Health Orchestration show

Health Orchestration

Summary: The future of health is here, and it's brighter than ever! With Healthusiasm, more people are recognizing the need to view health through multiple disciplines. We're actively working to foster harmony in health care by connecting multiple knowledge domains. Get ready for big changes in the health industry in the years to come!

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 Podcast Trailer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:01:07

Naughty Jane's Erotic Stories. Join us as we read erotic stories to make your fantasy come alive! If you're looking for a podcast where you can find erotic stories that are as filthy and delicious as your imagination, Naughty Janes is the podcast for you! we intend to Light Up Your World Of Imagination and Fulfill all Your Sexual Desires through the Slutty, Naughty, Erotic Sex Stories we would be sharing. We hope you enjoy every minute of it, just like we do. Subscribe now!

 Foot Worship | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:14

Yeah, I guess I am. You and I have known each other for years. We used to not get along, especially at first, I thought you were arrogant. A bartender, fuck boy, with sleeve tars piercing, then rough around the edges. The charm that makes women throw themselves at you, your heart, and you know it. He thought I was standoffish too. Prim and proper for my good. It is run-of-the-mill. Good. I hated myself for being attracted to you and swiping through the endless gym selfies on your social media. But there's have always been something between us, like oil and water, but that attraction always been there whether we wanted it or not. Now we tolerate each other. . You are fun to be around when you're not annoying me. Something you take pride in doing. How do you feel about us doing this um, does it feel weird yeah. No. Is it weird to you that I thought it would be, but not?

 Low Cholesterol Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:47

on the show, I want to talk about something we you know in the clinic we have situations where we see a bunch of people reads people in a row if someone comes in with you know cholesterol issues, we may see several of those in a row well recently that's exactly what we've seen we've seen a people dealing with cholesterol issues now the vast majority of people that are dealing with a cholesterol issue are dealing with high cholesterol in their blood and so their doctor may make you know recommendations they may want to put them on a Statin medication to lower their cholesterol they may tell them that their cholesterol is high but it's borderline and they tell him to go home and eat better and exercise more and you know we've talked about on this show before when doctors give you know General recommendations like that they like dr. Phil says they might as well tell them to go home and get taller because they anything they have no idea already these people thought they were eating a healthy diet but so you know they just continue doing what they're doing and what's next finally being put on a Statin medication because their cholesterol level gets high enough and now it's an issue and their doctors like well we tried the diet and exercise route and that didn't work but the likelihood is no because the people didn't know what to do and so they didn't do anything so but today, in particular, I want to talk more about low cholesterol we just had a woman come into our office with the lowest cholesterol I've ever seen I like to talk about these cases because there's a lot of...

 Low Cholesterol Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:20

I've been on a soap box so to speak of talking about cholesterol, in particular, have been talking about low cholesterol and how bad know if you're wondering yes Aaron is here she just hasn't had much to say this entire talk so right bile acids and how important these things are and I'd made mention that you know this has to do with liver function and then we store our bile in our liver makes it and we store this stuff in our gallbladder and then our gallbladder pumps this stuff into our small intestines to help us break down cholesterol and it's this is this vicious cycle and these bile acid salts are bile acids are the end of Esther all...

 Boosting Immune System Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:32

what do I do to help my immune system is there any way that my immune system can be enhanced or boosted or you know lots and lots of immune immune questions and this is from both our patients at our clinic and from outside listeners that are just sending us emails saying hey you know what do you think about this can you help me during this this time like I'm not really sure what to do I don't know where to turn I don't know what is the best thing that I should be doing and so I want to I want to take a little bit of time and I want to I want to talk today about you know just some immune system strategies that can help I want to start out by highlighting some recently published information and you know really it's been kind of glossed over and no one's really talking about it at all on any of the on the major media Outlets but Washington University here in St Louis and for those of you may be new to our show we are we are based in St Louis that's where the clinic is located this where we this radio show um Washington University put out a research article that basically said that the boosting is actually a potential treatment strategy for the covid-19 pandemic that we're going through currently so that got me to thinking and so I wanted to find out as much information as possible about what they were talking about why they were saying this you know and quite honestly this is no different than any other immune system strategy out there I mean of course the

 Boosting Immune System Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:56

and so it didn't theoretically make good sense that a lot of these patients were dying from hyper cytokine emia meaning it didn't make sense to them the these patients that these people were actually dying from a hyper response knowing that as they age and most of the people that were dying were older individuals in general right and we know that in general individuals have a weakened immune system they don't have the things that actually make it they actually go through here and they talk about how the T cells and this is for a whole different show but they talked about T cells Will T cells are cells immune system that they get their name because these cells go to your thymus gland and that's where they become they mature and the T stands for thymus right these T cells mature well most people don't realize that everyone is born with a thymus but we all don't necessarily have a very well functioning thigh by the time we age when we're born our thymus is the size of an apricot it's as big as our heart and as we get older as we progress through the years that thymus shrinks and get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller right and so by the time we're 70 70 to 80 years old you're talking about a thymus that's the size of a dried-up shriveled or maybe a small tiny little piece of string there's no possible way that our immune system can function well when that piece of it that entire chunk of our not able to function so our whole body can't function well this is what they're talking about in this is what we're referring to when we're talking about a weakened immune system now what a lot of people don't realize is there's actually research out there showing that you can improve the function of your thymus let that sink in you can...

 Alcohol Health Benefits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:44

hey we are live and it is Health tip Tuesday again we just flies by and tonight we're talking about the benefits and the risks of alcohol it's a little strange maybe for the pure hell 365 Group whatever we're going for it so tonight we're gonna discover how we're going to discover the health benefits of moderate alcohol and we're also going to talk about some of the dangers of abusing alcohol and who should avoid alcohol altogether and make sure you stay tuned towards the end because you can get guide 5 healthy mocktail recipes that you can make at home these are great mocktails so there's no alcohol involved and they're great for you there's they've got some good Super Foods and stuff in there so make sure you...

 New Development In Radiation Therapy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:52

well welcome back to this video and Innovations in radiation therapy we've just heard from Dionne Forrester all about the perspective of a radiation oncologist and now it gives me great pleasure to welcome a speech pathologist can you introduce yourself and give us a sense of your experience particularly with head and neck cancer patients so my name is Therese Dawn's I'm a speech pathologist with 15 years of experience in fact working in head and neck oncology I've spent time working across both the public and the private sectors at the moment you'll find me working through my private Clinic Eastern suburbs Speech Pathology which has a lovely partnership with Genesis care we do a lot of work in darlinghurst Hurstville and also here at Concord in addition to that we look after the service for some Vincent's Private Hospital Sydney and for the totally uninitiated when you're dealing with head and neck cancer patients who have had radiation...

 Dental Care Innovation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:17:27

This is a Audio on Innovations in dental care for the head and neck cancer patient and it's part of a series of videos where we're looking at changes in in care improvements in care to improve survival but also the quality of life for head and neck cancer patients and thank you so much for taking interest in dental care which is so important as you know for the head and neck cancer patient I've just been speaking to special needs dentist Sharon liberally and it now gives me great pleasure to introduce a nurse who has traveled all over Australia as well as working all across South Australia and who has worked for many years advocating for and caring for head and neck cancer patients so welcome to you Tracy can you tell us your name and your title and and in a nutshell what you do for a job thanks Julie thanks for having me my name is Tracy Nichols I'm a ear nose and throat nurse practitioner head neck cancer coordinator...

 Enhance Your Workout Efficiency and Rock Your Results with Ryan Krane | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:12:31

and we are live awesome it work yeah yeah yeah pumped to be here with you Steve yeah you too nice to see you Ryan pleasure 8 appreciate you coming on and sharing this great stuff with us so happy to be here awesome awesome so if you are alive or if you're checking us out on the recording I just wanted to introduce you to Ryan crane really great friend of mine super super guy very knowledgeable and he is going to share some incredible stuff with us tonight so I'm super excited so take it away Ryan awesome Steve thank you for the introduction always humbled to hear that really excited to be here with you guys whether you're tuning in Live or you're watching this on the recordings I am going to give you some tips and Steve feel free to jump in you want to ask any questions or provide any comment you know we can get a little engagement going so I think the first thing is we're going to talk about is preparing for our workout so there's a couple of things that we can do to prepare for our work out it doesn't really matter what it is whether it's a slim a hike a bike a run your lifting weights whatever it is is obviously making sure you got your fluids with you bringing your drinks with you and obviously there's so many different drinks that we can drink and you know obviously I'll share a couple of things that I do but is preparing for our workout and we know in life failing to plan is planning to fail so I if I know that I'm going to go for a swim Monday morning at 9:00 I'm going to start getting ready probably between 7:30 and 8:00...

 Innovation To Surgery With Prof Julia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:21

well welcome back to our third section of our audio on Innovations in surgical care for head and neck cancer patients and it's part of a series of videos looking at improvements in care and in treatment that are improving both survival and equally significantly for many of us quality of life my name is Julie Macross and imma a former patient and when I was treated 7 years ago for stage 4 cancer in my tonsils tongue and throat I've lost speech all together for a number of months and I worked for nearly a year with a speech pathologist so it gives me great pleasure now to welcome a speech pathologist to our video today Julia welcome can you introduce yourself to our to our audience today Keen to hear about Speech Pathology so I'm Julie Anne McClain and I'm a speech pathologist at Saint George Hospital in Sydney I've been there for 24 years

 Lisa Discusses radiation therapy innovation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:04:33

Innovations in radiation therapy with Lisa Gia just before we leave the land of radiation therapy I couldn't resist showing you what happens backstage what happens out here while the patient like me is inside being treated under the mask and so it's my great pleasure to introduce a radiation therapist can you introduce yourself and just explain what you do out here is a radiation therapist my name is Lisa I'm relation therapist and what we do is we sit up here in the control room watching you as you're inside having your treatment....

 Managing Distress & Recovery Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:12

In distress with head and neck cancer patients seven years ago I was treated for stage 4 throat cancer oropharyngeal it's called but it's in my throat tonsils in the back of my tongue and I was treated with radiation and chemo and I'm still here and this video on managing distress is one of a series of videos looking at Innovations in treatment for head and neck cancer patients to both improve survival but equally important the quality of life and these videos are hosted by Saint Vincent's Hospital Sydney and the Kinghorn cancer center and before we begin I'd like to acknowledge that we're broadcasting today on Aboriginal land and to acknowledge the radical people of the Eora nation the elders past and present and emerging leaders and also to acknowledge that many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are disproportionately affected by these sort of head and neck cancers that we're talking about today so in just a moment you're going to hear just a little bit of the story of three very different head and neck cancer patients and then we'll meet clinicians three of whom are working daily with patients and families and one of whom is doing important research so welcome and thanks for joining us Rune Judaism from his neck cancer support the hotel Royal New Zealand again Julie has asked me to talk about Mental Health and hitting that cancer and I could go on about this for ages because I've had three bouts of head and neck cancer getting more disfigured and disabled its time but still here and I have boiled down my thoughts as a long-term patient on mental health issues and come up with three things I think are important for me as a patient...

 Managing Distress & Recovery Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:21

In that sense just in a nutshell for someone who might be a new member of a clinical team and they're just beginning to work with head and neck cancer patients just in a nutshell why is it considered a rough treatment well I mean I I think both the the level of obvious disfigurement or potential for obvious disfigurement in the surgery is probably disproportionately high in head and neck cancer and I think also the changes in function both from surgery and from radiotherapy District disproportionately High they're just a lot of things going on in your head and there's a lot to be affected so eating breathing talking swallowing communicating there's just a lot that happens in there and and it's very hard to spare the remaining bits the non-cancerous B you know I visited your hospital...

 Virtual_Sex_Party | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 00:14:27

Sit back and Relax as Naughty Jane Sparks Up Your Mood with This Episodes Sex Story.


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