Low Cholesterol Part 1

Health Orchestration show

Summary: <p>on the show, I want to talk about something we you know in the clinic we have situations where we see a bunch of people reads people in a row if someone comes in with you know cholesterol issues, we may see several of those in a row well recently that's exactly what we've seen we've seen a people dealing with cholesterol issues now the vast majority of people that are dealing with a cholesterol issue are dealing with high cholesterol in their blood and so their doctor may make you know recommendations they may want to put them on a Statin medication to lower their cholesterol they may tell them that their cholesterol is high but it's borderline and they tell him to go home and eat better and exercise more and you know we've talked about on this show before when doctors give you know General recommendations like that they like dr. Phil says they might as well tell them to go home and get taller because they anything they have no idea already these people thought they were eating a healthy diet but so you know they just continue doing what they're doing and what's next finally being put on a Statin medication because their cholesterol level gets high enough and now it's an issue and their doctors like well we tried the diet and exercise route and that didn't work but the likelihood is no because the people didn't know what to do and so they didn't do anything so but today, in particular, I want to talk more about low cholesterol we just had a woman come into our office with the lowest cholesterol I've ever seen I like to talk about these cases because there's a lot of...</p>