546 - Having an Open House

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

Summary: Slow dialogue: 1:43 Explanations: 4:07 Fast dialogue: 18:39 Kyoko: We’re not supposed to be here. I think we should leave and let our real estate agent hold the open house without us looking over her shoulder. Ernie: We’re not looking over her shoulder. I just want to sit in this car to see how many people go in and out. Kyoko: You know, there’ll be a lot of lookie-loos. And plus, there’ll be a sign-in sheet, so we’ll be able to see afterwards how many people stopped in. Ernie: Hey, someone’s coming in now. Kyoko: That’s the stager. She’s making some last-minute changes. Ernie: She really doesn’t need to do anything else. We did everything our agent told us to do. We made cosmetic repairs, painted, and de-cluttered. What more could they ask for? Kyoko: She’s just doing some minor landscaping, putting some plants along the front path and around the front door. Let’s get out of here before people start showing up. I don’t want to seem like I’m spying on my own house. Ernie: What does it matter? Hand me the fact sheet for our house. I want to read it through again to make sure the agent didn’t miss anything. Okay, the square footage on the house and the lot are correct, she noted that our addition is permitted, and she mentioned the upgrades – good. Where are you going? Kyoko: I’m not going to sit in this car for the next four hours. Let’s go to visit our neighbors’ open houses. Ernie: Good idea. We’ll see what our competition is and maybe we can steal some of their open house ideas! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse