheese melted? Jared: Uh, sure. Employee: What else would you like on your sandwich, the works? Jared: What comes with the works? Employee: It includes lettuce, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, olives, and pickles, and any spreads, condiments, or seasonings you’d like. Jared: Oh, okay. I’ll have the works, but hold the pickles and olives. I’d like mayonnaise on the side, too, please. You know what? I’d like to add some chicken to that. Employee: That’ll be $1.20 additional. Jared: That’s fine. I’d also like extra cheese, and why don’t you add some roast beef, too? Employee: Okay, I can do that. Will that be all? Jared: Yeah, but while you’re at it, throw in two bags of chips and a couple of cookies. Employee: Okay, I can ring you up down here. Jared: Hey, tell me, how long before I start losing weight? Employee: Well, that’s hard to say. You may want to look at the nutritional information chart to determine that. Jared: Nah, I can already feel the pounds coming off! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #197 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:56

Topics: Ask an American: segregation; paradise lost; to go off; trip versus journey versus voyage versus travel Words: to come in standard to acclimate captain representation apparent to work against to evolve to defy paradise lost to go off trip journey voyage to travel


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