Innovation To Surgery With Prof Julia

Health Orchestration show

Summary: <p><strong>well welcome back to our third section of our audio on Innovations in surgical care for head and neck cancer patients and it's part of a series of videos looking at improvements in care and in treatment that are improving both survival and equally significantly for many of us quality of life my name is Julie Macross and imma a former patient and when I was treated 7 years ago for stage 4 cancer in my tonsils tongue and throat I've lost speech all together for a number of months and I worked for nearly a year with a speech pathologist so it gives me great pleasure now to welcome a speech pathologist to our video today Julia welcome can you introduce yourself to our to our audience today Keen to hear about Speech Pathology so I'm Julie Anne McClain and I'm a speech pathologist at Saint George Hospital in Sydney I've been there for 24 years</strong></p>