The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf

Summary: Join Astrologers Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf for their regular podcast on the astrology of the week ahead. Each episode we talk through the astrology aspects and cycles of the week ahead. You get insights, ideas and tips on how to work with the astrological influences. We love to hear from you, so please leave comments on what you think or what you would like to hear more of. Check out the water trio gals online via their individual websites:

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 Cancer Solar Eclipse, Pisces Puddle, Mercury retrograde - astrology of June 8 to 22 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:09

Welcome back to another instalment from the Water Trio with Kelly Surtees, Cassandra Tyndall and Alicia Yusuf as we explore the astro weather of June 8 to 22. First we discuss the Pisces puddle at the beginning of the fortnight, specifically Mars conjunct Neptune while the Moon is in Pisces on Saturday 13 June. It’s a weekend for going slowly and gently, checking out, or putting energy into creative projects. Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on 18 June calling us all inwards and to gentle exploring what our hearts and minds are telling us, especially as it affects the current Venus retrograde as well. The Sun conjuncts the North Node on 20 June then heads straight into the last solar eclipse in Cancer of this current 2 year cycle. Try tying up loose ends in one area so you can welcome in the new in another, as this occurs on the same day as the Solstice – right as the Sun reaches 0 Cancer. **************************************************************************************** What’s happening with the Water Trio this fortnight? Cassandra is holding a webinar on retrograde planets on June 25, find out more details via Kelly next four part course on planetary aspects starts on June 15, you can register via and Floating MC Alicia has her webinar on nodes and eclipse available here and there is only a couple of spots left on her Eclipse Gathering, contact her via if you're interested in joining.

 Sagittarius Lunar eclipse episode - 25 May to 7 June 2020, plus Mercury into Cancer and Venus cazimi | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:38

Welcome to another installment of the Water Trio Podcast. In this episode, we start with Mercury's move into Cancer, where it will remain until August, thanks to an upcoming retrograde phase. As the Sun and Venus team up, it signifies the halfway point in the Venus retrograde cycle. You may get a new inkling about how to move forward within a certain situation, but more information may need to come to hand. A Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius brings an inner spotlight to how the journey of the nodes through a new area of the sky may play out over the next 18 months. For more info about the Water Trio, you can find the websites of Kelly, Alicia and Cassandra here; Cassandra - join The Golden Circle Club, for all the monthly astrology insights, tips for learning astrology and to lead a divinely inspired life. Kelly - Get better at reading a birth chart by learning aspects. Join Kelly’s online astrology class here: Alicia has one spot left in her Choosing Your Canyon course, register for it via and you can download her recent eclipse webinar via

 Venus retrograde, Mars in Pisces and New Moon in Gemini - Astrology of mid-May 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:11

Mid May is busy with lots of astrological activity, including Venus retrograde in Gemini, Mars in Pisces and the New Moon in Gemini. Venus goes retrograde in Gemini on May 13 and continues her dance with Neptune. Expect some confusion, as well as a change in pace and focus for the next six weeks while Venus moves backwards. We chat about Venus being invisible, moving from evening to morning star and being near the fixed star Bellatrix. We also discuss how this Venus retrograde relates to May and June of 2012. Mars moves into Pisces on May 13 too and we talk about what this might mean for daily life: will things get better? Will any lift or improvements be temporary or long-lasting? We have a warm debate about our different opinions on this one which we’d love to hear your thoughts on in the comments below. Finally, this two week period ends with the New Moon in Gemini on May 22/23 and we talk about what kinds of new beginnings or fresh starts this might bring. There’s lots of Neptune aspects this month so we also highlight how to navigate that hopeful but sometimes cloudy vibe. We also touch on Saturn retrograde and Jupiter retrograde, and how that highlights a longer timeframe, lasting until mid – late September. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here: - Alicia has her next New Moon webinar on May 22, register via - Cassandra will be presenting for the ISAR Star Club on May 31/June 1 and you can find out more via - Kelly’s next online astrology webinar, ‘Exploring Sect’ on May 16, is all about how your planets act differently depending on the sect of your chart. Register here: - The NORWAC Astrology conference is going virtual and happens online May 22 – 25. Find out more here:

 Astrology of Scorpio Full Moon plus the Nodes / Eclipses changing signs and Venus sq Neptune | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:11

These Aussie astrology gals are back and we're bringing you the astrology of April 27 until 10 May. First off Venus squares Neptune on May 3/4 carries a creative and imaginative streak but can pull on the rose-coloured glasses, so keeping your feet in realistic expectations can help with possible disappointment. Then, we have a major energy shift as the Nodes move signs with the North into Gemini and the South in Sagittarius. Expect more forwards action and dramatic events in new areas of your life as the eclipses change signs along with it. Look back to Oct 2001 until April 2003 to the previous cycle of this. The Scorpio Full Moon falls on Thursday 7 May for everyone draws us into our inner lives to explore the emotional depths and probe into our unconscious lives can call for tough choices to be made. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What's happening with the Water Trio? Cassandra is delivering a lecture for ISAR Star Club on May 31 around the terms and bounds, so join ISAR to make sure you can get access Kelly is lecturing for Nightlight Astrology this month, find out more via Alicia is holding a webinar on the Nodes changing signs on 6 May and she is also holding a new group for her "Choosing Your Canyon" pattern-breaking course, find out more via

 Taurus New Moon episode - Mercury sextiles Venus & Mars, Sun square Saturn and Sun conjunct Uranus | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:46

Join Cassandra, Kelly and Alicia as they discuss the astrology of the fortnight 13 to 26 April, sprinkled with their Australian humour. The Mercury sextile Venus and Mars brings a fun, light collaborative energy on April 17-19, which is great energy to connect in any way you can. On April 21 the sobering influence of Sun square Saturn brings a need to be dutiful or help you face challenges that clarify new priorities. The New Moon in Taurus 22/23 April at 3 degrees of Taurus draws in the catalyst energy of Uranus that can push back space for change and new opportunities, with sudden insights leading the way. The Sun then conjoins Uranus on Sunday is encouraging freedom and moving beyond on your limits to shine your light. WHAT'S HAPPENING with THE WATER TRIO You can register for Alicia's Taurus New Moon Gathering via you can also book in for astrology consults or counselling by donation via Kelly has her 4 part training on the planet's starting this Monday 13 April and she is presenting a talk Saying I Do for Astrology University Relationships Summit on April 25/26 find out more here Cassandra has client appointments available again this week and you can book in via

 Mars in Fixed signs - Special Episode | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:24

In this bonus episode, Aussie astrologers Alicia, Cassandra and Kelly explore what it’s like to have fixed Mars placements of Scorpio, Taurus and Aquarius, respectively. Not to leave Leo out, we look at that too! Together, we outline some of the advantages and disadvantages of having a motivated and raring to go planet in a sign that is less inclined to move quickly. Do you have Mars in a fixed sign? We’d love to hear how it manifests for you. Tell us in the comments below! WHAT’S GOING ON? If you’d like to keep up-to-date on what each of The Water Trio gals have going on, then join the mailing list on each of their websites. Alicia - Cassandra - Kelly -

 Full Moon in Libra, Mars conjunct Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Pluto and more | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:04

Aussie astrologers Alicia, Cassandra and Kelly share tips and insights about how to navigate the Full Moon in Libra plus the major astrological aspects from March 30 – April 12 Mars moves into Aquarius and will meet Saturn in Aquarius, highlighting contraction and restriction. We break down how to handle this aspect, and what it means for the weeks ahead. This creates a huge shift in the sign of Capricorn, which means the Jupiter conjunct Pluto aspect, on April 4/5, can more fully express and help reveal truths and themes that will be important for the rest of 2020. A fun, playful and lighthearted cycle starts as Venus moves into Gemini, for an extended four-month tour. Shifts in relationships and all kinds of social interactions are possible as Venus takes on a different tone in Gemini. Last but definitely not least, the Full Moon in Libra on April 7/8 may bring new insights within relationships. Communication in and around relationships will be in the spotlight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here: - Kelly’s next webinar, ‘Diving into the Darkness’ on April 4, is all about the 8th and 12th houses. And her next online astrology course is a four-part training on the planets, starting on April 13. Register for both her - Alicia is holding a webinar on 8 April around astrology and stay energetically clean and stable during the current times, find out more via and her webinar on relationships is available for download here - Cassandra's next module of her astrology course is coming up this month, find out more via her website

 Aries New Moon 2020 episode - Happy Astrological New Year! plus Saturn in Aquarius! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:41

It's your favourite Aussie astrology podcast, bringing you all the astro weather for 16 to 29 March, 2020. Join Alicia, Cassandra and Kelly as they share their insights on the changes happening: - Mercury moves back in Pisces as it's now direct again, hopefully bringing answers or bringing clarity around what has been uncertain for the last 4 weeks. We share some of our personal retrograde stories as well, we'd love to hear yours too, so please share them in the comments below. - The significant shift this week is Saturn moving into Aquarius, on 21/22 March, bringing both a major collective and personal shift. The next four months are a preview to your focus for 2021-2022. - New Moon in Aries on March 24 (7.24pm AEST) is a major reset button, giving us all a chance to wipe the slate clean and start afresh, injecting some energy into plans for the year ahead. - The fortnight ends with a lovely trine between Venus in Taurus and Jupiter in Capricorn, bringing sweetness and encouragement to the cautious confidence of what Jupiter has been organically growing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here: - have a peek at Cassandra's new website and sign up for her newsletter via - Kelly is speaking on the 8th and 12th houses for Astrology University on Saturday, April 4th, register via or - Alicia is holding an Aries New Moon manifesting workshop on 21 March in Palmwoods, register via and her usual online New Moon Gathering will be on March 24, head here for all the details If you'd like to join either of the International Astrology Day events we mentioned, please find details via: - Kepler College - - AFAN -

 Virgo Full Moon, Venus in Taurus and all the Mercury in Aquarius happenings | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:50

The Water Trio are back, bringing you all the astrology insights for the fortnight March 2 until 15, including the Virgo Full Moon. We start with a sweet sextile between Mercury in Aquarius and Venus in Aries on 4/5 March, giving us all a chance to use the Aries mojo to say what we may not have been able to access with Mercury in Pisces. Cass shares a beautiful Venus in Taurus story to illustrate the beauty, sweetness and pleasures that this placement can bring, starting 5 March. Then we have the Full Moon in Virgo March 9/10 giving us a chance to anchor ourselves and bring clarity or pull things into the light out of the Pisces haze. Insights about how mindset and physical wellness are playing off each other in your life. And finally, Mercury stations to move direct at 28 Aquarius on 10 March as well, and gives us a chance to look to the future more before it dives back into Pisces and revisits the territory it’s been travelling over for the last 4 weeks. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What’s On Kelly’s beginners course is still running, you can still register via and her special members-only portal which includes a Monthly Astrology Guide is available via Alicia will have a special on consults this month for all her newsletter subscribers, so make sure you sign up via to have access to that. She is also holding a webinar on the astrology of relationships on Thursday 12 March, find out more via Cassandra’s beginners Contemporary Astrology course is starting this week, and you can register via and she is also holding a manifesting workshop for the Aries New Moon, register via

 Exploring the astrology of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:15

In this special episode, we take a deep dive into the birth charts of Prince Harry and Meghan, exploring their individual traits and tendencies as well as their relationship compatibility. You’ll hear us discuss Meghan’s Moon in Libra and Venus in Virgo, along with her Mars in Cancer and Libra stellium. We talk through Harry’s Mars in Sagittarius and the strong 12th house signature in his chart, as well as discuss his Moon in Taurus and Venus in Libra. We also look at the transits and astro cycles affecting both of them to see what’s ahead for 2020 as they navigate their new lives away from the British Royal Family. We discuss the Pluto transit to Meghan’s Capricorn descendant, Harry’s progressed Mars in Capricorn and his Neptune transit along with much more. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are three Aussies astrologers, Alicia Yusuf, Cassandra Tyndall and Kelly Surtees. You can find out more about them and their astrological offerings via their websites: Alicia offers consults, teaches, and runs monthly webinars and New Moon Circles, find out more via Cassandra offers consults and runs online classes, and will be speaking at ISAR in September 2020 and find out more via Kelly offers online classes in many topics, including relationship astrology, available here:

 Pisces New Moon episode - Astrology of 17 Feb to 1 March 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:11

Welcome back to a busy final fortnight of February 2020, set against a backdrop of Mercury retrograde in Pisces. First, Mars in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus, giving a shot of adrenaline to break out of a routine or the chance to find a new direction to put that strong energy into. The New Moon in Pisces is on 23/24 February gives us a chance to step into the unknown, with the fluid, flexible vibe. It does look to Jupiter in Capricorn, so there is the possibility to make plans to bring dreams into reality. Just a few hours later we have Venus in Aries squaring Jupiter in Capricorn when we have the right intentions and lots of energy but may overextend our generosity. We wrap up with Mars conjunct the South Node in Capricorn on 25/26 February which gives the last separation and purge as we get to the end of these heavier transits that have flavoured much of 2019. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Alicia Yusuf, Cassandra Tyndall and Kelly Surtees. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here Kelly Practical Astrology for Beginners started February 11 and you can still join in and catch up via Cassandra's beginner astrology class also on February 7 and you can still join in - register via Alicia is running two Pisces New Moon Gatherings, one in Palmwoods on Thurs 20th and another online on Sunday 23rd

 Leo Full Moon episode - all the astrology of early Feb, with Mercury in Pisces, Venus in Aries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:40

Welcome back to a new month, and we're podcasting in a whole new "Jupiter in Capricorn" way. We've heard you loud and clear, so from now on we'll be offering monthly 'Masterclasses' as well as fortnightly astrology weather episodes. In this fortnight's episode, we explore the upside to the downside (technically speaking) of Mercury in Pisces. While logistics and clear thinking may not be super easy right now, use this space to explore your feelings or creative desires. Along with Mercury, Venus also changes signs this week. Now in Aries, she's unleashing an independent and confident vibe. This may encourage you to explore some of your own desires by putting yourself first for the next 4 weeks. The Full Moon in Leo spotlights all things generous, luxurious and joyful. Give and receive those accolades freely and enjoy the spotlight! The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Alicia Yusuf, Cassandra Tyndall and Kelly Surtees. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here Alicia has an upcoming "Astrology 101" online workshop on Thursday 13 February, book in via Cassandra's beginner astrology class starts on February 7 and you can register via Kelly has her next group mentoring starting on Feb 8 via and her Practical Astrology for Beginners also starts February 11 here

 Astrology of Jan 27 to Feb 2 2020 - when we talk all about Neptune! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:17

Australian astrologers Kelly, Cassandra and Alicia bring you their favourite astrology aspects for the week ahead. It's not the week for focus, as Pisces and Neptune swim into the foreground. Venus in Pisces meets Neptune on Monday/Tuesday and it's a chance to make space for creative flow and bring dreamy pleasures into your life as we ease more into the work of 2020. Then on Tuesday/Wednesday, Mars will square Neptune from Sagittarius, and confusion may reign. The lack of clarity or lethargy invites us to take a break from all the Mars action and rest. We also chat about Neptune transits in general, chat about some of our own Neptune stories, and share tips on how to get through the confusion and fog they can create. *********************************************************************************** What's happening in the week ahead? Book in for a consultation with Cassandra this week, via Kelly is teaching a 2020 Year Ahead predictions workshop in New York on Saturday (Feb 1), to register please visit Alicia also has space for a few consultations this week, find out more via

 Astrology of 20-26 January - Aquarius Season, Aquarius New Moon, Venus-Jupiter sextile | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:48

We've got an exciting change in the astro weather this week as the Sun moves into Aquarius, heralding a new season. This season will be particularly important to be mindful of as it may introduce us to the upcoming preview of Saturn in Aquarius from March - July. Doubling up on the Aquarius theme, is the New Moon in Aquarius on January 24/25. This first lunation after the eclipse season will reset the usual monthly rhythm. Just prior to that, the sextile between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Capricorn is one of the more joyous and hopeful aspects of the entire year! Definitely one to put in your calendar! Don't forget to subscribe if you like our episodes, and share with like-minded friends who also love the stars! ********************************************************************************* What's Going On? Alicia is running her monthly New Moon Gathering on Weds/Thurs, register via to dive deeper into this Aquarius New Moon. Kelly – Get insights on every aspect each week with Kelly’s Astrology Guide subscription: Cassandra - If you'd like to explore the themes of 2020, then Cassandra's year ahead webinar is available for download.

 Astrology of January 13 to 19 - Venus into Pisces, Venus sextile Uranus and Mercury into Aquarius | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:53

The Water Trio are comprised of three Aussie astrologers who bring their love of astrology together with their many years of friendship to bring you insightful and humorous astro-weather updates. Firstly, we'd like to thank all of our listeners who checked in with us, sent messages of support and who donated to the fire relief efforts here - you're all amazing! This week’s astro is brings a big mood shift as the “Capricorn band” is finally breaking up and giving us all a much-needed break! Venus slides into her happy place Pisces on Monday/Tuesday, and we’re all hoping she brings moisture to Australia, plus cool heads and compassionate hearts to the rest of the world. Venus then forms a sextile to Uranus (Wednesday/Thursday) and brings the fantasy back to reality, with honesty required for a call for freedom is in the air. Take some healthy distance or bring spice to your relationships – whichever suits where you are at. Then Mercury moves into Aquarius, and giving us a taste test for the bigger Aquarius picture of the year ahead. Get curious about what lies beyond the heaviness of the present moment, think of how can you innovate and invigorate this part of your chart? ************************************************************************* What’s happening this week? Cass is donating to fire relief efforts from any purchases from her course catalogue, as well as seeing clients all week, you can book in here Alicia is donating 10% of consults booked before end of January to the NSW and VIC Rural fire brigades. She has a few client appointments available, book in via You can also register for her Aquarius New Moon Gathering on January 22/23 via Kelly is presenting two lectures at the Federation of Australian Astrologers (FAA) Conference this week for those who can get along, more details via If you would like to register for Kelly’s 2020 Year Ahead workshop please visit


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