ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes show

ESL Podcast - Previous Episodes

Summary: ESL Podcast is brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan of the Center for Educational Development.

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 English Cafe #172 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:06

Topics: Ask an American: forecasting the future; offhand; off the top of one’s head; out with the old, in with the new; using “more” versus “-er” to form the comparative Words: desalination shortage nanotechnology to associate (something) with (something) water-stressed to thrive ideally leisure ironic perceived roughly bright spot informed to fit with (something) offhand off the top of one’s head out with the old, in with the new

 442 – Flying on Low-Cost Airlines | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:27

Slow dialogue: 1:26 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialogue: 14:51 Sue: I just made airline reservations for our trip. Do you want to look over the itinerary before I purchase the tickets? Alex: Which airline is it? Sue: It’s McTse Air. Alex: Oh, no, I don’t want to fly on that low-cost airline! We don’t get assigned seats and all of the passengers rush the gate when boarding begins. I hate that! Sue: Not having assigned seats is a small price to pay for low fares. The service may be stripped down, but I don’t think the experience is that bad. Alex: I don’t mind a no-frills flight, but I don’t want to fly out of some tiny airport that’s an hour away. Which airport would we be departing from? Sue: It’s the Burbank Airport. Yes, I know it’s less convenient to fly out of a secondary airport, but I don’t see what the big deal is. Alex: Okay, hand it over. I’m taking over the planning for our vacation. I’m not willing to sacrifice comfort to save a few bucks. Sue: Fine, be my guest. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 441 – Preparing Food for Cooking | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:38

Slow dialogue: 1:15 Explanations: 3:05 Fast dialogue: 16:02 Marissa: How can I help? Juan Carlos: Um...why don’t you iron the tablecloth and set the table? Marissa: I already did that. I want to help with the cooking. Juan Carlos: Okay, you can scrub these potatoes, peel the carrots, and rinse these grapes. Marissa: All right, I’ll do that, but I think you’re just giving me the scut work. I want to do some real cooking. Juan Carlos: Well okay, I guess you could cut up this chicken and then chop these vegetables. After that, you can sauté the vegetables in this pan. Marissa: Great! Now, how do you sauté? I’ve never done it before. Juan Carlos: What?! Forget it. You can steam the vegetables instead. Marissa: Okay, just show me how. Juan Carlos: Never mind. Here, just beat these eggs and slice these onions. When you’re done, you can toss that salad. Marissa: But I want to whip up some gourmet dishes. When can I cook? Juan Carlos: That’s a good question. Ask me again when you’ve learned how! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #171 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:47

Topics: America's Most Wanted; buying a first home; similar to but distinct from; on the side; a fair extent Words: wanted criminals to reenact tip resources grants down payment mortgage tax credits to shop around for real estate agent to make an offer similar distinct on the side a fair extent

 440 – Being a Self-Made Man/Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:25

Slow dialogue: 1:25 Explanations: 3:30 Fast dialogue: 15:43 Edgar: What a crock! Ann: What is it? Edgar: I’m reading an article about successful business people who were self-made men and women. I don’t believe a word of it. Ann: What don’t you believe? Edgar: These people didn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps. They were all born with silver spoons in their mouths. Ann: Not all successful people were born into money and privilege. Edgar: That’s true, but it gets me riled up when people who grew up at the country club claim to have had humble beginnings. Ann: Just because some people were born with a leg up doesn’t mean they didn’t work hard to get where they are. Edgar: Where would that hard work have gotten them if they didn’t have backers with deep pockets, or if they didn’t know people in high places? I know plenty of hard-working people who aren’t hobnobbing with the rich and famous. Ann: That’s true enough. Who needs the rich and famous? I’ll take my hard-working man over any of them any day. Edgar: That’s why I married you – a woman with beauty and brains! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 439 – Talking about Censorship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:52

Slow dialogue: 1:37 Explanations: 3:53 Fast dialogue: 14:00 The school that my daughter attends is trying to decide whether or not to ban certain books, which some parents think are inappropriate. The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue. At the meeting, one woman said: “The books on this list are obscene! I don’t want my children reading that filth!” Another parent responded: “That’s absurd! Haven’t you ever heard of free speech? Banning books violates everything we Americans believe in.” Another parent said: “I don’t like the way this book portrays history. To me, it’s morally objectionable.” Still another parent complained: “There is too much graphic violence in these books and I won’t allow my son to be exposed to it.” A parent stood up and yelled: “People who want to ban books are fear mongering. They don’t give our kids enough credit.” The meeting turned into a shouting match. If you ask me, I’m very glad that none of the students were at this meeting. They would be learning an important lesson, but not one that any parent would want! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #170 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:24

Topics: Famous Americans: Weird Al Yankovic; Alcoholics Anonymous; figure out versus realize; kind of; noun + --ee and --er Words: weird parody to make light of relevant alcoholic addicted anonymous to break an addiction sober support group to abstain mentor to figure out kind of

 438 – Renting an Apartment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:12

Slow dialogue: 1:17 Explanations: 3:37 Fast dialogue: 15:22 Heather: Hi, are you the apartment manager? I saw the vacancy sign outside and I’m looking for an apartment. Sam: Yes, I’m Sam. We have one unit available right now. When are you looking to move in? Heather: The lease on my apartment is up soon, so I’d like to move in the first of the month. Sam: Okay, follow me and let me show you the unit. Each unit gets one parking space in the garage, and there are laundry facilities on the first floor. The landlord pays for the gas, but the tenant pays for all other utilities. Here’s the unit. Take a look around. Heather: Oh, this is nice. Is this a furnished unit? Sam: It can be furnished or unfurnished, your choice. Since it’s an end unit, there’s only one common wall. Heather: This apartment is exactly what I’m looking for. How much is the rent? Sam: It’s $900 a month and we require a 12-month lease. To move in, you’ll need to have the first and last month’s rent, plus a security deposit. Heather: How much is the security deposit? Sam: It’s $450. Heather: Okay, I’ll think it over and get back to you. Thanks for your time. Sam: These units go fast, so if you’re interested, I suggest that you jump on it. Heather: Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 437 – Having a Best Friend | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:49

Slow dialogue: 1:08 Explanations: 3:24 Fast dialogue: 15:59 Lucy: I’m so excited! My friend, Marlene, is coming to town for a visit. Buddy: Have I met Marlene? Lucy: No, I don’t think so. We grew up together and we were always joined at the hip. Buddy: When I was little, I had a friend like that. We were blood brothers. Lucy: Yeah, Marlene and I did everything together and she was my confidant about everything. Buddy: She sounds like a great friend. Lucy: Yeah, she always had my back and I could always count on her to give it to me straight. Buddy: A friend like that is hard to come by. Are you still close? Lucy: Not as close as I’d like. We live in different cities and it’s hard to keep up with what’s happening in each other’s lives. Buddy: I can see that. Does she know you’re getting married? Lucy: No, I wanted to break the news to her face-to-face. Buddy: Why? I would have thought you’d want to tell her the good news right away. Lucy: Well, I want her to be my maid of honor and I’m not sure how she’ll react to the dress she’ll have to wear. Buddy: Is it that bad? Lucy: My future mother-in-law picked it out and I can’t say “no.” Here’s a picture of it. Buddy: Well, I’m glad she’s such a good friend, because if anything can break up a friendship, it’s that dress. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #169 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:09

Topics: Alternative energy; Monticello; criticize versus chastise versus chasten; please inform versus please be informed; to denominate Words: alternative nonrenewable resources environmentally friendly documentary political spectrum to advocate for estate on display to waste plantation slaves to inherit to criticize to chastise to chasten please inform please be informed denomination

 436 – Dealing With an Angry Client | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:50

Slow dialogue: 1:38 Explanations: 3:52 Fast dialogue: 12:49 Shawna: Hello, Shawna Davis. Monty: Hello, Shawna. This is Monty Lofti at BMC. I need to talk to you about our ad that ran in your newspaper yesterday. Shawna: Sure, Monty. Was there a problem? Monty: Yes, there certainly was a problem. Instead of the picture of our model, there was a picture of a dog! Shawna: That’s awful! I wasn’t aware of the substitution. On behalf of the newspaper, I sincerely apologize for the error. Monty: I don’t think you understand the magnitude of the problem. Our slogan is: “Look in the mirror and this could be you!” Now do you get it? Our store is a laughingstock! Shawna: I can’t tell you how sorry we are for this egregious mistake. We will certainly run a correction in tomorrow’s paper, and we will run a corrected version of your ad. That’s the least we can do. Is there anything else we can do to make amends for our mistake? Monty: Yes, there is. I’d like the person responsible to be called on the mat for this. Shawna: Rest assured. We take this matter very seriously. We’ll find out who is responsible and heads will roll. Monty: Good. That’s what I wanted to hear. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 435 – Describing Aches and Pains | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:52

Slow dialogue: 1:16 Explanations: 3:22 Fast dialogue: 15:04 Nivia: Why are you walking funny? Michael: Oh, I pulled a muscle in my right leg while playing with my kids last weekend. It’s hard to walk without feeling a twinge of pain. Nivia: I’m sorry to hear that. Why are you sitting in that awkward position? Michael: I strained my back while exercising. Initially, I felt a sharp pain and I thought it was something serious, but it doesn’t hurt much now. There’s just a dull pain when I sit up straight. That’s why I’m sitting like this, leaning to the side. Nivia: That’s too bad. Why are you holding your arms that way? Michael: I got up in the middle of the night last night to go to the bathroom and bumped into the door. I got a huge bruise on my arm. It feels better if I hold it over my head. Nivia: Why are you shaking your fingers that way? Michael: I helped my daughter finish her science project for school. I – I mean we – glued over 100 wooden sticks together. My fingers are really sore and stiff, and they won’t stop throbbing. Nivia: I’m afraid to ask you any more questions. I don’t think any man could survive any more injuries than what you already have! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 English Cafe #168 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:08

Topics: American Cities: Detroit; wills, living wills, and advance healthcare directives; solution and solve vs. resolution and resolve; family vs. household Words: waterfront property synonymous unemployment rate to cross racial lines last will and testament beneficiaries minor trust assets estate artificial life support organ donor solution to solve resolution to resolve family household

 434 – Using Coupons and Rebates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:04

Slow dialogue: 1:12 Explanations: 3:51 Fast dialogue: 17:00 Torsten: What are you doing, clipping coupons? That’s a waste of time. Cindy: You can think what you like, but these days, we have to cut corners wherever we can. Torsten: No one actually saves much money using coupons. Cindy: That’s what you think. The last time I went to the grocery store, I saved over $20 just by using coupons. Torsten: How can you keep track of all of the expiration dates and the terms and conditions? It’s not worth the trouble. Cindy: Do you feel that way about rebate offers, too? A month ago, I bought our new TV and saved 20 percent. And yesterday, I bought a pack of DVDs for just $2. Torsten: Are you putting me on? A pack of DVDs for $2? Cindy: Yeah, it was a great offer, but it was only for one day. I had to cut out the UPC code, fill out a form, and mail it in with the receipt to the manufacturer. Then, I sent a copy of the receipt to the retailer and got another discount. That’s how I got the DVDs for next to nothing. Torsten: You might save money with rebates, but you have to sit around forever waiting for the rebate check. Cindy: It’s true that the turnaround is often 8-10 weeks, but some of the offers are worth the wait. Torsten: Do what you like, but I’m too busy to mess around with coupons and rebates. Cindy: That’s why you married a penny-pincher. If I left it up to you, we’d be in the poorhouse by now! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

 433 – Describing People’s Voices | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:50

Slow dialogue: 1:31 Explanations: 3:12 Fast dialogue: 13:20 Adriana: Shhh, I’m trying to listen to the radio. Ralph: How can you listen to that radio station? All of their deejays have such funny voices. Adriana: That’s precisely why I like it. Take this guy, Kevin. He has a deep, husky voice that I find really sexy. Ralph: This guy? His voice is so monotone that it lulls me to sleep every time I hear it. Adriana: Well, if you don’t like his voice, how about his sidekick, Lisa May? Her voice is music to my ears. Ralph: She has a nice lilt in her voice, but it’s so high-pitched and squeaky. It can really be grating to listen to her for more than a few minutes. Adriana: Okay, if you don’t like their voices, what kind of voices do you like? Ralph: I like a gravelly voice, speaking softly and saying... Adriana: I’m not talking about your fantasies. I don’t want to know anything about those! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse


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