506 - Being Generous and Stingy

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 2:56 Fast dialogue: 13:32 Britney: I was thinking of hitting up Jane for a little loan. You know her better than I do. What are the chances she’ll spot me a couple hundred dollars until next month? Salvador: I think that’s a pipe dream. I wouldn’t exactly call her a cheapskate, but she’s not known for her generosity. Britney: What about Frank? He’s rolling in it. He could easily part with a couple hundred bucks without giving it a second thought. Salvador: You’ve got your work cut out for you if you think you can borrow money from Frank. He’s always been a penny-pincher and he always will be. Britney: Okay, then help me think. Who do we know who isn’t stingy? Who do we know who is big-hearted and charitable? Salvador: What the heck. Here’s $150 to tide you over until your next payday. Britney: Wow, thanks! You know, another $100 would really come in handy. Salvador: I really think you should quit while you’re ahead. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse