ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 452 - Dealing with Unhappy Employees | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:26

Slow dialogue: 1:20 Explanations: 3:25 Fast dialogue: 13:48 Asa: I don’t know how we got stuck with reviewing employee complaints. This has got to be the worst job ever. Samantha: This is important work, and somebody has to do it. Come on, let’s get started. Asa: I think it’s bad for morale to allow employees to file complaints. We’re all overworked and underpaid, and most of us are burned out. Samantha: How else are disgruntled employees going to voice their grievances? Asa: Personally, I think it’s stupid for employees to put their complaints on paper. Aren’t they worried about retaliation from the management? Samantha: I don’t think that’s going to happen. The whole point of having this system is to resolve any problems before they get blown out of proportion. It’s to everybody’s benefit to try to make this work. Asa: On the contrary, I think it makes for a dysfunctional workplace, employees thinking of things to complain about and the management with their backs up against the wall. I just don’t get it. Samantha: No, I guess you don’t. If you don’t like how things are done around here, I’ve got a suggestion for you. Asa: What? Samantha: File a complaint! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 451 - Buying Car Insurance | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:42

Slow dialogue: 1:25 Explanations: 4:04 Fast dialogue: 16:26 Agent: Hello, Krashit Insurance. Jackie: Hi, I wanted to get a quote for car insurance. Agent: Sure, I can help you with that. I assume you want liability insurance, but what other coverage would you like to get? Jackie: Umm…I’m not sure. This is my first car. Agent: In that case, let me make a few suggestions. You’ll definitely want collision insurance. It pays to fix your car if you hit another car or run into something. Jackie: Okay, sure, I want that. Agent: You’ll also want comprehensive insurance. It pays for damage to your car. Jackie: How’s it different from collision insurance? Agent: Well, it pays for damage to your car that’s not a result of an accident, like in the case of theft, weather damage, or vandalism. Jackie: Okay, I want that, too. Agent: You’ll want property damage insurance to pay for damage you cause to someone else’s property. On top of that, you’ll want uninsured motorist insurance in case the other driver doesn’t have insurance or doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for the damage to your car. Jackie: Umm…I guess I’ll take that, too. Agent: And I don’t think you can do without medical payments insurance. It pays for your medical bills and those of your passengers in case of an accident. Should I get you a quote for all of this coverage? Jackie: Why don’t you hold off on that? I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for all that and buy gas, too! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #176 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

Topics: The Innocence Project; Craigslist; percent versus percentage; the “in” crowd/place; to swear in Words: innocence criminal convicted to exonerate DNA testing evidence classified ad personals carpool resource to swear by “in” to swear in

 450 - Getting a Bad Reputation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:12

Slow dialogue: 1:19 Explanations: 3:20 Fast dialogue: 13:27 Lance: Did you see Kim at the party last Saturday? Paulina: Yeah, I saw her. Why? Lance: She was wearing a skimpy dress and all of the men were leering at her all night. I used to think she was a nice girl. Isn’t she worried that she’ll get a reputation? Paulina: A reputation for what? Lance: For being…you know. Paulina: No, I don’t know. Lance: For being easy! It doesn’t take much for people to jump to the wrong conclusions when a woman is dressed like that. Paulina: So based on one dress she wore to a party, you’re ready to consider her promiscuous. Lance: No, not just based on that. The guys at the party were talking and one of them said he used to date her, and he said… Paulina: Now you’re listening to some sleazy guy at a party boasting about his conquest. The question is, why are you so ready to give credibility to rumors like that? Lance: Whoa, don’t go ballistic on me. I was only telling you what I heard. I thought you might be interested. Paulina: Well, you thought wrong. I used to think that women were catty, but you men are much, much worse! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 449 – Using an Instruction Manual | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:53

Slow dialogue: 1:23 Explanations: 2:57 Fast dialogue: 14:21 Aretha: Oh, here’s the instruction manual. I’ll read you the section on “getting started.” Carl: No, you don’t need to do that. I know how to do the installation. Aretha: But don’t you want to hear about the different functions and specifications? Carl: There’ll be time for that after everything is hooked up and we program the machine. Aretha: Okay, but the manual says that you shouldn’t plug in the power supply until you’re done with the installation. Carl: I won’t. Hmm...where is the port for this cord? Aretha: Do you want me to look it up in the manual? There’s a troubleshooting section. Carl: No, I can figure it out myself. Aretha: Look at this. It’s a diagram of the controls and this section has illustrations on how to use the different modes. Do you want me to read it to you while you’re hooking it up? Carl: No. Now give me that manual. I work alone. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #175 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:45

Topics: Appalachia; family arrangements in the U.S.; pain, ache, and sore; diehard; fruitcake Words: folk music coal mine isolated poverty hillbilly family arrangement nuclear family extended family generation empty-nester DINK label pain ache sore diehard (or die-hard) fruitcake

 448 – Making Business Contacts | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:44

Slow dialogue: 1:38 Explanations: 4:13 Fast dialogue: 16:34 Phan: Hi, Montel. Thanks for agreeing to meet with me. Montel: It’s my pleasure. Phan: Since I’m new here, I was hoping you might be willing to give me some pointers on how to get new clients. To be honest, I’ve never been on this side of the fence before and I’m a little out of my comfort zone. Montel: Oh, sure, I’m glad to give you as much help as I can. Getting clients is a bit of an art, but the key is building relationships. Phan: What do you mean? Montel: Most of my clients come to me through networking. I get referrals from people who know me and know my track record. Phan: Really? I was thinking that I needed to send out some direct mail or do some cold calling. Montel: You may need to do that to start, but if I were you, I’d also spend time making connections in the business community. Go where you think business prospects may be. To woo new clients, you need to meet them first. Phan: How do I find out where they’ll be? Montel: Again, you make contacts. You’ve made the first step today by getting in touch with me. I’m going to a reception tonight and it will be a who’s who of the business community. Do you want to go? Phan: Really? You’d let me tag along? Montel: Sure, but there’s a quid pro quo. In the future, if you get invited to something like this, you invite me to go along. Phan: That’s more than fair. I think I just got my first lesson in making business connections. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 447 – Heating and Cooling a Home | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:51

Slow dialogue: 1:22 Explanations: 3:08 Fast dialogue: 13:20 Carla: It’s freezing in here! Why is the air conditioner on? Trent: I just finished exercising and I’m sweating like a pig. Carla: That’s no reason to turn the A/C on full blast! I’m cold. I’m turning on the heat for a little while. Trent: Are you crazy? It’s 70 degrees outside! Carla: I’m no crazier than you are. How come you can turn on the A/C and I can’t turn on the heat? Trent: I only turned on the A/C because it’s so humid outside, and it was taking a long time for me to cool down. If you’re cold, just open the windows and doors, and we’ll get some ventilation in here. It’ll heat up again pretty quickly. Carla: What should I do in the meantime? Put on my winter coat or crawl under the covers? Trent: Go sit outside. I’ll get myself a glass of iced tea and I’ll get you a cup of hot tea. How does that sound? Carla: Leave it to you to come up with the best idea of the day! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #174 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:09

Topics: The song Amazing Grace; specialty cable/satellite channels; to slay, to kill, to murder, to slaughter; I love it versus I’m loving it; dollar versus buck Words: amazing grace sin verse wretch channel cable satellite specialty cartoon package to slay to kill to murder to slaughter I love it I’m loving it buck

 446 – Going to a Home Improvement Store | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:48

Slow dialogue: 1:27 Explanations: 3:27 Fast dialogue: 14:08 Paige: I think we can get everything we need to fix up the house in one trip. What do you think? Vern: We can try. It seems like everybody had the same thought when they woke up this morning: Go to the home improvement store! Paige: Yeah, it’s a little crowded, but I still think we can get all we need today. Vern: To do that, I think we need to split up. Let’s look at our list and divvy it up. Paige: Okay, we need to get some wiring to install the new lights. I’ll go to the electrical department for that. Vern: All right. We need lumber for the new fence, so I’ll go to the building materials department. Paige: What about the pipes and fixtures we need for the bathroom? Can you go to the plumbing department for those, while I go to the hardware department for the tools? Vern: Okay, I can do that, but aren’t you feeling tired already? I know I am. Paige: Come on. How are we supposed to be weekend warriors if we can’t even do some simple shopping? We’ll meet in the garden department afterwards, okay? Vern: Whatever you say. Paige: Ready, set, go! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 445 – Problems with Drugs and Medical Devices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:39

Slow dialogue: 1:31 Explanations: 4:03 Fast dialogue: 14:37 Suzanne: Don’t take that! I’m reading an article in the newspaper about all of the drugs and medical devices that have been recalled in the past year and you wouldn’t believe how long this list is. Abdul: I’m just taking something for my headache. I’m sure this medicine is fine. Suzanne: Don’t be so sure. I’m just reading about this drug that was contaminated and before it was recalled, it caused 13 deaths. Abdul: Contaminated drugs are one in a million. Now can I take my medicine? Suzanne: Listen to this. Over 400 people had terrible side effects before this drug was recalled, and a drug recalled six months ago causes birth defects. Here’s a medical device for people with heart problems that’s defective and eight people died as a result. Abdul: Okay, I’ve heard enough. Suzanne: No, wait, there’s more. You’ve got to see this list of alerts that the government issued warning people against over-the-counter drugs like the one you’re about to take. You’d better check to see if it’s on this list. Abdul: Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve been taking this for months. If there were something wrong with it, don’t you think the pharmaceutical company would have taken out full-page ads in the papers? Suzanne: I doubt it. Do you think they want to encourage litigation? Abdul: Here, you check it against that list. If you find it on there, you can say you’ve saved my life! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #173 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:04

Topics: Famous Americans: Barack Obama; presidential inaugurations; common versus ordinary versus normal; darling and dear; full-fledged Words: president-elect prestigious achievement remarkable race relations public speaker campaign optimistic inauguration oath address parade common ordinary normal darling dear full-fledged

 444 – Planning for Retirement | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:07

Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 3:11 Fast dialogue: 15:30 Paulina: Did you get your Social Security statement? I just got mine in the mail. If I keep working at this rate for the next 20 years, between Social Security and my savings, I should be sitting pretty for retirement. Carlos: Yeah, I should be okay when I retire, too. I’ve been contributing to a 401(k) through my work for years, and my company gives a matching contribution. Paulina: Really? I never bothered with a 401(k). Carlos: A 401(k) really adds up over time. I also have an IRA, which is tax-deferred, and I have my money in a portfolio that is split between stocks and bonds. All of these investments are for the long haul, of course. How about you? What’s your retirement plan? Paulina: I have money stashed away in a nice little nest egg. Carlos: Where do you have your money invested? Paulina: It’s safe and sound, don’t you worry. Carlos: [Laughs] You make it sound like you have it stashed under your mattress. Paulina: A mattress is a very safe place for your money! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 443 – Having a Slumber Party | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:19

Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 3:19 Fast dialogue: 15:35 Russ: Mom says you’re having a slumber party next Saturday. Irene: I’m just having a few friends over for a sleepover and it’s none of your business. Russ: Don’t be like that. How many people did you invite? Irene: I’m not telling you anything. I know what you’re thinking. You want to pull pranks on us. Russ: No, I don’t. I just want to know how many giggling girls in sleeping bags I’ll have to step over to get to the kitchen. Irene: You’re not going to get anything out of me. I can see right through you. Russ: Are you going to wear your pajamas with feet? Irene: Don’t be stupid! I haven’t worn those since I was six! Russ: Can I be part of the pillow fight? Irene: No way! You’re not invited! Russ: But you’re going to stay up all night and watch movies, aren’t you? I want to do that, too. Irene: You’d better stop teasing me or I’m going to tell Mom. Russ: I’m not doing anything. I’m only trying to help you plan your party. Irene: Right! You want to help me? It’s more like you want to wreck my party. Russ: Ah, you’ve hurt my feelings. Irene: I doubt it. Now leave me alone! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 Special Announcement: Introduction to the United States Course Now Available | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:20 and the Center for Educational Development present to you, Introduction to the United States, a 100 episode course that will teach you about life in the United States, including its government and history. This course is based upon the 100 questions used by the U.S. government in its citizenship examination, and includes basic information about the U.S. and its people. Each episode of the course begins with a basic question about the U.S., followed by a short answer, and then a detailed explanation of that answer. Each episode is first presented at a slow speed, and then at a normal rate of speech. All of the episodes include a special Learning Guide that contains the complete transcript of the episode, as well as vocabulary definitions and sample sentences using the new terms. We hope you enjoy this special course!


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