ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 511 - Getting Plastic Surgery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:49

Slow dialogue: 1:24 Explanations: 3:43 Fast dialogue: 15:51 George: What are you doing? Joan: I’m looking through these magazines to try and decide which plastic surgery procedures I should have next year. George: You’re not thinking of going under the knife. Joan: Yes, I am. I’ve always wanted to improve on the way I look, and I’m tired of these wrinkles and sagging skin. I want to look 25 again! George: That’s ridiculous. Nobody who is 45 can look 25. People who get Botox, have facelifts, or tummy tucks look weird. Joan: That’s because they didn’t go to the best plastic surgeons. I won’t make that mistake. Help me decide. Should I get liposuction and a nose job, or should I go all out and get breast implants, too? George: I think you’ve gone off the deep end. We’ve been friends for over 20 years and you don’t need any cosmetic surgery. You’re perfect the way you are. Joan: You can’t be serious! George: I’m dead serious, and if you get all of that plastic surgery, you’ll look like an over-the-hill Barbie doll, and I’m not going to be seen in public with you. Joan: What’s wrong with a little plastic surgery? I just want to feel better about myself. George: You don’t need plastic surgery to do that. You just need to spend more time with me and your other friends who like you just the way you are! Joan: Sagging skin and all? George: What sagging skin? Joan: I feel younger already. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #206 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:42

Topics: NASA; Famous Americans: Jackie Robinson; conference versus meeting versus session; second to none; narrative versus story Words: outer space to spur on space race advocate to orbit height of (something) league segregated fan racial slur to unify prestigious meeting conference session second to none narrative story

 510 - Taking a Shower or a Bath | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:25

Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 14:44 I spent the day helping my friend, Babbit, on his farm. When I got home, my wife said, “You stink!” I headed straight for the shower. I ran the water, closed the shower curtain, and adjusted the showerhead. I worked the soap into a lather and scrubbed from head to toe. I rinsed off the soap and toweled off. When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “You still stink! You need to soak in a bath!” I went back into the bathroom, put the stopper in the bathtub, and turned on the faucet. I didn’t want to take any chances. I took some of my wife’s bubble bath and poured it into the bathtub. When the bath was ready, I got in. I soaked for a half hour and I washed every nook and cranny. When I went back into the living room, my wife said, “Wow, you smell as pretty as a flower!” That wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but I’d rather smell like flowers than pigs! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 509 - Going on a Cruise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:59

Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 2:59 Fast dialogue: 13:07 Connie: I’m so excited! We’re finally taking a cruise. Are you sure this is the embarkation area? Robert: Yes, I’m sure. We go on board right here, see? Come on, let’s find our cabin. Connie: Okay, but I want to go up on deck as soon as possible and look around the entire ship. Do you think they’ll let us go on the bridge and meet the captain? Robert: I don’t think so. You know, I think we’re going the wrong way. I can’t find our cabin number. Connie: Let’s see if we can find the purser or a steward to help us. Oh, never mind, here it is! Wow, this cabin is really small. Robert: No worries. We won’t be spending much time in the cabin. When do we eat? Connie: We can go down to the buffet right now for lunch, and I put us down for the main seating at 7:00 for dinner. Robert: Whoa, what’s that?! Connie: That’s the ship setting sail. You’re not going to be seasick, are you? Robert: I don’t think so, but I’m really looking forward to our first port of call! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:56

Topics: Alcatraz; The Simpsons; using negation with an infinitive; heaven versus heavens; kind of versus sort of versus type of Words: to escape guard jailbreak cover-up cell haunted animated dysfunctional family troublemaker pacifier merchandise lexicon heaven heavens kind of sort of type of

 508 - Regretting Past Actions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:36

Slow dialogue: 1:14 Explanations: 2:50 Fast dialogue: 12:43 Dennis: Oh, why did I let my temper get the best of me? I never should have said those things to the new client! Nora: Don’t freak out. I’m sure you didn’t do any damage that can’t be rectified. It’s true that, in retrospect, you probably shouldn’t have called Nathan, the head of the project, a twerp. Dennis: Don’t remind me of what I said! Hindsight is 20/20. Now they’re going to think we’re running a dog and pony show. Nora: No, they’re not. Nathan was being unreasonable and you tried to sugarcoat your objections the best you could. Everybody could see that you were trying to pull your punches, but that guy just wouldn’t give an inch. Dennis: Nevertheless, this is going to have repercussions. Nora: Oh, here comes the boss now. I think she wants to talk to you. Dennis: I’ve no doubt about that. Nora: What do you suppose she’s going to say? Dennis: I know exactly what she’s going to say: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!” Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 507 - Guarding One's Privacy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:55

Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialogue: 15:33 I went to visit my old friend, Mina, whom I hadn’t seen in several years. It was one of the strangest afternoons of my life! Dan: Hi, Mina, it’s really good to see you. Mina: Dan, come in. Hurry! Dan: Uh, okay. Why do you have four locks on your door, and why are all of the curtains drawn? Mina: I like my privacy. And anyway, I think there’s a peeping Tom around this apartment building and I don’t want him to get a peek into my apartment. Dan: Oh, okay. I noticed that your name isn’t on your mailbox. I wasn’t sure I had the right apartment number. Mina: Do you think I would voluntarily give people that information? They are constantly trying to invade my privacy. All I want is anonymity, but I have to be on guard all of the time. These days, I only give out personal information on a need-to-know basis. Dan: No offense, but isn’t that a little paranoid? You act as though everybody is out to get you. Mina: Aren’t they? Haven’t you noticed? We constantly have to disclose our most personal information on forms and to anyone who comes to our door. If I didn’t know you were coming today, I wouldn’t have opened my door at all. Dan: You mean you live here in seclusion, like a hermit? Mina: Of course not! I have plenty of friends. Come and meet them all. Dan: Wow, you must have 10 birds and 20 cats! Mina: Yes, that’s right. But, rest assured, none of them will breathe a word of what you say here today! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #204 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:25

Topics: Fraternities and sororities; the foster care and adoption system; scholarship versus grant; commie Words: fraternity sorority rush to pledge initiation ceremony service organization hazing exclusionary to take (someone) in foster care to adopt to get stuck in scholarship grant commie

 506 - Being Generous and Stingy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:19

Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialogue: 13:32 Britney: I was thinking of hitting up Jane for a little loan. You know her better than I do. What are the chances she’ll spot me a couple hundred dollars until next month? Salvador: I think that’s a pipe dream. I wouldn’t exactly call her a cheapskate, but she’s not known for her generosity. Britney: What about Frank? He’s rolling in it. He could easily part with a couple hundred bucks without giving it a second thought. Salvador: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you think you can borrow money from Frank. He’s always been a penny-pincher and he always will be. Britney: Okay, then help me think. Who do we know who isn’t stingy? Who do we know who is big-hearted and charitable? Salvador: What the heck. Here’s $150 to tide you over until your next payday. Britney: Wow, thanks! You know, another $100 would really come in handy. Salvador: I really think you should quit while you’re ahead. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 505 - Teaching Children About Safety | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:12

Slow dialogue: 1:05 Explanations: 2:44 Fast dialogue: 13:30 Ms. Sanchez: Okay, kids. I’m Ms. Sanchez, your substitute for this week. I’m taking all of you on the field trip tomorrow. Listen up. There are some ground rules we need to go over. First, each of you will have a partner and you will hold hands while we cross the streets. Student: Ms. Sanchez...? Ms. Sanchez: I’ll take questions later. Let me get through all of my instructions first. Remember, don’t talk to strangers. There are predators out there who are looking to lure children away from their family and friends and to abduct them, so don’t let your guard down. Student: Ms. Sanchez... Ms. Sanchez: As I said, I’ll take questions later. If you need to step away from the group, ask permission first. If a stranger tries to accost or waylay you, run away as fast as you can. Student: Uh, Ms. Sanchez? Ms. Sanchez: Yes? Student: I think you’ve got the wrong classroom. We’re the eighth graders. The first graders are on the second floor. Ms. Sanchez: Where are my glasses? Oh, here they are. Oh! You’re not my first-graders! Why didn’t anyone say anything earlier?! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #203 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:48

Topics: The Red Cross; Casablanca; to estimate versus to evaluate versus to appreciate; to let (someone/something) be; aim versus goal Words: cross crescent humanitarian victim natural disaster blood drive first aid shelter to be set in to be wanted by to admit plot to estimate to evaluate to appreciate to let (someone/something) be aim goal

 504 - Training Inexperienced Employees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:51

Slow dialogue: 1:14 Explanations: 2:42 Fast dialogue: 12:26 Kazuko: I really appreciate you helping with the training of the newbies. I couldn’t have done it without you. Martin: Don’t mention it. I remember when I was still wet behind the ears and the veterans in the company gave me the benefit of their time and expertise. They propped me up until I could stand on my own two feet. Kazuko: I can’t imagine you as a novice. Everybody here thinks of you as the cornerstone of the institution. Martin: Well, that may be, but you should have seen me in the early years. I was naive and reckless. I may be more adept at my job now, but I felt inept for years. Kazuko: I saw you talking with some of the new recruits. What advice did you give them? Martin: I gave them the same advice that an old hand gave me when I first started: Take every piece of advice you get with a grain of salt! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 503 - Seeing a Dentist | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:56

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:01 Fast dialogue: 14:13 Dr. Chung: Hello, Luis, I’m Dr. Chung. You’re here for a check-up and a cleaning, is that right? Luis: Yes, that’s right. Dr. Chung: Okay, let’s take a look. Have you had your wisdom teeth taken out? Luis: No, I haven’t. Dr. Chung: Hmm…You may need to do that soon. You’ve had a root canal? Luis: Yes, about three years ago. Dr. Chung: Does that hurt? Luis: Ow! Dr. Chung: I guess I hit a nerve. The bad news is that you may need another root canal soon. Let’s see if you have any cavities. Oh, I think there’s one here in your left molar. You’ll need to come back for a filling. Are you experiencing any sensitivity? Luis: Yes, I am! Dr. Chung: I’m not surprised. Your gums have receded and some of the root is showing. Do you use dental floss? Luis: Um, yes. Dr. Chung: I’ll have the dental hygienist show you how to brush and floss better so you can prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Any questions for me before the hygienist starts on your cleaning? Luis: No, I’m just glad you didn’t say I need dentures! Dr. Chung: No, you don’t. Not yet. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #202 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:31

Topics: Ask an American: civility; sour versus tart; (something) is king; thorough versus comprehensive Words: to get out in front tone of voice on the go slower-paced courtesy detrimental put off by captive audience to take up to give way to analogue sour tart (something) is king thorough comprehensive

 502 - Storing Luggage on an Airplane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:17

Slow dialogue: 1:08 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 16:12 Yoshi: Can you hold my jacket while I try to get my roller bag down the aisle? Tatiana: All right, but I have to roll my own bag down the aisle, you know. Yoshi: Fine, give it back to me. All of these overhead bins are full. Where are we supposed to store them? Tatiana: Look, there are two spaces in the back of the plane. You put our big bags in those bins, and I’ll put our carry-ons under the seats in front of us. Yoshi: Fine, but these seats are already cramped, and now, I’ll have no legroom for the entire flight. Great! That’s what we get for not getting seats in the emergency exit row. Tatiana: If we had seats in the emergency exit row, you’d be complaining about not being able to recline in your seat right now. At least we don’t have bulkhead seats. Stop grumbling and get moving before somebody else snags those overhead bins and we have to check those bags. Yoshi: Whose idea was it to go on vacation? Tatiana: It was mine. We both need some time to get away and unwind. Yoshi: Yeah, right, I can’t remember the last time I felt this relaxed! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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