Venus retrograde, Mars in Pisces and New Moon in Gemini - Astrology of mid-May 2020

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Mid May is busy with lots of astrological activity, including Venus retrograde in Gemini, Mars in Pisces and the New Moon in Gemini. Venus goes retrograde in Gemini on May 13 and continues her dance with Neptune. Expect some confusion, as well as a change in pace and focus for the next six weeks while Venus moves backwards. We chat about Venus being invisible, moving from evening to morning star and being near the fixed star Bellatrix. We also discuss how this Venus retrograde relates to May and June of 2012. Mars moves into Pisces on May 13 too and we talk about what this might mean for daily life: will things get better? Will any lift or improvements be temporary or long-lasting? We have a warm debate about our different opinions on this one which we’d love to hear your thoughts on in the comments below. Finally, this two week period ends with the New Moon in Gemini on May 22/23 and we talk about what kinds of new beginnings or fresh starts this might bring. There’s lots of Neptune aspects this month so we also highlight how to navigate that hopeful but sometimes cloudy vibe. We also touch on Saturn retrograde and Jupiter retrograde, and how that highlights a longer timeframe, lasting until mid – late September. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here: - Alicia has her next New Moon webinar on May 22, register via - Cassandra will be presenting for the ISAR Star Club on May 31/June 1 and you can find out more via - Kelly’s next online astrology webinar, ‘Exploring Sect’ on May 16, is all about how your planets act differently depending on the sect of your chart. Register here: - The NORWAC Astrology conference is going virtual and happens online May 22 – 25. Find out more here: