Enhance Your Workout Efficiency and Rock Your Results with Ryan Krane

Health Orchestration show

Summary: <p><strong>and we are live awesome it work yeah yeah yeah pumped to be here with you Steve yeah you too nice to see you Ryan pleasure 8 appreciate you coming on and sharing this great stuff with us so happy to be here awesome awesome so if you are alive or if you're checking us out on the recording I just wanted to introduce you to Ryan crane really great friend of mine super super guy very knowledgeable and he is going to share some incredible stuff with us tonight so I'm super excited so take it away Ryan awesome Steve thank you for the introduction always humbled to hear that really excited to be here with you guys whether you're tuning in Live or you're watching this on the recordings I am going to give you some tips and Steve feel free to jump in you want to ask any questions or provide any comment you know we can get a little engagement going so I think the first thing is we're going to talk about is preparing for our workout so there's a couple of things that we can do to prepare for our work out it doesn't really matter what it is whether it's a slim a hike a bike a run your lifting weights whatever it is is obviously making sure you got your fluids with you bringing your drinks with you and obviously there's so many different drinks that we can drink and you know obviously I'll share a couple of things that I do but is preparing for our workout and we know in life failing to plan is planning to fail so I if I know that I'm going to go for a swim Monday morning at 9:00 I'm going to start getting ready probably between 7:30 and 8:00...</strong></p>