Boosting Immune System Part 2

Health Orchestration show

Summary: <p><strong>and so it didn't theoretically make good sense that a lot of these patients were dying from hyper cytokine emia meaning it didn't make sense to them the these patients that these people were actually dying from a hyper response knowing that as they age and most of the people that were dying were older individuals in general right and we know that in general individuals have a weakened immune system they don't have the things that actually make it they actually go through here and they talk about how the T cells and this is for a whole different show but they talked about T cells Will T cells are cells immune system that they get their name because these cells go to your thymus gland and that's where they become they mature and the T stands for thymus right these T cells mature well most people don't realize that everyone is born with a thymus but we all don't necessarily have a very well functioning thigh by the time we age when we're born our thymus is the size of an apricot it's as big as our heart and as we get older as we progress through the years that thymus shrinks and get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller right and so by the time we're 70 70 to 80 years old you're talking about a thymus that's the size of a dried-up shriveled or maybe a small tiny little piece of string there's no possible way that our immune system can function well when that piece of it that entire chunk of our not able to function so our whole body can't function well this is what they're talking about in this is what we're referring to when we're talking about a weakened immune system now what a lot of people don't realize is there's actually research out there showing that you can improve the function of your thymus let that sink in you can...</strong></p>