ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 591 - Handling a Traffic Stop | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:11

Slow dialogue: 1:08 Explanations: 3:01 Fast dialogue: 16:16 I was having a great day until I saw the police car behind me with its loud siren and lights flashing. I pulled off the road and waited for the officer to approach my car. Officer: May I see your driver’s license, proof of insurance, and car registration, please? Lindsay: Let me get them out of my glove compartment. Here they are. What did I do wrong, officer? Officer: Didn’t you see that stop sign back there? Lindsay: Stop sign? What stop sign? I didn’t see any stop sign. Officer: Sit tight and I’ll be right back. ... I guess he was running my driver’s license and license plate numbers to make sure there are no outstanding warrants for me or for my car. He came back after a few minutes. ... Officer: You ran a stop sign back there and I’m going to have to give you a citation. Lindsay: Is that really necessary, officer? I’m really sorry I ran the stop sign and I’ll be more careful next time. Officer: I suppose I could let you off with a warning, just this once. Lindsay: Oh, thank you so much! Officer: Drive more carefully in the future. Lindsay: I will. I definitely will. ... Phew! That was close. Good thing I tossed the incriminating evidence out the window before I pulled off the road! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #246 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:42

Topics: Ask an American: Father Damien and leprosy; bring versus take; And you?; trustworthy versus honest Words: beacon to despair faith to exile to shun legacy affection on (one’s) behalf bottom line to bring to take trustworthy honest

 590 - Paying Airline Fees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:53

Slow dialogue: 1:14 Explanations: 3:35 Fast dialogue: 15:37 Justine: So that’s the plan. We drive to San Francisco, then to Portland, then to Seattle, and then to Vancouver. Howie: What? Why are we driving to Vancouver instead of flying? Justine: Haven’t you noticed all of the fees the airlines are tacking on these days? First, there were the fuel surcharges and now, there is a whole slew of added fees. Howie: Like what? Justine: Well, there’s a checked baggage fee, for one. On some airlines, you have to pay to check just one bag, and each additional bag is another fee. If you have oversize or overweight bags, that’s another fee. Howie: Okay, I don’t like fees either, but I don’t think that justifies driving all the way to Vancouver. Justine: Well, let me tell you about some of the other fees. Do you want a snack or a meal on the flight? You’re going to have to shell out for those now. Do you want to fly standby? Yes, it used to be free, but not anymore. Do you want to make your reservation by phone instead of on the Internet? That’s another fee. Do you want a pillow or a blanket for your long flight? Okay, but that’s another fee! Howie: Okay, don’t get worked up. I see what you mean. They really know how to nickel and dime you. Once we add all of those fees to the base fare, I guess flying isn’t such a good deal. But do you really want us to drive three days to get to Vancouver? Justine: What’s the problem with driving? Howie: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the fact that I only have a week for vacation? As soon as we get to Vancouver, we’ll have to turn back! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 589 - Having Skin Problems | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:53

Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 2:54 Fast dialogue: 15:08 Mother: Doctor, this is my son Danny. I brought him in so you could look at his rash. Doctor: Okay, Danny. Have a seat on the exam table. How long have you had the rash? Mother: My son has had that rash for about two weeks. It started out as a blister, and then it got really itchy and turned red. Could it be an infection? Doctor: I’ll need to take a closer look at it first before I can tell you that. Mother: I hope it’s not anything serious. I hope it’s not skin cancer! Doctor: Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Okay, let’s take a look... Mother: While you’re at it, could you look at this bump on Danny’s neck? I think it’s a mole. Doctor: That looks like a birthmark, but I’ll take a look. Mother: And could you look at this wart? If you remove it, will it leave a scar? Doctor: I’m not sure it is a wart. Let me examine it first, and I’ll tell you what treatment I recommend. Mother: Oh, and Doctor, could you look at Danny’s pimples? He just started getting them. I had really bad acne when I was his age. Doctor: Is there anything else? Mother: Well, since you asked... Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #245 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:50

Topics: The Grand Canyon; Famous Americans: Georgia O’Keefe; shanty versus apartment versus tenement; alert the media; now what? Words: canyon steep to erode outdoorsman livestock grazing sightseeing boundary discouraged exhibit magnifying glass landscape desert shanty apartment tenement alert the media now what?

 588 - Hiring Business Consultants | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:21

Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialogue: 16:31 Erica: So your suggestion is to hire outside consultants to handle the extra work associated with the expansion. Stefan: I think there are a lot of benefits: we get someone with the right expertise quickly, we can use him or her as needed, and we can save on employment taxes and benefits. What’s not to like? Erica: I’m just not sure that’s the right move right now. Stefan: To me, it’s a no-brainer. We call the shots. If we don’t like the consultant’s work, then we can terminate our relationship at any time. Erica: Yes, but that also means that the consultant won’t feel any company loyalty and could quit working with us whenever he or she wanted to, leaving us in a lurch. Stefan: That’s true, but that’s also true of any employee. Company loyalty is a thing of the past. I really think we should move ahead. Erica: Well, I think we should take it one step at a time. Start with contracting consultants for smaller projects and see how they do before we have them work on this big one. Stefan: Okay, I can live with that, as long as we don’t drag our feet in getting people started on the big project. Erica: Don’t worry. If I drag my feet, I know you’ll tow me along. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 587 - Feeling Disillusioned | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:32

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:14 Fast dialogue: 16:39 Daniela: I did it. I finally met Mandy Timpkin. Tony: Mandy Timpkin, your idol? Daniela: Yeah, I stood in line for two days at her book signing and finally met her. It was a big disappointment. Tony: Really? I thought she could do no wrong, as far as you’re concerned. Daniela: Well, that was before I met her. I have always wanted to be just like her. She had everything going for her: a great life and a great career. I emulated her in so many ways. I thought she must be a paragon of virtue and a great person to be around. I walked into that bookstore with all of these preconceived notions. Tony: What happened to shatter your image of her? Daniela: While I waited in line, I saw what kind of person she really was. She was rude to everybody and made ridiculous demands of her assistants. It wasn’t how I pictured her at all. She was a real diva. Tony: So meeting her really burst your bubble. Daniela: Yeah, it really did. I guess it was my own fault for putting her on a pedestal. Tony: Well, you’re not the only one. Celebrities wouldn’t be celebrities if we didn’t idolize them. Daniela: True enough, and I’ve learned my lesson. Nobody’s perfect, least of all celebrities! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #244 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:59

Topics: Ellis Island; The Rat Pack; lots of versus a lot of; sleep versus asleep, wake versus awake, rise versus arise; alpha male Words: immigration to undergo inspection unsanitary family tree pop culture desegregation impromptu to sell out to rule brat coming-of-age lots of / a lot of sleep asleep to wake (up) awake to rise to arise alpha male

 586 - Getting a Girlfriend or Boyfriend Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:29

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 2:58 Fast dialogue: 15:56 Grace: What are you doing? Yuji: I’m working on a plan to get April back. Grace: I think that’s a lost cause. You guys broke up three months ago. There’s no way she’ll take you back. Yuji: Watch me prove you wrong. When I tell April about all of the ways I’m going to change and to make her happy, she’ll let bygones be bygones. Grace: You’re dreaming. She won’t be duped by a bunch of empty promises. Yuji: They’re not empty promises. I really am going to change, within reason. Grace: Do you really think April is going to forget all of the things you’ve done to her in the past? Yuji: I’m not going to rake up the past. I’m going to show her the new me, and she’ll know I’m sincere. After all, she used to be crazy about me. I’m sure it’s just a matter of me making the effort. Grace: Pride comes before a fall, you know. I think you’d have a better chance if you got down on your knees and begged her for mercy! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 585 - Being Clear or Confusing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:46

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:03 Fast dialogue: 14:05 Laurent: So I’m confused. Who’s David again? Bethany: David is my roommate’s friend’s brother. Haven’t you been listening? Laurent: I have, but how am I supposed to keep all of these people straight? Your stories are always so convoluted, with too many twists and turns. Why don’t you try telling a straightforward story for once? Bethany: My stories are only confusing for people who don’t pay attention or who can’t deal with complexity. Laurent: Complexity? Is that what you call going off on tangents and including completely irrelevant information? Half the time the end of the story contradicts the beginning! Bethany: You just don’t appreciate intricate plots. My stories are crystal clear to anyone who pays attention. Good stories have lots of detail. Just ask Shakespeare. Laurent: Talk about delusions of grandeur! When you start comparing yourself to Shakespeare, it’s time for you to seek professional help! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #243 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:42

Topics: Famous TV Animals; Niagara Falls; closed caption versus subtitle; meanwhile versus meantime; using the colon (:) Words: to capture (one's) heart storyline courage stunt warden hydroelectric power honeymoon barrel mist chapel luxury hotel aphrodisiac closed caption subtitle meanwhile meantime colon

 584 - Calling in Sick to Work | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:37

Slow dialogue: 1:06 Explanations: 2:51 Fast dialogue: 12:50 I was fed up with work and wanted the day off. I decided to call in sick. I wasn’t prepared, though, to be peppered with questions. Peter: Hello, this is Peter. Is this Magda? Magda: Yes. This is Magda. Peter: Hi, Magda. I won’t be coming in today. I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve come down with something. Magda: Hmm, what seems to be the problem? Peter: The problem? Oh…I’ve been up all night throwing up and I feel terrible. Magda: Didn’t you have something like this two weeks ago when you called in sick? Peter: Two weeks ago? No, I had food poisoning two weeks ago. Magda: And what about a month ago when you called in sick? Peter: That was a 24-hour bug. Magda: Didn’t you just take a day off from work because of a death in the family? Peter: Yes, I had to go to the funeral. Magda: I see. That’s one day off from work a week, four weeks in a row. [long silence] Peter: Uh, I’ll be in within the hour. Magda: I’m glad you’ve had a miraculous recovery. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 583 - Going to a Spa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:41

Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 2:59 Fast dialogue: 13:58 Jan: This is the life! Spending the day at a spa is my idea of paradise. Tim: Yeah, it’s great. Jan: Aren’t you enjoying yourself? Tim: The massage was okay, but why do I have to get a facial and a body wrap? I’m a guy! Jan: Men need rejuvenating, too. These are all holistic treatments and you’ll feel like a new man when you’re done. Just enjoy the pampering. Tim: I feel like an idiot. How am I supposed to relax? Jan: Why don’t you get a body scrub or a scalp massage instead? Maybe that’ll calm your nerves. Tim: I don’t need a body scrub or another massage. I just want to get out of here. When will we be done? Jan: After this, all we have left are manicures and pedicures. Tim: What?! I’m not getting a manicure or a pedicure. Jan: You did promise to go with me to the spa if I agreed to have your four college friends stay in our house for two weeks, remember? Tim: Yes, I remember. All right, let’s get this over with. Jan: Just be glad I didn’t sign you up for waxing! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #242 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:41

Topics: Preventing Violence in Schools Post Columbine; American Territories: U.S. Virgin Islands; although versus even though; lite; rate versus rank Words: campus massacre outcast bullied minor to claim clique to retaliate Caribbean inhabitant exotic diving destination wedding cruise although even though lite to rate to rank

 582 - A Parent-Teacher Conference | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:39

Slow dialogue: 1:29 Explanations: 3:35 Fast dialogue: 15:46 Ms. Vasquez: Hello, Mr. Polo. I’m Ms. Vasquez. Please have a seat. Mr. Polo: Thank you. Ms. Vasquez: In this parent-teacher conference, I want to go beyond Marco’s report cards and his standardized test scores to talk about his general performance in the classroom. Mr. Polo: That’s great. I want to know how he’s doing. Ms. Vasquez: Marco is a good student. He’s attentive in class, a hard worker, and hands in his homework on time. Here’s his portfolio, if you want to take a look at his classroom work. Mr. Polo: This is great. Are there any areas he needs to work on? Ms. Vasquez: Marco is a good student, but he does sometimes misbehave. He often has disagreements with other students and loses his temper. I think he needs to work on his social skills. Mr. Polo: Well, I don’t think that’s the most important thing, do you? His academics are the most important and he seems to be doing well in his subjects. Ms. Vasquez: It’s true that academics are important, but learning to work cooperatively with other people is important, too, if he wants to get ahead in life, don’t you think? Mr. Polo: I’ll have a talk with him. I’m sure you’ll see an improvement. Ms. Vasquez: I appreciate you taking this seriously. Again, Marco is a good student and it’s a pleasure to have him in my class. Mr. Polo: I’m glad to hear that. Good-bye. Ms. Vasquez: Have a good afternoon. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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