ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 551 - Scheduling a Medical Appointment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:34

Slow dialogue: 1:36 Explanations: 3:57 Fast dialogue: 15:33 I needed to make an appointment with a doctor so I called my health plan’s phone number for new patients. Before I could schedule my appointment, I had to listen to several recorded messages to be routed to the right medical office. The recording said to stay on the line for assistance. Clerk: Hello, Western Medical Group. Damien: Hello, I’d like to make an appointment with Dr. Gupta. Clerk: Are you a new patient or a returning patient? Damien: I’m a new patient. Clerk: Who referred you to Dr. Gupta? Damien: No one. One of the health benefits of my plan is that I can self-refer to some specialists. Clerk: What is the name of your plan and your medical record number? Damien: It’s Waiser and my medical record number is 23456789. Clerk: It looks like Dr. Gupta is booked up for the next three weeks. She has an opening on March 2nd, at 4:30 p.m. Damien: I was hoping to get an early morning appointment. Clerk: The next morning appointment won’t be until March 18th, at 11:00. You’ll need to check in at 10:45 to fill out paperwork. Should I put you down for that? Damien: Is it possible to get an even earlier appointment? Clerk: Dr. Gupta doesn’t begin seeing patients until 10:30. Damien: 10:30? Isn’t that pretty late? Clerk: Dr. Gupta likes to play golf in the mornings. Damien: Why do you think I want an early morning appointment? Doesn’t she know that some of her patients prefer late-morning golf? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #226 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

Topics: Ask an American: The meaning of work; apart from versus in terms of; off the cuff; also versus as well Words: to earn a living to come down to paycheck hustle greatly debt to pay off chain defined imaginative apart from in terms of off the cuff also as well

 550 - Differences in Male and Female Friendships | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:55

Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:41 Fast dialogue: 17:00 Lauren: Did you see what Stephanie was wearing? She looked like a wet dog! Quentin: Why do women do that? Lauren: Do what? Quentin: Why do women put other women down? Is it to make themselves feel superior? Lauren: It was only a joke. I didn’t mean anything by it. Quentin: Do you really think she would find it funny if she had heard you? Lauren: What about you men? You guys are always bantering and trying to one-up each other. Aren’t you guys trying to see who’s superior and who’s inferior? Quentin: Women are catty and talk behind each other’s backs. We men make fun of each other in a good-natured way while we’re together. That’s the difference: You women are laughing at each other and we men are laughing with each other. Lauren: Oh yeah? Was Tim laughing with you guys when you threw him into the lake last weekend? Quentin: That was very funny, and yes, he thought it was funny, too. What you women don’t understand is that we give as good as we get. Next time, Tim will play a trick on someone else. Lauren: So it’s a vicious cycle of pranks. Quentin: Yeah, you could say that. That’s how men bond. That’s something you women don’t seem to understand. Lauren: We understand, all right. You take turns torturing each other and call it male bonding. Quentin: See what I mean? You women stick to your ways and we’ll stick to ours. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 549 - Using a Camera | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:02

Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 2:49 Fast dialogue: 12:32 Ingrid: I don’t mind lending you my camera for the trip, but first, let me show you how to use it. Deng: No need to do that. I took a photography class in high school, and I pretty much know all there is to know about taking pictures. Ingrid: Wasn’t that a long time ago? This is a digital camera with some new features. For instance, this camera has auto zoom, image stabilization, and a memory card. Deng: It can’t be that different from the camera I used 15 years ago. This looks like a point-and-shoot. You look through the viewer and push the button, right? Ingrid: Well, not quite. You can adjust the flash and shutter speed, see? You can also attach a lens for wide-angle or close-up shots. You can even review your photos, saving the ones you like or deleting the ones you don’t want anymore. Deng: Okay, I got it. By the way you’re talking, you’d think I was born yesterday. Just show me where to load the film! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #225 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:15

Topics: Gay Rights Issues: Gay Marriage and “"Don't Ask, Don't Tell”"; Famous Americans: Oprah Winfrey; sneak preview; instead of versus rather than; a lot versus lots Words: gay rights spouse civil union to object military sexual orientation media personality talk show influential to endorse philanthropic sneak preview instead of rather than lots / a lot

 548 - Working for an Impossible Boss | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:08

Slow dialogue: 1:46 Explanations: 3:55 Fast dialogue: 18:09 Mr. Mann: Why are all these people milling around doing no work? Laura! You’re in charge when I’m out of the office and you’re incompetent! Laura: Mr. Mann, we need to talk in private. Let’s go into your office. Mr. Mann: What is this about? Laura: Mr. Mann, I’ve tried to do my job the best I can, but I won’t tolerate your verbal abuse any longer. Mr. Mann: Verbal abuse?! I’m just telling it like it is. It’s my…it’s my…management style. This is business. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Laura: If I thought this was about my performance, I would certainly take any constructive criticism, but this is really about your inappropriate behavior. Mr. Mann: What inappropriate behavior? You’re questioning my behavior? Laura: Yes, I’ve held my tongue long enough. Every day, you come back to the office tipsy from a three-martini lunch, and you go off on me in front of the other employees. That undermines my authority and puts me in an impossible position. Mr. Mann: I’m your boss and you have no right to question the way I run this house…I mean, department. Laura: With all due respect, this is no way to run a department. Mr. Mann: And how dare you suggest that I’m drunk? You don’t know who you’re dealing with. Laura: Oh, yes I do. You’re my ex-boss. I’ve had enough. I quit! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 547 - Shopping for a Hat | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:03

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:15 Fast dialogue: 16:16 Christine: What do you think of this one? Eric: We’re here to buy hats to protect us from the sun while we’re on vacation. Do you think a beret will do that? Christine: No, but it looks great on me, don’t you think? Isn’t it great to be getting away to the beach in the middle of winter! I already picked out a straw hat with a wide, floppy brim, so I’m all set for the trip. Eric: In that case, help me pick one out. How about this baseball cap? Christine: Well, the brim gives your face plenty of shade, but it leaves the back of your head exposed. How about this helmet? Eric: Very funny. Do you want me to suffocate in this thing? Okay, hand me that cowboy hat. Christine: That looks cute on you, but it’s huge and it’s going to get squished in the luggage. Hey, try these two hats on! Eric: Stop messing around. I don’t need a top hat, and that one looks like a bonnet! Christine: Okay, okay, how about this straw hat? Like mine, it’s soft enough to travel in a suitcase. Eric: Hey, this one isn’t bad. How do I look? Christine: Just like the tourist that you are, but that makes two of us. Eric: I couldn’t care less. I don’t care if I look cool on vacation as long as I am cool! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:02

Topics: Hip Hop Culture; The New York Stock Exchange; effectiveness versus efficiency; jilted; hence versus thus Words: hip hop DJ to rap graffiti breakdancing / breaking oppressive stock exchange stock trading floor NYSE Composite Index base value panic effectiveness efficiency jilted hence thus

 546 - Having an Open House | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:40

Slow dialogue: 1:43 Explanations: 4:07 Fast dialogue: 18:39 Kyoko: We’re not supposed to be here. I think we should leave and let our real estate agent hold the open house without us looking over her shoulder. Ernie: We’re not looking over her shoulder. I just want to sit in this car to see how many people go in and out. Kyoko: You know, there’ll be a lot of lookie-loos. And plus, there’ll be a sign-in sheet, so we’ll be able to see afterwards how many people stopped in. Ernie: Hey, someone’s coming in now. Kyoko: That’s the stager. She’s making some last-minute changes. Ernie: She really doesn’t need to do anything else. We did everything our agent told us to do. We made cosmetic repairs, painted, and de-cluttered. What more could they ask for? Kyoko: She’s just doing some minor landscaping, putting some plants along the front path and around the front door. Let’s get out of here before people start showing up. I don’t want to seem like I’m spying on my own house. Ernie: What does it matter? Hand me the fact sheet for our house. I want to read it through again to make sure the agent didn’t miss anything. Okay, the square footage on the house and the lot are correct, she noted that our addition is permitted, and she mentioned the upgrades – good. Where are you going? Kyoko: I’m not going to sit in this car for the next four hours. Let’s go to visit our neighbors’ open houses. Ernie: Good idea. We’ll see what our competition is and maybe we can steal some of their open house ideas! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 545 - Getting Around Without a Car | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:10

Slow dialogue: 1:30 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialogue: 15:28 Caitland: How are you planning on getting to school and to your job without a car? Bruno: I’ve got it covered. I have my skateboard. Caitland: Your skateboard won’t be any use on those dirt roads. Bruno: No big thing. I’ll just take my bike. Caitland: Your bike was stolen, along with your rollerblades, remember? Bruno: Oh, yeah. Maybe I’ll save up and buy a Segway. Caitland: Those things are really expensive. What’ll you do in the meantime? Bruno: Maybe I’ll take the bus. Worst case scenario, I give myself more time and I walk. Why are you so interested in how I’m going to commute? Fess up. Caitland: I care about your well-being, that’s all. Bruno: Oh, yeah? I don’t buy it. There’s got to be an ulterior motive. Caitland: Well, I do have an old scooter that would be just what you need to get back and forth from school and work. It uses very little gas and I’ll let you have it for next to nothing. Bruno: I knew it. You’re trying to pawn off that old scooter on me. Forget it! Caitland: I’m just looking out for your best interest, that’s all. Bruno: Isn’t that what all con artists say? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #223 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:09

Topics: Social networking; government-run lotteries; the use of “on” with the days of the week; to travel in/by; individual versus personal Words: social networking application post to keep in touch privacy discreet lottery scratcher / scratch-it ticket / scratch card chance jackpot lump sum annuity to travel by/in individual personal

 544 - Working from a Home Office | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:54

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialogue: 13:58 Adrina: So this is your new home office. It’s nice. Victor: It’s functional, and I like it. When my company decided to lower its overhead by decentralizing, it gave employees the option to work from home. When I heard that, I didn’t think twice about making the change. Adrina: I’m not surprised. Lots of people would kill to work from home. Did you have to get dedicated phone and fax lines? Victor: No, I already have a company cell phone, and I mainly use email to communicate with the office. Adrina: I assume you get to set your own schedule. Do you find it hard to concentrate on your work? I know I’d be distracted all the time if I had a home office. Victor: It’s true that there are a lot more distractions at home, but I try to block them out. For me, it’s not getting down to work that’s a problem, it’s getting myself to stop thinking about work all the time! That’s one of the drawbacks of working where you live. I’m more productive, but I’m also more work-centered. Adrina: I can see that, though I’d still take working from home over working at the office any day. Victor: I thought you had a home office for your real estate business. Adrina: I do, but it’s not very conducive to getting any work done. Victor: Why’s that? Adrina: My home office doubles as the guestroom and the kids’ playroom! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 543 - Describing Different Smells | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:38

Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 14:52 Giles: Do you really think we’ll be able to renovate this place and turn it into a restaurant? Julia: It’s not so bad. I know it smells a little stale and musty in here, but all we need to do is air it out. Giles: Air it out? This place needs a lot more than an airing out. The kitchen smells putrid. I wonder what died in there. Julia: There is a faint smell of something nasty in there, but I don’t think it permeates through the rest of the building, do you? Giles: No, but there are different nasty smells in other parts of the building. Oh! There’s a really strong burnt, smoky smell in this corner. Hold your breath! Julia: This is a restaurant. I’m sure a thorough cleaning will make all the difference. Giles: That might be true for the kitchen, but what will you do in the dining room? An entire truckload of scented candles or bottles of perfume couldn’t mask those foul smells. This place just stinks, from top to bottom! Julia: All right, I’ll look for another building, but this place is cheap and within our budget. Giles: Yes, but if I had to work here, I’d first have to lose my sense of smell! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #222 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:20

Topics: The Mormon/LDS Church; school lunches; using “in” or “on” with body parts; fall off versus fall down; a dollar down and a dollar a week Words: denomination angel revelation polygamy mob to distance (oneself) from afterlife tithe missionary to go hungry surplus corndog to punch to smack to touch to tap to fall off to fall down a dollar down and a dollar a week

 542 - Renting a Movie | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:00

Slow dialogue: 1:18 Explanations: 3:26 Fast dialogue: 16:12 Brenda: I have to return these movies in the drop box today or I’ll have late fees. Can I get you anything while I’m out? Jang: Are you still renting movies from the video store? I use a service that delivers the movies to my mailbox. There are never any late fees. Brenda: I’ve thought about subscribing to one of those services, but I think I would really miss browsing at the video store. I like checking out the new releases and staff picks, and you never know what you’ll find to buy in the bargain bins. Jang: Renting movies online is so much quicker and easier. I can browse the titles quickly, read the descriptions, read reviews, and sometimes even watch a trailer. Then, all I need to do is put the movie in my queue, and as soon as I mail one movie back, they send me another one. It’s that simple. Brenda: It does sound easy, but not everything that’s easy is better. Some of us like to take our time to make our selections. Jang: Whatever. If you want to spend your time looking for movies rather than watching them, that’s your prerogative. Brenda: Are you really going to let me off so easily? I thought I was in for another one of your lectures. Jang: You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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